DIY snowman craft from scrap materials for the New Year, master classes with step-by-step instructions. DIY snowman for the New Year How to make paper snowman eyes

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens
Very different, but very snowy - snowmen!

The New Year is rushing towards us! Very different, but very snowy - snowmen!
Snowman made of burlap and jute rope.

To make such snowmen you need:

Foam balls (can also be made from papier-mâché or crumpled up from paper and tied with thread);
- burlap/linen fabric;
- jute rope/twine;
- buttons;
- paper towel/toilet paper reels;
- plaid fabric (for example, an old shirt);
- felt/black felt;
- pencil, scissors, stationery knife, kebab stick, glue.

Snowman made of burlap and jute rope

Take one foam ball and trim the edge to give it proper stability (photo 2). Cut the burlap into triangles, as in photo 3. The height of the triangle should be equal to the volume of the ball. Cover the balls with burlap (photo 4-5).

Wrap a foam ball for the snowman's head with twine or jute rope; use a hot glue gun with hot glue (photo 6-7). Connect the balls using a kebab stick (photo 8).

Make a cylinder from a paper towel/toilet paper reel and cover it with black felt/fleece (photo 9-10). Cut a piece of pencil from which to make a carrot nose for the snowman (photo 12).

Glue on the button eyes. Make a scarf from an old shirt by cutting a piece into a rectangle. Decorate the finished snowmen at your discretion.

DIY snowman.

White and green terry cloth;
- fleece of any shade;
- padding polyester/holofiber (for filling);
- black beads for eyes;
- glue, threads.

DIY snowman step by step:

The snowman will consist of three fabric balls of different diameters. Each ball, in turn, will consist of six “wedges”. Fold white terry cloth in half and mark “wedges” (you need to make three elements of each size). Don't forget to leave space between the pieces. The diagonal dimensions of the wedges should be 10.5 cm, 8.5 cm and 7.5 cm (photo 1).

Machine stitch each piece on one side (photo 2). Cut out all the parts, making small indentations along the edges. As a result, you should get nine double elements (photo 3).

Then place all three elements of each ball together (photo 4) and secure with pins (photo 5). Sew (photo 6). Turn out and stuff. Get beautiful, round balls (photo 7).

Sew them together in the given decreasing order (photo 8). And admire the already formed snowman (photo 9)

Next, the snowman needs to make a carrot nose with his own hands. Make it from a piece of orange fabric, in this case knitwear was used. Fold the fabric in half and mark a triangle (photo 10). Sew, turn inside out and stuff with filling (photo 11). Sew the snowman to the head using a hidden seam (photo 12-13)

Sew on the eyes (photo 14). Give the snowman legs and arms. Fold the white terry cloth in half again and outline the arms and legs. The diagonal length of the handle should be 11 cm (photo 15). Sew, leaving an opening for filling (photo 16).

Turn out and stuff (photo 17). Sew up the hole (photo 18). Secure the handles with thread (photo 19). Do the same manipulations with the legs, sewing them with a hidden stitch (photo 20).

Next you need to dress the almost finished snowman with your own hands (photo 21). Start with the hat and cut out a rectangle of fleece (here it measures 21x15 cm) (photo 22). Fold in half (photo 23). Stitch. Get something like this. On one side, cut off the edge using zig-zag scissors (for decoration) - this will be the “fold” of the hat (photo 24).

On the other side, cut the fringe into strips (photo 25). Place the hat on the snowman's head and gather the resulting fringe into something like a pompom (photo 26). Next, glue the edges of the cap (photo 27-28).

Then make a scarf. To do this, fold a piece of fleece in half and mark a stripe for the future scarf. Strip size 25x6 cm (photo 29). Cut the ends of the scarf into fringes using the same scissors (photo 30).

Tie a scarf on the snowman. All that remains is to put on his mittens (photo 31). Also fold the fleece in half, mark the mittens, stitch, turn inside out (photo 32).

Decorate the edges with the same theme using zig-zag scissors (photo 33). You can also hand something to the snowman so that he doesn’t get bored. In this case, it was decided to give him a Christmas tree (photo 34). Mark the triangle and the bottom of the future tree on green terry cloth. The size of the triangle for the Christmas tree is 17x16 cm (photo 35).

Fold the triangle in half (photo 36). Sew, leaving an opening for filling (photo 37). Pin the bottom of the Christmas tree with pins for security (photo 38). Sew (photo 39). Turn inside out, stuff and sew up the hole (photo 40).

Sew the resulting tree to the finished snowman. Decorate the Christmas tree with multi-colored ones (glue it with glue) to make it look like New Year's.

Your DIY snowman is ready!

MK author: Marina Zrelova

Snowman made of pompoms.

To create a pompom snowman you will need:

White yarn;
- needle, scissors, thick cardboard,
- additional materials for creating eyes, nose and mouth, as well as his clothes (for example, a scarf and hat).

Pom pom snowman step by step:

First of all, you will need to create the pompoms themselves, for which you can wrap yarn around your fingers, as shown in MK, and also use cardboard rings.

The snowman can be made from either two or three pompoms. Pompoms should be of different diameters and have a spherical shape. You can create handles for a snowman using the smallest cardboard rings. The thread must be wound very tightly.

After creating the pompoms, they need to be lined up in decreasing order of size and sewn together in the center; you can also connect them with a kebab skewer.

Snowmen can be created with or without handles; you can also use twigs and anything else that comes to your mind instead of handles.

Make a scarf and hat for your snowman from pompoms. You can sew it from leftover fabric or knit it. It is advisable to make them from bright materials.

All that remains is to design the snowman’s face. For the eyes, use beads, buttons or threads; for the nose, use orange fabric, which must first be rolled into a thin tube. You can also make a nose from tangerine peel. The snowman's mouth can be woven from red or dark thread in a pigtail. Sew or glue the finished parts.

Creating such a soft toy will bring a lot of pleasure to both children and adults.

You can also create other New Year's crafts from pompoms, such as Christmas trees and figurines of other New Year's characters.

Snowmen on the Christmas tree.

To make snowmen you will need:

Packaging polypropylene pallet (from the store);
- multi-colored threads, hook;
- thin needle;
- glue (you can use a glue stick);
- paper, pen/pencil, scissors;
- tangerine peel.

The process of creating snowmen for the Christmas tree:

Take a tangerine peel and cut out noses for snowmen and dry them.

On paper, draw a template of a snowman and mittens. Cut off the bottom of the polypropylene tray and trace the templates on it (tip: you can use a non-writing pen, which can only be used to draw an outline, then there will be no traces of ink left along the edges). Place the parts not end to end, then it will be convenient to cut them out.

Cut out the pieces. for 1 snowman you will need 2 pcs. torso and 4 pcs. mittens. The rest can be used to create the next snowmen. Knit a hat and scarf. You can also sew it from fabric (optional).

Draw a face for the snowman, glue on the nose and embroider snowflakes. Cut some dark thread to create handles.

Take the second piece and attach the handles to it, place the piece with the face on top, secure them and sew the edges (tip: don’t pull the thread too hard, otherwise it will cut through the polypropylene!).

Embroider a snowflake on one part of the mitten, place a thread handle on it, cover it with the second part on top and sew along the edge, repeat with the next mitten.

Dress up the finished snowman as a snowman with a hat and scarf (secure the hat with thread).

The snowman is ready to decorate your Christmas tree!

DIY sock snowman.

To create snowmen from socks you will need:

White children's knee socks (tights)
- socks with colored patterns
- an orange pencil rod for a carrot nose
- needle and thread
- on Moment-Crystal glue
- decor for snowmen: laces, ribbons, ties, buttons

Sock snowmen step by step:

Cut off the excess parts from the tights that we don’t need - the foot and the top.

Turn the snowman's future body inside out. Tie the top part with a string. Tie tightly enough so that the millet from the snowmen cannot fall out.

Add millet and tie the top.

Dress up a snowman: make a hat from the foot of a sock, and from the top part you will get an excellent blouse that can be decorated with buttons, ribbons, and bows.

The eyes and nose can be made from any materials. You can use buttons for the eyes, and a rod from an old orange pencil for the carrot nose. It will need to be sharpened, and for strength, glue it with Moment-Crystal glue.

Sock snowmen are ready!

Snowman. Dry felting technique.

To make a snowman you will need:

White carded wool (about 50 g);
- some orange and red wool;
- padding polyester for the base;
- two beads for eyes;
- large needle and coarse thread;
- sponge, glue, nail file;
- 4 fine needles and 1 coarse;
- dry pastel + brush.

Snowman using dry felting technique step by step:

Choose a picture of a snowman. You don't have to make an exact copy, but the ratio of the snowman's body parts is important.

Making the body:

The snowman's body will consist of three balls of different sizes and handles. Take the padding polyester, roll it tightly and sew it with thick thread. This will be the base for the largest ball. Fluff a small piece of wool and apply it to a ball of padding polyester and press it with a thin needle (photo 2). Cover the surface of the entire ball with a layer of wool. Try to avoid bald spots and ensure that the fur lies flat. Next, work with a coarse needle (photo 3-4).

Start making the next ball. For this you will need a small piece of wool, which must first be fluffed so that “creases” do not occur. Form into a ball, working carefully with a coarse needle. Start small and then add pieces of wool, while constantly turning the ball in your hands. Make it the size and density you need. It is important not to overload the workpiece (photo 5-6).

When starting to work, try to get the needle between your fingers. Make two balls of different sizes and try them on. Attach the center ball to the bottom ball. Cover the joint with a small piece of wool (Pic 7-10).

Start making arms for the snowman. Take two identical pieces and fluff them up. Felt the wool, turning it in your hands, giving it the desired shape. You need to make two identical elements. You need to alternately form one hand and then the other. Add wool to achieve uniform size and density (photo 11-12).

Then fluff out the upper arm and secure it to the body (photo 13-15). “Attach” the arms to the body using wool. Compare the sizes of the handles (photos 16-18).

If the snowman turns out to be thin, add fur to the sides and belly (photo 19-20).

Making the head:

Move on to the next part - make a ball for the head. Seal it and measure it. Attach the head to the body, lining the joint with wool (photo 21-22). Deepen the eye sockets and glue/sew beads into them (photo 23).

Work on his facial expressions - make his cheeks and chin. Make an oval-shaped blank from a small piece of wool. We attach it to the head. Next, make two identical balls for the cheeks. Felt them, not forgetting about symmetry. Draw the mouth (photo 24-26).

To create eyelids, use a sponge. And to speed up the process, you can tie three thin needles using a money elastic band. Start by taking two pieces of wool of the same size. Fluff them and place one of them on the sponge (photo 27).

Gently seal the top first on one side and then on the other. Form a smooth edge. Press the wool again on both sides. Make two identical elements (photo 28-30). Do the same for the upper eyelids. Start attaching from the lower eyelid (photo 31-32).

The snowman's facial expression will depend on the shape of the eye shape (photo 33-34). The eyes are ready - make a mouth. Deepen the mouth line using a coarse needle. And mark a place for the spout (photo 35-37).

To make mittens, use red wool. Begin to carefully create the desired shape by turning the wool in your hands. Make a couple of mittens at once and compare their sizes periodically. Make a finger from a small piece and attach it to the main part. Add wool if necessary. Leave the area where the mitten is attached to your hand fluffy (photo 39-44).

Make a nose for the snowman - form a cone from a small piece of orange wool and secure it in the intended place (photo 45-47).

Sanding the snowman:

After forming a dense body, proceed to grinding. Take a piece of wool the size of a penny. Fluff it well and gently roll it to the body using a thin needle. Lay the fur like fish scales, covering the entire surface of the toy (photo 48-50).

One handle can be lowered to make the snowman look natural. To do this, press on top of your hand and work well on the line connecting the arm and torso (photo 51-52). Don't forget to sand the mittens (photo 53). Attach the “buttons” by first felting three small balls (photo 54).

Snowman tinting:

For tinting, you can use dry pastel in earth tones. Grind the pastel on a file, and then tint the surface with a brush. Then dress the finished snowman in a scarf and hat.

DIY snowman made of threads.

To create a snowman from threads we will need:

A skein of white knitting thread (you can also use other colors)
- 4 balloons or fingertips
- PVA glue
- starch
- colored paper

The process of creating a snowman from threads:

First of all, you need to prepare a sticky mixture, for which take half a liter of water, 3 tbsp. l. starch. Cook for a while and cool the resulting paste.

Inflate 4 balloons in sizes corresponding to the parts of the snowman's body - head, torso and two arms.

Dip the threads into the paste, and then begin to evenly wrap each of the balls with them. During the winding process, it is advisable to keep the remaining threads in the adhesive mass all the time.

Leave the balls until the threads are completely dry. After which you need to carefully remove the ball, for which you first deflate it.

Next you need to connect all the parts of the snowman together. To connect the body to the head, make a recess in it, for which you spray a small space with a spray bottle at the site of the future connection and carefully create a recess in a moistened place.

You can glue the body to the head using a paper circle coated with PVA glue on both sides. Leave until the glue dries completely.

By analogy, glue your hands. Decorate the snowman by making eyes, a carrot nose, and a smile from colored paper. The nose can also be made from threads, for which you twist a sheet of paper into a cone and wrap orange threads dipped in paste around it (the paste also needs to be tinted with orange acrylic paint).

As a headdress, you can make something like a bucket from an ice cream cup covered with brown paper.

Your DIY thread snowman is ready! You can create snowmen of any shape at your discretion, both with and without crustaceans.

Happy New Year!

Knitted snowman.

To create a knitted snowman you will need:

Threads of red, green, white gold;
- hook of the required size;
- a tennis ball and a bead, slightly smaller in diameter;
- needle and thread to match (thin);
- golden waxed thread;
- PVA glue + brush.
- two black bugles and two black beads;
- paper.

Crocheted snowman step by step:

To create the body of a snowman we will need 2 beads of different sizes. You can also use a tennis ball as a base for the body. The blanks for the head and body should be white so that the original color does not show through the knitting. To do this, use white beads or paint them with acrylic paint of the appropriate color (Fig. 1).

To tie round shapes, use the following algorithm.

2. You need to finish adding loops when the knitted piece and the ball are not equal in diameter (put the knitting on your ball and take the measurement, looking from above).

Figure 2 shows that you will need to knit at least one more row so that the knitted piece and the tennis ball are equal in diameter.

Figure 3 clearly shows that the diameters of the workpiece and the tennis ball are the same.

3. The middle of any round shape must be knitted without adding loops in the number of rows determined by eye. Thus, you will need to knit about 1/4 of the surface of the ball.

4. You need to decrease the loops according to the adding pattern, only in the reverse order. To complete the knitting, decrease the stitches until the ball is completely hidden under the knitting.

Figure 5-6 shows ready-made, tied blanks of the head and body of the future snowman.

To connect them firmly, you will need to thread the end of the thread from the body blank through the penultimate rows of the head blank (Figure 7). Pull tightly and tie in a knot (Figure 8).

Knit a bright-colored scarf for a snowman by casting on 10 loops with thin knitting needles and knitting the fabric with a regular elastic band about 20 cm long (Figure 9-10).

Make a nose from strands of glue. Roll a piece of paper into a bag, secure the end with PVA glue (Fig. 11). Pull the orange thread through the resulting workpiece (Fig. 12).

Now knit the hat using the body knitting algorithm. Those. knit first by adding loops, then several rows without adding (Fig. 15).

Take beads and glass beads that will serve as eyes for the snowman. Sew them on. Tie a ready-made scarf (Fig. 16).

Attach the nose by threading a thread through the base of the nose (Figure 17). Using a needle, first fasten one end of the thread, pull the nose, and then fasten the other end of the thread (Figure 18).

Hang the snowman by threading gold waxed thread through the tip of the cap.

DIY Christmas crafts are a fun and creative activity for children of all ages. Many people mistakenly believe that the place for such creativity is only in kindergartens and schools, but not at home. In fact, joint creativity from available materials with children at home works great not only for the development of motor skills, but also for bringing children and parents closer together. In addition, a New Year's craft can be an excellent gift or themed decor for your home. In our article today you will find many interesting master classes with step-by-step instructions and photos for the New Year for children and adults. They all have one thing in common: how to make a snowman with your own hands. The snowman is one of the most popular New Year's characters and at the same time an easy craft to make. You can quickly and easily make a snowman from cotton wool/cotton pads, socks, fabric, paper, thread, balloons. You can make an original snowman with your own hands from a plastic bottle or disposable cups. In general, the flight of imagination in terms of making this craft is unlimited and, importantly, very easy to implement.

A simple DIY snowman made from cotton pads for kindergarten - step-by-step master class with photos

Cotton pads, which are great for making New Year's crafts, can be found in any home. For example, ordinary cotton pads can be used to make a simple DIY snowman for kindergarten. This is not just a craft, but also an original Christmas tree toy. Learn more about how to make your own snowman from cotton pads for kindergarten in a simple master class with the photo below.

Necessary materials for a simple snowman made from cotton pads with your own hands for kindergarten

  • cotton pads
  • thread with needle
  • scissors
  • stickers
  • pieces of fleece
  • miniature pom poms

Step-by-step instructions for a simple DIY snowman made from cotton pads for kindergarten

Do-it-yourself original snowman for the New Year from scrap materials - step-by-step lesson for children

To make an original snowman for the New Year, all you need to do is have available materials at hand and use your imagination a little. For example, in the following lesson for children, a popsicle stick is used as the base for a snowman. Learn more about how to make an original snowman with your own hands for the New Year from scrap materials in the step-by-step lesson for children below.

Necessary materials for an original DIY snowman for the New Year from scrap materials for children

  • ice cream sticks
  • acrylic paints
  • black marker
  • small buttons
  • bright ribbon

Step-by-step instructions for an original DIY snowman for the New Year made from scrap materials for children

DIY New Year's snowman made of thread - master class and step-by-step instructions with photos

White balls of knitting threads of different sizes are ideal for making a DIY New Year's snowman at home. This craft will become both an original themed decor and a pleasant children's gift. Find out how to make a New Year's snowman with your own hands from threads in the master class with the photo below.

Necessary materials for a DIY New Year's snowman made from threads

  • balls of thread
  • twigs
  • beads
  • ribbon
  • buttons
  • piece of orange pencil lead

Step-by-step instructions for a DIY Christmas snowman made of threads at home

DIY paper Christmas snowman for children - step-by-step master class with photos

Paper - white and colored, thick and regular, well suited for any children's crafts. The DIY New Year's paper snowman for children from the next master class is a direct confirmation of this. In addition to paper, you will also need a paper towel roll to make this craft. All the details in the DIY New Year's snowman master class for children made from colored paper.

Necessary materials for a DIY New Year's paper snowman for children

  • paper towel roll
  • colored paper
  • white sheet A4
  • scissors
  • black felt-tip pen

Step-by-step instructions for a DIY New Year's snowman made of colored paper for children

How to quickly sew a snowman from socks at home with your own hands - master class with photos

If you want to sew a snowman with your own hands at home quickly and easily, then be sure to take a closer look at the next master class using socks. Ideally, one white cotton sock is suitable for making a snowman. Read more about how to quickly sew a snowman with your own hands from socks at home below.

Necessary materials to quickly sew a snowman from socks at home

  • sock
  • buttons
  • threads
  • beads
  • rubber bands
  • piece of colored fabric

Step-by-step instructions on how to quickly sew a snowman from a sock at home with your own hands

How to make a snowman with your own hands for the New Year from threads and balls at home, photo

From several balloons and ordinary threads at home, you can make an original snowman with your own hands, which will delight you throughout the New Year. This master class can be used in elementary school and kindergarten. Read more about how to make a snowman with your own hands for the New Year from threads and balls at home below.

Necessary materials to make a snowman with your own hands for the New Year from threads and balls at home

  • Balloons
  • thread with needle
  • PVA glue
  • scissors
  • flexible vine
  • artificial carrot nose

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a snowman with your own hands for the New Year from threads and balls

How to make a snowman out of cotton wool with your own hands at home - lesson with photos, step by step

In its external characteristics, cotton wool is quite reminiscent of snow. Therefore, it is not surprising that snowmen are often made from cotton wool at home. In the next lesson, in addition to cotton wool, foam balls will also be used, which will ensure the strength of the finished craft. Learn more about how to make a snowman out of cotton wool with your own hands at home in the step-by-step lesson below.

Necessary materials to make a snowman out of cotton wool with your own hands at home

  • foam balls
  • ribbons
  • buttons
  • colored cardboard
  • scissors
  • glitter
  • wire

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a snowman with your own hands from cotton wool at home

How to make a snowman from plastic bottles at home - step-by-step instructions

A small plastic bottle, especially a “pot-bellied” one, can become the basis for an original snowman at home. And if you replace its contents with white shower gel or liquid cream, then such a craft will automatically turn into a practical New Year's gift. Read more about how to make a snowman from a plastic bottle at home in the step-by-step instructions below.

Necessary materials to make a snowman from a plastic bottle at home

  • small round plastic bottle
  • felt-tip pens
  • scissors
  • ribbon
  • colored paper
  • cotton wool or finely chopped silver garland

Step-by-step instructions on how to make snowmen from plastic bottles with your own hands at home

How to make an original snowman from disposable cups - step-by-step instructions with photos

To make an original snowman with your own hands from disposable cups you don’t need to have any special talents. Even a child can cope with this task under the strict guidance of an adult. But the best thing is that a snowman made from cups can become an unusual lamp for a gift. Read more about how to make an original snowman from disposable cups in the step-by-step instructions below.

Necessary materials to make an original snowman from a disposable cup

  • disposable paper cups
  • chenille wire
  • felt-tip pens
  • colored paper
  • scissors
  • artificial eyes with adhesive base
  • LED candle tablet (optional)

Step-by-step instructions on how to make an original snowman with your own hands from disposable cups

How to quickly make a snowman from plastic cups with your own hands - step-by-step master class, video

Another master class on how to quickly make a snowman from plastic cups with your own hands awaits you in the next video. This version of the New Year's craft is suitable for both school and kindergarten. This DIY snowman will also make a good New Year's gift. Don’t forget that you can always supplement such a craft with other snowmen, for example, from paper, thread, socks, cotton wool, disks, fabric, bottles. You will find detailed instructions on how to make a snowman from plastic cups with your own hands in the master class with video below.

Children are already starting to make crafts in kindergartens and schools. Many even hold competitions for the best New Year's craft. School exhibitions are decorated with Santa Clauses, Snow Maidens, Christmas trees and hand-made snowmen. A variety of materials are used for crafts with children - felt, fabric, paper, cotton wool, and even salt dough.

We have selected the best ideas from which you can make the most winter children's craft with your own hands - a snowman. Below you will find photos of finished toys and many ideas on how to make a snowman.

Make a snowman a pair of white socks is no problem. Just put cotton wool or padding polyester inside the sock (you can buy a special filling, and even cereals - rice, buckwheat, peas), tie a scarf, decorate with a hat and sew on a couple of buttons - the snowman is ready.

It’s a little more difficult to make an openwork snowman from white threads. Balls of thread are used for the base. You need to inflate the balloons, moisten the selected threads (can be of different colors) in PVA glue and wrap them around the balloon. When the glue dries, the balloon needs to burst - you will be left with an openwork ball of thread. By connecting several balls, we get a snowman. This thread snowman can be decorated with buttons, beads, rhinestones, and colored ribbons.

Felt snowmen also quite popular among crafts. Felt is great for children's crafts, it is soft and holds its shape. You can sew a felt snowman as a soft toy:

A snowman made from disposable cups has gained enormous popularity. The cups are simply attached to each other with a stapler, then 2 balls are formed from them and attached to each other. This snowman can be placed near the Christmas tree in a kindergarten or school.

Snowman made from glasses:

For the street, you can make a snowman from car tires:

or from the bottom of white plastic bottles:

You can also make a snowman from a yogurt bottle (or deodorant) by covering it with cotton wool or padding polyester:

A popular material for making a snowman is paper. You can even use toilet or white napkins.

Can you make it voluminous? paper snowman, gluing the parts as shown in the pictures below.

The New Year's snowman is an obligatory participant in the New Year's holidays. We invite you to sew a snowman with your own hands using patterns. Santa Claus's cute assistant will appeal to both children and adults. It won’t take much time to make such a toy; you can do it in one evening!

Even a child can sew fun textile toys using a detailed master class. Seams can be done by hand or by machine.

To make snowmen we will need:

  • white and blue fleece;
  • sequins, beads;
  • beads for eyes;
  • clay for making a spout;
  • dry blush, acrylic paints;
  • embroidery threads – iris or floss;
  • filler;
  • transparent glue;
  • sewing tools.

How to sew a snowman

First, let's sew a big snowman from three parts.

We mark the elements on the material - circles with a diameter of 6 cm, 8 cm and 10 cm. Cut out the circles. Draw and cut out the pattern of the handles.

To make handles, we sew together two pieces of fleece in white and blue colors. Then we mark the details of the handles on the material folded in half. Sew along the contour, leaving a gap for stuffing. Cut it out, turn it inside out and stuff it with filling.

Next, let's start sewing clothes. It will be a little - a scarf and a hat. We cut out two rectangular blanks from blue fabric. We determine the dimensions for the hat by taking measurements from the toy’s head. Fold the cap in half and stitch along the edge. On one side we cut the fleece, imitating fringe. We sew this edge of the part, gathering it into a pompom. We also make cuts at the ends of the scarf. If desired, you can decorate the hat and blue mittens with bead embroidery.

Let's start assembling a snowman with our own hands. We sew round parts of the body along the contour. We tighten the thread without cutting. Fill the parts with filler and tighten the thread if necessary. Fasten and cut the thread.

Let's start designing the face of the toy. We fasten the thread to the uncovered part of the upper part. We gouge it out in place of the peephole. We sew on eyes - beads, embroider a mouth. We make a nose in the shape of a carrot from clay. We paint the part with carrot-colored acrylic paint. We draw lines with a marker, giving the root vegetable a natural look.

We connect all the details of the snowman. To do this, they can be sewn or glued. We highlight the cheeks with dry blush.

Let's continue making snowmen. For kids we use simple templates.

The manufacturing process completely repeats the previous MK. Options for hat models and their decorations can be varied according to your wishes.

Knitted snowman: video master class

Snowman "Brrr"

This Tilda snowman will surely become children's favorite New Year's toy. And such a fairy-tale character will also come in handy for adults during Christmas.

To sew a snowman with your own hands using ready-made patterns you need:

  • white and blue fleece;
  • filler;
  • buttons for decoration;
  • sewing tools.


We start by making a pattern. Print it out in full size and cut it out.

On white fabric, folded in half, we mark out the main details. We cut out palms and a hat from blue fleece. We sew the parts along the contour, leaving small holes open. On the body we leave the bottom edge open. Cut out the parts and turn them inside out.

Fill the body with filler.

Sew the bottom with hidden stitches.

You can immediately perform decorative embroidery. It is advisable to choose threads close in tone to blue fleece.

Cut out the handles. We put filler in the parts and sew them together.

We cut out a strip of blue fleece and sew it on like a strip, closing the seam.

The edges of the plank need to be folded to the wrong side.

Sew a hat - a cap. Sew the cap onto the head using a hidden seam. Cover the joint with a decorative strip made according to the previous algorithm.

We sew on the handles and fix them in the “I’m cold, brrrrr” position. For the spout, you can use a piece of a toothpick and paint it orange with varnish.

We draw eyes with a marker, and cheeks with dry blush.

The cap is large enough that you can wrap it like a scarf around your neck. We fix this position of the part with several stitches. The toy is ready!

Decorative snowman on long legs: MK video

Funny company

If you use your imagination when making such a simple toy as a snowman, it turns out that there are a lot of design options. For example, clothes for a snowman boy and a girl should be different. Even the design of the face can be done in different ways. The hat can be in the shape of a bucket, or it can be very glamorous with a brooch. Let's try to sew soft toys in different versions.

To make a large company of snowmen you need:

  • fleece in different colors;
  • thick dark-colored felt for the feet of boots;
  • thin black felt for a hat;
  • green felt for the Christmas tree;
  • light wool yarn for hair;
  • filler;
  • threads matching the color;
  • beads and buttons.


Let's start with two-color white and yellow toys.

The patterns used are very simple - two circles for the head and body, one rectangle for the hat.

For the head we use white fleece, the remaining parts are sewn from yellow material.

We sew the parts of the body and head with small stitches along the contour and gather them together.

Fill tightly with filler and tighten the thread. Fasten the thread and cut it off.

The result was funny balls.

For the scarf, cut out a narrow strip and cut narrow kititsa at its ends.

Fold the hat blank in half with the right side inward and stitch the edge with a blanket stitch. We assemble part of the hat by tying it with a strong thread or a narrow cord.

We sew together the parts of the head and body, joining them with open parts.

We dress up the snowman in a hat. To decorate the face, we sew on black beads for the eyes and a red bead for the nose. The body can be decorated with buttons.

We perform the second snowman in the same way.

Now let's start making a snowman - a girl. We will have her in a pink hat and brown boots.

Cut out the snowman stencil.

We cut out the details of the head, body, and arms from white material.

We cut out a hat, a tassel for it, a scarf and mittens from pink material.

Stylized boots - we cut out the stand from felt.

We fold the parts of the body with the front side inward and grind them down, leaving the upper section free. Through it we turn the part inside out and fill it with padding polyester or other filler. We make the round head in the same way as described above for the previous toys.

We sew the pink mittens from two parts using an overlock stitch and fill them with filler. We insert the parts into the sleeves and stitch them. In this case, the edge of the sleeve should be sewn with a slight overlap, which is gathered into the frill.

We fill the handles with padding polyester and sew them to the body.

We make a blank for a brush from a narrow strip.

Sew it to the hat.

Attach the snowman with glue to a stylized shoe stand. We put on a hat and sew on small beads for the eyes. We will make the nose from a pink bead.

We tie a scarf.

The next toy will be a snowman - a boy in a fashionable hat.

The snowman pattern is presented below.

We cut out all the elements according to the patterns for the boy from white material, except for the boots. Let's make them red.

We sew together the parts of the handles in pairs, making the seam on the wrong side. Turn it inside out and stuff it with padding polyester.

We sew the legs from two parts - red boots and a white top.

To sew the body and head we use the previous patterns. We collect all the details.

Then we sew the toy.

Let's start making a hat for the boy. It is sewn from three parts - crown, bottom and brim.

We sew a hat. Cut out a bright scarf from red fleece.

We make bangs from light wool yarn. After wrapping a suitable template several times, we tie it in the center. We cut the resulting loops.

We sew on the bangs, put on and fix the hat. Sew on the nose and eyes using beads.

We tie a scarf.

To complete the composition, cut out a blank for the Christmas tree from green felt.

We roll and sew the cone of the Christmas tree, fill it with padding polyester.

Sew on the bottom.

Attach decorations.

The company of snowmen is ready for the holiday!

Small hanging snowman with movable arms: video master class

DIY New Year's snowmen can be made from a variety of materials: glass light bulbs and plastic bottles, napkins or corrugated paper, terry sock or woolen threads. Preschool children can make such crafts using the appliqué technique, and adults can learn new techniques such as decoupage, polymer clay modeling, knitting or sewing.

To do this, you can use it as additional training material, which describes in detail all the intricacies of performing each job. For example, if you decide to sew a felt toy, then there you will find tips on what order to sew the parts and how to fill them to make the toy three-dimensional.

If you like modeling with polymer clay, and you have already decorated with this technique, you can take it as new ideas and create stylish New Year’s decorations, for example, a pendant or “Snowman” earrings.

DIY New Year's snowmen: master class

They turn out very beautiful DIY Christmas snowmen, master class will show you how to complete this fun craft step by step. As a rule, it is on New Year's Eve that everyone is busy with creativity, some decorate the Christmas tree, some decorate the house or the lawn in front of the house, some create cards with their own hands, where congratulations will be written for relatives, and some prefer to make souvenirs -presents. As a matter of fact, if you decide to make a snowman, then they can be used both for decoration and as a gift.

If you're interested, how to make Christmas snowmen with your own hands, then, first of all, you need to pay attention to the technique of sewing toys using felt. If you have decided to try this type of needlework for the first time, then do not worry, since this material is very convenient, easy to cut, does not fray, so you do not need to additionally process the edges. After all, remember how difficult it was to work with satin ribbons, when we made them, they may come in handy for you too. And if you fill the sewn parts with down, you will get a beautiful three-dimensional figure.

Among the materials that we will need, felt comes first - white, burgundy, black, blue, green, red, orange. The filler will be holofiber; you also need to take six beads for decoration, felt-colored threads, glitter, and Dragon glue.

Before cutting out the parts, you need to trace them on felt, and first you need to prepare a sketch or pattern of all the elements. It can be printed, or transferred from the monitor to paper (just place an A4 sheet in the monitor and trace the elements with a pencil).

Now you need to cut out the elements on paper. Take white felt and fold it in half (because this material does not have a reverse side). We will use it to complete the base of the snowman. We attach two circles of paper (which we cut out) on top; this can be done using pins. You can cut out as many bases as you want to end up with snowmen.

Next, you can sew the circles together using threads of a contrasting color, for example, green. Hand stitches look very beautiful on this material, but they must be neat. The circle does not need to be sewn up to the end right away; first it must be filled with holofiber, and only then sewed up. On top of this already formed circle, you need to put both sides of the upper, second part, combining them. Also secure with pins and sew with hand stitches. At the junction, you also need to sew first on one side, fill it with holofiber and sew up the second side.

The base is ready, it's time to decorate it. The snowman should have a beautiful black cap. Cut it according to the pattern using black felt. You can trace the details along the contour with chalk or a piece of dry soap. There should still be two parts for each element of the craft.

Now we attach the cap to the head, it must be “put on” over the head and secured with pins. Cut a strip from the burgundy color that will be attached to the front side. It must be glued with Crystal or Moment.

We make the eyes using black beads; they must be sewn or glued. Orange material will be needed to cut out and then sew the nose, and attach the finished nose to the face (glue it). You need to embroider the mouth of the toy using hand stitches so that it looks just like natural.

You also need to embroider a snowflake on the bottom circle using hand stitches. You need to cut a Christmas tree out of green. Sew hand stitches down the center, sewing it to the base.

Cut a couple of stripes from blue. Glue one on the neck, so you decorate the snowman with a scarf, and form the other strip into a bow and secure it in the center.

We got these beautiful ones DIY Christmas crafts: snowman must be original, so decorate each next one with other elements.

If you like sewing from felt, then be sure to try it, they will tell you what color material to buy.

DIY Christmas crafts: snowman

DIY Christmas snowmen from bottles Decoupage techniques require special skills, so children do not always cope with this type of creativity on their own. But we offer you the simplest option - crafts from threads; here you only need to know how to make pom-poms. Naturally, we will need white yarn, and we will also need some blue yarn for decoration.

To make a pompom, you need a template that is an open ring. For each pompom you need to take two identical ones. It is better to do it from thick paper (cardboard, for example). The diameter of your template will determine the size of the pompom.

Now we need to remember how we sculpt a snowman, because for this we always use three snowballs of different sizes, the same must be done here, but the snowball will be pom-poms. Small will have a diameter of 4.5 cm, medium - 6 cm, large - 8 cm.

Two identical templates must be folded, wrapped with yarn, it must be wound tightly. Now cut a small piece of thread. Squeeze the workpiece tightly in your hand and cut the threads from the outside between the two template parts. Thread the prepared piece of yarn through and tie it. Now the finished pompom needs to be trimmed, cutting off all excess. Make three fluffy lumps and you can form a snowman, for this you need to use hot glue.

The eyes should be made of black beads, the nose should be made of orange felt, filled with holofiber. We will decorate our toy with a cylinder, which we will also cut out of blue material. The mittens are made of red, and the hands must be made of thick wire, wrapped with black yarn. At the end, decorate it with a blue knitted scarf.

DIY Christmas snowmen made of paper

DIY Christmas snowmen made of paper- this is an activity for the little ones who find it difficult to make crafts using sewing or pom-poms; for preschoolers you can offer very beautiful appliqués. A snowman can be made from napkins; although the activity is simple, it is very exciting and useful; thanks to such creativity, the child develops thinking, imagination, and fine motor skills.

In addition to napkins, you will also need scissors, a stapler, glue, and cardboard for the base (preferably blue). First you need to take ordinary white napkins (three pieces) and fold them together. Fasten them in the center with a stapler. Cut out a circle with scissors, which must first be drawn with a pencil.

Next, carefully lift each layer, holding it in the center. Do the same with the next batch of napkins, only this time the circle should be of a smaller diameter. Now take one napkin and fold it: in half and in half again. Cut out the smallest circle. Now you need to glue the three parts onto the cardboard base and decorate the snowman from napkins.

Cut out a hat from colored paper, make eyes from black plasticine, and a carrot nose from orange.

DIY New Year's snowmen made from socks

It’s always interesting to give a second life to old and unnecessary things, for example, it often happens that one sock is lost and the second one can be thrown away, but we offer you a creative idea on how to do DIY New Year's snowmen made from socks, you will also need an old small children's hat, a circle of thick cardboard, cereal, and white thread. Scissors, a needle, two small buttons for the eyes, a piece of red foam rubber.

You need to put a circle of cardboard into a white sock to make the craft stable. Then pour cereal into the sock (you can take rice or buckwheat). Tie the top with white thread. Then use a thread and a needle to outline the neck, tighten it, and give it shape. In the same way, you need to make the handles.

Cut off the top of the hat and bend its edges to make a hat for a snowman. Another piece needs to be cut off for a scarf.

Now you can sew on the button eyes. If there are buttons in the shape of hearts, then you can decorate the body with them.

DIY Christmas snowmen from bottles

The bottle of liquid caramel has the right shape to make a neat snowman out of it. You also need to take white plasticine, white, gray and yellow threads (for knitting), two toothpicks, beads for the nose, black plasticine for the eyes, superglue for joining parts.

The bottle should be coated with a thin layer of plasticine. Make a hole in the middle for your hand and insert a toothpick. Next, the entire bottle must be wrapped in white yarn, pressing it against the plasticine. Fasten and trim the ends.

As a bucket, which traditionally serves as his headdress, you need to take a jar of yogurt. It must be cut to the desired height and glued on top with superglue. Next you need to glue the nose, eyes and buttons.

You can find several more ideas for creating New Year's toys using various techniques and techniques. For example, you can make balls from threads: dip the threads in glue and wrap them around an inflated balloon; when they dry, the balloon bursts, and transform the resulting ball and two more of different sizes into a snowman figurine.

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