Complications after peeling. After peeling: restoration and skin care

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

Peeling is a cosmetic method of improving the appearance and condition of the skin. Peeling has remained a popular procedure for a long time and is not losing ground in the near future. The essence of the method is that to renew the skin and get rid of cosmetic defects, you need to damage the superficial or even deep structural layers of the skin. Any intervention in the body is dangerous due to complications and side effects. The risk of their occurrence after peeling is relatively small, but they can seriously affect the result and expectations from the procedure.

Why do complications occur after peeling?

Experts divide complications into expected(predicted) and unexpected(unpredictable), uncharacteristic for this procedure. Expected complications naturally arise soon after the procedure; they are a natural reaction of the body to damaging effects (chemical, mechanical, etc.).

When peeling, the upper layer of the epithelium, which performs protective functions, is removed, and the upper layers of the skin are dehydrated. In this state, the dermis is hypersensitive to ultraviolet and thermal radiation, changes occur in metabolic processes and vascular reactions. These processes are influenced by individual characteristics and the level of sensitivity of the body. The deeper layers of skin the peeling affects, the stronger the body reacts, i.e. With deep peeling, complications will be more significant.

The type of complications and the severity of their severity depend on many factors. The cosmetologist must correctly assess the initial state of the dermis, thickness, sensitivity and phototype of the skin, take into account the patient’s age and individual regenerative capabilities, the severity of dermatological changes, the presence of chronic diseases, etc.

Dangers of Acid Peels

The choice of peeling type is of great importance. Certain types of peeling have specific types of complications. For example, if a patient suffers from a chronic disease of the cardiovascular system, liver or kidneys, some complications after a chemical peel may be dangerous for him. The explanation for this phenomenon is that chemical reagents are easily and quickly absorbed from the damaged surface and have a toxic effect on internal organs.

Also, a competent cosmetologist always takes into account the sensitivity of the skin and strictly follows the procedure protocol when performing acid peeling, because with it there is a very high risk of skin burns, hyperpigmentation, the formation of a “borderline” line and persistent erythema.

Risks of laser peeling

Complications of chemical peeling are associated with the aggressive chemical effects of drugs; complications of laser peeling have their own specifics. The list of common complications is supplemented by consequences specific only to the laser procedure:

  • the appearance of blisters with a serous or bloody mass (typical of sun or thermal burns), after their opening, erosions are formed, which subsequently become scarred and pigmented;
  • minor hemorrhages and subsequent hematomas due to damage to small vessels (on the surface of the skin it looks like bloody dew);
  • if a specialist incorrectly assesses the thickness of the skin and sets incorrect procedure parameters, the risk of a “gauze” effect increases, when multiple small atrophic scars form on the skin;the appearance of this complication may also be associated with an individual tendency to form keloid scars.

Complications after peeling

Peelings differ in depth and mechanism of action, but they all have one the goal is to remove the surface layers of the skin, therefore, the main possible consequences of peeling procedures are similar.

Expected complications

Erythema or persistent pronounced redness in the treatment area. The more aggressive the peeling technique, the more persistent and pronounced the redness will be. This complication more often occurs after deep peeling in patients with dilated vascular networks on the face.

Swelling on the face and eyelids. They arise due to the fact that the liquid part of the blood comes out into the tissue, because. small vessels become more permeable. This occurs within 1-3 days after the procedure and persists for several days. This type of complications is most typical for retinoid and mechanical peels and laser procedures.

Peeling– in fact, this is why the peeling procedure was carried out, its usual and expected consequence, which takes place within 1-3 days. After using trichloroacetic acid or resorcinol, the keratinized skin comes off in large scales within a week; to facilitate this process, cosmetologists recommend using a moisturizer.

Darkening of the skin, usually uniform and passing after exfoliation within 1-2 weeks.

Increased skin sensitivity to mechanical, temperature, pain, sunlight. This reaction usually goes away within 1-2 weeks, but in rare cases it can persist for up to a year after the procedure.

Hyperpigmentation– a reaction in which dark areas form on the skin due to an inadequate cellular response and excess melanin production; characteristic of laser peeling and peeling with trichloroacetic acid.

Unpredictable complications

The occurrence of these complications is possible, but not natural. This group includes complications that negatively affect the aesthetic result of the procedure or threaten the patient’s health.

Persistent erythema– intense persistent redness of the skin, which lasts up to 1 year and goes away on its own. It is more often observed in patients who have rosacea after laser resurfacing or deep peeling. In this case, cosmetologists recommend avoiding actions that provoke a rush of blood to the face: do not visit the bathhouse or sauna, exclude hot and spicy foods and alcohol from the diet.

In this case, this complication can be alleviated with the help of drugs that strengthen the walls of blood vessels and increase their elasticity. Omega-3 fatty acids have this effect. Microcirculation in skin cells helps to improve heparin and hepatothrombin ointments, as well as remas with arnica extract. Microcurrent therapy, which improves lymphatic outflow, cellular regeneration and blood microcirculation, significantly improves the condition of the skin in this complication.

Allergic reaction can be expressed in various rashes on the body, itching, angioedema and other forms, the most serious of which are respiratory failure and anaphylactic shock. Allergic reactions occur mainly to the auxiliary components of the peeling preparations used - ascorbic and kojic acids. In mild cases, taking antihistamines may be sufficient; in severe cases, emergency intensive care may be required.

Exacerbation of herpes– rashes on the wound surface, healing with the formation of atrophic or (less often) hypertrophic scars. If a patient experiences exacerbations of a herpetic infection, he is prescribed preventive treatment with Acyclovir once every six months. In case of relapse after the procedure, oral antiherpetic drugs and external use of similar ointments are also prescribed.

Tissue inflammation with hyperemia(redness) soreness and swelling, with symptoms lasting more than 3 days. This complication is treated with local application of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (for example, indomethacin ointment).

Skin marbling– a complication that occurs due to excessively deep exposure to the peeling drug or gross violations during the procedure, resulting in the destruction of a large number of melanocytes in the skin. This complication is dangerous because it cannot be completely corrected, only slightly adjusting the overall uniformity of skin tone.

Demarcation line– formation of a pronounced border of the treated area. It is more common in dark, porous skin after deep types of peeling. This complication is not dangerous; it can be smoothed out with additional peeling procedures.

Exacerbation of acne. Peeling can both help get rid of acne and post-acne, and provoke an aggravation due to irritation and activation of the function of the sebaceous glands. To treat this complication, antibiotics and vitamin complexes are prescribed.

Formation of keloid and hypertrophic scars, which can only be eliminated using a comprehensive method - using laser resurfacing, cryotherapy, steroid drugs or even surgical methods.

To minimize the risk of complications, you must strictly follow the rules of preparation for peeling and care after it.

Some tips for those who decide to undergo a chemical peel

Cosmetologists say that patients agree to peeling with such readiness that they do not agree to any other procedures. For most, peeling opened the door to the world of more serious cosmetic procedures and plastic surgery, because its motivational power is very great: with minimal effort you can get such a pronounced result.

In order for all expectations from the procedure to be met, you need to responsibly prepare for it.

  • Choose a licensed esthetician.

Only an experienced specialist can correctly diagnose the condition and problems of the skin, identify the characteristics of the patient’s lifestyle and determine the skin phototype, and then determine the feasibility of the procedure. For example, if a patient spends a lot of time in the sun throughout the year, chemical peeling can only worsen skin problems; an experienced cosmetologist will definitely talk about this and choose the most suitable therapy scenario.

In addition, only a certified specialist understands the smallest nuances of the peeling procedure and knows how to reduce the risk of unpleasant complications. The success of the procedure largely depends on the master’s ability to sense when to interrupt the procedure or, conversely, to make it deeper in certain places.

  • You need to consider a skin care system before, during and after the procedure.

All inflammations on the skin must be cured before the procedure, hair removal should not be done at least a week before peeling, avoid medications containing vitamin A in advance, choose powerful sunscreen and moisturizers - the cosmetologist should inform the patient about all this. You need to return to your usual care system gradually and very carefully, after complete exfoliation and restoration of the dermis.

  • You can plan a vacation to hot/cold countries or a trip to the bathhouse/sauna no earlier than 6 weeks after the procedure. Temperature changes cause hyperpigmentation.
  • For 2 days after the procedure, you should refrain from intense physical activity and sports training; ideally, this is a time of bed rest.
  • For the first few days, it is better not to wash your face with tap water; chlorinated water will dry out your already damaged skin.
  • Under no circumstances should you touch your face during the period of peeling of the skin; after peeling off the peeling scales, scars remain.

You can help your skin renew itself more quickly by washing your face with soft water, then patting your face with a soft towel and applying a generous amount of moisturizer.

  • It is better not to schedule any important meetings for several days after the procedure. Even after superficial peeling, the skin does not look its best while the scales are peeling off.
  • If the result is not noticeable, this does not mean that the peeling is ineffective.

Even if the promised abundant peeling does not occur, peeling “works” at the cellular level and triggers renewal processes, and changes occur differently for everyone.

  • It is useful to alternate peelings of different intensity and composition, but you need to know when to stop.

Our salon cosmetologists develop optimal treatment schedules for clients that prevent the skin from becoming “accustomed” when it gradually stops responding to the same type of repeated procedure, while at the same time taking care not to thin the dermis and reduce resistance to infections and bacteria.

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The consequences of facial peeling can be very unpleasant: prolonged erythema, unusual pallor of the skin or, conversely, the appearance of dark pigment spots, residual scars and scars. This is an incomplete list of complications after the cleansing procedure. In order for a cosmetic procedure to leave behind maximum benefits and good memories, it is important to approach the choice of cleaning method, beauty salon and cosmetologist with all scrupulousness and rigor.

Principle and types of cleansing

Peeling is an important and responsible cosmetic procedure. Its main purpose is to remove (exfoliate) dead cells and keratinization from the thickness of the skin.

As a result of cleansing, a number of other positive changes occur in the skin:

  • metabolic processes in epidermal cells are accelerated;
  • the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized, excess oiliness and dryness of the integument disappears;
  • the relief of the surface of the face is smoothed, scars, scars and post-acne are corrected;
  • skin color is evened out, age spots and freckles are lightened;
  • the elasticity of the fibers increases, a lifting effect is observed;
  • the skin becomes healthier, the incidence of acne and the development of acne are reduced.

The peeling procedure allows not only to correct visible skin imperfections, but also to prevent their development in the future. This is especially important for the prevention of early aging, the formation and deepening of wrinkles, and sagging soft tissues.

Removal of dead cells during peeling is accompanied by injury to the integument to a greater or lesser extent. Various techniques can be used to eliminate skin problems:

  1. Exfoliation or chemical peeling of the face - the procedure involves the application of an acidic, chemical composition. As a result of exfoliation, an extensive chemical burn occurs. The restoration of the integrity of the integument during chemical peeling is highly pronounced: active peeling occurs, the surface layers are torn away, giving way to renewed fibers.
  2. Hardware peelings - problem areas are affected by ultrasound, laser, microcurrents, radio frequencies and other factors. This type of cleansing involves special equipment, equipment, hence the name of the technique. The skin is less traumatized during hardware cleansing, and therefore the consequences of peeling are less pronounced.
  3. Mechanical cleaning is the simplest, but no less traumatic type of cleansing. The upper layers of the epidermis with skin problems seem to be “ripped off.” If superficial cleansing has virtually no significant side effects, then after deeper procedures (such as dermabrasion, microdermabrasion) proper, special care will be required.
  4. There is another type of peeling - enzymatic. It provides delicate superficial cleansing. Enzymes are used to solve minor skin problems. They do not violate the integrity of the integument, act gently and do not require special care.

When choosing a skin cleansing method, carefully study the preparation requirements for its implementation, indications and contraindications, further skin care after facial peeling, consequences and possible complications.

A detailed study of the peeling procedure and compliance with all specialist recommendations guarantees a positive result without unpleasant consequences or complications.

What to expect after the procedure

Cleansing with acids and chemical compounds has pronounced post-peeling consequences. That is why we will consider to a greater extent the consequences of chemical peeling of the face.

After a chemical peel, you get a burn on your face. The body activates the renewal of the integument to replace damaged fibers with new ones. Chemical peeling does not end in the beauty salon; post-peel skin care plays a significant role in the speed of recovery.

Cosmetologists divide all the consequences of peeling into 2 groups: expected and unexpected.

The expected consequences are a normal, acceptable reaction of the skin to the impact performed. Such phenomena include moderate erythema, mild swelling in sensitive areas, active peeling and others. To eliminate side effects, no special treatment is required, only proper care, the use of moisturizing, natural cosmetics and wound-healing ointments.

Unexpected (unpredictable) consequences or complications after peeling are an unusual reaction of the body to the cleansing performed. The patient's skin condition worsens, the rehabilitation period is delayed in time, and special treatment is required. Such consequences include persistent, prolonged erythema, severe swelling, the appearance of rashes and irritations on the face; suppuration of damaged areas, marbling of the skin and others.

Only a specialist can determine how to act in the event of the development of unpredictable consequences. Self-treatment is dangerous due to the deterioration of the situation and residual scars on the face.

It is worth noting that the predicted consequences are typical for each patient and cannot be avoided. But not everyone develops complications, and in most cases it is possible to prevent their development.

Reasons for the development of complications

Complications after peeling are mistakes that the cosmetologist made during cleansing or the patient made in facial care before and after peeling. Among the reasons for the development of unpredictable consequences of peeling, cosmetologists identify the following:

  • Neglect of contraindications. Even a minor scratch on the face or abrasion can provoke a complication. One of the most common such reasons is peeling during menstruation, while taking hormonal contraceptives or during breastfeeding. Changes in hormonal levels can significantly affect the outcome of the procedure, so during such periods it is better to avoid peeling.
  • Low experience and skill of a cosmetologist. Violation of speed, order of application of the exfoliant, the acid composition was applied unevenly or was left on the face longer than necessary - all this affects the result and threatens with serious consequences, deep burns.
  • Failure to comply with pre-peeling preparation requirements. Before performing medium and deep cleansing, the patient must prepare the skin for further exposure. Before chemical peelings, cosmetologists recommend using special cosmetics containing a minimum amount of these acids; before hardware cleanings, you can do a superficial acid peeling. It is also important to take antiviral medications before any serious peeling. Herpes rashes during the rehabilitation period are also considered post-peeling complications.
  • Improper skin care after peeling. After the cleansing procedure, the skin fibers are very weakened, so the slightest mistake can cause serious trouble. For example, the cosmetics you used before the procedure can now irritate the skin and cause an allergic reaction, so cosmetologists recommend their own line of cosmetics (they usually cost more). It is very important to adhere to the rules of care and avoid increased sweating, because with sweat, dirt and infection can get into the wound formed on the face.
  • Individual characteristics of the patient's body. It is very difficult to predict a negative reaction of the body. The minimum that you can do is to conduct an allergy test and take into account previous experience of this type of procedure.

Maximum responsibility on the part of the performer and the patient are the main factors that will help reduce the risk of complications. Approach the choice of staff and beauty salon more seriously, but also be aware of your actions if you want to achieve positive changes on your face.

Acceptable consequences of peeling

After deep cleansing with laser, dermabrasion and chemical peeling, the following consequences are expected:

  1. Erythema or severe facial redness in the treatment area. The more aggressive the impact, the stronger the redness will be. If post-peeling care is not disturbed, the side effect goes away on its own. If the patient does not follow the care specialist’s instructions, visits baths, or drinks alcohol, then the erythema may intensify and last for a long time.
  2. Pronounced peeling. Thus, the skin rejects damaged fibers and is renewed. It is impossible to tear off or rip off loose films - this is dangerous due to scars and the appearance of wounds. In some cases, cosmetologists recommend that large sagging areas be carefully trimmed without touching the skin. To speed up renewal and the passage of peeling, cosmetologists insist on using wound-healing ointments.
  3. Mild swelling in sensitive areas (near the eyes, mouth). Increased permeability of small vessels in these areas provokes fluid accumulation. Swelling persists for up to 3 days and goes away on its own.
  4. Tightness of the integument. The characteristic discomfort can be reduced by regular application of moisturizing cosmetics and tonics. Cosmetics must be non-allergenic and approved by a cosmetologist.
  5. Darkening of the skin (even). Goes away on its own in 7–10 days.
  6. Increased susceptibility (sensitivity) of the integument. This deficiency can last from 1 week to 1 year. It is expressed in a sensitive, sometimes painful reaction to sunlight, temperature changes, touch and mechanical stress.

The predicted effects of peeling are temporary and do not require additional therapy, only observation and skin care prescribed by the cleansing technique.

What shouldn't happen?

Worry and immediate action can cause unpredictable post-peeling consequences. They may appear not only in the first days after peeling, but also later. These include:

  1. An allergic reaction, expressed by swelling, itching, and rashes all over the body. The most dangerous expression of allergy is considered to be Quincke's edema. If help is not provided in a timely manner, the consequences can be very tragic. Mild stages of allergies can be eliminated with antihistamines, but in case of breathing problems and complex allergy symptoms, hospitalization and emergency treatment will be required.
  2. Persistent erythema. This complication is typical for deep peeling; patients with rosacea on the face are at risk. The unpleasant phenomenon can last up to 1 year. To reduce the period of complications, it is recommended to adhere to certain rules, avoid increased physical activity, baths and saunas, alcoholic beverages and spicy, hot dishes.
  3. Herpes. It is better to avoid this consequence. For this, the cosmetologist prescribes antiviral drugs. If herpes does appear, immediately turn to medicinal ointments (for example, Acyclovir).
  4. Marbling of the skin. Occurs after deep peeling. The reason for this unpleasant consequence is the destruction of a large number of melanocytes. It is impossible to get rid of the marble shade, only partially correct it.
  5. A clear dividing (demarcation) line. Characteristic for owners of dark-skinned skin. A course of superficial peelings will help blur the clear boundary.
  6. Acne on the face. To treat this effect, vitamin complexes and antibiotics are used.
  7. Hypertrophic, keloid scars. The complication is caused by the individual characteristics of the patient’s skin and body. To eliminate residual scars, it is recommended to use surgery, laser resurfacing and other complex procedures.

Unpredictable consequences are a reaction to mistakes made by the cosmetologist and the patient in cleansing. To correct them and completely eliminate them, contact a specialist. He will prescribe drug therapy and a course of other peelings. Be patient, it may take a long time to remove post-peeling complications.

How to avoid complications?

It is much easier to avoid post-peeling complications than to deal with them later. This is noted by both specialists and patients.

In order not to be upset by your reflection in the mirror, and also to enjoy a successfully completed peeling, cosmetologists strongly recommend paying attention to the following aspects of facial care before and after cleansing:

  1. If you are taking any medications, be sure to notify your cosmetologist. Many medications enhance the effect of acids and can be harmful during chemical peeling. This is especially true for retinoids and drugs in this group.
  2. Before and after deep cleansing, be sure to take antiviral medications. This will reduce the risk of exacerbation of herpes.
  3. After cleansing, it is important to use sunscreen cosmetics with the maximum degree of ultraviolet protection. This way, you will prevent skin hyperpigmentation.
  4. After peeling, you should not visit baths, swimming pools, solariums or play sports.
  5. Do not drink alcoholic beverages or spicy foods until the skin is fully restored.
  6. After cleansing, the skin’s immunity noticeably weakens; vitamin complexes, a variety of healthy foods, fresh fruits and vegetables will help partially support the body.
  7. During rehabilitation, put aside your usual cosmetics. Use only natural cosmetics recommended by specialists.
  8. Pay close attention to changes on your face. At the first suspicion of the development of complications, contact a cosmetologist. Timely prescribed therapy will help quickly eliminate possible troubles.

Peeling is stress and trauma for the skin, so it is very important to follow all the instructions of the cosmetologist and use high-quality cosmetics. Only proper care can guarantee high results and rapid restoration of the skin after peeling.

If you want to look beautiful, correct skin imperfections and avoid early aging, peeling is the surest way. Carefully study the technique of facial peeling and the consequences of the procedure, take a serious approach to choosing a clinic for it, and do not skimp on your health. The professionalism and experience of a cosmetologist is half the success, the other half depends on you and skin care after cleansing.

Cosmetologists divide complications after peeling into two types: expected (predictable) and unexpected. Expected complications are a natural reaction of the skin to the impact suffered; with proper care, they will pass without a trace. But there are times when the situation gets out of control and in addition to care, the skin needs additional treatment.

Expected Side Effects

Peeling is an effective way to transform the skin in a short period of time. Exposing the skin to chemicals, lasers, ultrasound, or other factors removes dead cells from the skin. This process stimulates active renewal of the integument, accelerates the division of skin cells and the synthesis of its own collagen.

After peeling, the skin looks refreshed and healthy for a reason. Dead cells accumulate over time, grouping into keratinized layers, and prevent the skin from breathing and the supply of nutritional components from skincare products. These difficulties affect the condition of the integument, slow down the functioning of cells and reduce their resistance to environmental factors.

In the hope of an instant transformation, after peeling, redness and peeling appear on the face. How to react to such troubles?

Among the expected side effects from the effect on the skin, cosmetologists identified:

  • development of erythema or severe redness of the epidermis;
  • mild to moderate swelling;
  • peeling of the surface layers of the skin;
  • local darkening of skin areas;
  • increasing the sensitivity of areas subject to peeling.

Each of the expected complications (side effects) does not require strong experiences. Properly organized, high-quality care during the rehabilitation period guarantees their rapid completion. No additional measures need to be taken.

Let's look at the predicted complications from peeling in more detail.


Redness of the area of ​​skin that was peeled is called erythema. Its intensity depends on the aggressiveness of the active exfoliant, the duration of its effect and the sensitivity of the skin.

Superficial peels using fruit acids cause mild and transient redness that will last several hours. But for the Jessner cleansing procedure, the effect will be more pronounced and last up to two days.

For those who dare to undergo moderate acid exfoliations, where the concentration of active acid exceeds 30%, you should prepare for severe erythema for 3-5 days. If we talk about deep cleansing and dermabrasion, then you will observe the “purple face” effect for a longer period of time, perhaps even up to 1 month.


Swelling is another common side effect of chemical or mechanical effects on the sensitive fibers of the epidermis. Swelling is caused by an increase in the permeability of small blood vessels located in the treated area. The fluid released from them accumulates and provokes swelling. Often, swelling is characteristic of sensitive areas on the face, such as the periorbital area or neck.

Swelling does not appear immediately, but 1–3 days after exfoliation. This defect is typical for exfoliation with trichloroacetic acid (TCA) or medium retinoic peeling.

You can avoid the appearance of swelling after a chemical peel if you choose the right concentration of the acid used. Only an experienced and highly qualified cosmetologist can do this.


Any peeling is accompanied by peeling - this is the main sign of skin renewal. The more intense the regeneration and the larger the area that has been cleansed, the stronger the peeling. For chemical peels, peeling is considered a mandatory post-peeling phenomenon.

The peeling of the epidermis resembles how the skin peels off after a strong tan in the sun. It is accompanied by itching, but scratching, scrubbing, or tearing off loose films from the face is strictly prohibited.

During the period of active peeling, you can speed up the process of tissue restoration. To do this, use cosmetics with wound-healing and moisturizing properties recommended by a cosmetologist.

Darkening of the skin

Complications after chemical peeling in the form of darkened skin areas on the face sometimes cause great concern among patients. However, there is no reason to worry. This is how the areas of the skin that were exposed to the exfoliant are expressed. These are old epidermal cells, they will go away when exfoliated. On average, the complete exfoliation process takes 7–12 days.

Hypersensitivity of the integument

After peeling, many patients complain of increased sensitivity and soreness in the treated area. After peeling, the skin reacts sensitively to cold and heat when washing, and may ache when applying cosmetics. Hypersensitivity of the skin is individual; it can end in 1–2 weeks, and in some cases lasts up to a year.

Reducing the skin barrier during exfoliation significantly reduces the protection of soft tissues from external factors and increases their sensitivity. At the same time, resistance to ultraviolet exposure decreases. That is why cosmetologists strongly recommend applying sunscreen when going outside and performing peelings in late autumn and winter until the epidermis is completely restored. During this period, solar activity subsides, and there is less risk of injuring weakened integuments.

Unpredictable complications

In some cases, during the period of rehabilitation (restoration) of the skin after peeling, patients note the development of unusual complications. There are several reasons for this:

  • non-compliance with the instructions of cosmetologists during the rehabilitation period, violation of the rules of care, etc.;
  • use of cosmetics with allergic components;
  • ignoring contraindications before cleansing;
  • individual reaction of the body to the impact suffered against the background of weakened immunity.

The following defects are considered a cause for concern for the patient during the post-peeling period:

  • allergy;
  • exacerbation of herpes and infectious diseases;
  • persistent erythema;
  • marble shade on the face;
  • hypertrophic, keloid scars;
  • the appearance of a demarcation line;
  • increased acne.

Please note that unexpected complications after peeling must be immediately treated and eliminated. To do this, it is important to notice the defect in a timely manner and contact a specialist. Self-medication can only make the situation worse.


Spotty rashes on the face and body, accompanied by itching, and in the worst case, the appearance of Quincke's edema and breathing problems are signs of an allergic reaction. This is often facilitated by neglecting to test for allergies to the preparations used for peeling and skin care after cleansing.

For mild allergies, taking antihistamines is sufficient. If the allergic reaction worsens and interferes with breathing, severe swelling appears, hospitalization and intensive care cannot be avoided.

Exacerbation of herpes

The appearance of herpes rashes on the face after peeling threatens with residual scars. The only option to get rid of them is to use ointments and medications against herpes.

For medium and deep peeling, taking antiviral drugs is included in the pre-peel preparation requirements. In the first days after cleansing, taking such drugs is also recommended, because exfoliation weakens the immunity of epidermal cells and increases the risk of infection.

Prolonged erythema

If the patient has the beginnings of rosacea or a tendency to develop this disease, the chance of prolonged severe erythema increases. As a rule, such a complication is observed after deep exposure.

The defect persists for up to a year. During this period, you cannot visit saunas, baths, and you will have to avoid eating spicy foods and alcohol. In order not to provoke increased blood circulation in the facial area, it is recommended to forget about physical activity and sports.

No drugs are prescribed to eliminate the complication; the defect will go away on its own.

Marble shade

Deep peeling or dermabrasion can cause marbling of the skin. This is due to the death of melanocytes. For those with fair skin, this defect is less noticeable. But for dark-skinned patients, hiding it is problematic.

It is very difficult to correct such a defect. Only courses of superficial cleansing can correct your complexion.


Keloid and hypertrophic scars are a rare, but most unpleasant complication after peeling. Violation of the technique, the patient's predisposition to scarring of soft tissues can provoke the appearance of this defect. It is not always possible to fix it.

To correct rough scars, cosmetology suggests resorting to laser resurfacing, cryotherapy, and invasive techniques are allowed (steroid injections directly into the scar).

Appearance of the demarcation line

A demarcation line is a clear boundary on the face that separates the part of the face that is subject to exfoliation and the part that was not exfoliated. The deeper the impact, the more contrast the line will be.

This problem is typical for dark-skinned, porous skin. To correct the defect, use Jessner peeling.

Increased acne, acne

After peeling, a rash may appear and acne problems may worsen. This is due to the transfer of infection to healthy areas of the skin, activation of the sebaceous glands, or the use of expired peeling products.

To eliminate the defect, undergo a course of drug treatment. The specialist will prescribe a complex of vitamins that will strengthen the immune system and antibiotics to remove the infection.

How to prevent unpleasant defects

To protect yourself as much as possible from unpleasant consequences after peeling, follow these recommendations:

  1. Be very responsible when choosing a clinic or beauty salon. Ask the cosmetologist to present certificates for the drugs used and permission to perform this type of procedure. Study customer reviews, listen to the opinions of relatives and friends who have used such services.
  2. If you decide to cleanse your face at home, carefully study the peeling techniques and how to behave before and after the procedure.
  3. Follow your cosmetologist's instructions carefully to prepare for peeling.
  4. Choose a cleansing method taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and previous diseases. If there are contraindications, refuse the procedure.
  5. Before cleaning, perform a drug susceptibility test. If unusual irritation or allergies occur, use of the product is prohibited.
  6. After peeling, use hypoallergenic cosmetics until the skin is completely restored.
  7. Do not touch your face with dirty hands after cleansing. In most cases, cosmetologists recommend not even contacting water in the first days. For example, after a deep phenol peeling, the patient even drinks through a straw for the first 24 hours.
  8. Put aside decorative cosmetics until the skin is completely restored.
  9. Taking hormonal drugs increases the risk of complications. Be sure to warn your cosmetologist about this fact.
  10. To prevent the development of pigmentation on the face, regularly apply a sunscreen with a high degree of ultraviolet protection.
  11. During the rehabilitation period, visiting a sauna, bathhouse, or swimming pool is contraindicated. Put off tanning and sun treatments.
  12. At the slightest suspicion of a complication, contact a specialist. Do not self-medicate or use traditional medicine, so as not to harm yourself and aggravate the situation.

Remember, in most cases, the cause of complications after peeling is the cosmetologist’s own irresponsibility and low professionalism.

Peeling is cleansing, rejuvenating and treating the skin, but only in skillful hands. Otherwise, you may experience unpleasant scars, acne, and other complications after peeling. Take cosmetic procedures responsibly - and clean, perfect skin without scars and residual effects is guaranteed!

Peeling has become very popular: this procedure helps to get rid of many skin imperfections for a long time.

But at the same time, such an aggressive effect on the epidermis can lead to harmful consequences if you approach it incorrectly and without preparation.

What consequences are possible after peeling, how to prevent them, how to eliminate them? Let's figure it out.

Types of procedures, their action, purpose

Much of the cleaning process depends on the characteristics of the skin, the cleaning option, and the level of exposure.

Among the purifications are:

  1. – it does not reach the deep layers of the dermis, acting only on the surface. Reduces pigmentation, evens out tone, slightly reduces fine wrinkles.
  2. – reaches the stratum corneum and part of the epidermis. Levels out age spots, reduces the accumulation of wrinkles, and significantly improves complexion.
  3. – reaches deep skin layers. Significantly reduces the number of wrinkles, age spots, whitens well, and has a rejuvenating effect.

First type of procedure Suitable for sensitive, dry (with caution), combination skin that does not show serious age-related changes.

Median good for oily skin with active pigmentation and wrinkles.

Deep view Suitable for getting rid of significant imperfections - deep wrinkles, an abundance of age spots, and other changes.

Adverse Results

All consequences are divided into 2 types: expected and unexpected.

The first group includes problems that arise in patients, occur without any special consequences and pass quickly. This is a predictable reaction to the manifestation of stimuli.

These include:

  • Erythema– redness of the area of ​​the epidermis that has undergone cleansing. Depends on the type of exposure, its duration, skin sensitivity. Red spots on the face after the procedure can last from 3 hours to several days. With laser resurfacing, the skin may remain red for two months.

  • Peeling usually goes almost unnoticed, especially when using fruit acids. After trichloroacetic acid, peeling becomes widespread, lasting a week. If your face peels off after the procedure, you should not help your epidermis renew itself - the process should take place naturally. You need to take care of good hydration during the recovery period.
  • Increased sensitivity– after cleansing, the dermis can react in a unique way to any irritants - light, exposure to temperature or mechanical stimulation. With a special course of the process, sensitivity can persist for up to a year, but usually goes away in a couple of weeks.
  • Swelling is an inflammatory reaction. By increasing the permeability of the capillaries located in the epidermis, cleaning causes fluid to leave them and accumulate in the tissues. Swelling occurs. There is usually no such reaction after using light acids, but retinoids can cause swelling. It can last for several days, but does not appear immediately, on the 2nd or 3rd day after the procedure.
  • Darkening of the skin– the treated areas may “oxidize” and acquire a dark shade. But as you exfoliate, the old scales of the epidermis will be removed, and renewed, lighter ones will appear in their place.

Here's what your facial skin looks like in the photo before, immediately after, and some time after peeling:

The second group includes those consequences that are illegal are selective.

They may have a negative impact on the aesthetics of the result, are unsafe, and require treatment.

Among them:

  • Allergic reactions– they arise not in response to substances affecting the skin during peeling, but in response to subsequent irritants, when the skin is renewed, thin and irritated.
  • Herpetic infection– occurs after medium and deep cleaning, laser resurfacing. It may occur due to relapse of herpes, but sometimes infection occurs during the procedure if the patient’s immunity is reduced.
  • Other infections may arise due to the doctor’s negligence towards the standards of the procedure or the patient himself towards the post-peeling period.
  • Pallor or marbling– due to the leveling of a large number of melanocytes, reverse pigmentation may occur – lightening of areas of the dermis, especially if its owner was dark-skinned. Such a reaction cannot be completely cured, but with light peelings you can try to reduce it a little and even out the tone.

  • Persistent erythema– if the patient has dilated superficial vessels, the problem may appear after deep peeling. This reaction can last up to a year, but usually goes away on its own.
  • Hyperpigmentation– occurs after deep and laser peelings performed incorrectly. Inflamed skin cells actively produce melanin, which leads to darkening.
  • Appearance or worsening of acne. Acne after peeling appeared because the provoked inflammatory reaction causes the cells that produce sebum to work actively. Pores become clogged and acne appears. At risk are people with oily skin, a predisposition to acne, and those who decide to undergo deep or medium peels.
  • Scarring– facial skin disorders after exposure to deep chemical peels. They may appear after an incorrect cleaning procedure.
  • Burns– a slight burn on the surface is not considered a deviation from the norm. But if the procedure was performed incorrectly or the patient has sensitive facial skin, the burn after peeling may become more serious.

What consequences are possible after peeling:

Treatment of complications

If the cleaning procedure does lead to negative consequences, they need to be leveled out, especially if there are serious underlying causes.

Treatment may be as follows:

  • Appearing itching It usually goes away with time, but you can help your skin recover faster.

    After peeling, apply a cold compress and take an antihistamine. Keep the dermis moisturized and use hypoallergenic products.

    If after peeling your face is very itchy and red, you can resort to sedatives. Use all medications only after consulting a doctor.

  • Erythema easy to treat with corticosteroids in combination with moisturizers and sedatives. You need to use sunscreen. If redness does not go away after a week of such manipulations, consult a doctor to rule out an infectious lesion.
  • Resulting scars treated with corticosteroid injections. Occlusive dressings can be added; in more severe cases, laser treatment and surgery are indicated.
  • Hyperpigmentation usually goes away on its own. To prevent its growth, use Sanskrins. This manifestation is treated with a laser method (in severe cases).
  • Infections of bacterial or viral origin are leveled by antiviral and antibacterial agents - ointments, creams.
  • The occurrence of acne can be treated with antibiotics, azelaic acid, small doses of steroids or isotretinoin.

Any negative impact can be easily prevented if know about the characteristics of the patient’s skin, his predispositions, while observing all the rules of hygiene and cleaning procedures.

Precautionary measures:

  • to prevent allergies It is advisable to conduct a test for active drugs;
  • Herpes infections can be avoided, having previously resorted to antiherpetic drugs;
  • other infections can be prevented by taking antibiotics;
  • persistent erythema is prevented by avoiding saunas, drinking alcohol, spicy and spicy foods, and active physical work;
  • Hyperpigmentation can be avoided, having carried out a thorough examination for the presence of a predisposition to the formation of age spots. It is important to cure ongoing inflammatory processes in advance;
  • acne is prevented By taking the Aevit multivitamin complex, antibiotics may be prescribed. A competent cosmetologist and doctor will immediately after the procedure make a soothing and healing mask, apply the necessary protective creams or ointments;
  • to prevent crust formation After peeling, it is advisable to immediately conduct a session of nourishing masks immediately after the cleansing procedure.

If you follow all the rules of preparation and proper skin care measures, you can prevent the occurrence of all negative consequences and achieve good results when cleansing your skin.

Facial care


08.10.14 13:59

Chemical peeling is a rather aggressive procedure, even with superficial effects. The appearance of certain skin reactions indicates the effectiveness of the session. If after the manipulation no traces appear on the skin, this indicates a low concentration of chemical elements and the uselessness of the cleaning performed. It is necessary to learn to distinguish consequences of chemical peeling. This will allow you to evaluate the event, prevent the development of complications and negative consequences of a physiological and aesthetic nature.

Positive consequences of chemical procedures depending on the depth of their impact

The main purpose of chemical cleansing is to exfoliate the stratum corneum of the epidermis, normalize cellular metabolism, and start the process of tissue renewal. These reactions result in specific effects of chemical peeling, which indicate the effectiveness of the procedure.

The quality and severity of signs of impact on the skin depends on the depth of peeling:

Causes the removal of keratinized cells. The process may be accompanied by visible fine-scale peeling, which does not have a significant effect on the appearance of the face. In addition, unnoticed peeling of the stratum corneum is possible. In this case, there is only a gradual leveling of the surface of the skin, the disappearance of roughness and pits.

As a result of even a one-time superficial peeling, mild signs of aging of the epidermis should be eliminated or smoothed out. As a result of thorough cleaning of the pores, getting rid of sebaceous plugs and tissue waste products, cellular respiration of the epidermis improves and metabolic processes are normalized. This leads to the elimination of foci of inflammation, acne of various etiologies, and normalization of complexion.

Superficial peeling can get rid of age spots, but only with regular use. A one-time procedure can only slightly lighten pigmentation and freckles.

With a deeper effect, all of the listed positive effects of chemical peeling should be more pronounced. Medium procedures should easily cope with the signs of aging characteristic of the epidermis after 30 years. This technology evens out the complexion faster and better, eliminating hyperpigmentation.

Medium peeling effectively fights fine, medium and even deep wrinkles, tightens skin folds, and accelerates the resorption of scars that appear after acne or damage to the integrity of the skin.

Considering the radical nature of the effect, as a result of which all layers of the epidermis are burned, the positive consequences in this case should be the most pronounced. The use of this rejuvenation technology allows you to completely get rid of signs of aging, scars, scars, and aesthetic problems. When a session is performed correctly, as a result of the formation of new skin, the facial contour is tightened and the skin age is corrected by 15-20 years.

Expected negative consequences of peeling

Any chemical peeling is a damage to the skin, a disruption of natural processes, an aggressive effect that provokes the body to respond. The skin tries to cope with damage and produces an inflammatory response in order to quickly restore balance. This is how the expected consequences of chemical peeling arise:

  1. Edema.
  2. Burning.

Redness of the epidermis is always observed, otherwise, this indicates that the effect was ineffective. As a result of activation of blood vessels, blood flow to the surface of the face increases, and the epidermis tries to recover.

The intensity and duration of the phenomenon depends on the depth of cleaning and the characteristics of the chemical ingredients. After an enzyme peel, redness will be minimal and will go away quickly. As a result of treating the epidermis with fruit acids, hyperemia will appear for only a few hours. Medium peels cause a reaction that can last about a week. After a deep rejuvenating procedure, it takes several months to restore the natural complexion.

In case of hyperemia of the epidermis as a result of a chemical burn, all that remains is to wait for the phenomenon to pass. Experts recommend using soothing and moisturizing masks and sunscreen during this period. It is necessary to touch your face as little as possible, this will prevent the development of inflammation of unprotected tissues.

Peeling can vary in severity, duration of reaction and type of reaction. Superficial exposure leads to the appearance of light, fine-scaly peeling, the severity of which decreases with the use of moisturizing creams. This phenomenon should occur 2-3 days after the procedure and should normally last a couple of days.

With a medium or deep peel, peeling can take the form of whole layers of dead skin peeling away, lasting from several days to weeks.

The uncomfortable effects of chemical peeling in the form of peeling can only be slightly alleviated with special serums and creams. You should not try to forcefully remove peeling skin - this can lead to the formation of crusts, pigment spots, and islands of connective tissue, which will eventually turn into scars.

Swelling can occur even after a mild superficial peel. The most susceptible to this type of consequences are areas with thin skin (eyelids, area around the lips). Normally, the condition should resolve within 24 hours. If this does not happen, it is better to contact a specialist. Swelling and pasty tissue may indicate an allergic reaction or impaired fluid outflow, interruptions in the functioning of blood and lymphatic vessels. Most often this happens as a result of incorrect selection of anti-aging technology.

For such complications, specialists may prescribe special medications or perform a drainage massage. It is not recommended to deal with this reaction of the epidermis on your own! This may lead to more serious consequences.

Burning and tingling may appear during the procedure, as a result of the action of acids on the cells, or after it. These are fairly common effects of chemical peeling and can occur even with superficial cleaning. In this case, they should go away within a few minutes, and if the epidermis is highly sensitive, after a few hours. During medium peeling sessions, the sensations are more pronounced and can last up to a day. Deep peeling is performed under anesthesia, so pain in the skin appears as the patient recovers from pain relief.

To alleviate the condition after superficial and median procedures, cool air, compresses, and soothing masks are used. In the case of deep cleansing. Oral painkillers are prescribed for several days.

Tightness occurs as a result of sudden dehydration of the epidermis and can persist for up to several hours or even days. The deeper the exposure, the longer you will have to endure such consequences of chemical peeling. Even the use of moisturizers will not completely eliminate the sensation. Most often, it passes simultaneously with the end of the stage of exfoliation of the stratum corneum.

If the listed reactions are expressed too violently, their manifestation is delayed in time or causes too much discomfort, you must contact the specialist who performed the peeling. You cannot self-medicate! An absolutely natural and harmless herbal mask applied to very sensitive skin can cause an unexpected allergic reaction and aggravate the condition.

Unforeseen complications after chemical peeling

Sometimes, as a result of sessions, regardless of the depth of exposure, consequences of chemical peeling arise, the appearance of which could not be calculated in advance. Such phenomena are possible if the sensitivity test has been successfully completed, there is no tendency to allergies, and this is not the first time the procedure has been completed. Most often, complications are caused by specialist errors during manipulation, the use of low-quality drugs, improper preparation for the procedure, and the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

Possible complications immediately after chemical peeling:

  • Exacerbation of herpetic infection. To prevent this consequence of chemical peeling, preliminary preventive treatment of patients with a history of herpetic eruptions is necessary. The danger of the condition is that as a result of this complication there is a high risk of the formation of atrophic scars. If prophylaxis was not carried out at the preparatory stage and a rash appears after the cleansing procedure, it is necessary to carry out a course of treatment in accordance with the instructions of the attending physician.
  • Tissue infection. As a result of failure to follow the rules of asepsis and antisepsis during cleaning or in the early recovery period, or the use of low-quality or expired material, infection may develop. The condition is treated with topical antibiotics; less commonly, drugs are prescribed for oral administration. If therapy does not give the expected effect, microorganisms are cultured and specific medications are prescribed.
  • Allergic reactions. These consequences of chemical peeling are extremely rare, given the need for a preliminary test. Most often this happens in case of intolerance to additional components that were not used during the test or were in lower concentrations.
  • Violent inflammatory process. It is characterized by pronounced redness of the epidermis, which is accompanied by the presence of prolonged swelling of the tissues (more than two days). To relieve symptoms, antioxidants and zinc-based anti-inflammatory drugs are used.

Consequences of chemical peeling during the rehabilitation period:

  • Persistent redness of the facial skin that does not go away as the epidermis recovers. Most often found in patients with vascular diseases. Treatment of the condition is accompanied by a strict regimen and medication. Sometimes laser treatment and hardware therapy are possible.
  • Hyperpigmentation not associated with the effect of ultraviolet radiation on the skin. It happens rarely and is a consequence of the inflammatory process. To prevent the development of the condition, strict selection of patients for procedures according to indications, appropriate preliminary preparation, and anti-inflammatory therapy during the recovery period are necessary. To treat such hyperpigmentation, lightening procedures and drugs, and phonophoresis are used.
  • Seborrhea, exacerbation of acne. The condition rarely requires medical intervention. Most often, the processes return to normal within a couple of months after the first symptoms of the complication appear.
  • Increased sensitivity of the epidermis. May occur in patients with thin skin and reduced tissue regeneration ability. Can last up to a year. During this period, it is recommended to adhere to a certain regimen that reduces the possibility of injury to the skin, and the external use of a number of cosmetic products and medications is prescribed.
  • The appearance of a demarcation line. Occurs after medium-deep or deep facial cleansing in patients with dense, porous skin. The resulting line divides the face into treated and untreated zones. Neutralized by mechanical and chemical means.

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