Lesson summary for the Day of the Elderly. Conversation on the topic: "International Day of Older Persons" lesson plan (preparatory group) on the topic

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

MKOU "Dzhavankent Secondary School"

Plan - outline

open class hour in 6th grade

on the topic of:

"Old Person's Day"

v. Dzhavankent



    To instill in students feelings of respect, attention, compassion, responsiveness, and sensitivity to older people.

    instill a desire to take care of them, provide assistance in business, and be able to bring them joy through your actions;

    To ensure that these feelings pass through the thoughts of students, are accepted by the heart and turn into kind, beautiful actions.



Class progress


Stage I. From the history of Older People's Day.

Since 1992, October 1 is celebrated as the Day of Older People in Russia. This holiday is a tribute to the centuries-old tradition of respect and veneration for people of the older generation. On this day, each of us has the opportunity not only to congratulate the older generation and express our gratitude to them, but also to make them feel our care and attention.

When celebrating Older People's Day at school, we first of all remember our grandparents, great-grandparents. They begin to introduce children to family history.

Close contact between a child and older family members emotionally enriches family ties, strengthens family traditions, and establishes continuity between generations.

1st presenter: On October 1, most countries around the world celebrate the International Day of Older Persons. This holiday was established by decree of the UN General Assembly in 1990.

At first, Elderly People's Day was celebrated only in Europe; a little later, the tradition of celebrating this day was transferred to America. And only, starting from the 90th year of the last century, the tradition of paying tribute to older people became worldwide.

International Day of Older Persons is celebrated on a special scale in Scandinavian countries. Concerts and many television and radio programs are being prepared in advance for it. On this day, television and radio broadcasting adapt to the tastes of older people and broadcast programs taking into account their preferences.
But besides this, numerous festivals are held, organized by associations for the protection of the rights of older people. Special types of congresses and conferences are also organized, the main purpose of which is to protect the rights and interests of older people in society and educate in this area. There are many charity events dedicated to the Day of Older People.

2nd presenter: On this day, heads of government often turn to local self-organizations with the goal of focusing the attention of citizens of the country and the whole planet on creating a “society for all ages,” providing better living conditions for older people and doing everything to extend their life span.

Stage II. The tradition of honoring elders.

Teacher: Did you know that the tradition of honoring elders has its roots in the distant past?

Even in the Koran it is said that it is necessary to honor your elders, and then you can live a long, happy life.
Russian peasants, instilling in their children a love for their homeland, raising them on the heroic deeds of their ancestors, also tried to show them that love for their homeland begins with love for their parents and with showing respect for older people. The Slavs considered reverence for father and mother to be the main human virtue.

According to peasant ethics, the requirements of which teenagers had to learn, not only parents, but also all older people in general were worthy of respect. At the same time, teenagers did not have to decide for themselves whether this or that old man was worthy or not worthy of their care, respect and respect. According to the Slavs, elders demand respect for themselves simply because they lived a long, difficult life and did a lot for people. Fairy tales and stories of a religious and instructive nature played a major role in instilling this feeling in children. And you are well aware of fairy tales where the hero, who is rude to an old woman or an old man, suffers failures, and after he apologizes, he receives useful advice from them. (“Morozko”, “Ivan, the peasant’s son”, etc.) In the evenings in warm huts, grandparents told their grandchildren real stories about the respect shown to an old man. Bring good luck to the child.

1st presenter: A sense of respect for elders was also ingrained in the flesh and blood of children thanks to examples from the life of their own family and the entire village community. At the family feast, older people were given a place of honor; adult family members were attentive to the old grandfather, who had served his time, and asked him for advice. During a family division, when a married son intended to live in his own home and household, the old father had the final say. At a village meeting - a meeting of adult men in the village - the opinion of the elderly on a particular issue was often decisive.

Stage III. An elderly person in our society.

2nd presenter:
What is the attitude towards older people in our society?
This incident occurred in Dneprodzerzhinsk on April 22, 2009. Teenagers played Gestapo: a war veteran was burned with a hot iron and cut with glass shards. Of course, such an act is blatant cruelty and immorality; fortunately, it is isolated. But isn’t it possible to hurt just as painfully with words and inattention? Can't almost each of us remember an incident in which he was a participant or a witness, when older people were treated with disrespect, an offensive word was said, or they were simply forgotten about? Unfortunately it is so. Why is this possible in a civilized society and how to overcome disrespect for others?
(Conversation with students on the proposed problem).

Stage IV. The military background of our elders.

Teacher: Let us remember that modern old people are war veterans, home front workers, children of war, who bought our freedom in a difficult war with their blood and suffering, and gave us the opportunity to be born and live in peace. They were called the generation of Victors, they suffered unheard of tragedies and thunderous victories of the Great Patriotic War - our veterans. Their share was the most terrible war that the earth had never known. For the rest of their lives, they dream of bombings, hand-to-hand combat, and their homes on fire. Veterans kept our Motherland independent for us, defended the cities, recreated its wealth and beauty at the cost of incredible effort and dedication. They hoped that their children and grandchildren would live better and would not know their suffering.

Did they have an easy time during the war? We know a lot about the heroes of the war, their exploits. But this is the youth of today's old people. But it wasn’t any easier for the people in the rear. In the plants and factories that provided the front with everything necessary, women, old people and teenagers, 15-16-year-old boys and girls, like us now, worked. And these are also today's old people. Let's remember their military youth.

2nd presenter: The work shift of 15-16-year-old workers lasted 12-13 hours, and they often spent the night right at the factories, so as not to waste time traveling home and not be late for work. For being 20 minutes late for work, according to wartime laws, a person was severely punished; there were no discounts for age. Younger guys worked in auxiliary workshops for 6 hours, and then went to school. Our peers had to carry boxes with products weighing 50-60 kg, since often there were no lifting mechanisms left at the factories. There were no weekends, holidays or vacations for workers. Sick leave, as a rule, was given only at very high temperatures, and in many work areas it was very cold: there was not enough fuel and firewood. And how the young workers rejoiced at the fact that they sometimes received food at the factories. What was it like?

A worker at the Ulyanovsk Cartridge Plant recalls: “For the first course they gave us soup, if it could be called soup: 5-6 peas, 2-3 pieces of potatoes and water - that’s all that could be found in the plate. For the second course there was porridge, but the grains were not cleared, so there were small pebbles and sand. Sometimes they gave beets or nettles for the second course. On the third day, workers received tea and very rarely compote. The cost of lunch in the canteen was deducted from the salary.” But these people were happy, because in many cities there was nothing like this.
Aren’t our old people worthy of respect simply because they survived this terrible war and persevered?

V stage. An elderly person in the family.

1st presenter: Each of us has grandparents, elderly relatives and just neighbors. Nowadays, we allow ourselves to talk about their advantages and disadvantages, about the problems associated with living together, forgetting the wise precepts of the past. Who among us has never grumbled about a grandmother whose care seems excessive? You feel ashamed later, but you don’t always have the strength to admit a mistake. In youth, according to psychologists, the attitude towards old people is especially critical, sometimes even negative. Although it would seem that the energy of youth, experience and wisdom of old age should complement each other. What to do?
(Conversation with students on the proposed problem. You can conduct a role-playing game where you can imagine frequently occurring problematic situations in relationships with old people. Situations are proposed by the children themselves or the teacher, and then they are analyzed together).

An elderly person should feel that he is needed by his family, children, and grandchildren. Tell your loved ones more often how much you love them, how much you couldn’t do without them. Get advice on some issues.

For example. How to cook this or that dish. Or offer to cook something together for a family dinner. Place the oldest family member at the head of the table. Ask about the past - give the old people pleasure - because they really love to talk about it. Show maximum attention, love, respect and, most importantly, be more tolerant.

But small children and older people find a common language well. They enjoy spending time together: walking, playing. This is because babies perceive older people positively. Remember your childhood too.

^ Result:

Teacher: Guys, while we are young and strong, we will surround those who are weak and frail with warmth and care. After all, these are our grandparents. Older People's Day gives us the opportunity to stop, look around us and think about what old age awaits each of us. Time passes quickly. Soon you will become adults and strong, and your parents will become weak and old. Don't repeat the betrayal of your parents.

Let's be merciful to old age!

Ryzhova Tatyana Gennadievna Teacher-speech therapist, first qualification category, MB preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 59" of a combined type, Novokuznetsk

Goal: Formation of respectful attitude towards older people.

Educational goals: to develop the skill of coherent, sequential retelling of key issues; targeted perception and analysis of the cartoon “Meet Grandma”; activate and enrich the vocabulary on the topic “Day of the Elderly”; consolidate the skill of grammatically correct formulation of statements.

Correctional and developmental goals: develop free communication; dialogical and monologue forms of speech; develop operations of thinking (generalization, analysis), attention, auditory memory. Develop gross and fine motor skills, coordination of movements, tempo and rhythm of speech.

Educational goals: to attract children's attention to the International Day of Older Persons. Help children understand that caring for loved ones older people should be constant.

Equipment: ICT - multimedia, cartoon “Meet Grandma”, mnemonic table.

Preliminary work: writing a story about grandparents, learning poetry, making greeting cards.

Organizing time

Speech therapist reads a poem


Like our grandmother's

Good pancakes!

We sat down next to each other

We water them with honey,

We wash it down with milk.

I'm my grandmother's dear

I'll kiss you very hard,

After all, my grandma

Very, very kind.

Tatiana Boyko

Speech therapist. Who is this poem about?

Children. About grandma.

Speech therapist. What kind of person is grandma?

Children. Aged, old.

Speech therapist. Such a person is called an elderly person. Tell me, do you have elderly people in your family?

Children. There are grandparents.

Speech therapist. Now we will watch the cartoon “Meet Grandma”, and then we will talk with you.

Watching a cartoon (8 min)

Speech therapist asks questions to children

Speech therapist. Who came to visit the family?

Speech therapist. How did the family greet your grandmother?

Speech therapist. What did mom and dad do later?

Speech therapist. What did grandma do in the kitchen and who helped her with it?

Speech therapist. What did the grandmother and grandson cook?

Speech therapist. What did mom and dad bring into the room?

Speech therapist. What did they put on the table?

Speech therapist. Who was missing from the table?

Speech therapist. What were the parents and the boy like?

Speech therapist. Who came to visit them?

Speech therapist. How did you greet your grandmother?

Speech therapist. Where did the whole family go and why?

Strengthening the skill of grammatically correct formulation of statements

Call me kindly

Grandmother - granny;

Kuzya - Kuzenka;

Pie - pie;

Samovar - samovar;

Table - table;

Cups - cups;

Sugar is sugar.

Count 1,2,5

Guest, family, grandmother, boy.

Choose a related word

Grandmother - granny, granny, grandmother.

Guest – to visit, hotel, hotel.

Grandson - granddaughter, great-grandson.

Family – family, seed, families.

Development of general motor skills, speech coordination, tempo and rhythm of movements

Grandma and I go for a walk together, Walking in a circle

We'll walk along the leaves like a snake with our legs, Walking like a snake

Let's jump over puddles 1,2,3, Jumping to count

You won't find anyone better in the world. Hug your neighbor

Ryzhova T.G.

Retelling the cartoon based on a mnemonic table in a chain:

“Mnemonics”: Grandmother, family, kitchen, table, chair, door


Speech therapist. What new did you learn today?

Speech therapist. Who are the elderly?

Speech therapist. How should you greet relatives and elderly people?

Maria Sirotkina
Direct educational activities on speech development on the topic “Day of the Elderly” (preparatory group)

program content

To instill in children feelings of respect, attention, compassion, responsiveness, sensitivity to To old people.

Instill a desire to take care of them, provide assistance in business, and be able to bring them joy through your actions;

To ensure that these feelings pass through the thoughts of children, are accepted by the heart and turn into kind, beautiful actions;

development the ability to conduct a conversation on a topical issue, clearly formulate your thoughts, answer the question posed in a complete sentence

Equipment and materials:

Personal Computer

Presentation at topic: « Older Person's Day»

Today I want to start our lesson with puzzles: (2 slide)

Mystery (E, Blaginina)

I'll tell you a riddle,

And you guess it.

Who puts a patch on his heel,

Who irons and mends the linen?

Who cleans the house in the morning,

Who makes the big samovar?

Who plays with his little sister?

And takes her to the boulevard?

Who embroidered the fringed rug

(To my little sister - it seems like everything)

Who writes detailed letters?

To the soldier, my father?

Whose hair is whiter than snow,

Are your hands yellow and dry?

Whom I love and regret

Who did you write poems about?

Guys, who do you think we will talk about today?

ABOUT elderly people, grandparents.

That's right, today we will devote our lesson to To old people.

Who is this old man?

(Children's answers)

An elderly person is

One who lives a very long time

Full of feeling

Civic duty

Who knows how to love, who

Can dream

Who are other people's mistakes

Knows how to forgive!

Let him be old in age,

Elderly man,

But with soul and heart

Forever Young,

Life knows how to appreciate and

Lives for others!

/N. Vedenyapina/

Do you know when the holiday of all grandparents is celebrated?

(children's answers) (3rd slide)

International seniors day people in our country (as in many others) celebrated on October 1st. While preparing for this lesson, I learned that in Moldova they celebrate Day grandmothers on the last Saturday of September, in Poland - on January 28, in France - on the first Sunday in March, in Japan on the third Sunday in September.

Why is this holiday celebrated in the fall?

(Children's answers).

(4 slide)

The period of life when people cross the 60-year mark is similar to autumn. No wonder among the people They say: “Old age is the autumn of life”. During this period, people are susceptible to illness, they become weak, defenseless, and therefore they want more attention from their children and grandchildren.

This holiday is a great opportunity to visit your grandmothers, do something nice for them, and just once again give them a little attention and love.

Unfortunately, in the modern world, not everything is as it should be. how they treat older people, but before everything was the other way around - According to peasant ethics, the requirements of which children had to learn, not only parents, but also all older people in general were worthy of respect. At the same time, children did not have to decide for themselves whether this or that old man was worthy or not worthy of their care, respect and respect. According to the Slavs, elders demand respect for themselves simply because they lived a long, difficult life and did a lot for people. Fairy tales and stories of a religious and instructive nature played a major role in instilling this feeling in children. And you are well aware of fairy tales where the hero, who is rude to an old woman or an old man, suffers failures, and after he apologizes, he receives useful advice from them. ( "Morozko", "Ivan, the peasant's son" etc.) In the evenings in warm huts, grandparents told their grandchildren real stories about how respect shown to the old person. Bring good luck to the child.

We don’t think about the fact that our actions cause pain and resentment to our elders.

Grandma got sick

Why at grandma's

Has your heart hurt?

Maybe I shouldn't

Spinning around the table?

Maybe he's worried

Grandma when I

In the yard with the boys

Do I play late?

It may be difficult for grandma

Started washing the dishes?

No, I'm making grandma angry

I will never!

Help her around the house

I'll be there after school.

Will be a grandma again

Cheerful and cheerful!

(A. Starikov)

Scientists have calculated that by the age of fifty, the heart man doing the work, equal to lifting a load weighing 18 tons to a height of 227 kilometers. You can get tired! Therefore, take care of your grandparents.

Now answer mine questions: (5 slide)

1. Do you have grandparents?

2. How old are they?

3. Does your family have a grandparent?

4. Do your grandparents live in your village?

5. How often do you visit them?

6. Do you want your grandparents to live in the same house with you?

7. When your parents get old, do you want them to live with you?

8. Are you ready to care for your sick elderly relatives?

Who do you think should take care of first of all? elderly people?

We learned a lot about the life of your grandparents, thank you guys for the interesting stories.

(6 slide)

Grandfather's beard grows like this,

That I'm always surprised by her.

“With him,” my mother said, “you won’t be in trouble:

Grandpa has a lot of brains in his beard.”

And it's true: relatives will ask for advice,

He strokes his beard and says in response.

I sometimes envy my grandfather

I wish my beard would grow sooner.

How do you understand the expression: “A lot of brains in a beard”?

Yes guys Human, who has already lived and seen a lot, will always give the right, necessary advice. And the more he lives Human, the more he knows and can do, the more experienced and wiser he is. These are our grandfathers and grandmothers: They are our wisest people.

And now I propose to answer question: Why do you love your grandparents? (7 slide

An elderly person should feel that his family, children, grandchildren need him. Tell your loved ones more often how much you love them, how much you couldn’t do without them. Consult with them, share your joy and achievements. Show maximum attention, love, respect and, most importantly, be more tolerant.

Therefore, take on some of the household chores as often as possible. (washing dishes, cleaning, etc.) to myself. Don't leave this matter to your grandmother or mother.

When the elders come home from the street, help them undress and bring them slippers.

And if you go with your parents to visit or for a walk, do not rush to get on the transport. Make your older relatives sit in an empty seat. Especially women. They rarely rest.

And in order to touch the heart of each of you, I suggest you look at the following photos in which grandparents will tell you how important and beloved their grandchildren are to them. (8-17)

And even if your grandparents are not in these photographs, believe me, the same words ring in their hearts. (18 slide)

Guys, while we are young and strong, we will surround those who are weak and frail with warmth and care. After all, these are our grandparents. Soon you will become adults and strong, and your parents will become weak and old. Don't repeat the betrayal of your parents.

Let's be merciful to old age!

Nadezhda Gribova

Summary of the holiday« Older Person's Day»

Target: To develop the musical and creative abilities of children, to cultivate respect for elders, to help strengthen the relationship between the family and the preschool educational institution.


To instill in children respect, love for the older generation, and a desire to learn more about their lives;

Development of communication skills, connected speech, ability to analyze, establish family ties, knowledge;

Getting to know the history holiday, deepening knowledge about your ancestry.

Foster a sense of responsibility and teamwork in preparation for holiday.

Preparatory work.

Drawing portraits of grandmothers with children on the topic. Learning poems, songs, dances on the topic. Children are given exercise: find out from your parents as much as possible about your grandmothers (where you studied, where you worked or are working; look at photographs of your grandparents, etc.); making souvenirs for grandparents holiday, with your own hands; prepare for holiday invitations for guests (guests from among labor and war veterans, and those who worked in this particular kindergarten).

IN holiday children of three take part groups: 2nd youngest "Pock" and preparatory

"Kalinka", "Pine".

The hall is decorated according to the theme holiday. On the table near the central wall are gifts for grandparents that the children made with their own hands. Grandparents, guests, children sitting at festively set tables. The music sounds quiet "How young we were".

Celebration progress:

Leading: For years, like birds flew over you, you created the happiness of life through your labors.

Childhood is the beginning of the journey. It is difficult to find a happier time.

Youth opened the paths of the universe. A time of beautiful learning in life.

Years of study, struggle and labor, Many were hardened by the war.

They survived the battles, had children, and sang new songs with delight.

They believed in a miracle for all time, love gave happiness then.

The children grew up, matured and you are the best people of a great country.

They built cities and grew wheat. Space has opened borders for you.

In general, it was not in vain that we visited this world. The world on the planet was slightly changed.

Your children have already given you grandchildren. There is a continuation of great Russia.

Celebrate today, heroes of labor, your native country congratulates you!

Leading: Hello, our dear friends! Today is special holiday, day respect and veneration elderly person. This the holiday originated in the 20th century. At first Seniors Day people began to be celebrated in Europe, then in America, and in the late 80s all over the world.

On December 14, 1990, the UN General Assembly decided to consider October 1 as International Day old people, and in the Russian Federation this holiday celebrated since 1992. Since then, every year, in the golden autumn season, we honor those who devoted all their strength and knowledge to their people, who gave health and youth to the younger generation.

The years fly by, it’s impossible to keep up with them - The clocks rush, changing day after day..

But I know, I won’t tire of being surprised Meanwhile, we’re calling in the fall.

The age of mature, wise people is often called the autumn of life. Just as each season is beautiful in its own way, so are the ages "seasons" our life. No matter what troubles overshadow her, all the bad things are forgotten. And we enjoy life again, dream of happiness, of love. After all, life is wonderful!

1. Dance with leaves. "Colorful Autumn" preparatory group "Kalinka"

Leading: Dear guests, it’s good that it has become a good tradition to celebrate Older People's Day. This day - day thanks for the warmth of your hearts, for the strength you devote to your work, for the experience that you share with the younger generation, with your children and grandchildren - that is, with us. Today in our hall there are many who want to congratulate you on this significant day. And now the group continues to congratulate you "Kalinka"

REB: Nature changes color, Weather changes,

And the golden sun is followed by rains,

REB: And behind the warmth there is bad weather, Behind the grief there will be happiness,

And youth changes into old age Human.

REB: So life goes in circles, The years rush towards each other,

But the year and the century are filled with joy and hope.

REB: And in day autumn bright Accept the concert as a gift,

Our elderly lover, Our good Human! (leave).

VED: When we - mothers, fathers - work stubbornly

Sometimes we don’t notice how children grow up

But grandchildren - we are glad to see them. They are a joy to your heart.

The long-awaited child grows out of diapers

Yes, look, the kids are rushing to congratulate you

2. Song "Autumn" performed by children 2nd ml. gr. "Pock" .

Ved.: Who darns and knits everything?

Who will help and advise?

Always gets up before everyone else? Who bakes pancakes?

In chorus: These are our grandmothers.

VED: And I invite into the hall the children from the vocal circle who want to congratulate you.

3. Song "Grandma's Tale"(Vocal trio group "Kalinka").

REB: My dear grandfather, V first day of October

I want to tell you: Let life be sad sometimes,

Forget about the troubles, I wish you a hundred years of health, dear.

4. Song "Captain" "Kalinka" (leave).

VED: Grandparents are our dear ones

We wish you from the bottom of our hearts

May you be healthy

So that your grandchildren love you

They came to visit more often

And if grandmothers and grandchildren are together,

There will be no room for boredom.

And our next guests are: gr. "Pine"

REB: People elderly, Young at heart,

How many paths and roads have you seen?

REB: They loved dearly, and raised children,

And we lived in hope: Less worries!

REB: People elderly, May the years be gone

They will be your support, Children will understand everything.

REB: And a low bow to you from family and friends

And from the entire fatherland For priceless work!

REB: There’s a cloud in the sky oh-oh-oh! Everyone is running, hurrying home.

I'm the only one who laughs, I'm not afraid of the black cloud.

I'm not afraid of rain and thunder, I walk under an umbrella!

5. Song "Guilty Cloud" performed by children of the preparatory group. "Pine"

REB: Grandma, were you little too?

And loved to run, and picked flowers?

And you played with dolls, grandma, right?

What hair color did you have then?

So, I will also be a Grandmother, -

Isn't it possible to remain Little?

6. Dance "Good Girls"(performed by girls of the group "Pine")

Ved. When grandparents were young

They loved to dance and sing

7. Song-dance "The sun is shining" performed by pupils of the preparatory department. gr. "Kalinka"

VED: Many warm words were addressed to grandparents. But I want to make sure once again how much their grandchildren love them.

Game, Rays” The children have the sun in their hands, as soon as the ray rises, each child takes turns saying a kind word to their grandparents.

REB: To grandma - the sun, to grandpa - a poem,

Lots of health for both of you,

I wish you happiness for two more centuries,

With day you are an elderly person!

VED: May the autumn of your life last for a long, long time.

WITH holiday, our dear ones, we love you very much!

Our meeting has come to an end. And we were once again convinced that in order to live a full, rich life, neither age nor problems can be a hindrance. I just want to say many more kind things to you. words: combative, perky, wise, experienced, cheerful, thank you very much for being you! And name all ours guests: Agulya Lyubov Fedorovna, Cherednik Ivan Vasilievich, Rosolova Tatyana Fedoseevna, Sosonnaya Maria Ivanovna, Makhonina Svetlana Ivanovna, Krugovykh Maria Ivanovna and Alexander Tikhonovich, Khvorost Zoya Mikhailovna, Kovaleva Yulia Yakovlevna, Bespalova Lidiya Pavlovna, Tolmacheva Raisa Petrovna. Come to us again. Goodbye, see you again!

Final mass dance "We wish"(song by E. Vaenga) performed by two groups "Kalinka" And "Pine"

State budgetary educational institution

Moscow city "School No. 2120",

Kindergarten No. 1

Conversation with preparatory group children

on the topic of:

"International Day of Older Persons"

Prepared by:

teacher of group No. 8 “Zvezdochka”

Zhitnikova L.A.





Expand children’s knowledge about concepts such as “old age”, “elderly person”;

Learn to explain the meaning of proverbs, reason, argue your pointvision ;

Introduce children to the tradition of celebrating the Day of the Elderly.


Develop social feelings (emotions): sympathy, empathy for loved ones, conscious friendly relationships; mental activity,speech culture : express your thoughts clearly and competently;

Promote the development of coherent speech in children.


Develop moral principlescommunication culture , friendly relationships , desire to support older people, take care of them;

Cultivate love for grandmother and her daily work,provide assistance in business, be able to bring joy with your actions;

Teach to understand that an old person requires a caring attitude towards himself.


October 1 - International Day of Older Persons is a relatively new holiday. It arose at the end of the 20th century. First, Older People's Day began to be celebrated in the Scandinavian countries of Europe, then in America, and since the late 80s - all over the world. The International Day of Older Persons was finally proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 1990, and in the Russian Federation in 1992. And now every year, in the golden autumn season, we honor those whom we respect and love.

(Calm, melodic music sounds, and the children listen to the poem).

Elderly people

Young at heart,

How much have you seen?

You are paths, dear.

Loved dearly

And raised children

And they lived in hope:

Less worries!

Elderly people

Mother Russia

I didn't spoil you

An easy fate.

May God give you peace,

So that over the river

The sun was shining

The dome is blue.

Elderly people

You are like this in everything:

You give your soul

Experience and love

Dear home,

To the young world

And to everything that is heart

Remembers again.

Elderly people

May the years be gone

They will be your support,

Children will understand everything.

And bow to you deeply

From family and friends,

And from the entire Fatherland

For priceless work!

Elderly Day is a special holiday for Russians. Since childhood, we have been absorbing folk traditions and wisdom, the foundations of culture and native speech from people of the older generation. From grandmother's fairy tales, from grandfather's stories, our first love for our native land and its inhabitants is born. We will never forget what was done by the hands of the older generation. They built factories and factories, fought on the fronts, worked conscientiously in peacetime, raised us, their children and grandchildren.

Time does not stand still. The rhythm of our life is getting faster and faster, as the years go by there is more and more worry and urgent matters... But caring for our elderly and elderly people is something that we must not forget about even for a minute. To support, improve everyday life, and provide real assistance is one of the most important tasks of today. But this is only a small part of our unpaid debt to the older generation. Big things come from little things. Give up your seat on the bus, help cross the road, express simple human attention - and the wrinkles around the eyes are smoothed out, the look becomes brighter, and the heart of an elderly person becomes warmer. They also help us when we become adults. From their kind and strong hearts we draw support and understanding, patience and love, energy and inspiration. Many thanks to them for this!

Educator: proverbs are folk wisdom. Listen carefully and tell me what they mean?(children's answers).

1) “Don’t laugh at the old, and you yourself will become old.”

2) “Yun - s” toys , and old – with pillows ».

3) “Where grandfather and grandmother are, there is a pancake.”

Finger gymnastics “My Family”.

I have a big family:

Mom Nina, Baba Raya,

Dad's name is Alexander,

He's just grandma's son-in-law!

Well, I am grandma’s granddaughter.

And also the dog Zhuchka

Lives with us

Granny's house is guarded!

Who is the boss in a big family?

Well, of course, Baba Raya -

There can be no doubt here:

He will advise and help everyone,

She has great talent

Tie a beautiful bow

Reconcile mom and dad

And set the table beautifully,

Caress, kiss,

Tell a bedtime story!

(I invite the children to tell about their grandparents).

The game is a riddle “Say the word.”

Who washes, cooks, sews,

Tired at work

Waking up so early? -

Only caring. (Mother)

Who will teach you how to hammer a nail?

Will let you steer the car

And he will tell you how to be brave,

Strong, dexterous and skillful?

You guys know everything -

This is our favorite. (dad)

Who never gets tired of loving

He bakes pies for us,

Delicious pancakes?

This is ours. (grandmother)

Who worked all his life

Surrounded with care

Grandchildren, grandmother, children,

Did you respect ordinary people?

Our ageless. (grandfather)

I've been retired for many years

To grandmother - the sun, to grandfather - a poem,

Lots of health for both of them!

We wish you happiness for two more centuries,

Happy Elderly Day. (person!)

Grandfather and grandmother

Were young

And when they got old -

Become. (elderly)

Together with my grandmother

We will dance and sing,

We'll arrange a party for all our friends -

Let's set the table with pies!

When will we meet guests with her?

On holiday. (old people)

Take care of old people

For cheerful spring branches

Roots are more than relatives...

Take care of old people

From insults, cold, fire.

Behind them -

The rumble of attacks

Years of hard work

And battles...

But in old age -

Breaking step

And the breathing rhythm is uneven.

But in old age -

The forces are not the same.

Days unlived

Low stock...

Take care of old people

Without which you wouldn't exist!

L. Tatyanicheva. 1963

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