Congratulations on Youth Day. Congratulations on Youth Day in verse SMS for Youth Day

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

Youth Day was established in 1958 to inspire young people. In accordance with the Decree, this day was celebrated on the last summer Sunday. And in 1993, it was customary to celebrate this holiday on June 27. Therefore, in 2019 it will be held on Thursday.

The administration of each city is responsible for organizing the holiday. Discos, contests, competitions and other events are organized. Most young people prefer to spend this day outdoors.

It should be noted that on June 27, 2019, the sale of alcohol will be prohibited, in accordance with current legislation.

Young people can be congratulated in different ways. The easiest way is to send a message to your phone or social network. Some people prefer to send postcards to their friends and loved ones.

On this fun day, I would like to congratulate my friends in some original and interesting way. And, of course, to make it funny and cool. That's why I made an interesting selection.

May life be sweet

Like the taste of soda

It’s easy to get tickets to success,

Fun and lively parties,

And fashionable trench coats, and sneakers with label...

Always remain different from everyone else

Live, smile. Happy Youth Day!

The youth are buzzing today,

Celebrating your holiday. Take a walk and you'll have a blast,

If you are young at heart.

May there always be desire

Develop and create

I wish to be happy

Smile and love...

Today is an international day

And all the words about youth,

Let's arrange the body and soul,

All the long-awaited fun!

Let's grab a beer, grab a barbecue,

Let's all go out into nature together,

I don't care about a gray, dull day,

In general, we don’t give a damn about the weather!

After all, the sun is in the soul this day,

It burns and warms with happiness,

Ah, the youth are sitting around,

And celebrate the holiday together!

I sincerely congratulate you on Youth Day,

Any of you can achieve bright successes,

Everything is ahead, great things await you,

Youth and strength have given you a huge chance.

May your dreams come true and your soul sing,

Let life distribute happiness with extra happiness,

We wish you joy, love, great strength,

After all, you have a sea of ​​prospects ahead.

You are a youth representative

This means you must know for sure:

Study and work later,

Today we will rest!

I want to achieve everything

To see various miracles,

To truly fall in love

And never lose heart!

You need to wake up your soul

It's time for you to wake up

Youth Day, brother, has come.

You need to wake up your soul,

A set table is already waiting for us.

I want to congratulate you in the morning,

You are the youngest of us.

I wish you a great holiday,

We'll drink to that now.

It will be great if you can come up with a cool message yourself. After all, it will be original, therefore it is considered more valuable and enjoyable.

Congratulations in prose

Well, how can you get by on this day without prose? Send messages to your near and dear people. They will also not forget about you, and will definitely send their congratulations.

Please accept my congratulations from the bottom of my heart, be happy, cheerful, and don’t be sad about your fate. Conquer all adversity with a smile on your lips, never hide love from everyone. Try to open your hearts more and more often, let youth flow through you. On this day we wish you success, a sea of ​​smiles and joyful faces. Happy Youth Day!

Youth Day is a great holiday that gives hope for a wonderful future. After all, youth has no boundaries, it cannot be destroyed or broken. Please accept our sincere congratulations on Youth Day today. Always remember that you are young at heart and always try to walk your life’s path with this tribe in your heart and a bright star!

Young, daring and enthusiastic people always strive to change something for the better in their lives. Dear youth, your trump card is youth, which can beat all cards and gives time to implement the most intricate ideas and plans in the future. We wish you frequent bonuses, long vacations and good salaries. Believe in yourself and Aunt Fortune will definitely smile at you.

Youth is our bright hope for a happy future! We wish you a happy holiday and have fun enjoying your younger years. May your life be a triumphal march towards progress, goodness and the maintenance of family values ​​that will help make the world a cleaner and more beautiful place. Go towards a happy future, but remember and respect the past!

The prose is very long, so it is not easy to send over the phone. In this case, use a postcard or messages on social networks.

Beautiful congratulations on Youth Day in verse

Almost all people like poetry. Therefore, you can congratulate young people and girls in this way. Below you can find suitable lines for your friends.

Happy Youth Day, girlfriend, hello!

We remember you, congratulate you and wait!

A bouquet is thrown through the walls of silence,

That grew in the garden under heavy rain.

Catch! Don't chase illusory happiness,

Eat what you have, take a walk, wonder!

The door will open with a non-pompous “Hello!”

There are so many paths! To choose from. Go!

Youth Day is everyone's day

After all, everyone was once young

Let us today, like children

Let's repeat all the pranks of the past

Everyone has the right to have fun

And age is just a matter of mental strength

Today we intend to forget

And again conquer the whole world.

A special day came in June

Youth Day is a reason for fun,

And to lift your spirits,

Let's read out congratulations.

Spring always lived in my soul,

And the rest would not be a hindrance.

On Youth Day I will not grumble

And to say that young people are not the same!

I sincerely want to congratulate you,

Let beauty bloom brighter.

And the doors will open before you,

So that you choose where to go.

Walk with your head held high

I wish you to find happiness and love!

Our youth day has come

International, fun and lively!

Let us congratulate each other for having hope

We are all for the country we are native.

The winds blow carelessly in my head,

One day we live and move mountains.

We are not afraid to speak the truth face to face.

Let this season last for years!

Let's congratulate each other and wish

Throughout the world there is peace, love and hope,

New discoveries, decent salaries,

Laws that protect us!

If you can compose poems yourself, then this will be one of the best gifts for a girlfriend, friend and people you know.

Short SMS messages on Youth Day

Almost every modern person has a telephone with the function of receiving SMS. Therefore, it is most convenient to congratulate a person using messages. He will immediately receive an SMS and will definitely reciprocate your feelings.

It's so easy to be young!

The window to life is open.

You still have everything ahead

And leave the bad behind...

Happy reliable day -



And I wish to be more beautiful

Every day for you!

Being young is not easy sometimes

And the old ones are frankly sad.

Happy Youth Day! Enjoy life

I wish you to comprehend art.

The heart takes off like an airplane

Emotions are overflowing!

Youth Day happens once a year!

Celebrate the holiday soon!

Youth Day is booming throughout the area,

Invite your friend to this holiday,

And have a blast with her to the fullest,

And you don’t have to tell your mom the details!

We are forever young with you,

We are not too lazy to be young,

Even after a hundred years we are like this,

Let's celebrate youth day!

Today the youth are resting,

And I decided to congratulate you, my friend,

May your day be a good one today,

There is where, there is something to do and there is a reason to celebrate!

How wonderful it is to be young!

Captivate with the beauty of soul and body.

Burn, dare, do wonders, create

Always, everywhere and without limit...

Well done, girls!

I hasten to congratulate you!

Take the sausage in oilcloths -

And march to the hut!

On Youth Day I wish you good luck.

And so that everything you want comes true!

Love, strong friendship and money to boot,

Success during the day and romance at night!

With these interesting SMS messages you can congratulate your friends in the morning.

Congratulations on Youth Day in pictures

On this day you can’t do without congratulatory pictures. Send images by phone, email, social networks and instant messengers. Please your loved ones.

This is such a simple but interesting image.

And girls will like this card.

Here's another option.

Cool congratulatory picture.

If you are proficient in computer programs for working with images, you can make a postcard yourself. Choose a suitable image and come up with a cool phrase. You can enter it even in the simplest graphics editor. So go for it.

And remember that alcohol is not sold on Youth Day. But you can perfectly celebrate the holiday without alcoholic drinks. In the evening, attend city events. Have a nice day young people!

Dear friends!

I sincerely congratulate the youth of the Kursk region, all workers in the field of youth policy on a wonderful holiday - Russian Youth Day!

It’s not for nothing that youth is called the best time of human life. You - ambitious, active, full of strength and energy, ready to create - can handle all difficulties, you just need to choose a worthy goal.

Youth policy in the Kursk region is aimed at creating conditions for self-realization of every boy or girl. This is facilitated, among other things, by such projects as the International camp of youth activists “Slavic Commonwealth”, festivals “Student Spring of the Nightingale Region”, “Youth of Russia”, “Serving Russia”, forums “Youth. The science. Innovation”, “You are an entrepreneur” and others.

Young Kurdish residents actively participate in international, all-Russian, interregional forums, contests, competitions... This year alone, 30 people became winners of a national competition of youth projects and received federal budget grants. At the Central Russian Economic Forum, young scientists presented more than 600 innovative developments over seven years, and it is important thatevery second project is implemented.

The “You Are an Entrepreneur” program is being successfully implemented in the region: enterprising young people who are able to make non-standard decisions and know how to take responsibility come into business. And it was young people who became the basis of the volunteer movement in the country.

The region’s 530 volunteer teams unite more than 15 thousand people. They help doctors, social workers, rescuers, firefighters, law enforcement officers, environmentalists, rush first to where free assistance is needed.

Youth is a time of bold dreams and bright achievements! Always strive for your cherished dream! Take action! Realize yourself! Go for it!

Happy holiday, Happy Youth Day!

And about. Governor of the Kursk region Alexander Zubarev

Dear boys and girls! Dear friends! Congratulations on Youth Day - a holiday of optimism and youth, confidence

and independence!

Youth, as a rule, is the brightest, most memorable period of every person’s life. This is the time when the carefree nature of youth goes hand in hand with responsibility for your future. Being young means maintaining an active lifestyle.

The range of issues that interest modern youth is diverse. Young people strive to gain knowledge and realize their potential.

The future of not only your native district and region, but also of our entire beloved Russia depends on you - today's schoolchildren and students, young professionals and researchers, engineers and workers, entrepreneurs and administrators, politicians and public figures.

Congratulating the boys and girls of the Medvensky district on the holiday, I sincerely hope that the sense of social justice inherent in modern young people, reckless entrepreneurship and healthy ambitions will give results that will benefit all of Russia. Let the example of the older generation, their experience and wisdom help you on the path to success in life. After all, it is up to you to continue the baton of good deeds for the benefit of people and your native country.

May you always have confidence in the future and the desire to never stop there, and let your energy, creativity and intelligence help you win more and more victories!

With deep respect, Head of Medvensky district V.V. Katunin

Dear friends! Boys and girls! I cordially congratulate you on the holiday - Youth Day!

Youth Day is a holiday for all of Russia, and youth is the brightest, most memorable period in the life of every person. This is the time of formation and determination of one’s own life path, a time of dreams and hopes, sincere love and daring achievements.

Many roads are open to you, there are conditions to get a decent education and fully realize your creative and professional potential. Yes, there are many difficulties along this path. And how hardworking and persistent each of you is in achieving your goals ultimately determines whether you can become a truly successful person. We have high hopes for you, young and energetic people, and we rely on your initiative, endurance, and devotion to your native land. We believe that each of you will be able to realize your abilities and talent. I wish you good health, optimism, inexhaustible energy, love and always self-confidence and good mood!

Sincerely, regional Duma deputy V.S. Kuznetsova

Dear friends! I sincerely congratulate you on Youth Day!

You, representatives of the younger generation, are the future of Russia. In five, ten, fifteen years, the responsibility for the fate of the country will fall on your shoulders. Therefore, your successes today mean the stability and prosperity of our state tomorrow.

Active citizenship, courage, determination, receptivity to everything new and progressive, striving for excellence, creative approach, characteristic of modern youth, have enormous creative potential. Today, our region and the country as a whole are faced with many important tasks, which cannot be solved without you: young, energetic, promising, ready to take responsibility, set goals and achieve them.

We are rightfully proud of the talented Kursk youth who actively participate in the social and political life of the region and the country, show high results in studies, scientific and creative activities, successfully engage in business, and win convincing victories at the most prestigious competitions, festivals and competitions.

I wish you to always remain enthusiasts and initiators, to successfully implement your wildest ideas. Dream, conquer new heights, set high goals and achieve them, study and work for the glory of our great Motherland! May you always have confidence in the future and the desire to never stop there!

Good luck on your life's journey! Let everything that is planned come true!

Happy holiday! Happy Youth Day!

State Duma Deputy Viktor Karamyshev

Dear residents of Kursk, boys and girls! Please accept the kindest and most heartfelt wishes from the Kursk Regional Duma on the Youth Day of Russia!

Youth are the most active part of society with a special worldview and the desire to make the world a better place. It is on you that hopes for the future of the region and the country rest. Schoolchildren, students, young scientists, entrepreneurs and specialists of various professions, you will have to increase the economic and intellectual potential of the Nightingale region, determining its development. Our youth actively participate in the life of the region, achieving significant results in all areas of activity. Thanks to you, the volunteer movement is developing, strengthening the ideals of mercy and charity in society.

Youth policy is one of the priority areas of work of the deputy corps. We welcome your dedication and initiative; various competitions and festivals are organized for you, programs are funded that provide social support for active and talented people. A Youth Chamber has been operating under the Kursk Regional Duma for many years, and a Council of Young Deputies has been created. This is not only a good school for future leaders and legislators, but also an open platform for discussing socially significant issues and initiatives.

I wish all young people to believe in themselves and not be afraid of difficulties. Let your dreams come true and conquer the steepest peaks!

Chairman of the Kursk Regional Duma N.I. Zherebilov

In Russia, Youth Day in 2018 is celebrated on June 27. It is celebrated by young citizens of the country. It is of particular importance for schoolchildren and students. In 2018, the holiday is held at the state level for the 26th time.

history of the holiday

The history of the celebration goes back to the times of the Soviet Union. By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR “On the establishment of Soviet Youth Day” dated February 7, 1958, Youth Day became an official holiday. It fell on the last Sunday in June.

After the collapse of the USSR, on the initiative of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Youth Affairs and the National Council of Youth and Children's Associations of Russia, President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin issued decree No. 459-rp of June 24, 1993, “On the celebration of Youth Day.” The document approved the date of celebration as June 27.

Traditions of celebrating Youth Day

On Youth Day, the country's political leaders deliver congratulations. Usually this is the president, sometimes the prime minister and heads of regions and cities.

Various cultural events are also held on the holiday. For example, in Naberezhnye Chelny in 2012, under the auspices of Youth Day, a modern dance festival was held. In Grozny and many other cities, festive concerts were held with the participation of both famous performers and beginning youth groups. Sports competitions are often timed to coincide with the holiday. In this way, city authorities are trying to promote a healthy lifestyle among young people.

Congratulations on Youth Day in verse:

While you are young life is easy -
Take this chance
From thoughts to build cities,
Take the advance in full.
Love and respect people
After all, we are all so similar,
Share your smile
On Cool Day - Youth!

You're lucky, you're a representative of the youth,
And youth seems to last forever!
On this holiday I still wish
You should always strive for good!
Help your elders and you will become the same
Aging is inevitable in our lives!
But if you leave youth in your soul -
You will be able to preserve your youth forever!

Today we'll have fun
And you should enjoy it.
Today is a youth holiday,
Plus, it's international.

And I hasten to congratulate you,
I ask all the youth and you too.
Today and always do not lose heart,
And don’t forget youth day.

But I will say at this hour,
I am writing congratulations for you.
So that you are always happy,
And they called you loved ones.

A special day came in June
Youth Day is a reason for fun,
And to lift your spirits,
Let's read out congratulations.
We wish today is a holiday
Added vigor and joyful laughter.
Spring always lived in my soul,
And the rest would not be a hindrance.

Being young is happiness.
Not only with body, but with soul.
May every day be crazy passions
They remind you and me
That you can stay young
And at thirty, forty, forty-five.
You shouldn't give in to the years
Don't doubt yourself
And we should get together
Celebrate Youth Day!

Congratulations on Youth Day in prose

Youth is healthy optimism and love. This is faith in the future, this is strength, courage and recklessness! This is a huge potential that can change a lot, and we need to help young people realize it and use it for the benefit of the whole society. Let's wish today's youth to find themselves. So that the meaning of life is not just to get comfortable, but so that young people set specific goals for themselves and achieve them! Let their life be bright, cheerful, full of events and adventures. But let them not forget that the history of their native land is written from their destinies, and its development in the future depends on them!

Congratulations on the Youth Day of Russia! I wish you never to lose your youthful taste for life. Be active, purposeful, and believe in success. Strive for your dreams, enjoy communication, emotions and new feelings. Have fun, develop and get maximum pleasure!

The most golden years of youth. After all, there are so many things ahead, so many peaks that you have planned to conquer. Today is Youth Day of Russia. I want to sincerely congratulate you all and wish you goodness and peace, joy and good luck. May the path you choose necessarily lead to happiness. May the Lord help you in all your endeavors. Love beautifully, work and study well, be the masters of your destiny. You are our support and hope. I wish you success and good luck in everything. May fortune always smile on you.

Youth Day is the most wonderful holiday. How many new discoveries and achievements you have ahead of you. Please accept my sincere congratulations and best wishes on this day. May hope, faith and love always accompany you. May notes of sadness never creep into your souls. Have fun, rejoice, because you are young. Always be energetic and confident. We wish you wonderful friends throughout your life. Let sorrows never disturb you, but only good luck awaits you ahead. Be optimistic in life.

Funny congratulations on Youth Day, short SMS

Happy Youth Day,
And from the bottom of my heart I wish my sister -
Appreciate your youth
These days pass quickly.

Live a beautiful, bright day,
Don't think about bad things at all.
I just want to prosper
And never lose heart!

On Youth Day
I want to wish,
Happiness - to the point of trembling,
Don't lose love.

Be positive
And bring joy
On a long journey
Find your dream!

How wonderful it is to be young!
Captivate with the beauty of soul and body.
Burn, dare, do wonders, create
Always, everywhere and without limit.

Always be forever young
I wish you this holiday.
Always love and be loved.
Happy Youth Day!

Young people on this holiday
Not only relatives congratulate
Children, elders, simple workers,
The governor and the president himself,

Everyone is preparing words of congratulations,
Everyone wishes goodness and love.
After all, the future of our land is
The work of the younger generation.

May life be sweet
Like the taste of soda
It’s easy to get tickets to success,
Fun and lively parties,
And fashionable trench coats, and sneakers with label...
Always remain different from everyone else
Live, smile. Happy Youth Day!

A fun day, a fun day,
The crowd celebrates together.
Not like others -
This is a celebration of youth!

Noise, fun, laughter, enthusiasm,
Life is like a fiery engine.
You won't find anything more carefree
Congratulations, young people!

To all the young and brave,
Active, awesome,
Happy Youth Day everyone!
May success await you all.

Live, enjoy
And achieve your goals.
Let there be no barriers
Let everyone be happy!

Youth is healthy optimism and love. This is faith in the future, this is strength, courage and recklessness! This is a huge potential that can change a lot, and we need to help young people realize it and use it for the benefit of the whole society. Let's wish today's youth to find themselves. So that the meaning of life is not just to get comfortable, but so that young people set specific goals for themselves and achieve them! Let their life be bright, cheerful, full of events and adventures. But let them not forget that the history of their native land is written from their destinies, and its development in the future depends on them!

Happy Youth Day,
Happy active holiday of fun!
Happy day of vigor, dawn of strength,
Stubbornness, will, inspiration.

Let the world around you be bright,
Let all doors open.
Good luck in your new endeavors!
May your dreams always come true!

Today young people are walking
And it can't be stopped.
Happy Youth Day,
I wish you to appreciate youth.

After all, this is golden time
When everything is still ahead,
Don't miss your opportunity
And boldly go towards your goals.

Don't worry about failures
They make us stronger.
Love, luck, achievements
And only loyal friends!

Youth Day is a holiday
Young in soul and heart.
Who leads a varied life,
Doesn't drown in everyday life.

Happy Youth Day
I am with you today.
And I wish you happiness and joy
Your nature is young.

I wish you bright adventures,
Fun, laughter and love,
And also plans to commit.
Take risks, fall in love and live!

On the holiday of youth
I wish you happiness
You can do anything in the world
It's in your power

Let success be beautiful
Will fly on wings
Happy at this moment
The fairy tale will come true!

Youth Day is celebrated
In Russia, even old people
Being young was not forbidden,
But somehow they didn’t take age into account.

After all, if you are young at heart,
Then you will pass as a youth,
And if you pick up girls,
You can easily pass face control.

But if you're eighteen,
And you're grumbling like an old man
Then you need to understand yourself,
You are a veteran at heart!

So come on while you're young
Let your blood flow
Let hunger awaken for fun,
And you will be forever young!

You are no longer children,
And far from adults.
I congratulate you on this holiday,
Let life be easy.

In the meantime, enjoy yourself to the fullest,
It will be your holiday - fly away!
So that you have something to remember,
When the pension comes.

Bright day - Youth Day -
The holiday is warm and fine.

If there is spring in your heart,
Then you believe in miracles.

Youth lives in the soul -
You are “still”, not “already”!

Celebrate, have fun, love,
Take care of your youth.

Young and old people
May life be joyful.

Today is the holiday of the young,
Laughter and singing everywhere.
You accept from the heart
All our congratulations.

Always follow your dreams
And smile at the sun
The future life is behind you,
Forward - and don't give up!

Youth Day is coming
And this is a holiday for those
In whose souls youth plays -
It doesn't matter how old you are.

After all, this often happens in life,
That the old man is dancing a rap,
And the boy in the corner sighs,
It's like he's a hundred years old.

So guys, don't get old
You, most importantly, are within yourself.
And quickly dispel your sadness,
And don't look at the years!

Sounds cool - “Youth Day”!
And our youth is in our hearts.
I congratulate you too
Let everything burn in your hands,
Let any matter be argued,
After all, our business is young -
Daring, creating, dreaming, making friends
And live brighter than anyone else in the world!

Don’t count the years, the main thing is youth in the soul. Congratulations on the Youth Day. I wish with my heart not to grow old, to live in full rhythm, an interesting, varied, meaningful life. Work, love, share your positivity and good mood, just be happy.

The youth are buzzing today,
Celebrating your holiday.
Take a walk and you'll have a blast,
If you are young at heart.

May there always be desire
Develop and create.
I wish to be happy
Smile and love.

You live while you're young
And the fire burns in the soul.
The age in the passport is not a reason,
Place pince-nez on your nose.

Beautiful day for youth
This is your holiday and mine.
I wish you prosperity
Live with a young soul.

Today is a bright holiday for you.
Youth Day - it's for you!
May you always remain beautiful
Stay cheerful forever.

Be only energetic in life,
So that there are always friends around you,
So that your life does not become ordinary.
Don't be sad, dear, never!

You are very young today
And a lot awaits you in the future.
You always live without being discouraged,
And then love will find you!

And today is a great holiday!
How have you not heard? Well, there you go.
After all, today celebrates
Our youth have their day.

I only wish you success.
So as not to be bored at home,
And this holiday is merry
You and your friends should celebrate.

So that everything in life is cool,
All tasks are “A” grade.
And any disputes in life,
Only a smile can decide.

Full of energy and strength, enthusiasm, inspiration,
Congratulations on Youth Day, and strong patience
We wish in life that the path along it does not seem difficult,
So that every plan you have for your future comes true,
So that wealth flows to you like a river, opening up opportunities,
Live comfortably and achieve everything your heart desires,
And on the holiday it is important to wish love, health and smiles,
May you have true friends and may you avoid mistakes!

Happy Youth Day!
Let youth follow on the heels
Brings endless joy
And gives faith in miracles.

Let it burn on the horizon
Dream with a magic light,
Love lives in any season,
And a white angel over your shoulder!

Let the young be dear everywhere,
There are a lot of great days.
Healthy strength and friendship to you,
Everyone chose the path themselves.
More relatives. Sometimes,
Or maybe more often, so that relatives
Helped you in your business
Excellent, skillfully done
Feel free to move towards the top.

Risk to invigorate, forcing you to go
Good luck and success on your long journey!

We are happy to congratulate those who are young!
He gave me a reason to call himself a great guy.
Here's to your victories that are on the way!
Yes, happiness, you will find good luck soon!
Beautiful sunrises to meet,
Or maybe spend the dawn.
It's easier in the world for lovers -
This is not for you to talk about.
Have a beautiful life!
Great job!
Let luck become habitual!

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