Black spots after sunbathing. Dark spots on the skin

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

Text: Evgenia Bagma

When we go on vacation to the seaside, we anticipate how we will return home rested, slim, and with a perfect bronze tan. But, alas, not all our expectations are destined to come true. One of the main troubles of vacation is... tanning spots. It remains to ask the well-known questions - who is to blame for the spotty tan and what to do?

Causes of tanning spots

Tan spots can leave a bitter aftertaste from the whole holiday. Moreover, the spots can be both dark and light, and there are always good reasons for their occurrence. Most people, when sunbathing, get an even tan - thanks to the hormone melanin produced in the body. But if its production fails, it can cause patchy tanning. If melanin is produced in excess, the spots will be dark; if, on the contrary, insufficient, the spots will be light.

The causes of the failure may be disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland, liver disease. In this case, you are strongly advised not to sunbathe until you have undergone appropriate treatment. The appearance of light spots can be caused by vitiligo, which, in fact, is not so much a disease as a signaling factor about problems in the functioning of organs. Vitiligo can even be caused by a disorder of the nervous system. If first peeling and itching occurs on areas of tanned skin, and then white spots appear, most likely the cause is tinea versicolor - the cells affected by this disease simply do not allow sunlight to pass through. The disease worsens in the sun, so until it is completely cured, it is better to stop any sunbathing. Taking hormonal and sedatives, antibiotics, as well as using perfume and low-quality sunscreen cosmetics can also contribute to the appearance of patchy tanning. A spot tan can also be a consequence of sunburn in cases where the rules for obtaining a healthy and even tan are not followed.

Prevention and treatment of tan spots

The main and main recommendation for spot tanning is to consult a doctor. First, see a dermatologist, but most likely you will also need to visit an endocrinologist and other doctors until the problem is found and you are prescribed a course of treatment. All other manipulations - salt baths, peelings, cosmetics - act only as an emergency aid in eliminating the effects of tanning spots, but do not cure the causes of its appearance. So, you can take hot baths using a hard washcloth - however, the resulting tan will go away along with the stains. You can also even out your skin color using exfoliating gels and scrubs. A beauty salon will help you get rid of tan spots, for example, using laser or phototherapy. As you can see, eliminating the consequences of tanning spots is more difficult than preventing it. Therefore, it is very important when getting a tan to follow the basic rules and recommendations - sunbathe only during the least solar activity (before 11 a.m. and after 4 p.m.), use sunscreen for the first 2-3 days, and all other days - tanning product with high sun protection factor. And finally, carefully monitor your health and promptly seek medical advice.

In fact, what should upset you is not so much the spotty tan itself, but the fact that there are good reasons for this. Be sure to consult a doctor if you have a similar problem, and only after complete recovery return to solar procedures.

There are times when small or large white spots appear on the skin after active exposure to the sun, while the rest of the skin has an even, beautiful tan. This skin reaction may be due to various reasons, but all of them are a consequence of impaired melanin production– a pigment that is responsible for coloring the iris of the eyes, hair and skin.

Why do they appear?

There are several reasons for the appearance of white spots on the skin after sunbathing:

What to do and how to deal with them

If after sunbathing you see white spots on your skin, then you cannot treat it yourself. It is necessary to consult a doctor, preferably a dermatologist, to identify the cause of their appearance. For example, the treatment of pityriasis versicolor is fundamentally different from the treatment of vitiligo, so only a doctor should prescribe a course of treatment.

If antifungal agents are used to treat the first disease, then to eliminate the consequences of the second disease a long course of treatment with immunomodulators is required.

In the case where white spots have formed from the use of a solarium, you can use simple home treatment methods using compresses:

  • from boiled rice;
  • pulp of white cabbage and cucumber;
  • mixtures of honey, boiled rice and turmeric;
  • parsley chopped in a blender.

Apply these compounds to white spots using a gauze bandage for 15-20 minutes.

Restrictions during treatment:

  • If you have pityriasis versicolor, then you should stick to the diet. Eliminate heavy and spicy foods from your diet, giving preference to vegetables, meat, fish and cereals.
  • Completely necessary avoid exposure to the sun.
  • Avoid visiting the solarium.

Video block on what to do if white spots appear on the skin

In this video block you will learn about the reasons for the appearance of white spots on the skin after tanning and how to remove them.

  • Video about why white spots appear on the skin

  • Video about what to do if small white spots appear on your skin after sunbathing

Pigmentation is the appearance of spots on the skin due to improper functioning of melanocyte cells. There are many negative factors why this phenomenon can occur, but the most common cause is exposure to sunlight. This is not a disease and does not pose a threat to human life and health, but many people experience psychological discomfort. In some cases, the question arises: are pigment spots removed after tanning?

Men and women are equally at risk of getting dark or white spots on their bodies instead of tanning. What is the reason for this reaction?

  • individual reaction of the body to climate change or exposure to the sun;
  • increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation;
  • improper use of sunscreens;
  • reaction to self-tanning;
  • allergy to sunscreen cosmetics.

More often, age spots appear from the sun in red-haired and fair-haired people. It is genetic and can appear in a child under 6 years of age. If dark areas are detected, it is necessary to reduce periods of exposure to the sun, replace sunscreens, and consult a cosmetologist or dermatologist.

If white spots appear, the cause should be sought in the following:

  • Tinea versicolor. You can become infected in common areas and solariums. The main symptom is the formation of small spots of irregular shape that tend to unite. The skin in this area itches and peels. Antifungal agents will help eliminate the disease.
  • Sunburn. Prolonged improper tanning causes a burn, in place of which a blister forms, followed by a further regeneration process.
  • Vitiligo. Dermatological complex disease. The body is covered with light spots that are not inflamed, not flaky or itchy. Treatment is carried out by a doctor, but is often aimed at maintaining the condition and preventing complications.

Whitening of the skin can be caused by scleroderma, medications, cheap cosmetics and some types of fungus. The main recommendation is to visit a dermatologist.

Can brown spots occur after tanning?

Dark spots are a common consequence of visiting a solarium. The reason may be due to the following factors:

  • Uneven tan. This phenomenon is observed with uneven distribution of sunscreen cosmetics, insufficient skin moisture, and poor cleansing of the surface from the stratum corneum. An important condition for a beautiful tan is proper preparation with regular scrubs and the use of moisturizing lotions, body and face creams.
  • Pigmentation. It is not surprising if your arm, back, shoulder, leg, neck, nose or lip are covered with freckles. Melanocytes, irritated by ultraviolet radiation, begin to actively produce melanin, causing improper coloration of the integument. You can get rid of them with the help of whitening masks, creams and special cosmetic procedures.
  • Melanoma. Tanning beds can trigger the growth of cancer cells, just like sunlight. The development of this pathology is unlikely, but still a certain percentage of the risk remains. It looks like a black or dark brown spot that appears on the joint area or next to a mole. Requires urgent consultation with a dermatologist or oncologist. Melanoma is considered the most dangerous and aggressive type of cancer, so it is important that a complete diagnosis is carried out, a biopsy is taken, and the doctor quickly makes the correct diagnosis.

The pigment may appear for the following reasons:

  • long-term use of antibiotics and hormonal contraceptives or other drugs;
  • pregnancy and childbirth;
  • problems with the functioning of the biliary tract, liver, and thyroid gland.

The appearance of a dark or light pigment spot on the face or body from the sun or solarium requires immediate action: refuse to visit the solarium and visit a medical facility.

Effective methods of disposal

Sun spots often occur on the face, as it is most exposed to ultraviolet radiation. Pigmentation covers exposed areas of the body. The dark pigment is removed, but you shouldn’t count on a quick victory. You have to pay for your careless attitude towards the skin through months of cosmetic procedures that gradually remove the top layer along with all the defects. To achieve maximum results, it is recommended to seek professional help from a cosmetologist and combine procedures with home care.

Whitening methods:

  • Laser. The beam selectively affects stained cells without affecting healthy tissue. A beam of light heats and destroys melanin. If the brown pigmented area is small, then getting rid of it can happen in 1-2 sessions.
  • Peeling. To effectively influence the top layer of the skin, malic, glycolic, trichloroacetic, citric, retinoic, and tartaric acid are used. Allows you to remove all defects on the skin, but a series of procedures is required. Peeling thins the skin, which reduces its protective properties, so it is not recommended to sunbathe during the course. In addition, a cream is prescribed that blocks the production of melanin and sunscreen lotion. Neglecting the recommendations provokes new sun spots on the face.
  • Liquid nitrogen. This product allows you to remove small stains in one session. If the area is large, treatment is carried out gradually to avoid scarring.

Home care consists of using masks and creams with a whitening effect. Each folk recipe requires preliminary testing for skin reactions.

Popular recipes for removing age spots on the face after sunbathing:

#1 Mix lemon juice and hydrogen peroxide in equal parts. Soak a piece of towel or gauze in the solution and apply it to your face. Remove after 15 minutes and wash with warm water. The compress will help whiten your skin if you apply it twice a week.

No. 2 Mix ground Hercules with finely ground coffee, 1 tbsp. l. each component. Add 5 ml. lemon or cranberry juice. Apply the mixture to the forehead, nose or other areas for 10 minutes and rub in using massaging movements. Rinse and lubricate your face with cream for your skin type. Scrub once a week.

You can combat skin defects with the help of specialized products. The most famous drug sold in pharmacies is Achromin. This is a medicinal cosmetic that helps to quickly cleanse the skin and restore its beautiful appearance and even tone. This is not a drug or medicine that anyone can buy without a doctor's prescription. It is enough to treat problem areas with it when leaving the house and before going to bed.

How to tan without age spots on your face

Often, sun pigmentation on the face is a sign of improper care for sensitive skin. If you do not want to get rid of sun marks, follow these recommendations:

  • Wear a hat or cap that covers your face.
  • Don't stay in the sun for a long time. Avoid exposure to active ultraviolet radiation. It is optimal to sunbathe in the morning or evening.
  • To avoid treating burns, first harden your skin in a solarium. It can be visited regularly all year round.
  • Apply barrier cream before going outside and after every swim.
  • Do not use perfumes and cosmetics containing alcohol and oils.

It is possible to get rid of pigment spots after sunbathing, but it takes a lot of work. Read each review carefully, study photos of the results in order to save yourself from mistakes and not waste time.

The summer holiday expected throughout the year can end quite badly. A trip to the sea will result in an uneven tan, which will take a very long time to fade and will upset you with its unaesthetic appearance.

We sometimes wonder why people differ in the color of their skin and the beauty of their tan. Have you noticed that for some people it is enough to spend half an hour in the sun for the skin not to tan, but to turn red, and subsequently get a sunburn on it? And someone spends the whole day in the sun without burning and getting an even tan to the envy of everyone.

This feature of the skin depends on the production of melanin in it - the pigment responsible for the color of the skin, hair and even the iris of the eyes. The amount of melanin depends on the genetic characteristics of the body, skin, diseases and, of course, on exposure to ultraviolet radiation. An increase in melanin production (that is, tanning) is nothing more than the body’s protective reaction to the aggressive ultraviolet rays of the sun.

Skin types and exposure to solar radiation

Skin is divided into six types based on color and degree of reaction to ultraviolet radiation.

Having determined your skin type, you can formulate the correct behavior when sunbathing so that your tan never disappoints with its unevenness:

  • First type. Albinos or snow-white skin. These people have white or red hair color and have freckles. They never tan because they burn quickly in the sun.
  • Second type. Very fair skin, has freckles. They can get sunburn if exposed to the sun for a short time. With the right sunbathing time, you get a very light tan.
  • Third type. A little darker than the second one. The tan is light brown. Sunburn can only be prevented by proper sunbathing time and protective cosmetics.
  • Fourth type. Olive skin is less susceptible to sunburn. This results in a moderate tan.
  • Fifth type. Dark skin, almost insensitive to sunlight. The tan is dark, beautiful and even. But don’t relax – sunburn can happen too.
  • Sixth type. Belongs to the Negroid race. The skin is black and does not burn.

Spots that appear on the skin after exposure to sunlight

Each person's skin reaction to ultraviolet radiation manifests itself individually:

Sunburn. Most often, people with very fair skin suffer from such consequences. Such skin indicates that melanin is produced by cells in insufficient quantities. And since it is a natural barrier to the penetration of ultraviolet rays into the body, its deficiency causes sunburn.

White spots. Indicate some dermatological diseases. They appear where pigmentation is impaired and melanin is not produced. When tanning, when healthy skin is darker due to melanin, these areas remain the same.

One of the diseases in which white spots appear after tanning is vitiligo. It consists in the fact that in certain areas of the skin, most often on the arms, shoulders and face, melanin is completely absent. It occurs at any age and is a consequence of trauma, stress, disruption of the endocrine and nervous systems, and taking certain medications. Complete relief from vitiligo is impossible until the cause of its occurrence is determined.

Tinea versicolor, which manifests itself when the immune system is weakened. Appears with high humidity or extreme heat. Cells affected by lichen do not transmit ultraviolet radiation. This means that there are no prerequisites for the production of melanin. It is treated by a dermatologist after diagnosis.

Dark spots. Focal excessive production of melanin by the body indicates a disease of the internal organs. Most often this is due to dysfunction of the thyroid gland and digestive organs. Some medications and contraceptives can also cause uneven tanning. Therefore, people with problems with internal organs should consult their doctor before active recreation in the sun. Dark spots sometimes appear from low-quality cosmetics, in places where perfume is applied.

Prevention and treatment of skin spots after sunbathing

People who tend to have uneven skin tans, spots or sunburn should not overuse sunbathing. For those with very white skin or albinos, they are not only contraindicated, but also harmful. Since these people are at risk for skin cancer.

People with fair skin should sunbathe only in the morning and evening, using cosmetics with an ultraviolet filter. But you shouldn’t hope too much that creams and ointments will completely save you from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. In addition, many people use them incorrectly. There are products that cover the skin with a protective film that does not allow harmful rays to pass through. But its duration of action is short and is indicated on the packaging.

Such products are applied to the skin before you decide to sunbathe. Other creams should be applied after sunbathing to prevent further exposure to the sun on the skin.

People with dark skin are best adapted to sunlight. They rarely burn and do not become covered with characteristic spots after tanning. Skin care products in their case include only moisturizers.

Treatment of pigmentation after sunburn depends on which of the above spots appear on the skin:

  1. For sunburn. It goes away on its own. It is advisable to stay out of the sun for some time and use a soothing after-sun cream or aloe juice. Doctors recommend ointments that contain panthenol. You can take a painkiller or antihistamine. If the skin is very damaged and blistered, you should consult a doctor immediately to rule out complications.
  2. For light spots. Vitiligo is a very complex disease and doctors today cannot restore the lost ability to pigment. There is only one way out - do not sunbathe so that the white marks do not appear so clearly. And follow all the dermatologist's recommendations. For tinea versicolor, if diagnosed by a dermatologist, you should take more sunbathing. White marks will remain for a long time, but in this case the main thing is to get rid of the disease.
  3. Dark spots will disappear along with your tan. You can speed up this procedure in beauty salons with microdermabrasion, peeling or laser resurfacing. At home, any whitening creams and herbs are suitable. But so that this does not happen again, and the next tan is even and beautiful, it is necessary to treat the internal organs.

It must be remembered that any type of pigmentation appears under the influence of sunlight. And therefore, in order to protect yourself from unpleasant aesthetic problems associated with uneven tanning, it is enough to avoid exposure to the sun without a high ultraviolet filter, wear hats with brims, and cover your shoulders and arms with clothes.

Have you ever experienced spots on your skin after sunbathing? How did they manifest themselves and how did you get rid of them? Share your experience with us by leaving a comment on the page.

White spots often appear on the skin after sunbathing. There are several reasons for this. Fungus, burns, effects of medications, pregnancy. Causes: liver and kidney diseases, vitiligo, infections. Often, poor nutrition affects the appearance of white spots.

If you are constantly bothered by this problem, consult your doctor. They usually appear on the neck, legs, arms and head. Sometimes they appear on the chest. In this case, consult a dermatologist. He will prescribe treatment. If you are healthy, you can get rid of stains with scrubs, whitening masks and proper nutrition.

Pharmaceutical medicines: iclen, bark, bronzeada, evinal, optimals, expert concentrate. Do not use ointments or other medications unless directed by your doctor. To ensure a safe tan, do not go outside in the heat of the day and cover your head. Use creams that protect the skin from direct ultraviolet rays.

Proper nutrition also plays a key role in this case. Read more about the causes of white spots and treatment below.

What are these white pigment spots that appear on the skin after sunbathing?

When the skin is exposed to direct ultraviolet rays for a long time, white or light-colored pigment spots may appear.

Pigmented white (light) spots on the skin after tanning appear both from frequent visits to the solarium and after a regular beach.

If pigmentation appears after sunbathing, this may indicate that the person has:

  • Development of fungal infection.
  • Sunburn.
  • The effect of medications.
  • The skin's response to cosmetic procedures.
  • Applying strong pressure.
  • Pregnancy.

When choosing an effective method of control, you first need to determine the true cause of pigmentation.

Since it will be very difficult to understand a medical issue on your own without the appropriate education, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

If white pigment spots appear on the skin while tanning, you should immediately consult a doctor!

For example, if spots appear due to fungus, the doctor will prescribe antifungal medications. If pigmentation appears as a residual phenomenon after a sunburn, then aloe or seaweed will help the skin recover.

When the skin receives mechanical damage, it is allowed to treat it with vitamins A and E as a supplement.

Since light (white) pigment spots on the skin can appear after tanning due to prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays on the skin, each person is recommended to follow several common rules:

  • Do not spend more than half an hour in an open sunny area.
  • Use a high degree of protection. This can be either a special cream or milk.
  • Drink as much fluid as possible, maintaining normal water balance.
  • Control your diet.
  • Periodically carry out moisturizing procedures for the skin.

To accurately understand what white pigment spots look like after tanning, here are a few photographs as examples:


Doctors believe that skin depigmentation is associated with two main diseases. They differ in their symptoms and manifestations.

White spots on the skin are a possible manifestation of “solar fungus”. Doctors diagnose pityriasis versicolor. This disease is caused by a special fungus that is widespread in countries with hot climates. Transmission of the fungus occurs only through direct contact with a sick person.

People at risk are those who have:

  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Pregnant women.
  • Oncology.
  • Tuberculosis.

A characteristic symptom of pityriasis versicolor is the appearance of patterns of different colors on the body, from white to light brown.

Mostly white spots are found on certain areas of the body:

  • Breasts.
  • Hands.
  • Head.

First, miniature white spots appear. They begin to gradually increase in size. This occurs due to the entry of the main pathogen into the cells. The harmful fungus suppresses the activity of melanocytes, reducing the production of melanin.


Excessive dryness of the skin with a clear localization of the problem is never associated with pathological changes in the body. Most often, dry spots appear due to a lack of vitamins in the body, prolonged exposure to the sun, as an allergic reaction or “response” of the skin to the wind, or low air temperatures.

The only thing doctors recommend paying attention to when light, dry spots appear regularly is the health of the gastrointestinal tract. Such a symptom may indicate constipation, inflammation of the gastric mucosa, insufficient bile production and other disorders.

Small white spots

Even the slightest change in the color of some parts of the body should alert you. If small white spots are found after sunbathing, then this is one of the symptoms of pityriasis mycosis.

The spots can be located throughout the body: on the torso, limbs, face. The main sign of mycosis is the uneven surface of the lesion, this emphasizes the fungal nature of the pigmentation change.

The disease is characterized not only by the destruction of melanin in cells, but also by inflammation of the lymph nodes and ducts. Areas of skin whose layers are damaged by fungal diseases are characterized by clear, limited shapes.

In very rare cases they overlap each other. During the cold season, these spots turn brown and may peel off. Often, with existing lichen, people complain of itching.

Causes of white spots after sunbathing

White spots on the skin can appear on any part of the body. Mostly, exposed areas of the body exposed to solar or artificial ultraviolet radiation are affected - arms, face, shoulders.

Also, in some cases, white spots may appear on the stomach and other parts of the body. White spots can be minor or extensive, with varying frequencies and sizes.

The mechanism for the appearance of white spots is due to insufficient production of melanin, the coloring pigment responsible for the color of the skin, hair, and retina of the eyes. Melanin is considered an integral part of the body's immune system and helps protect it from malignant degeneration of cells, from the ionizing and toxic effects of ultraviolet or other visible radiation. Melanin neutralizes the action of free radicals in the skin, blocks the biochemical processes of carcinogens and radionuclides.

Melanin is also found in internal organs. There is both a lack of melanin synthesis and an excess of it. The most obvious example of a disorder in melanin synthesis is albinism. The level of melanin content in cells and tissues and the depth of their location determines the color of the skin, eyes and hair.

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The reasons for insufficient melanin production and, as a result, the appearance of white spots on the skin can be:

  • hormonal disorders and the presence of endocrine diseases - problems with the endocrine system contribute to disruption of melanin synthesis.
  • genetic pathology or predisposition - there are genetic diseases associated with a lack of melanin. With pale skin color, pigmentation may be invisible or not pronounced, but under the influence of ultraviolet radiation it becomes obvious.
  • taking certain medications and hormonal drugs - many drugs provoke a decrease in the level of melanin or its uneven amount. These may be antibiotics, contraceptives, diabetic medications and others.
  • diseases of the liver, adrenal glands and kidneys - the work of internal organs also plays a role in the condition of the skin, the level of pigmentation and the amount of melanin;
  • fungal skin lesions - the most popular in the appearance of white spots are the yeast fungi of pityriasis versicolor (tinea versicolor). These fungi affect the upper layers of the dermis, actively multiplying and interfering with the normal production of melanin. Many factors contribute to the occurrence of lichen - a humid climate, increased sweating, decreased immunity. Tinea versicolor is considered a conditionally contagious disease.
  • Nervous stress and depressive states - disruptions in the nervous system affect a decrease in the body’s immunity and defense mechanisms, expressed in the condition of the hair and skin.
  • Vitiligo is a disease in which white spots appear on the hands and face, sometimes on the knees and forearms, and elbows. The causes of vitiligo are still not clear. It is only known that the immune system is capable of destroying melanocytes - cells that produce and contain melanin - in the epidermis in some areas of the skin. There is a hereditary predisposition to vitiligo. White spots on the skin are especially noticeable when exposed to sunlight. They can have different sizes and merge from several into one spot. Appear and disappear suddenly.
  • Poikiloderma Sivvat is a skin disease classified as atrophic. Poikiloderma causes skin lesions in the form of white spots, accompanied by patchy pigmentation and a rash. The result looks like a mesh-like skin lesion. It usually appears on the neck and chest. Poikiloderma is also little studied and the reasons for its occurrence are not clear. Treatment comes down to prevention and elimination of external manifestations on the skin.
  • infectious diseases - syphilis, leprosy, etc. Infectious diseases reduce general immunity and reduce the protective functions of the body. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation in combination with taking medications during treatment, white spots - leukoderma - become noticeable. When cured of syphilis or leprosy, depigmentation disappears.
  • sunburn - can occur from the aggressive influence of ultraviolet radiation due to improper tanning or exposure to the sun without skin protection. Sunburn manifests itself in the form of redness and blisters, which, during the process of skin regeneration, leave behind white spots. Burns also occur when solar cosmetics are applied incorrectly or unevenly - tanning creams and lotions, anti-tanning products.
  • the presence of scars and keloid scars - as a result of exposure to ultraviolet radiation, all skin can have an even tan, excluding areas with scars and scars. They remain white. This is due to the structure of the scarred tissue and the low level of melanin in these areas.

In addition, disturbances in melanin production can be caused by a lack of vitamins and microelements and the presence of chronic diseases.

Taking medications

Some medications increase the skin's sensitivity to UV rays (photosensitization), making it virtually defenseless to their aggressive effects. The most common drugs that increase sensitivity are antibiotics (sulfonamides, tetracyclines, etc.), contraceptives.

These medications prevent an even tan, so white spots may appear on the skin after tanning; when exposed to light, the skin may become red and blistered, so you should stay away from the sun while taking it.

Hormonal imbalances

Problems with the thyroid gland can cause spots on the body. Therefore, prolonged exposure to the sun is contraindicated for women during pregnancy and menstrual periods.

Prolonged pressure on areas of the body

The appearance of white spots on the skin after sunbathing can be caused by staying in the same position for a long time while sunbathing. As a result of pressure on certain areas of the body, blood flow in their area decreases and white spots appear. They can be prevented by frequent changes of position and massage of these areas.

Skin pigmentation

The cause of uneven tanning may be genetic characteristics that lead to the fact that melanin production does not occur in some areas of the skin, which is why white spots appear on the skin after tanning.

This condition is called idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis. If you have this condition, do not forget that exposure to the sun can make the spots even more noticeable. This condition, unfortunately, has no cure.

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The use of certain medications leads to increased sensitivity and vulnerability of the skin to ultraviolet radiation. The most common medications that cause changes in the skin are birth control pills and antibiotics.

These medications interfere with your tan's uniformity, causing your tan to appear patchy. This phenomenon is called photosensitivity of the skin.

If you cannot avoid exposure to the sun, you should notify your doctor about this and consult about taking certain medications that may have side effects.


White spots on the skin after sunbathing can be the result of fungal diseases. Such ailments lead to the fact that ultraviolet rays do not reach some areas of the skin, and the tan turns out to be uneven.

The development of non-contagious forms of the fungus is caused by increased sweating with constant exposure to heat, as a result of which white spots appear on the skin after sunbathing. A specialist will tell you how to treat this disease.

Lichen Gibera or pityriasis rosea

White spots on the skin are a dermatological disease caused by a virus. Pityriasis rosea mainly affects women. It affects children under 14 years of age, as well as adults under 40 years of age.

The main causes of lichen Zhibera are:

  • Hypothermia.
  • Overheat.
  • Infection.
  • Allergy.
  • Avitaminosis.
  • Weakening of the immune system.
  • Insect bites.
  • Stress.

The characteristic symptoms of the appearance of pityriasis rosea are spots:

  • On the chest.
  • Back.

The white spots turn into a figure similar to a Christmas tree. They begin to peel off, the spots have a clear border.

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A post shared by NUTRITIOLOGIST about VITILIGO and AIZ 🐻(@olechka.solnechnaya) on Sep 28, 2018 at 1:33am PDT

Various medications are used to treat areas of skin covered with pityriasis rosea:

  • Severe itching - prednisolone ointment is used.
  • Antipruritic drugs - histane.
  • Dermatotropic drugs - cindol.

To solve the problem, you need to eat right. For lichen Zhiber, a diet that closely resembles an allergic diet is prescribed.

It is necessary to exclude:

  • Citrus.
  • Eggs.
  • Alcohol.
  • Nuts.
  • Chocolate.
  • Spicy food.

Infectious leucoderma

Lichen alba

Flaky spots with unclear contours. It is typical mainly for children and appears in the cheeks, shoulders and lateral thighs. Appears in the summer (mainly after sunbathing). After some time they disappear on their own.

Treatment: The spots themselves do not need treatment, you need to treat the skin disease that caused the lichen. You need to wash with warm (not hot) water without soap, use moisturizers, Pimecrolimus (Elidel), Taclolimus (Protopic) or Calcitriol ointments.

Versicolor/pityriasis versicolor

The disease is caused by fungal infections. The enzymes they produce lead to the cessation of melanin production and damage to the skin. Initially, the spots are pink. Then gradually the skin begins to peel off and lose color.

Spots appear mainly on the shoulders, chest, upper back, and head (under the hair). The disease is accompanied by itching, but can sometimes be asymptomatic.

It is a chronic infectious disease caused by the microbacteria Mycobacterium leprae and Mycobacterium lepromatosis. The first sign of the disease is white or dark spots with loss of skin sensitivity.

Treatment: includes specific anti-leprosy drugs, stimulating drugs (vitamins, immunoglobulins, immunomodulators).

It is a serious infectious disease. Transmitted sexually. When illuminated from the side, small white spots (no more than a centimeter) located on the neck, back and torso, arms and lower back, and stomach are clearly visible.

This is the main symptom of secondary syphilis. The spots do not cause physical discomfort and may remain for several years.

Treatment: It is necessary to treat the disease itself by a venereologist using antibiotics (“Doxycycline”, “Penicillin G”, “Erythromycin”, “Ceftriaxone”), immunomodulators (“Pyrogenal”, “Dekaris”, Activin”), restorative and physiotherapeutic procedures (inductothermy, magnetic therapy, laser therapy). There is no point in trying to cure the spots themselves.

Lichen alba

Another common disease is pityriasis or pityriasis alba. The first symptoms are represented by the appearance of round spots of pale pink color on the face, neck and hands. In the early stages, the spots are convex, but soon they become flat and white in color.

In the summer, the defect is especially noticeable, and especially against the background of tanned skin. When winter comes, the spots begin to peel off, and then the patient experiences unbearable itching and an inflammatory reaction.

The pathology especially often attacks children and adolescents, and the maximum distribution is present in areas with a warm and humid climate.

To return natural pigmentation to the skin after pityriasis, you should undergo a therapeutic course for several months, using ointments with a low content of steroid components, as well as a number of drugs based on pimecrolimus.


Idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis is a disease in which small spots, up to five millimeters, form. They appear in open areas exposed to sunlight. It happens that in these places the skin peels off.

The reason for the appearance of such symptoms is unknown, but characteristic signs of the sick have been noted:

  • female gender;
  • light skin tone;
  • age over 40 years;
  • genetic predisposition.

In adults, the appearance of white spots on the skin occurs after sunbathing, while in children, hypomelanosis appears at an early age, especially after a serious infection. How this condition develops has not yet been explained. But children with it often lag behind in development and suffer from nervous disorders.

Poikiloderma Siwatt

A sign of this condition, which is not considered a disease, are white spots on the skin after sunbathing. Treatment consists only of using special tanning products. The spots appear only in the neck and chest area.

Most often found in people with fair skin. Sunbathing is not recommended until the skin is cleared.

This disease is very common, its essence is a pigmentation disorder. Most often, this trouble overtakes women and young people. Vitiligo is not life-threatening, but it greatly spoils the appearance. Whitish spots first appear below the knees, on the elbows and hands, and then merge into one large spot.

There are never any spots on the feet and palms with such an illness. Most often, vitiligo is a consequence of the underlying disease, so it needs to be found and eliminated.

Troubleshooting methods for this problem:

  • drug Melagenin Plus;
  • photochemotherapy;
  • skin grafting and laser.


A disease with this name can lead to the complete death of melanin in the skin. Pathology occurs due to frequent contact of the skin with chemicals, for example, during experiments in the laboratory or long-term use of medications.

Also, leukoderma is one of the signs of secondary syphilis. Small oval white spots spread over the neck, chest, abdomen, back and lower back. You can get rid of them only by eliminating the irritant or intensive treatment of syphilis.

This lesion is caused by saprophytic fungi located in places where sebaceous glands accumulate on the human body. It is impossible to get it from other people. This kind of lichen often bothers people with:

  • increased sweating;
  • weakened immune system;
  • genetic susceptibility to fungal infections;
  • chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  • endocrine diseases.

Also, the fungus that lives in the body of every healthy person is activated under the influence of:

  • corticosteroid drugs;
  • ionizing radiation;
  • solar radiation.

With such lichen after sunbathing, small white spots with clear boundaries are noticeable on the skin. They cover the neck, shoulders, back, chest and armpits. This phenomenon will quickly stop ruining your life if you use antifungal shampoos and soaps, Clotrimazole, Lamisil ointments.


When visiting a horizontal solarium, you should also not forget about precautions. For example, white spots on the skin (on a tan) can occur if you rarely change your body position during the procedure. Blood flow to the area of ​​the body that is exposed to more radiation is significantly reduced. The skin in the pelvic area and elbows is more susceptible to this.

White spots not associated with diseases

However, there are three more reasons that are not related to disease:

  • activity of the sweat glands, which accelerates the process of fungal proliferation on the surface of the body. To prevent spots from appearing as a result, it is enough to keep the skin dry;
  • taking certain medications can also cause uneven tanning, as the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation increases;
  • Pinpoint pressure is a particularly common cause of white spots in tanning bed users. This is due to the fact that the greatest pressure is exerted on those parts of the body that are adjacent to the walls of the cabin. To avoid this problem, you need to move during the procedure.

Other reasons

The safest cause of white spots is a violation of skin pigmentation due to an unbalanced diet. This occurs due to a lack of calcium and vitamins D, E. This situation will be corrected by the introduction of products containing the missing substances. You can use dietary supplements, vitamin and mineral complexes.

Quite often, the manifestations in question are the consequences of resolution of the rash. This can happen when recovering from dermatological problems. For example, after a rash with pink lichen of Zhiber, lightened areas remain that go away on their own.

Other systemic diseases can cause this symptom. They have their own pronounced manifestations, in which there is no question about why white spots appear on the skin. These are lupus erythematosus, psoriasis, partial albinism, tuberculous sclerosis and others.

Fighting white spots

Those who have encountered this problem are interested in how to treat white spots on the skin after sunbathing. So, if you do develop white, non-tanning spots on your skin, then in order to effectively combat them, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

It is he who will be able to find out the reason why the tan is patchy and prescribe a treatment regimen, which may differ for each specific case.

If you turn off the presence of diseases and pathological processes, you can try to remove white spots on the skin after a tanning bed or exposure to the sun using the following methods:

  1. Regular washing, it is best to use a hard washcloth, this will remove the surface layer of the epidermis.
  2. Using a scrub for peeling will make the skin color more even.
  3. Seek help from a professional cosmetologist who will help you get rid of the problem through peeling, masks, and laser therapy.
  4. Use masks with a whitening effect; they can also be homemade. These are masks made from a combination of fruits and honey, kefir, and grated potatoes. A cucumber mask and one made with parsley and dill are also excellent for whitening the skin.
  5. In the presence of pain, it is recommended to use decoctions of chamomile and oak bark.
  6. Particular attention should be paid to your diet. You need to increase the amount of vegetables and fruits, herbs and foods with a large number of vitamins B, A, E. You need to drink a lot of liquid, water and natural fruit juices are best.

Please note that nowadays you can also find dietary supplements that stimulate melanin production. However, before you get rid of white spots on the body by taking them, you must consult with a qualified doctor in order to avoid unwanted reactions.

After all, independent treatment may not only not bring positive changes, but also cause complications.

Now you have some information about why white spots appear on the skin after sunbathing and what you need to do about it. Treat your body and body with attention, listen to it, its signals and always be healthy, because this is the most valuable gift given to man by nature.

Which doctor should I contact?

Any problems with the skin are treated by a dermatologist - you should turn to him for help if spots of various types appear. A specialist can make a diagnosis already at the patient’s first appointment, but it will be preliminary. Only after a complete examination will the doctor be able to find the true cause of the problem and select effective treatment.

As part of the diagnosis, the following is prescribed:

  • dermatoscopy - visually examine skin lesions using a special instrument;
  • laboratory examination of fragments of the epidermis from the spot (scraping is performed);
  • blood test - an inflammatory process in the body that occurs secretly may be detected;
  • bacteriological examination to identify pathogenic/disease-causing microorganisms.

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At the initial stage, it is important to differentiate guttate hypomelanosis with manifestations of fungal and other manifestations of pyoderma and leukopenia and vitiligo.

It is important to know the main signs of guttate hypomelanosis:

  • clear boundaries;
  • the first lesions appear in tanned areas;
  • spots do not increase to more than 10 mm in diameter;
  • the spots have a regular round shape;
  • localized mainly on the shoulders and legs;
  • hairs on the affected areas do not lose pigmentation;
  • the spots do not cause discomfort;
  • have a porcelain tint.

Treatment of age spots on the face from the sun

Directions of therapy are classified according to the causes and mechanisms of occurrence. The following methods exist:

  • Mesotherapy and phonophoresis. Subcutaneous injection methods. To remove freckles, the patient is injected with vitamin complexes and hormonal drugs under the skin.
  • Cryopilling, acid and chemical peeling, laser resurfacing. These are all exfoliating treatments that will help lighten sun marks.
  • Phototherapy. A method of treatment that is carried out in a course to achieve a long-term effect.

To remove visible pigments that appear in the sun, it is worth using medications for external use. So-called conservative methods of therapy. Among them:

  • Ointments containing vitamin E, kojic acid, plant extracts. Such creams inhibit the action of tyrosine, thereby preventing the appearance of brown spots.
  • Acid peels, it is advisable to choose salicylic, ascorbic or lactic acid in the composition.
  • Whitening masks. They contain white clay and an acidic component.

Pharmacy drugs

The list of the most effective pharmaceutical and industrial preparations for getting rid of pigmentation after sunburn is presented by the following means:

  1. "Iklen." Cream, the basic components of which are vitamin C and rucinol. Quickly and effectively eliminates the symptoms of dyschromia. Recommended for use by persons over 20 years of age.
  2. "Bark". A drug that actively fights various manifestations of pigmentation, including freckles or spots that appear on the face from the sun. The main components of the cream are essential oils, lemon, licorice, water, etc.
  3. "Green tea". A popular Chinese cream with an affordable price. Saturates the skin, brightens and nourishes it. An additional bonus is blocking the synthesis of melanocytes and protecting the skin from excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  4. "Bronzeada" by Lybriderm. This popular cream not only fights existing pigmentation, but also performs a barrier function, protecting the skin from excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  5. "Evinal." A product created specifically to combat pigments. Moisturizes, rejuvenates and nourishes the skin, eliminating discoloration.
  6. Preparations of the ZO Medical series. The line of products was created specifically to improve the condition of skin areas that have undergone hyperpigmentation. Each line includes several products, including various lotions and creams.
  7. "Optimals" from Oriflame. Day and night creams from a leading cosmetics company are designed to eliminate skin imperfections. The compositions perfectly care for the dermis, giving it radiance and improving its appearance.
  8. "Perfect Tone day" from Avon. Helps eliminate pigmented areas, evens out skin tone, making it well-groomed and radiant.
  9. "Concentrate Expert" from Faberlic. A product created specifically to solve skin color problems. The cream helps get rid of age spots and brighten the skin.
  10. "Vichy" cream for pigmentation. Helps eliminate the most pronounced spots caused by exposure to sunlight. Under the influence of this composition, even the most uneven skin tone is smoothed.

Important! Before using cosmetic preparations for pigmentation, it is important to consider a few tips for their application:

  1. Before using any product, it is recommended to obtain prior approval from a dermatologist.
  2. Immediately before applying the composition, you should test it on the crook of your elbow to rule out the possibility of an allergic reaction.
  3. Study the abstract carefully.
  4. The most relevant periods of treatment are autumn and winter - at this time solar activity is minimal.
  5. Any product is applied exclusively to cleansed facial skin.
  6. The product should be distributed pointwise and evenly, applying it to problem areas
  7. Avoid contact of the composition with the surface of mucous membranes and the eye area.
  8. You cannot use several products of the same spectrum of action at once.

Treatment with traditional methods

You can also remove sun spots on the skin using traditional medicine. How to get rid of them at home? Before use, check if you are allergic to the components of the mask or lotion on a small area of ​​skin, and then just proceed with the procedure itself.

Here are the most popular ways to get rid of sun spots on the skin. Pigmentation should be treated by regularly using these products, approximately 2-3 times a week.

  1. You can remove age spots from tanning by using decoctions of the following herbs instead of skin lotion: chamomile, calendula or oak bark. You can add a little mint to them, which refreshes the skin quite well.
  2. To remove age spots after tanning in a short time, you can use fruit peeling: take 3 tablespoons of pineapple juice, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and a spoon of honey. Use only on problem areas, wipe them 1-2 times a day and wash off after 10 minutes.
  3. Combine 2 tablespoons of chopped parsley with a tablespoon of sour cream and mix. Use as a mask daily, rinse off after 15 minutes. This method can remove age spots from the sun in about a month.
  4. A quick way to remove pigment spots after sunbathing is a mask of grated cucumber, which can be left on the pigmented area for 30 minutes. For greater effect, you can add a tablespoon of honey and 5 drops of lemon juice to this mask.
  5. To remove pigment spots from the sun and additionally moisturize the skin, you need to freeze herbal decoctions with the addition of a few drops of lemon juice and rub the pigments with them as a lotion in the morning and evening.
  6. Also, to remove pigment spots after sunbathing, you can apply sour cream or kefir to the spots two to three times a day. After a few sessions they will become noticeably lighter.
  7. Light spots on the skin after tanning can appear as a result of pityriasis versicolor and other skin diseases, in which case treatment should be aimed at suppressing the activity of microorganisms on the surface of the skin.
  • to prepare the product, chop the parsley, mix it with any of the presented components and apply to the face;
  • hold the mask for no more than 20 minutes once a day, the cycle is 7 days with a break for the same period.
  • An excellent remedy for sun spots is cucumber, which is used to make lotions and masks.

    In order to prepare the latter, you need to take a fresh cucumber and grind it until mushy using a fine grater. After this, any of the nourishing creams are added to the resulting mass. The composition must be applied and left on the skin for 15–20 minutes, and then rinsed off with cool water.

    Getting rid of age spots on the face is done using citrus juice, preferably lemon. It is recommended to apply freshly squeezed juice to the neck and face every day, and to reduce acidity and concentration you need to dilute it with water in a proportion of 3-4 tbsp. l. for 150 ml of water.

    Another way is to remove age spots on the arms, legs and back using masks made from fresh berries. We are talking about strawberries, raspberries, strawberries and even black currants.

    To use such a mask, fruits are ground to a paste. You should also squeeze out the juice, leaving only a small amount and apply it to any problem area. To increase the effect, it is advisable not to use this remedy often; a week after week algorithm will be the most acceptable.

    Pigment spots that appear from exposure to sunlight are an aesthetically unpleasant phenomenon. In addition, the painted areas begin to increase over time. In order to avoid this, you should visit a cosmetologist and do not forget about using the products presented above.

    Prevention of formations

    • You cannot sunbathe on the beach or be exposed to open sunlight during rush hour, that is, from 12 to 3 pm. The best time is in the morning before 11 and in the afternoon from 4.
    • If you have to go outside in the heat of the moment, you should always apply sunscreen with a high SPF.
      Moreover, it should be applied to the entire body and face, even to those areas that will be hidden by clothing. The fabric does not block all types of UV rays.
    • In summer it is necessary to cover your head with a hat. This will help protect against overheating and sunstroke, as well as prevent sunburn on your face and neck.
    • Moles should be covered with special stickers, especially while sunbathing on the beach. You can find them in tanning stores.
    • The diet should be varied with fruits and vegetables containing vitamins A, B, C, E.
    • If spots appear that are slightly darker than the natural skin tone, you should immediately consult a doctor. This may be evidence of a disease. Timely prescribed therapy will help avoid long procedures for removing pigmentation.

    High-quality cosmetics

    Here we are talking, first of all, about sunscreen cosmetics. Our skin certainly needs it, since the sun's rays are sometimes too aggressive. Use high-quality products that you have already repeatedly tested on yourself; the protection factor should be high.

    The same applies to cosmetics for solariums, but they must be specialized (specifically for artificial tanning).

    Don’t forget about after-sun cosmetics - they will moisturize your skin well and help it recover faster.

    A post shared by VITILIGO( on May 16, 2019 at 2:39am PDT

    Safe tanning

    You need to tan properly - only then will it be possible to achieve the ideal color and uniform coverage of pigment throughout the body. If you ignore the general rules of tanning, you risk getting burned, the skin will begin to peel off, and then nothing will save you from the stains until the top layer comes off completely.

    Is it possible to remove pigmentation after solarium?

    If pigment spots appear after tanning, you should immediately consult a doctor and stop visiting the solarium.

    To remove existing pigments, you can use the following means:

    • Masks or creams with a whitening effect - their action is based on acids that can cause skin irritation. Therefore, before use, you should apply a small amount of cream on your wrist and wait for a day - if an allergic reaction does not occur, the cream can be used;
    • Using folk recipes - folk remedies are most often based on herbal ingredients, which are quite safe. To lighten spots, you can wipe the skin 1-2 times a day with sour fruit juice, parsley or kefir, leave for 10-15 minutes as a mask, and then rinse off;
    • On the recommendation of a dermatologist, you can undergo laser treatment, cryo or phototherapy - sun spots on the skin will go away faster.

    If the child has a problem

    White spots on the skin (on a tan) can also occur in a child. The reason for this may be excessive tanning, the appearance of tinea versicolor, or vitiligo. This phenomenon can also occur as a result of a childhood disease such as hypomelanosis; the disease is quite rare.

    It is usually preceded by severe infectious diseases that affect the nervous system and cause developmental delays in the child. Therapy consists of the use of medications and cosmetic procedures.

    In addition, white spots on the skin (on tanning) in children, as well as adults, can occur if the rules of sun exposure are not followed. In some cases, this phenomenon can be triggered by uneven distribution of sunscreen on the skin; spots may appear on those areas of the skin where there was too much cosmetic product.

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