Christmas conspiracies. Christmas fortune-telling, rites and rituals Conspiracies and spells for Christmas

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

Christmas days are filled with warmth, imbued with the energy of goodness and light. Conspiracies created on Christmas night have a powerful force that can change a person’s life for the better. Let us share with you what signs and rituals there are for Christmas.

Christmas is one of the main twelve church holidays. For Christians, this is a special time when all life on Earth welcomes the appearance of the Savior. Millions of people are waiting for the first star to rise into the sky, symbolizing the beginning of festive celebrations and the end of the Nativity fast. This is a warm holiday that should be spent with loved ones. If it is not possible to visit the temple, then the priests advise lighting a candle at home and placing it on the window. With its light it will warm a person’s soul and symbolically illuminate the path for those who spend the holiday away from home and family.

History and features of Christmas

The main dishes on the table are sochivo, kutya and vzvar, and the decoration of the house is an elegant spruce. The tradition of celebrating Christmas involves charity: on this night, mercy cannot be denied to those who are deprived of home and shelter. You need to welcome any guests, even if you are in a quarrel with a person, find an opportunity to make peace with him, because Christ loved all people, even his tormentors and persecutors. Dinner on this magical night should be very plentiful and consist of at least 12 dishes: the richer the treat, the more wealth there will be in the house for the whole next year. Fish, dumplings and pies are mandatory dishes for the Christmas meal. It is important to remember that the table on this night, although plentiful, is still lean. Therefore, there should be no meat dishes on it. Fillings for pies and dumplings are of plant origin only.

The first hours of the Christmas meal are spent exclusively with the family. Afterwards, you can go on a visit: caroling and enjoying joyful communication with your friends or relatives.

In Rus', on this fabulous night, the guys went out for festivities, and the girls wondered about new and pure love and future relationships. The next morning you need to visit the church, meet dear guests and exchange gifts with them.

Features of Christmas rituals

According to legend, on a magical evening, angels descend to earth and listen to all our thoughts. It is believed that any wish made on Christmas Day will come true. You just need to sincerely believe in it with all your heart. When going to bed after gatherings, mentally ask Heaven for the fulfillment of your dreams. You should pray not only for yourself, but also for friends and family. Then the angel, who heard the wish, will understand that the person is not selfish, and will try to fulfill his request.

On the eve of the holiday, you need to write your wishes on a piece of paper, leave it on the windowsill and go to bed. The main condition for fulfilling your cherished dream is not to peep at the Higher Powers, then God’s Messenger flying past the window will see the note and read it. And so that the good Spirit knows that they are waiting for him in the house, the window needs to be decorated with the Christmas Star of Bethlehem.

The bright holiday is a time for pure thoughts and sincere requests: conspiracies and rituals for Christmas should only be positive.

Christmas Eve conspiracies for money and wealth

The magic of a festive night extends to literally everything. At this time, you can ask God to send you good luck and health, wealth and prosperity, love and a long-awaited child. The main conditions for conspiracies are sincere faith and selflessness. On the Great Holiday, you cannot wish harm on anyone, only then the request will reach Heaven. Messages should begin with prayer and end with gratitude.

Most often, people ask the Higher Powers for material things, but we must not forget about spiritual benefits. Remember what Jesus said: “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.” Nevertheless, in the tradition of Christmas conspiracies there are many special ones aimed at attracting money, but it is important to remember that they cannot be abused.

Here is the text of a powerful conspiracy. It is read on Christmas Eve, as soon as the first star appears in the sky, announcing the beginning of the celebration.

“Glory to God, glory to Christ! Angels, praise, you know: Christ was born, Herod was indignant, Judas hanged himself, the world rejoiced. The glory of the Lord stands forever, does not break, and silver money is added to me. Lord, I glorify Your Christmas! Blessed be the day and hour, in which my Lord Jesus Christ was born for my sake, endured crucifixion and suffered death. O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, at the hour of my death, receive Thy servant on his journey through the prayers of Thy Most Pure Mother and all Thy saints, for blessed art Thou unto the ages of ages. Amen".

The spell must be written down on paper and read while standing at a window facing the east. To carry out the ritual, it is recommended to light candles and place them on all window sills in the apartment. After reading, the paper must be burned, and three coins worth 5 or 10 rubles should be placed in the ashes. The next morning, it is recommended to thoroughly rub the ashes into the surface of the metal. Always carry the talisman with you in your wallet.

Important: this powerful conspiracy cannot be done often. It can be held once a year or more, and do not “raise” the topic of money in your requests to him. The Universe itself will decide at what point to give a person wealth.

Experienced magicians say that it is better to ask not for abstract money, but for general well-being. Then the likelihood of receiving material benefits will be much higher. Give the Universe the opportunity to choose the source of wealth. For example, giving a person the opportunity to receive an inheritance or win the lottery. Of course, there are many varieties. Choose according to your taste and feelings. The main thing is that the heart responds.

Spells for love and happiness for the whole family

Home magic is very effective. Most conspiracies designed to improve family relationships can be carried out throughout the year. But those pronounced on the eve of Christian holidays are especially effective. Almost all the signs and rituals for Christmas have come to us from time immemorial. But their list continues to grow.

Many ancient forms of addressing Heaven acquire a new “sound” and “work” perfectly. Due to the simplicity of execution, every girl or guy can use them to bring new love into life.

Christmas technique to attract a man into your life

Here is an example of a conspiracy, which is accompanied by a simple ritual using the simoron technique. It's easy to do yourself. The main condition is a good mood and faith in miracles.

Early in the morning of January 6, you need to throw your old slippers out of the house without regret and immediately go to the store for new shoes. Buy TWO pairs: for yourself and for your future man. Remove the slippers from the packaging and place them in the bag so that their soles touch. When you come home, carefully place your slippers near the bed: with your toes towards it and your heels towards the front door. Put on your pair of house shoes immediately upon entering the apartment. After the betrothed’s slippers take their rightful place near the marital bed, say from the heart:

“I’m waiting for you, my beloved, come, come to my home!”

This phrase should be said several times a day. To reinforce the result, it is recommended to prepare a festive dinner for two people, light candles and create a romantic atmosphere. Imagine that your chosen one is already next to you!

This technique, based on the Universal Law of Attraction, only works if a person sincerely believes in his dream. This is good and white witchcraft that cannot harm anyone, because a woman is waiting for HER man, and not encroaching on someone else’s. You need to put all your unspent love and tenderness into the ritual. Try to imagine the one, the only one who will be there.

Important: love spells and other rituals associated with the use of “forbidden” magical techniques can have an adverse effect on everyone: both the one they want to “dry” and the “customer.”

Prayer for mutual love and happy marriage

If the humorous, carnival technique is not suitable for some reason, then you can try another method. For example, read prayers to your Guardian Angel, the Most Holy Theotokos or the Lord asking for help in finding a life partner and for a happy marriage.

Here is the text of the prayer you can pray with:

“Dear Lord, richly bless my love life and help me find the true love that I desperately need. I'm tired of being alone, tired of the mental pain associated with failures in my personal life, tired of relationships that bring me pain and mental anguish. I want real mutual love from you, Lord.”

You need to pronounce the words turning your face to the east. Place your right palm on your heart and take a lit church candle in your left. After reading the prayer, do not extinguish it, but put it on the table and let it burn out. To consolidate the result, it is recommended to carry out the ritual not only on Christmas days. According to popular wisdom, all church holidays are suitable for such requests.

Important: perform the rituals at night, and move the ritual action to a room with wooden decoration. According to occultists, this material promotes the unhindered flow of energy. It is not for nothing that our grandmothers and great-grandmothers retired to non-residential premises built of wood for fortune telling.

Ancient customs are difficult to observe exactly, so many of them are greatly simplified and adapted to modern reality. Experienced witches say that strength lies not so much in the “right words” as in the sincerity of an appeal to Heaven.

Conspiracy to strengthen relationships

For those who are already married, or are just building a relationship with their future husband, there are their own special rituals. For example. strong spell for water. She is a conductor of information, and the ancient ritual of consecrating waters is associated precisely with this property. But you must remember that you cannot use slander for evil. You can “charge” moisture only with favorable energy. Otherwise, the negative will return sooner or later, the so-called “boomerang effect”, which all healers know about.

For the conspiracy you will need clean water. It’s better not to be lazy and get to the nearest spring gushing out of the ground. Even in a big city this is not a problem and you can find a spring with such water.

Pour the life-giving moisture into a clean cup. Cross yourself three times and ask God for protection and support. You can use any words, as long as they come from the heart. Be sure to mention both your name and the one whose love you want to strengthen and extend. Add water to tea or other drink that a loved one drinks.

Conspiracies and rituals to promote childbirth

Many women, desperate to conceive and bear a child, turn to Higher Powers for help, and then the long-awaited pregnancy occurs.

It is recommended to ask the Mother of God for the birth of a baby; you can turn to the Holy Matronushka of Moscow for help. They pray to St. with a request for the sending of an heir. Jokim and Anna, as well as Joseph the Betrothed. According to legend, these saints help a woman get pregnant.

You can ask for protection and help for a child to be born in your own words. It is advisable to do this while standing in front of the images. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to read a special prayer to the Mother of God early in the morning, as soon as it begins to get light.

“Holy Virgin! Blessed are You among all women. You have learned the joy of motherhood. She held the heavenly child in her arms. She caressed Him, loved Him, dove and protected Him. Mother of God! Blessed are You among all people. She gave birth to a healthy, clean, kind son. It is in Your power to help us fulfill the goal of our humble life, to continue our family line. Your servants (names) bow their heads before You. We are in despair. Give us the greatest of earthly gifts - healthy children. Let them grow and glorify the name of the Lord. They will become our joy, our anxiety, our love. Ask for us, Mary, from the Almighty. And forgive us sinners, Mother of God. Amen".

Prayers for the birth of a child and conspiracies that promote conception at Christmas have special power. The Child Christ, who happily escaped death at the hands of King Herod, symbolizes the birth of a new life. His birth gives women hope for a happy motherhood.

Spells for health and fulfillment of desires

Money can't buy health. A rich man is one whose family are all healthy, and he is full of strength and energy. Therefore, first of all, you should ask Heaven for health for yourself and your family members. The texts of such conspiracies can be learned by heart, but it is advisable to pronounce them “on your own” or in your own words.

Health conspiracies

The simplest health spell is performed as follows.

Early in the morning of January 3, you need to wash your face three times with running water. While doing this, say the following words:

“The water touches my face, my body fills with beauty and health. So be it! Amen!"

The ritual can be performed not only during the Christmas holidays. Water helps cleanse the body energetically. Experienced witches say that if you ask water for beauty and health every evening and morning, then you won’t need cosmetics!

Another ritual action associated with the unique and “magical” properties of water.

It is recommended to carry it out just before the holiday. Preferably on the 5th or 6th. Before you say the cherished words, do a thorough cleaning of your home. The water left over from washing the floors must be thrown out over the threshold, expelling from the home the ailments that tormented the household. Say the following words:

“Just as dirt goes away and water flows away, so our ailments go to nowhere!”

Conspiracies to make wishes come true

Everyone wants their cherished wishes to come true in the New Year. But few people know that first you need to get rid of various fears, doubts and anxieties. Drive away stupid grievances that eat away at your soul from your life and tune in to the positive. The most powerful ritual for fulfilling desires is simple and accessible.

A few days before the holiday, you need to start thinking hard about your main desire. At this time, you should do as many good deeds as possible: for example, feeding stray animals and birds. Give alms to those who need it and sincerely wish the best for the people around you. For several days, it is recommended to go outside in the morning and throw crumbs of bread, millet or wheat grains to the birds with the words:

“Eat, little birds of God, eat, listen to my deepest desire. When you are satisfied, fly to heaven and tell the Lord about my dream.”

Christianity is based on love for one's neighbor and every creature of God living next to us. By performing this simple and beneficial ritual for the soul, we cleanse our heart and open it to goodness, preparing to accept the Gifts prepared for us by Heaven.

Conspiracy for all ills

The most common conspiracy for all ills is simple to perform and accessible to any Orthodox Christian. A prerequisite for reading these cherished words is the presence of a pectoral cross.

At midnight before Christmas you need to stand on the threshold of your house or apartment. Face inward, heels outward.

“Take away, Lord, nine arrows from me. Lord protect from water, noose, fire, judgment, knife, thief, from slander, from encroachment on body and blood and from damage to blood. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

The words addressed to St. Nicholas the Pleasant also have a powerful force that helps to cope with troubles and adversity. You can say prayers regardless of the church calendar, as needed.

Christmas weight loss technique

Excess weight is not at all conducive to health, both physical and mental. Various “magic” spells, psychological and magical techniques help to get rid of kilograms.

The practice of magical, playful transformation of reality - simoron - recommends approaching the process with ease. The figurative expression “go on a diet” is literally brought to life by joker magicians. Write the word “diet” on a piece of paper and sit on it every time you are going to eat. The main thing is to remember that you are “on a diet.” This will allow you to eat a smaller portion of food than usual.

It is important to remember that losing weight is not an instant process, and in addition to magical rituals, you need to work hard on yourself. Then everything will definitely work out. The excess weight will go away as if it never happened, and the figure will become “thin and ringing.”


Christmas is the best time not only to tell fortunes for your betrothed and find out whether the wedding is coming soon. This is a wonderful time in all respects, when you should stock up on the energy of goodness. Charm conspiracies made these days are capable of protecting the entire human race for several years to come and have a very powerful force that can cope with any ailment.

Traditional healer from Siberia Natalya Stepanova generously shares her knowledge with everyone. She reveals the secret of miraculous words. Her charm charm is called “Birth Towel”:

Words of the “Birth Towel” spell:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I speak from 77 ailments,

From any pain, from the torment of the night,

Feigned dryness, from traveling cancer,

An epileptic fit,

From damage, from night cramps.

The Mother of God washed Her Son,

I wiped it with a linen towel.

God bless my flax too.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Whom I (name) will wipe with this flax,

From then on, I will erase all 77 ailments.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

To fulfill this plot, you need to buy a new towel made from natural materials. On Christmas night, speak to him with the above words. Now, if someone close to you in the family gets sick, he needs to be wiped with this powerful amulet. Recovery will not take long to arrive. This relic should be stored separately from other bath accessories and taken out only on special occasions.

Christmas time is a fabulous time that should not be missed. You should open the doors of your home wide open to let in a piece of Universal happiness, goodness and prosperity. Then any spells cast for good will work, and all wishes made from the heart will come true.

Quiet on Christmas Eve
Magic enters the world:
A fairy tale goes home,
Looking into our dreams.

Christmas gives
Joy and peace to the heart.
And the hope that shines
To us a Christmas star.

On this holiday I wish
Happiness to everyone, love, goodness.
Bring us peace and joy
Let the birth of Christ.

Wealth plot
On Christmas day you should tap your nickel on the window glass.
and say: “Christ was born, Piglet showed up.
As soon as he showed up, he would never have been transferred.
Christ is born, My money multiplies.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

On the morning of January 7, before washing your face, say three times: “The Savior has appeared, the light of the world has appeared. I too (name) will be saved through Jesus Christ. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

On Christmas Day, take holy water from the church and drink it at midnight in small sips, while mentally thinking about your cherished desire. You need to go to bed in silence and continue to think about your wish - it will come true.

If you have nowhere to get holy water, you can pour water into a glass and put a silver spoon in it. Such water should stand overnight.

On Christmas, you need to bake a pie and bake a coin in it - and whoever gets a piece with this coin will have great financial luck in the New Year.

January 7 is the best time to visit and receive guests. It is important that you should communicate better at Christmas only with those people who can bring happiness to you - happy families, or those families who are expecting an addition, or a new family member has already been born.
At Christmas it is customary to light more candles, lights, a fireplace - if you have one. Candles bring warmth and wealth into your home. If you have pets, then at Christmas you need to feed them abundantly - then the whole year will be satisfying and successful financially.

One special candle must be lit for deceased relatives - then they will help you attract good luck and prosperity in the coming year.

From Christmas until Epiphany, throughout all the days of Christmastide, certain prohibitions apply, which are determined by centuries-old ideas about the holiday as a stop of time, a certain temporary pause, during which one cannot engage in productive work and everything that is associated with birth, beginning, development. Therefore, a significant part of the prohibitions concerns crafts related to spinning, sewing, knitting, weaving, braiding, that is, everything related to thread (rope). The thread is a symbol of life and destiny.

At Christmas, if you weave bast shoes, you will be born crooked; if you sew, you will be born blind.

From Christmas to Epiphany it is a sin to hunt animals and birds - misfortune will happen to the hunter.

You can't swear on a holy day. He who swears takes away the hope of salvation from his ancestors.

There is a widespread belief associated with the arrival of the first guest. If a stranger’s woman enters the house first at Christmas, then the women in that family will be ill all year.

The Christmas rules also applied to clothing: On Christmas you need to wear a new shirt, a clean one (but already worn) is not allowed, otherwise you might face a crop failure.

On Holy (Easter Week) the shirt is either poor or white; for Christmas it is at least harsh, but new [Dal. Poslov., 900].

special behavior aimed at preserving livestock was envisaged:

It is not good for the owner to leave the yard on Christmas Day - the sheep will get lost.

— They tie the table legs at Christmas to prevent the cattle from running around.

— You can’t do bent work (do not repair hoops, runners, etc.), otherwise there will be no offspring of livestock.

At Christmas, folk signs and superstitions acquire special power, as if nature itself and every object are trying to tell us something: how to live, what to fear. Here are just a few of them.

If you lose any item at Christmas, this means that you may face losses next year. But if you find a thing and even some kind of jewelry, then money is already rushing to you in full sail!

If you accidentally spilled tea or coffee at the Christmas table (this does not apply to alcohol), then this is good news and great success for all your endeavors.

If on Christmas Eve or Christmas night you drop a mirror and it cracks, it's a disaster. Cracked or broken mirrors should never be kept in the house. But at this time, the crack on the mirror needs to be carefully sealed (you can even use a band-aid or tape), wrap it in a towel and then throw it away.

Seeing a person with a hump at Christmas is a great happiness, and even better if you can touch this hump with at least one finger. Also, a meeting with a large dog, Great Dane or German Shepherd promises no less good luck. Moreover, it is not surprising, but if you step in manure on Christmas Day (the excrement of your favorite neighbor’s dog can also act as manure), it will be good luck.

If you happen to see a mouse on Christmas night, it is very bad. You need to be very careful when signing contracts, entering into new contracts or taking out loans. Financial losses may await you.

Weather at Christmas, snow - for a fruitful year (Penz.).

The snows are deep - so the herbs and bread will be good.

The sums are high - for a good year (Pinezh.).

There are numerous proverbs and sayings about the same thing:

Winter without snow means no bread.

The snow is deep - the year is good.

A lot of snow - a lot of bread; The water will spill and the hay will accumulate.

When there is snow, bread will arrive.

A snowy year will bring bread.

On Christmas Day the day is warm - the bread will be dark and thick.

There will be a snowstorm at Christmas - the bees will swarm well.

If Christmas is in the new month, then the year will be lean.

At Christmas, frost means a harvest for bread, a starry sky means a harvest for peas.

Frequent curls on the trees, patterns on the windows, similar to rye ears, downward with curls, and not sticking up - to the harvest.

Dark Christmastides are dairy cows, light Christmastides are chickens.

A good sleigh ride means a harvest for buckwheat.

Merry Christmas to you my dear readers! Happiness, Love to you and Peaceful skies above your head! Let love and mutual understanding always reign in your families!

First of all, I want to congratulate you all, my dears, on this bright, purest and most joyful holiday - Merry Christmas! You can pick up my musical card by clicking on the picture and congratulate all your family and friends with the best wishes and gifts!

January 7 (according to the Old Style this is December 25) is the great holiday of the Nativity of Christ and our Savior Jesus Christ. There are many different signs and rituals for Christmas, which I think you will be interested to know!

Signs and conspiracies for Christmas.

Christmas Conspiracies

Wealth plot
On Christmas day you should tap your nickel on the window glass.
and say: “Christ was born, Piglet showed up.
As soon as he showed up, he would never have been transferred.
Christ is born, My money multiplies.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Conspiracy from 9 misfortunes
They read at Christmas, standing on the threshold facing the house:
“Take away, Lord, nine arrows from me, from water, a noose, fire, judgment, a knife, a thief, from a slander, from an encroachment on body and blood, and damage to blood. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

On the night of January 6 to 7, fill a ladle of water and tell it all the bad and unpleasant things that happened to you last year. After that, throw it over the threshold (outside the door, behind the gate, or through the window or from the balcony)

Health spell

On the morning of January 7, before washing your face, say three times: “The Savior has appeared, the light of the world has appeared. I too (name) will be saved through Jesus Christ. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

Rite of desire. On Christmas Day, take holy water from the church and drink it at midnight in small sips, while mentally thinking about your cherished desire. You need to go to bed in silence and continue to think about your wish - it will come true.

If you have nowhere to get holy water, you can pour water into a glass and put a silver spoon in it. Such water should stand overnight.

Signs and traditions

On Christmas, you need to bake a pie and bake a coin in it - and whoever gets a piece with this coin will have great financial luck in the New Year.

January 7 is the best time to visit and receive guests. It is important that you communicateIt’s better for Christmas only with those people who can bring happiness to you - happy families, or those families who are expecting an addition, or a new family member has already been born.
At Christmas it is customary to light more candles, lights, a fireplace - if you have one. Candles bring warmth and wealth into your home. If you have pets, then at Christmas you need to feed them abundantly - then the whole year will be satisfying and successful financially.

One special candle must be lit for deceased relatives - then they will help you attract good luck and prosperity in the coming year.

What not to do on Christmas.

From Christmas until Epiphany, throughout all the days of Christmastide, certain prohibitions apply, which are determined by centuries-old ideas about the holiday as a stop of time, a certain temporary pause, during which one cannot engage in productive work and everything that is associated with birth, beginning, development. Therefore, a significant part of the prohibitions concerns crafts related to spinning, sewing, knitting, weaving, braiding, that is, everything related to thread (rope). The thread is a symbol of life and destiny.

At Christmas, if you weave bast shoes, you will be born crooked; if you sew, you will be born blind.

From Christmas to Epiphany it is a sin to hunt animals and birds - misfortune will happen to the hunter.

You can't swear on a holy day. He who swears takes away the hope of salvation from his ancestors.

There is a widespread belief associated with the arrival of the first guest. If a stranger’s woman enters the house first at Christmas, then the women in that family will be ill all year.

The Christmas rules also applied to clothing: On Christmas you need to wear a new shirt, a clean one (but already worn) is not allowed, otherwise you might face a crop failure.

On Holy (Easter Week) the shirt is either poor or white; for Christmas it is at least harsh, but new [Dal. Poslov., 900].

For the owner of the house special behavior aimed at preserving livestock was envisaged:

It is not good for the owner to leave the yard on Christmas Day - the sheep will get lost.

They tie the legs of the table at Christmas to prevent the cattle from running around.

Bent work cannot be done (they do not repair hoops, runners, etc.), otherwise there will be no offspring of livestock.

Signs and superstitions

At Christmas, folk signs and superstitions acquire special power, as if nature itself and every object are trying to tell us something: how to live, what to fear. Here are just a few of them.

A sign of prosperity. If you lose any item at Christmas, this means that you may face losses next year. But if you find a thing and even some kind of jewelry, then money is already rushing to you in full sail!

A sign for good luck. If you accidentally spilled tea or coffee at the Christmas table (this does not apply to alcohol), then this is good news and great success for all your endeavors.

Superstition with a mirror.If on Christmas Eve or Christmas night you drop a mirror and it cracks, it's a disaster. Cracked or broken mirrors should never be kept in the house. But at this time, the crack on the mirror needs to be carefully sealed (you can even use a band-aid or tape), wrap it in a towel and then throw it away.

Signs for happiness and good luck. Seeing a person with a hump at Christmas is a great happiness, and even better if you can touch this hump with at least one finger. Also, a meeting with a large dog, Great Dane or German Shepherd promises no less good luck. Moreover, it is not surprising, but if you step in manure on Christmas Day (the excrement of your favorite neighbor’s dog can also act as manure), it will be good luck.

A sign of possible financial losses. If you happen to see a mouse on Christmas night, it is very bad. You need to be very careful when signing contracts, entering into new contracts or taking out loans. Financial losses may await you.

Natural signs

Weather at Christmas, snow - for a fruitful year (Penz.).

The snows are deep - so the herbs and bread will be good.

The sums are high - for a good year (Pinezh.).

There are numerous proverbs and sayings about the same thing:

Winter without snow means no bread.

The snow is deep - the year is good.

A lot of snow - a lot of bread; The water will spill and the hay will accumulate.

When there is snow, bread will arrive.

A snowy year will bring bread.

On Christmas Day the day is warm - the bread will be dark and thick.

There will be a snowstorm at Christmas - the bees will swarm well.

If Christmas is in the new month, then the year will be lean.

At Christmas, frost means a harvest for bread, a starry sky means a harvest for peas.

Frequent curls on the trees, patterns on the windows, similar to rye ears, downward in curls, and not sticking up - to the harvest.

Dark Christmastides are dairy cows, light Christmastides are chickens.

A good sleigh ride means a harvest for buckwheat.

And once again, Merry Christmas to you, my dear readers! I hope this article was useful to you! Happiness, Love to you and Peaceful skies above your head! Let love and mutual understanding always reign in your families!

In this article:

Christmas night is shrouded in incredible mystery and mysticism.

In the Slavic tradition, magical conspiracies carried out around Christmas played a special role and were endowed with great effectiveness. According to Christian canons, this night is endowed with the strongest energy, filled with the magic of the birth of a new world and a new life.

Even in pagan times in Rus', the day of the winter solstice was considered a turning point in the entire year. All this gives Christmas the strongest energy that magicians can use for personal purposes.

Plot for good luck

For centuries, our ancestors carried out various conspiracies on Christmas night to attract good luck. This night symbolizes the birth not only of the Son of God, but also the birth of a new life, a new world, and new hopes for man.

On this night, a variety of changes can occur in life, his fate can change vector.

To carry out an old conspiracy to attract good luck, you need to extinguish all sources of fire in the house on Christmas night, light one candle, and place it on the windowsill of a window facing east. Now you need to wait for the first visible star in the sky and read the plot three times:

“The star of Bethlehem shines in the sky, proclaiming joy to the whole world. Baby Jesus is born, a child is born, happiness awakens for the world. That happiness is great and will touch me; in the new year, luck will never turn away from me. I will be happy, servant of God (name), I will have success in all my affairs. Amen".

Afterwards you need to quickly put out the candle and firmly say out loud:

“So be it.”

Be sure to try this method, it’s a great opportunity to attract traffic

Now you can turn on the lights in the house and go celebrate Christmas.

Protective ritual

On Christmas night, security conspiracies are also often read, which are designed to protect a person throughout the next year. Such rituals can protect against a variety of misfortunes, evil eyes, damage and other troubles. To receive heavenly protection on Christmas, you need to read the words of the conspiracy before sitting down at the festive table:

“On a bright night, on Christmas night. A great miracle takes place on earth, Jesus Christ is born into the world, appears in the world, all people are saturated with his grace. Divine grace will also fall on me, the servant of God (name), and will protect me from all troubles, from the evil eye, from evil damage, everything unclean and unkind will fly past me.”

After the festive feast, the words need to be repeated again. And the third time when you go to bed. At this time, you need to maintain the purity of your thoughts, you cannot wish or do harm to anyone, only in this case the magical conspiracy will gain its power.

To change your destiny

In order to change your whole life, attract good luck and protect yourself from evil, you can use this magical Christmas ritual. To carry it out, you need to take a small sheet of paper measuring 5x5 centimeters on the evening of January 6th. Completely paint over one side of the sheet with a red pencil and write your first and last name, as well as your date of birth, on top of the background.

On the back you need to write three of your most cherished desires that come from your heart. This could be the appearance of a loved one in your life, or the desire to be successful in work or relationships. You can't wish harm on anyone.
Now you need to hide the paper under the pillow and say three times:

“What is written on the sheet will come true.”

Red color has a special energy, which is very good for making wishes come true

Afterwards you need to go to bed. It is important to carry out the ritual in such a way that by midnight you have already fallen asleep. If everything worked out, then you may have a prophetic dream in which you will find out what wishes will come true and what will await you in the new year. After waking up, you need to put the sheet with desires in a secluded place and store it there until everything written comes true.

Christmas money ritual

Another opportunity that Christmas night gives a person is to improve their material well-being. This ritual is performed on Christmas Eve. You need to pour soil into a new flower pot and place 3 large green candles around it. Now you need to move your index finger along the edge of the pot, clockwise, and read the “Our Father” prayer three times, and then proceed to reading the magic spell:

“As loudly as all 12 months ring, so will the wallets of the servant of God (name) rattle and ring. Just as roosters crow 12 times, so they keep my money 12 times, and speak 12 times. Money to money. Gold to gold, wallets to wallets. Everything that’s mine is with me, all the money in the new year will go to me. Amen. Amen. Amen".

This method does not require the faith of the performer, it just works

Afterwards you need to put the pot in a visible place. Extinguish the candles, but leave them in their places and light them briefly over the next twelve days.

Love spell for Christmas

On Christmas night, you can cast a fairly effective love spell on your loved one. To do this, you need to place your personalized icon on the table on the evening of January 6th (the icon of the saint with whose name you were baptized); such icons are sold in church shops. You need to put on clean white clothes, preferably without buttons or zippers, and light a white wax candle or a candle from the church. We sit down at the table, put our hands on the table, palms down, and read the words of the conspiracy nine times:

“Angel of my name, I sit submissively before you. I look through the walls, through the table, through the white ceiling, and through the floor. I see in the distance there lies a sea-ocean, on that sea there is an island in the distance, and on the island there is a wooden house. In that house there are three black coffins, and in the coffins lie three blood sisters. The first sister is killed, her heart is literally breaking, the second sister suffers from anguish, neither day nor night she knows no peace. The third is killed by melancholy, and so it pierces the heart of God’s servant (name). Three blood sisters, you yourself are three longings, all of you follow the servant of God (name). Prick it, twist it, dry it, call me. Bring God's servant (name) to me. He can’t eat away his longing for me, he can’t wash away his suffering, he can’t be bored and suffer, he can’t eat a piece of food without me, he can’t pour water into a vessel, he can’t know the white light. She will love me as a mother loves her only child, as a lonely ewe loves a lamb, a mare loves a foal, a cat loves a kitten. As it is said, it will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Afterwards, the remaining cinders must be taken to the church and left there. Under no circumstances should you throw them away.

Popular Christmas conspiracies can improve the quality of life of any person, both an adult man and a young girl. Christmas conspiracies and rituals are an integral part of Slavic culture. They perform rituals for fun, but such magical actions also provide specific benefits and help. How will prayers and rituals help at Christmas?

Christmas Eve Magic

Christmas fortune-telling and rituals are famous throughout the world. Complex and simple rituals are used to predict the future or to improve all areas of life. Prayers help increase the flow of money in the home, attract love and ward off evil spirits from the home. Christmas rituals attract novice magicians and people who care about their own future.

How does this magic work? Slavic customs at Christmas are endowed with special power. People of different ages and genders believe that on special days of the year, magic helps to radically change a person’s life. These are not just prayers calling on the help of natural elements or higher powers, but a targeted impact on any area of ​​human life. Christmas rituals depend on the desires of a man or woman. From the internal messages of the individual.

Magical help for Christmas

A special day throughout the year, Christmas, is used not only for fortune telling or rituals related to the future, but also to attract various benefits. On such a day you can attract love, money, and new opportunities in your professional life. Attracting for Christmas will attract:

  • a lot of money (stable profit, increase in capital);
  • sincere and mutual feelings (magic will create all the opportunities to meet a suitable partner);
  • success in work (cleanses the work space of negativity and damage).

At Christmas, not only fortune-telling is carried out, but also rituals that will help protect the house and all household members. Wealth, success, love - Christmas night will give you everything a person desires. The first thing a man or woman should do is choose a suitable ritual.

A spell for good luck on Christmas Eve

There is nothing complicated or difficult about Christmas conspiracies. Most of the magical actions on a big holiday are designed for people who have not encountered magic at all before. On Christmas Day you need to visit church. Prayers will help attract good luck or success, and also get rid of any resentment, anger, or misfortune that weighs heavily on the soul. You can pray to the saint whose name the conspirator bears or to the icon of the Mother of God (the protection of the Most Holy Theotokos is the strongest).

Universal good luck spells from Natalia Stepanova (Siberian healer) or simple Slavic spells are read at night when the sun sets. Every person who managed to perform a secret ritual on Christmas night will attract the attention of capricious Fortune.

What is needed for the ritual

You need to carefully prepare for a complex ritual during the Christmas holidays. Prayers alone will not help attract the benefits that a person expects. On the night when the entire Orthodox world celebrates the birth of the Savior, an enterprising person reads conspiracies for wealth.

Conspiracies for good luck, success or wealth are read using certain magical attributes:

  • church candle;
  • holy water.

Prayers are read before the ceremony, so a person protects himself from the effects of negative energy. The Christmas holidays help the conspirator find happiness, but such strong days can be taken advantage of by an ill-wisher or enemy. Conspiracies on this day should be read carefully. You should not deviate from the conventional rules of conducting a magical ritual.

How to perform a ritual for good luck

Rituals that promise good luck are performed only when the Moon is visible in the sky. The phase of the celestial body does not matter. On the night when Christ was born, you need to go to the window. Place water and a lit candle on the windowsill.

As soon as the first star appears in the sky, a person reads the words of a magical prayer:

“The star of Bethlehem shines in the sky, telling the whole world about joy. The savior Jesus was born, a child is born, happiness awakens in the world. I, the servant of God (name), will be happy and successful, I will have success in all my affairs. Amen".

The spell is repeated exactly 3 times, and then the candle must be extinguished. Immediately after the ceremony, you can return to the celebration and not tell anyone about the magical actions performed. The Christmas holidays intensify the spell's work. The night when rituals for good luck were performed - the last unsuccessful days in the life of a man or woman.

Magical protection during the Christmas holiday

A good time for carrying out protective rituals is Christmas Eve, it helps to cleanse the house of negativity and place powerful magical blocks. Such blocks will protect your home or workspace from damage or the evil eye. Conspiracies also help against health problems that constantly plague a person (the stomach, head, or internal organs hurt for no reason).

You need to install protection at night (after 12 hours). Conspiracies begin to work from the first days. They cleanse the living space of all negativity. Christmas Eve will save you from even the most severe damage if you carry out the secret ritual without mistakes.

How to protect yourself for Christmas

At the beginning of January, the conspirator carries out a general cleaning of the house. Before installing protection, it is necessary to free the living space from garbage, from things that are no longer needed by a person. You cannot read conspiracies in a dirty room or with a soul full of grievances and regrets. Stages of the ritual:

  1. At the beginning of January, a person prepares protective amulets. Before casting protective spells, it is necessary to carry out an energetic cleansing of the room - all the furniture and floors in the home are washed with a concentrated saline solution.
  2. On the day the Savior was born, at the beginning of January, a man or woman prepares for the celebration. They can spend the entire day preparing at home.
  3. Before all the guests sit down at the table, the person pronounces the words of a protective spell:

“On a special night, on the Christmas holiday, Jesus Christ is born into the world and appears in the world. The servant of God (person’s name), who calls for help, has been completely cleansed of sins, and will not take them anymore.”

The spell must be cast discreetly so that guests do not guess about the protective methods that the owner of the house has resorted to. Additionally, at night the amulets are charged again. Before amulets, you need to read a prayer to the Holy Mother of God.

Wealth plot

On Christmas night they use not only omens for money, but also money magic. This is a special type of witchcraft that will save you from lack of money and improve cash flow in your home. A strong ritual of “attracting money” is carried out only once a year. Conspiracies before Christmas should be memorized and all the attributes necessary to attract wealth should be prepared.

The Nativity of Christ will strengthen your income and protect you from financial losses in the future. Money has its own energy. With the help of magic you can extend money, increase capital and protect yourself from unwanted losses.

When the plot is read

Money conspiracies should be read using money (bills or coins). An attribute that will help you achieve your goals will serve as an amulet in the future. On Christmas night, this conspiracy (for money) will allow you to forget about poverty or debt. To perform the ceremony you will need:

  • buy a new flower pot (it is bought on the eve of Christmas);
  • holy water brought from the church;
  • wallet, money - any things that are associated with wealth (if you use a wallet, then only a new one);
  • 3 green candles;
  • a handful of earth brought from the forest.

Money rituals need preparation - the conspirator needs to go to the forest and bring some earth, then go to the market and buy a new pot (in no case should you take change for a purchase). In church you can not only confess, but also buy all the necessary attributes. To attract wealth, you cannot do without green candles.

Carrying out the ritual

As soon as the sun sets, a handful of soil is poured into a new pot, in which no plants have yet been planted. Three candles are placed around the pot. The power of fire will help attract financial stability. Additional attributes - a wallet or bills are hidden under the pot.

Running his index finger along the rim of the pot, the person says:

“As all 12 months ring, so will the gold coins of the servant of God ring. Money to money. Gold to gold, wallet to wallets. Amen".

Conspiracies on Christmas night are repeated three times. They read the spell slowly and without witnesses. Such a ritual will help remove money damage if it is directed at your home.

Rite of love

Christmas Eve is a good time to attract love, health, and happiness. The next favorably charged day, Epiphany, will enhance the work of the rituals performed on the Savior’s birthday. The whole week after the holiday is suitable for love rituals.

It’s easy to choose the right ritual if you listen to your own heart. Intuition will tell you which ritual will help you say goodbye to loneliness once and for all.

How to attract love at Christmas

The conspirator needs to wear white clothes, light a white candle and, looking at the clean fire, say the words to attract love:

“Angel of my name, I sit submissively before you. There are three black coffins in the house, and in the coffins lie three blood sisters. The first sister is killed, her heart is literally breaking, the second sister suffers from anguish, neither day nor night she knows no peace. The third is killed by melancholy. Let him love me as a mother loves her only child, as a ewe loves a lonely lamb, a mare loves a foal, a cat loves a kitten. As it is said, it will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The plot is read only once, after which the conspirator goes to bed. After 6 days, the ritual is repeated to consolidate the result. The candle stubs are taken to the church and left under the image of the Virgin Mary. Do not throw away any remaining wax.

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