Scenario for the holiday in the class "Goodbye, ABC!" Scenario for the holiday “Goodbye, ABC!” class hour (1st grade) on the topic We swear to love reading

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

Holiday "Goodbye, ABC!" Prepared and conducted by primary school teachers of Dergaevskaya secondary school No. 23 Anufrieva I.V. and Shishkova M.N. (Q1 category) The purpose of the holiday: to motivate interest in learning, to form a sustainable interest in reading, to ensure high cognitive activity. Objectives: 1. Repeat the studied sounds and letters; 2. Contribute to the development of students’ talents; 3. Form students’ self-esteem of their achievements. 4. Develop logical thinking, memory, vigilance, interest and positive motivation, both for individual subjects and the learning process as a whole. cultivate respect for each other and interest in books. 5. Foster a desire to learn; awareness of the importance of the learning process 6. Create conditions for the formation of trusting relationships between parents, teachers and children; 7. Instill a caring attitude towards books. Progress of the holiday Dear guests! Today we say goodbye to the book that has been with us all this time - the ABC. She taught first graders to read. Many books will be read later, but this will remain the first. I came to my first bright class with this book for the first time. I fell in love with this book, I studied all the letters in it. And how happy I am to say: “I can read now!” The class opened its very first textbook with excitement... Apparently, a fairy-tale wizard wrote this book. The alphabet taught us to read, divide words into syllables, revealed the secrets of many books, any of us got used to it! In 2015, our ABC turned 1152 years old. Our distant ancestors, the Slavic brothers Cyril and Methodius, created the Slavic alphabet. It was called the Cyrillic alphabet. Then various changes were made to it. And gradually the same alphabet that we use now appeared. In 1574, “Azbuka” was compiled and printed - the first printed primer in Rus'. The book got its name from the first two letters of the alphabet, a and b, which in the old days were called az and beeches. Small drops of letters and icons merge together into streams of words. These streams have become a river, which is called the ABC. We hear sounds in every word! These sounds are different - vowels, consonants. A vowel and a consonant are friends, they make a syllable together... If the syllables stand next to each other, words are formed... We connected two words and the sentence is ready. Letters, syllables and riddles live in the good ABC. Little by little they lead you and me down the steps into a fairy tale... We walked along the pictures, along the steps we walked in lines. Oh, how much we have learned, Oh, how much we have read! Song “What they teach at school” It was difficult for you and me in the beginning, We studied the letters for six months! But now it is absolutely clear to us that the efforts were not in vain! There is nothing better in the world than reading a magazine or a newspaper, Children of the twenty-first century, We will master sites on the Internet. Today we will say “goodbye” to the ABC and wave goodbye. Music - the beginning of the song “What they teach at school.” Romashka and Dunno run out onto the stage. R. I will read. N. (tries to snatch the letter) No, I, I, I!!! R. Don’t yakai, it’s indecent! Say the magic word. Even the children know him. Really, guys? What word is this? N. Well, what are you, Romashka, “feet-nuts.” Give me the letter. Please! (Chamomile hands Dunno a letter. He reads it joyfully) “Dear guys! Today is a big holiday for you. Just recently the first bell rang for you, but now you have already learned a lot. I'm very happy for you. You can safely open the door to the land of knowledge. There I and my assistants will be waiting for you - letters. And the key will be brought to you by the famous fairy-tale hero - Pinocchio. I'm looking forward to your visit. Queen ABC" N. I also want to go to the Land of Knowledge! Oh, where should I go? R. Hee-hee-hee! Remember what Queen ABC wrote about! Pinocchio must bring the magic key to the land of knowledge. (Pinocchio runs onto the stage to the music of “Pinocchio”) R. And here he is! Dunno, Chamomile and Pinocchio join hands and sing. We are inseparable from the children. We never get tired of learning. We live here together, we live happily, we come here with desire. Tell me, what is the name of the country? Tell me, what is her name? All together School! Song of the Cat Basilio and the Fox Alice (The fox Alice and the cat Basilio come on stage to the music A. We are amazingly charming to everyone B. We are both smart and beautiful A. Don’t trust anyone, kids! B. After all, studying is very harmful! A. Sloth , we love slobs B. But we love diligent, smart people! Together If you want to be friends with us, You need to forget the path to the land of knowledge A. We will gladly take everyone who does not like to study with us to the field of miracles! will come with us - come out! What is it? That no one wants to come with us? R. Well, are you sure? A. If you don’t want to be friends with us, then don’t! ! A. Well, we have the key to the Land of Knowledge! A. Look for the key from Karabas Barabas! It’s all my fault! R. We must go to Karabas Barabas! Only children can travel through different fairy tales. B. I know the guys! (Calls the guys) Children We are ready to go for the key, but how can we get to the land of fairy tales? (The song “Magic Ball” by A. Varlamov plays. Sazonova) The Fairy comes on stage. F. I’m glad to help the guys. Since there’s trouble at the holiday. I can open the door to fairy tales so that you can get there. But only those who know how to overcome difficulties can master the key. Are you ready? In order for me to open the door for you, you need to guess the name of the fairy tale based on the words. (The words appear on the screen: Baba, grandfather, egg. Grandfather, turnip, mouse. Grandma, bun, fox. Fox, crane, jug. Mashenka, bear, pies.) - Well done! Now you can go to the land of fairy tales. Go to my brother - Astrologer, he will help you. Have a nice trip! (The lights on the stage go out, the Fairy and the fairy-tale characters leave, only the children remain.) Space’s “Magic Flight” music plays (an astrologer appears on the stage surrounded by stars who are performing a dance.) Children - Hello, Astrologer! Z. – Hello, guys. What are you doing in the land of fairy tales? D. – Your sister, the Fairy, sent us to you. At the celebration of farewell to the ABC, the key to the Land of Knowledge was stolen. He is now with Karabas-Barabas. We need this key back. Otherwise, all the guys will not be able to get to the Land of Knowledge. Z. I will help you, but first help me collect the stars so that it turns out to be a sentence. (Children line up the stars in order.) Z. - Thank you very much, take a guiding star, it will help you get through the enchanted forest. Good luck to you! (The lights on the stage go out, there is a slide with the image of a scary forest on the screen, the children move on) (The music “Cyborg - Horror” performed by A. Buynov plays and a cyborg comes out to meet the children. During the song, he takes the guiding star from the children and disappears.) D. – Oh, how dark and scary! (A voice is heard from behind the scenes repeating the last words of the children) G. - Scary... D. - What to do? G. - Do... D. - Who says this? G. – Who speaks, who speaks! Yes I am! Leshy! Don't be afraid, I won't touch you. (To the music of “The Leshy’s Song” from the film “New Year’s Adventures of Masha and Vitya,” Leshy enters the stage.) L. What are you doing in the enchanted forest? This is no place for kids! D. At the celebration of farewell to the ABC, the key to the Land of Knowledge was stolen. He is now with Karabas-Barabas. We need this key back. Otherwise, all the guys will not be able to get to the Land of Knowledge. The astrologer gave us a guiding star, but Cyborg stole it and now we don’t know where to go. Maybe you can help us? L. - Nope! I'm bored here alone, but if you stay, it will be more fun. Good people don’t want to be friends with me, but I had a quarrel with Baba Yaga a long time ago, I’m tired of doing nasty things to everyone. D. – We will be friends with you! Come with us! (To the music “How many in the world...” children dance together with Leshiy) L. -Eh-eh! I'll take you straight to Karabas! (The lights on the stage go out, the children and Leshy leave. A large box appears on which Karabas is sitting. He sings Karabas’s song from the film “The Adventures of Pinocchio.” The children enter the stage) K.B. - Wow! New dolls! D. We are not dolls! We are 1st grade students. We have come for the key to the land of Knowledge! K.B. - What kind of key is this? I don't know any key! L. Well, give the key to the guys. Otherwise... K.B. Okay, but in order for the magic box to open, you must solve riddles and surprise me. (K.B. asks the children riddles. After the riddles are solved, the box opens and Suok appears from it with the key to the Land of Knowledge.) S. - Thank you for saving me from Karabas Barabas. And here is your key. Take it. D. Thank you! Music sounds, “Lives in a Magic Box” performed by M. Boyarsky, gymnasts perform a number on the stage. (On the screen there is an image of a magic door that the guys open with a key.) Fanfare From behind the scenes, to the fanfare, ABC appears. The song “Merry Song” is playing. The letters surround the ABC. Uch. We have memorized these letters. There are more than three dozen of them, Well, for us they are the keys to all good books. Let's not forget to take a bunch of magic keys on the road. We will find a way into any story, We will enter any fairy tale. We will read books about animals, plants and machines. We will visit the seas and gray peaks. And wonderful lands will open the way for us from A to Z. A. - Hello, guys! I see that you have grown noticeably and wiser. I congratulate you on your holiday, on the fact that you can now read and write. And you and I will have to part ways. The hour of parting has come. And I'm a little sad now. But I am calm for you, you will enter life with dignity. Good luck on the road of knowledge, guys! Make friends with a new book! Read! Raise smart and kind children! Goodbye! Study 1 We take the ABC for the last time And say to the valuable book: “Thank you!” Study 2 You are my first book, Now I can read! Study 3 There are many books in the world, now I can read them. Uch. 4 To those who love adventure, We will reveal our secret. There is nothing more exciting than reading. Lesson 5 Books help you become a real person. Uch. 6 New books living lines Open up a wide path. Uch. 7 And ahead lies the sea, There, in the wide and free expanse, Teaching 8 There, in the sea of ​​Knowledge, where the waves and wind are, Remember the Sweet ABC, children! Study 9 The moment of farewell has come, the ABC Festival has passed. Uch. 10 We say: “Goodbye!” And see you again, friends! Study 11 Goodbye! Goodbye! And next year, Our ABC will teach those who come to first grade to read! All participants of the celebration go on stage. The final song plays.


"Goodbye, ABC!"

Developer: primary school teacher

MBOU "Belyanogorsk Secondary School"

Vyskrebentseva E. V.

2011 – 2012 academic year.

"Goodbye, ABC!"
- Hello, adults! Hello children! There will be music, smiles and laughter - Our class has opened its doors to everyone! Today is an unusual day for us First grade says goodbye to ABC!
Shapoklyak . Hello! Do they make friends here? Oh, I think I'm at a party.
Student. Hello. Yes, and not just for a holiday, but for the ABC holiday.
Sh-k. Can you find a friend here?
U-k. Certainly! What kind of friend do you need?
Sh-k. I need... I need... I need a bad student!
U-k. What kind of loser?
Sh-k. Round.
U-k. Why do you need a complete bad student?
Sh-k. How why? I'm studying at school. They'll say me: “Again, Shapoklyak, you have six deuces in the magazine! And I will answer: “Just think, six! But one of my friends has eight! It's clear?"
U-k. It's clear. And it’s good that he’s a great shot with a slingshot?
Sh-k. Why?
U-k. How why? They will say to you: “Again, Shapoklyak, you broke someone else’s window?” And you will answer: “Just think, a window, my friend broke two windows!”
Sh-k. Right. Then you also need it to be well brought up.
U-k. For what?
Sh-k. How why? So that I don’t have to waste time raising him.
U-k. So, if I understand you correctly, you need a well-mannered loser and an ugly person?
Sh-k. That's it.
U-k. Then you will have to come tomorrow. Let's try to pick one, though... We have one in mind... Firstly, he is a real truant.
Sh-k. This is good!
U-k. Secondly, he is a terrible fighter.
Sh-k. Wonderful!
U-k. Thirdly, six deuces a month and also dirty.
Sh-k. Two is not enough. The rest is fine. Where does he study?
U-k. At our school. And his name is Dunno.
Dunno enters.
Sh-k. Hello, Dunno. You will be my assistant today. The guys have studied all the letters, read the ABC, they need an exam arrange.
Nah. Exam? Oh, how I'm afraid of exams!
The song “The Half-Educated Wizard” is playing (lyrics by L. Derbenev, music by A. Zatsepin).
Sh-k. Dear girls and boys, dear first-graders. Just recently, on September 1, you came to school and received his first book - "ABC". What did ABC teach you?
ABC. Hello. Who remembers me here? Do you recognize me?I am ABC. I came to you on September 1 and will stay with you for the rest of my life.I will remind you of the first day of school, the first bell, of your very first step to the heights of knowledge. For those who want to know a lot, Who wants to read books About mountains and valleys, About the water depths, About rivers and continents, You can't do without the ABC.
U-k. Sit down, ABC. Be the most welcome guest in our lesson. Oh, that is, at a holiday.
U-k 1. On an autumn day, on a wonderful day We entered the classroom timidly, “The ABC is a new textbook They found them on their tables.U-k 2. We walked along the pictures, They walked along the steps - in lines. Oh, how much we have learned Oh, how much we have read.
U-k 3. Our journey was not very long, The days pass unnoticed. And now on the bookshelf Other books are waiting for us.
U-k 4. Those who loves adventures We will reveal our secret: More fun than reading There is nothing in the world!
U-k. "ABC" taught us read. We learned several poems from our first book by heart. Listen to them.Students read poems: “Winter” by I. Surikov, “Reader” by V. Berestov,
U-k. We also learned how to solve riddles. Here is one of them.
Little birds sat in a row And they say little words. Looks black, crooked, Dumb from birth And as soon as they line up, Everyone will start talking right away.
Sh-k. Sunflower seeds?.. Crows?..
Children. No.
Sh-k. Then I don't know. What is this?
Children. Letters. Song "Alphabet" lyrics. I. Reznik, music. R.Paulsa
Verse 1
A! We sing the alphabet together!
B! Let's sing it like a song.
IN! We'll sing it merrily
G! Louder than thunder, louder than thunder.
D! Today is a musical day.
E! We have vocal talent.
AND! Living without knowledge would be boring
Z! Knowledge is our strength
AND! And the paths are open to that.
TO! Who will make friends with the alphabet,
L! Horse, llama, lily of the valley, spoon,
M! Chalk, blizzard, metro, matryoshka,
N! Sky, net, thread, bride,
ABOUT! Gadfly, cloud, orchestra.

Verse 2
P! Parrot guy sings from the notes.
R! A swarm of bees builds honeycombs.
WITH! A dragonfly chirps in the garden.
T! The dachshund stomps its paws.
Uh! The duck listens to records.
F! A flamingo tries Fanta.
X! The choir is not bad, the choir has hearing!
C! The king of beasts is his support.
Ch! We honor him - he growls purely.
Sh! He will replace six soloists.
SCH! Songs give us a generous world.
Eh! This day brought us together.
Yu! Humorists, optimists,
I! Bright schoolchildren - soloists!

U-k 4. The letters stood strictly in a row, It's like being on a line. Everyone knows their place And he doesn’t dare leave. They all stand beautifully In order, look. Well, now you can Repeat all thirty-three?
Sh-k. Oh my goodness, I've always had a bad memory. And why do I need them? You better guess my riddles. Sweeter than honey, softer than fluff. - Rest! – everything whispers in your ear. The one who will be friends with her, It will be... very bad to live. (Laziness.)
Not a deck or a stump, And he lies there all day. (Lazy guy.)
Sh-k. Do you have such students?
Children. No.
Sh-k. Let's check now. Determine by ear which words are hidden in the words you hear:Stable (lion) car (tire) Pillar (table) duck (fishing rod) Scythe (wasp) darkness (cancer) Regiment (floor) slot (spruce) Fishing rod (daughter) injection (stake)
The children answer.
Sh-k. Now put emphasis on these words. Can you?
Squirrel, camel, giraffe, hare, carrot, crocodile, fox.
U-k. I really want the guys Grow up quickly We already know how to speak Find the accent. Complete the task.
Sh-k. Which of these words is redundant? Explain.Children. They answer.
Sh-k. What would be more difficult for you to ask? Ah... here! Try to find mistakes in poems.
    The wolf lives in his hole,
And the bugs live in the bark. (Everything is correct.)
    Ducks sleep at night.
In a kennel or in a booth. (Not ducks, but dogs.)
    In the spring from the den
Rhinos come out. (Not rhinoceroses, but bears.)
    For those who are not healthy,
Doctors are called. (Right.)
    Blizzards howl like wolves
In the winter month of April. (April is not a winter month.)
    We play football well
We score goals often. (Not pucks, but balls.)
Dunno. The guys are tired, Shapoklyak, let them rest. Rings the bell.
Nah. Change!
Children perform ditties.
1. We are 7-year-old boys, We'll sing ditties for you. We are at our favorite school We live wonderfully.
2. Eh, stomp your foot, Stomp right. I came to school to study Even if it’s small.
3. Letters in Tanya’s notebookThey don’t stand like they’re at a parade.The letters jump and danceThey wag their tails at Tanya.
4. Mothers used to read to us About the rabbits and the fox, Now let's read it ourselves About love and about the moon.
5. Every day we have lessons - We sculpt, paint, craft, We study numbers, letters, We are talking about nature.
6. We made a little noise,The glass in the windows rattled.We said: “Silence!” -The wall at the school was cracked.
7. We love solving problems Who's faster and who's ahead? And what are the tasks? The professor himself will not understand.
8. I dance and sing and study well, And besides, look Very cute.
9. We sang ditties for you,Is it good or bad?And now we ask you,So that you clap for us.
Sh-k. And now Dunno and I will check, you know Are you the magic words?
Dunno reads poetry, and Sh-k shows tables with words printed separately.
A) If you can't eat anymore, Let's tell mom... (Thank you)Shows: goodbye.
b) The boy is polite and developed He says when we meet... (Hello) Please forgive me.
V) When we are scolded for our pranks, Let's talk... (Excuse me please) Thank you.
G) Both in France and Denmark They say goodbye... (Goodbye) Hello.

Sh-k. Now let’s remember your first writing lesson. You carefully brought out the sticks and hooks. And now you write in whole words. "Attention! Competition!"
- What word fell apart? a to at b a z
Two teams of 6 people take turns writing the letters of a word "ABC". The team that writes this word faster and more beautifully wins. .
Dunno is crying. Sh-k. Are you crying, Dunno? It's a holiday for us.
Nah. Yes, I just can’t read the word. What happened to the letters? This is probably the tricks of a literalist. Guys, help, please.Dunno shows a poster.

Children. Cloud.
Sh-k. Long live the rain!
Nah. No, Shapoklyak, it’s a magic cloud, when rain syllables fall out of it, it turns out not puddles, but words. Try to form words.
Children make up words.
Sh-k. “ABC”... Yes, a very useful book.
U-k. Read the ABC to cover, We got an A in reading! Hard work is behind us Slow reading: Today they give us U-do-sto-ve-re-ni-ya! Yes, we read the ABC Completed the full course of science. And now without a break We will read any books!
Sh-k.“Reader” medals are awarded to...
The ABC comes out.
Az-ka. You just came to school I met you. The days of study have flown by, We became friends! I taught you letters Both writing and reading, Strong friendship and work, And also – patience! You won't be recognized today: You started reading quickly! They have grown wiser and matured! And I want to say now: “I’m glad, friends, for you!” But I didn’t teach you everything, so the poet brought me a new book called “Literary Reading.” You will learn a lot of interesting things in it. I hope that you will be friends with her the same way you are with me, read carefully and take care of it.
ABC plays the game “Yes, No”.
Books love neatnessKnowledge will bring you light.Will you tear them? (No.)
Books will tell you a lot,They will never be deceived.You just need to be diligent.Will you be lazy? (No.)
Be careful with the bookSave it for many years.Don't draw, don't put stains in it.Do you understand everything? (Yes.)
Read the book with interestEvery book has advice.The book will become your best friend.Will you leave your friend? (No.)
Know that each of the booksLike a bright star.Respect them, love them.Will you take care of them? (Yes.)
Then have a good trip!
Sh-k. Dear children! Dunno and I also wish you excellent grades and a successful journey through the Land of Knowledge. It's time for us to leave, goodbye! See you again!A song is playing. All 1st grade students go to the board and sing a song:Song: (To the tune of “Let them run clumsily”) 1. Let them run clumsilyFirst-graders through puddles,Children rush to school to get to class.Even the rain doesn't scare meIf he invites you to class,Our best friend, a cheerful call.
Chorus: We've grown up a little bit nowWe learned to read.Have grown up and become wiser,We are now unrecognizable.2. Our books, notebooksIn perfect orderTired of relaxing on the weekend!It's terribly boring at home,Well, school is great:Let's write and read again!
Chorus: We've grown up a little bit nowWe learned to read.Have grown up and become wiser,We are now unrecognizable.
Congratulations from the school principal, librarian, parents, students of grades 2, 3, 4.

Scenario - 2 holidays for elementary school, dedicated to the end of studying the ABC (Primer) in first grade.

N. N. Andrievskaya

Norilsk, Krasnoyarsk region

Holiday "Goodbye, Primer!"

The song “Feast of the Primer” is played.

I am the fairy Bukvarina. I always come to the guys for the Primer holiday Dear guys! You have finished studying the ABC book. This is a big event in your life, now you can read any book. And there are a great many of them on earth. But never forget your first study book.

What is the name of this book?

Right. Meet the Primer.

Hello guys! I'm very glad to see you again.

Hello, Primer.

It’s impossible not to know me.

You will study me well

And then you can

Without any difficulty...

And now I invite you to Alphabet Country. Adventures and dangers await those who set out on the journey. All this can only be done by those who have learned the Primer well, who know how to be friends and help each other. Aren't you scared? Are you ready to go? Then, let's go!

Taffy runs in.

Wait, wait, I want to go with you too.

Who are you?

I am Teffy from Kipling's fairy tale “How the First Letter Was Written.” On your advice, I learned to write and read. You helped me, corrected my mistakes. And now I'm ready to travel with you.

But what is it?

Here is the sea in front of us.

It rages and makes noise in the open space.

And there is a high wave in the sea.

Be careful, otherwise it will cover us.

Where will we get the ship?

You forgot that I have a magical daddy. Let's say the magic words "crible-crable-bus". Three or four.

(Everyone says the magic words together.)

Here is a wonderful ship. Captain and mates, take your seats!

Full speed ahead!

1st assistant.

For some reason our ship is not moving. We are standing.

This is a magic ship, in order for it to sail, you need to guess which fairy tale these lines are from:

The wind blows across the sea

And the boat speeds up,

He runs in the waves

With full sails.

Children guess.

Who wrote this fairy tale?

I, I know. This is Chukovsky.

2nd assistant (jumps out).

Oh! Oh! There is a huge wave coming and it will drown us.

Guys, fix Taffy quickly.

(Sounds like the correct answer.)

That's it, the waves have receded! The sea is calm. Our ship is rushing forward quickly.

1st assistant.

Look, look, someone is swimming overboard. Maybe this is a man drowning?

2nd assistant.

I think these are some letters.

The letters M, G, C, Zh float out.

It is unknown how it happened

Only the letter got lost.

Dropped into someone's house

And he rules it.

But as soon as the mischievous letter entered there,

Very strange things began to happen.

They love to make jokes and make kids laugh.

1st assistant.

Look, look, what's that flying above us?

2nd assistant.

In my opinion, these are ordinary T-shirts that boys and girls wear.

Captain. So why do they fly?

Letter M (walks slowly, waving his T-shirt).

The sea turns blue in front of you,

T-shirts fly over the waves.

Who will answer very quickly:

What sound is lost here?

Who's flying? (Gull.)

The children answer.

Who will write on the board?

I, I will write, (Corrects M to G.)

Sharp blows are heard.

1st assistant.

Oh, why did it suddenly hit the deck of the ship so hard? It almost hit.

Yes, these are ordinary nuts. What have you done, Taffy?

Here, near the shore, nuts flocked to rest on the pebbles.

I forgot how to spell the letter C.

Correct Taffy.

Children write correctly.

Now everything has fallen into place. Seagulls are merrily circling over the waves.

1st assistant (looks through the telescope).

Miracles again! A huge spoon is floating on the right side, and for some reason people are sitting in it.

Letter Z (shows a picture).

Sit on the spoon and off you go

On the water back and forth!

Who will correct the mistake? (Corrected.)

2nd assistant.

Some huge monster is chasing us. Quickly guess what its name is, otherwise it will swallow one of us.

(Shows the poster “A...a” (shark).)

1st assistant.

Hooray! Direct hit. The monster is behind!

Captain (looks through the telescope).

I think I see the earth!

1st assistant.

Hooray! Earth!

2nd assistant.

There's an island ahead!

Everyone come ashore!

Fairy. But the locals welcome us.

(Dance “Cha-cha-cha”.)

This island is very similar to my home island. Here the sun also shines, the forest turns green.

Guys, be careful. It is unknown what kind of island this is and what secrets it holds.

Let's take a closer look at it.

What is this? I see some strange plants. (A tree is a tooth and a tree is a broom.)

It seems we have arrived on the island of Errors. Be careful. My magic wand doesn't work here. Only knowledge of the ABC will help us. Let's sing a song about her.

Song "ABC".

Well, we will have to correct the errors that are here at every step. Well, what kind of plants did you see?

In a forest clearing

A young tooth has grown.

Who will fix it? (Corrected.)

Grew above the quiet lake

Big-headed broom.

They fix it and remove the pictures.

I hear a menacing growl. Some kind of animal came out of the forest. How loudly he growls, and he is very small.

A growling Mouse appears.

Yes, this is Mouse. Why does she growl so menacingly and scary?

And Mishka lives in a hole and

Quietly gnawing on the crusts.

The mouse is catching up with the bear. (Growls.)

The bear backs away and runs away.

The bear ran away from fear. Pictures with captions “mouse”, “bear”.

Someone mixed up the letters

Put them in their place quickly.

And then the forest animals

They will also remember their place.

Correct letters.

Don't confuse us, friends,

And, of course, it's me.

And I denote a hard vowel and I am called proudly.

Finally I am a bear

Fat, clubfooted.

I can roar loudly.

I have big paws.

And I’m a gray mouse, but even though I’m tiny,

I run away from an owl and a cat very cleverly.

Oh, how nice it is to squeak: pee-pee-pee.

I'm tired of growling: pee-pee-pee.

Thanks guys!


Why the disgrace?

Co-co-co-of course!

What's the matter? Tell me exactly. You either bleat like a sheep or cluck like a chicken.

Mu-mu-mu-my tormentor!

Bunny (crying).

U-u-student who drew me.

Did he draw you poorly?

U-u-u-you can find out. For-for-for-why did he kill me for-for-stuttering? I'm not a stutterer.

Guys, let's help the bunny. Let's draw another tail. Just not on the bunny, but on the letter i.

Bunny (fun).

Now it’s clear to everyone that I’m a bunny. Thank you!

A cry of “Help, help!” is heard.

Here are the locals, the aborigines. We must hurry to help.

Two boys with towels in one plastic bag - in a “bank”.

My neighbor and I were going to the bathhouse.

And they hit the can directly.

People are not allowed to be in the bank.

Help us out, friends.

Student (goes to the board, corrects).

There is enough space for everyone in the bathhouse,

It's a bit cramped in the bank.

Soft sign, go to your place,

Enjoy your bath, guys!

A crying girl comes out.

Girl, why are you crying?

Girl (goats in her braids instead of bows).

Instead of the letter "C" it is blank

Someone inserted a different sound -

A ringing paired sound, and suddenly

Everything around has changed.

Suddenly the braids disappeared and goats appeared.

We won't leave you in trouble

We will put “C” in its place.

Corrects on the board.

Run away goats, grow braids.

We've been wandering around this island of Errors for a very long time. Isn't it time to rest?

I announce a halt!

All this is rubbish!

Why look for teachers?

Our teacher is Len.

Why get up early? (Yawns.)

It’s so nice to lie around longer, soak up the soft pillows. The best thing to do is to kick ass. This means lounging around, eating and sleeping. And the best music is snoring.

Well, why, why study?

It's more pleasant to be lazy.

Oh, you are my darling,

White pillow,

Hold on to her with your hand,

Don't look away for anything!

Sleep, little peephole, sleep, other one,

Go to sleep, dear friend.

It seems that we have entered the kingdom of Laziness. The guys fall asleep. We need to do something urgently. Otherwise, we will forever remain in this sleepy kingdom.

I came up with an idea to sing something for school. We need to sing a song and tell Leni that we are now at the gymnasium and are not messing around, but studying. Let's sing the song “What They Teach at School”

The children are singing.

Oh! Oh! What are they singing? What terrible words. I'm getting weaker.

And children not only know songs, they also know proverbs about work and study.

Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness.

Study and work will grind everything down.

You can't even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

Oh! Oh! I'm starting to melt.

Do you hear? There's someone crying there. The letters in every line cry - they are pieces of words.

These words have one beginning.

Laziness, as luck would have it, stole it,

But if you find it,

Then you will read all the words at once.


Oh! Oh! I'm melting again! I’ll quickly run away into the dense forest before I completely melt (Runs away.)

Hooray! We defeated Laziness!

Yes, you have overcome all the obstacles, and now welcome to Alphabet Land!

Letters included. Read poems about the letters of the “Alphabet”.

Memorize these letters

There are more than three dozen of them.

And for you they are the keys

To all good books.

Don't forget to take it on the road

A bunch of magic keys.

You will find a way into any story,

You will enter any fairy tale.

Will you read a book about animals,

Plants and machines.

You will visit the seas

And on gray peaks.

Wonderful lands for you

Will open the path from “A” to “Z”.

Living word.

I am your new book to read, “The Living Word.” I came to meet you.

On an autumn day, on a wonderful day

You entered the classroom timidly,

They found primers on their tables.

Your journey was not very long,

The days pass unnoticed.

And now on the bookshelf

Other books are waiting for you.

For those who love adventure,

I'll tell you my secret:

More fun than reading

There is nothing in the world.

Guys, I say goodbye to you, but my letters remain forever.

Goodbye, Primer -

Our friend, you gave knowledge to children!

Thank you, Bukvar!

Song "Farewell, Primer".

There's a long road ahead

There's no way to get through it right away.

We have taken the first step.

We will be taught everything at school.

Is teaching a joke?

To learn the business,

You have to work hard.

The song “The Book Is Sick” is playing.” Presentation of gifts.

Holiday "Goodbye, ABC"

Goal: To consolidate the studied letters, acquired knowledge, abilities and skills in a playful way.
1. Repeat the learned sounds and letters;
2. Contribute to the development of students’ talents;
3. Form students’ self-esteem of their achievements.
4. Develop logical thinking, memory, vigilance, interest and positive motivation, both for individual subjects and the learning process as a whole. cultivate respect for each other and interest in books.
5. Foster a desire to learn; awareness of the importance of the process of learning and cognition for self-improvement and development of one’s self.
6. Create conditions for the formation of trusting relationships between parents, teachers and children;
7. Instill a caring attitude towards books.

(The music of the song “Blue Car” sounds) children enter the classroom.

Teacher: Why aren’t schoolchildren in class in the morning?
Why are kids wearing full dress uniforms these days?
The covers have been removed from ABC, and there are no bookmarks...
Everyone is a little excited... What's the secret?
You can board the train.
This train is moving fast
He's in a hurry to go to school now
Come to our first grade party for the holiday!
So get on the happy train
And we'll rush from A to Z.
ABC holiday today,
Let's celebrate, friends!
(children take their places in the classroom)

Student 1 : We are very happy today
To all the kids, moms, dads.
We welcome guests
Dear teachers.
Student 2 : All acquaintances, strangers,
Both serious and cheerful
1st class, 1st class
I invited you to the holiday!

Teacher. Who is missing from our holiday?
Let's call ABC together!
(ABC included)

Teacher. Hello, ABC! We are glad to see you at our holiday.
ABC. Hello children. Thank you for remembering me and calling me.
I am ABC, I teach you to read,
It’s impossible not to know me.
Study me with an "A"
And then you can
I like to read any book
Without any work.

And I came to you today not by chance. Today we will take an exciting journey to the land of 33 sisters. What kind of sisters are these?

33 siblings –

Beautiful writings.

They live on the same page,

And they are famous everywhere? (Letters)

ABC: Guys, tell me, why do you need to study the alphabet?

Song “ABC” lyrics by Z. Petrova, music. A. Ostrovsky

ABC: thank you for the song, now I know exactly what I am needed for.

Teacher: Now let's play a game. The poet Lifshits has one poem. I want us to read it together. When I ask “For whom?” - you must answer in unison “For me.” If I ask “For whom?” you answer “For me.”

Someone made a desk

For whom? (For me)

Drew this map

For whom? (For me)

Pencil, notebook, pen

For whom? (For me)

And the textbooks are the best

For whom? (For me)

And the bell rings at recess

For whom? (For me)

There the teacher is waiting for an answer

From whom? (From me)

So you need to learn this way,

So you have to work hard

So that people don't feel ashamed

For whom! (For me).

Teacher: Game "Magic bag"(Place the Letters in a bag. Take turns to take out one letter for all students in the class and say the word for the letter that was taken out of the bag. If a student makes a mistake, you need to correct it and put the letter back in the bag).

Well done guys, you completed the task, and now we will find out how well you know fairy tales.

1 .And the road is far,

And the basket is not easy.

I wish I could sit down, sit on a tree stump,

I wish I could eat a pie (Masha and the Bear)

2 .There is no river, no pond-

Where can I get some water?

Very tasty water -

In the hoof hole! (Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)

3 . Didn't lie on the window,

Rolled along the path (Kolobok)

4 . He is kinder than everyone else in the world,

He heals sick animals,

And one day a hippopotamus

He pulled him out of the swamp.

He's famous, famous

This is the doctor (Aibolit)

5 . The grandmother loved the girl very much,

I gave her a red cap.

The girl forgot her name

Can you tell me what her name was? (Little Red Riding Hood)

6 .Opened the door of the little goats

And..... everyone disappeared somewhere! (Wolf and seven kids)

7 . He is both cheerful and not angry,

This cute weirdo

The owner is with him, the boy Robin,

And buddy Piglet

For him, a walk is a holiday

And he has a special nose for honey.

This is a plush prankster. Little Bear... (Winnie the Pooh)

ABC. Well done, guys! I brought words for you, but the trouble is, I fell and the words crumbled.
Teacher. Don’t worry, ABC, the guys will put words together from the syllables.
(ABC hands out envelopes with syllables)

Ta, ro, chu, sha, sve, kri, schu, cha.
Ma, honey, sha, after all.
ABC. Well done. Well done. And what rules did I bring you to say?


Everyone knows the letter "I"
In the alphabet - the last one.
Does anyone know -
Why and why?
Well, listen to the story!
Letters lived in our ABC.
They lived, did not grieve,
Because everyone was friends.
Where no one quarrels -
That's where things get controversial.
Just once. The whole thing has come to a standstill
Due to a terrible scandal:
The letter "I"...
Didn't fit in line.
The letter "I" rebelled:

“I,” said the letter “I,”
Home, capital!
I want,
To everywhere
I was standing there!
I don't want to stand in a line
I want to be visible!

Fu-you, well-you! - “Ef” snorted,
Blushing with offense.

Shame! –

"es" said angrily.

"Ve" shouts:

I imagined!

"Pe" grumbled:

Talk to someone so special!

Narrator. "I" stamped her feet.

Letter Y
I don't want to hang out with you!
I'll do everything myself
I'm crazy enough!

The letters looked at each other here,
Everyone literally smiled
And the friendly chorus answered:

Letters (in unison).
- Fine!
Let's go to an argument.

Letter A.
If you can alone
Write at least a line -
Is it true,

Letter Y
- So that I
Yes, I couldn’t
I'm not just anyone
And "I"!

The letter "I" got down to business:
For a whole hour she
And groaned
And sweated -
She managed to write
"I - I - I - I - I!"

Letter X.
How the letter "Ha" is filled in:
- Ha - ha - ha - ha - ha - ha - ha!

The letter O. "O" started laughing!
Letter A. "A" grabbed his head!
Letter B. "B" grabbed his stomach..

Letter "I"
First fastened
And then it roars:

Letter Y
- It's my fault, guys!
I admit my guilt!
I agree to stand up, guys.
Even behind the letter "U".

Letter Y.
“Well,” the entire alphabet decided, “
If he wants, let him stand.
It's not about the place at all,
The point is that we are all in this together!

Letter "I"
Has always been
Dear to everyone and everyone,
But we advise, friends,
Remember the place
Letters "I"!

Teacher: Game "Mail" (Prepare “letters” for toys: put postcards in envelopes, write “address” on the envelopes - the first letters of the name of the toys (P, S, B, V, P, L, K, D). Turn the child into a postman, fold letters for toys in the bag. The guys need to guess which of the toys received the letter.

Teacher: I want to test you one last time today. I ask you a question and you answer “No” or “Yes.”

The ABC gave you knowledge

They are with you forever.

Will you remember? (Yes)

There are books ahead of you guys,

Knowledge will bring you light.

They love neatness.

Will you tear them? (No)

Books will tell you a lot,

They will never be deceived.

You just need to be diligent.

Will you be lazy? (No)

Be careful with the book

Save it for many years.

Don't draw, don't put stains in it.

Do you understand everything? (Yes)

Read the book with interest

Every book has advice.

The book will become your best friend.

Will you leave your friend? (No)

Know that each of the books

Like a bright star.

Know and love books.

Will you take care of them? (Yes).

Teacher: I see that you have grown noticeably and become wiser. I congratulate you guys on the holiday, on the fact that you have learned and learned to write letters and numbers, and I want to present memorable gifts.

ABC: Well, our holiday has come to an end. Today you have to say goodbye to me.

The hour of parting has come.

And I'm a little sad now.

But I'm calm for you,

You will enter life with dignity.

Get decent knowledge

And the grades are only excellent.

You still have a lot to learn,

Don't be lazy, but work hard,

Year after year will flash by,

And from the school threshold

The road to life will open.

Important discoveries await you,

Don't be timid, but dare.

And you solve problems,

Write essays

Surprise everyone with your knowledge

Teachers and parents believe in you!

Teacher: Guys, today we say goodbye to your first book, “ABC”. Now you will be interested in meeting and reading new books. And our journey through the land of knowledge will continue for many more years.

Children sing the song "Blue Car"

Note: an extracurricular activity is held upon completion of the ABC course in 1st grade.

Celebration progress:

There are four desks arranged in a semicircle in the classroom - places for teams to work.

Guests are seated in prepared places.

The teacher enters the class. In his hands is a colorfully decorated envelope.

Teacher. Guys! We have received a letter. Who do you think it's from? Let's open the envelope. (Takes out a letter and a piece of paper with a rebus.) No one signed the letter. I think the rebus will help you guess its author. This is what is drawn (Slide 2: rebus words: sorceress Gramota).

The children read the words and solve the puzzle, and then read the letter together with the teacher.

Slide 3: text of the letter. (Dear guys! Today is your holiday. You met all the letters that live in my city of Letters. This is a big event in your life, because now you can read any book yourself. And there are a great many books on Earth. You will read a book in book. But remember your first book, which taught you to read. What is the name of this book (“ABC”).

Teacher. But somehow the sorceress ABC has no idea to come visit us. Let's all call her together.

Children. Sorceress ABC, come to us!

The sorceress ABC appears.

ABC. Hello guys! I'm very glad to see you again.

Children. And we are glad to see you, sorceress ABC.

1st student.

On an autumn day, on a wonderful day

We entered the classroom hesitantly.

ABC (gift for everyone)

They found them on their tables.

2nd student. We walked along the pictures,

They walked along the steps in s-lines.

Oh, how much we have learned!

Oh, how much we read!

3rd student. Our journey was not very long,

The days pass unnoticed.

And now on the bookshelf

Other books are waiting for us.

4th student. For those who love adventure,

We will reveal our secret:

More fun than reading

There is nothing in the world!

ABC sorceress. I did not come to visit you alone.

33 siblings,

Written beauties

They live in the same city

And they are famous everywhere.

Who came with me? (Letters) That's right. But first they must hear the verses you taught about them.

First graders read poetry, holding up cards with letters drawn on them. This way the letters “come to life”.

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