Presentations for February 23rd for high school students. Presentation "February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day" presentation for the lesson (grade 7) on the topic

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

Who are Defenders of the Fatherland? These are Warriors who defend our Motherland, Fatherland from enemies.

Look at the pictures




Border guards



Doctors and orderlies

To defend the Motherland, soldiers and officers must be Akimi?

Strong, Brave, Fast, Accurate, Resourceful.

What's extra? Why? Tankman Sailor Teacher

What's extra? Why? Helmet Cap Cap Panama hat

What's extra? Why? Helicopter Ship Tank Bicycle

What's extra? Why? Military uniform Dress Jacket Jeans

Find the artist's mistake

Who needs what?

Well done! Thank you!

Vanya Medvedev! Our dear classmate, We congratulate you on this excellent holiday - the twenty-third of February!

Egor! May you be lucky, my friend, May there be joy in life, May you find everything you are looking for, May you lose your melancholy and sadness!

Vanya Kainov! You are a mischievous boy, restless, funny, very kind, positive, energetic and athletic! Stay like this, And don’t change a bit, Just become more mature, Every day a little bit smarter! Be happy and healthy, ready for challenges!

Timur! We wish you health and happiness, Always be active, brave and cheerful, Smart, and generous, and smart, and kind!

Kirill! We wish you good luck, May there be no difficult tasks, May you have true friends, May your life be happy!

Hera! We wish you the best! Be athletic, cheerful, energetic, smart, patient, pretty!

Vasya! Let's wish you to be obedient, so that every day is not boring, so that all your wishes come true, so that all your dreams come true, so that you become the happiest, the kindest and the most beautiful!

Demyan! Study well and be friends with sports, Treasure your friends and loved ones, Be smart and brave, strive for victories, May life give you happiness and joy!

Seva! May you be lucky, my friend, May there be joy in life, May you find everything you are looking for, May you lose your melancholy and sadness!

Savely! Never give up, persist, try. Let problems not bother you. And on the men's holiday, in spite of everything, the smiles of your friends will multiply your happiness.

Sasha! Don’t offend and help, And protect from failure, Don’t abandon your friend in difficult times, If they offend you, fight back!

Seryozha! Even though you haven’t served yet, You are persistent, strong, not capricious, a keen eye and a steady hand, the future Defender of the Fatherland!

Vlad - you are a reliable friend! And you will help me if suddenly I need help! And I'm proud of you! And hearty congratulations on February 23!

Thank you for your attention!

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Russian history.

In Russian history, until recently, February 23 was celebrated as the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. In February 1918 (World War I was ending), the Red Army successfully repelled the onslaught of German troops. Now this holiday has been renamed Defender of the Fatherland Day. February 23 is a national holiday that instills joy in us; on this day all defenders, young and old, are honored, because the Armed Forces of the country keep our peace and tranquility.

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Defenders of the Fatherland Day Arose in 1918 as the birthday of the Red Army to commemorate the victory at Narva and Pskov over the German conquerors. Now we just have to remember that the coming of the International to power in Russia was associated with a change in the calendar, and ask: when was the day now called “February 23” celebrated? It turns out that the eighth of March according to the new style is February 23 according to the old style.

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"Red Army Day".

When European brothers in the International celebrated the “eighth of March,” in Russia this day was called February 23rd. Therefore, in the pre-revolutionary years, party members and their sympathizers were accustomed to consider February 23 a holiday. Then the calendar was changed, but the reflex remained to celebrate something revolutionary on February 23rd. There was a date. In principle, this date is no worse or better than March 8. But it was necessary to find a cover for her. A few years later, a corresponding myth was created: “Red Army Day.” The memory of the first battle and the first victory. But this is a myth. On February 23, 1918, there was no Red Army yet, and there were no victories for it. Newspapers at the end of February 1918 do not contain any reports of victory. And the February 1919 newspapers did not rejoice over the first anniversary of the “great victory.” Only in 1922 was February 23 declared Red Army Day.”

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Military orders.

In Rus', St. George the Victorious has long been revered, who delivered people from the terrible serpent - the dragon. Since the 14th century, the image of a warrior on a horse has become the coat of arms of Moscow. In 1769, the military order of St. was established in Russia. Great Martyr and Victorious George, in 1913 - the military Cross of St. George. In 1698, Peter I established the first order in Russia - the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called - to reward military exploits and public service. The order consisted of a gold cross, a blue ribbon, a silver eight-pointed star and a gold chain. In the center of the star, in a rosette covered with red enamel and gold stripes in the form of a wreath, there is a double-headed eagle crowned with three crowns; on the chest of the eagle there is an oblique blue cross.

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In all centuries, the heroism and courage of Russian soldiers, the power and glory of Russian weapons have been an integral part of the greatness of the Russian state.

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For several decades now, we have been faithful to the tradition of widely and popularly celebrating the Defender of the Fatherland holiday and celebrating it with special solemnity and warmth.

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February 23 is the day of Russian military glory, which Russian troops earned on the battlefields. Initially, this day had a high meaning - to love your Motherland and, if necessary, be able to defend it, and Russian soldiers had to defend their native land more than once, and the Russian soldier always fulfilled his duty with honor.

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We are standing at the post, platoon and squadron.

Immortal as fire. Calm as granite.

We are the country's army. We are the army of the people.

Our history preserves a great feat.

R. Rozhdestvensky

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On February 23, 1918, the Red Guard troops won their first victories near Pskov and Narva over the regular troops of the Kaiser's Germany. These first victories became the “birthday of the Red Army.”

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In 1922, this date was officially declared Red Army Day. Later, February 23 was celebrated annually in the USSR as a national holiday - the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the date was renamed Defender of the Fatherland Day.

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For some people, the holiday of February 23 remains the day of men who serve in the army or in any law enforcement agencies. However, most citizens of Russia and the countries of the former USSR tend to view Defender of the Fatherland Day not so much as the anniversary of a great victory or the Birthday of the Red Army, but as the Day of Real Men. Defenders in the broadest sense of the word.

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Happy Army Day!

From the holidays of warriors,

Happy Brothers Day,

Fathers and husbands

Their aspirations

Glory worthy

The world is saved

on the planet of people.

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The holiday on February 23 is a tribute to our respect to all generations of Russian soldiers, from ancient times to the present day, who courageously defended their native land from invaders. On this “men’s” day, male representatives, from boys to old men, accept congratulations and gifts, and military personnel are always honored. Women have a happy opportunity to say the most affectionate and kind words to their loved ones, to please them with signs of attention.

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Cold winds rustle


And in warm windows

lights are shining.

Soldier in ranks.

He is always where you need him

Be it steppes, mountains or sands.

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Soldier on the march. The oath to the homeland lives unshakably in his soul,

Even in Kievan Rus there was a custom for military feats to award soldiers with a special insignia, which was called "neck hryvnia". Although they were rewarded for good military service with other awards: weapons, armor and horses.

The history of modern Russian awards is inextricably linked with the history of the Russian state itself. Thus, the first of the orders appeared in Russia at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries. There is no exact date of its establishment, and therefore historians count from 1698, when in honor of the patron saint of the Russian land, Peter the Great introduced the Order of St. Apostle Andrew the First-Called.

About the history of orders in the scenario on February 23 at school

It was not without reason that the Apostle Andrew was chosen, who spent almost his entire life in wanderings and wanderings. He has always been considered the protector of seafarers. And the very next year, by decree of Peter I, the St. Andrew's cross also began to be depicted on the naval flag. The motto of the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called read: "For faith and fidelity".

Another order, also approved by Peter the Great, is St. Alexander Nevsky. This award, having been slightly transformed during the Soviet Union, shone with special brilliance during the difficult years of the Great Patriotic War. Many Soviet soldiers were awarded this award for their exploits and defense of the Fatherland.

It is impossible to pass by and not name at least some of the holders of the Order of Alexander Nevsky, awarded in. The first of the holders of this order was Lieutenant Colonel Ruban I.N. Another lieutenant colonel, Nevsky N.L., became a holder of three orders of Alexander Nevsky. We also remember other holders of the order, accompanied by images of their portraits on the presentation slides "February 23 at school".

Competitions and quizzes in the scenario for February 23

Before the thematic quiz, we read the poem again. This time by the poet V. Soloukhin "Men". And the first competition in which schoolchildren will have to measure their strength, ingenuity and dexterity will be a quiz "Who is who?". From a series of names proposed on the screen, the guys must remember which of them is an astronaut, which is an admiral or a tsar, and which is a commander, marshal or president.

This is how competition after competition is held, adding sports and entertainment entertainment to the class hour. The following competitions will be offered to students: "Puzzles", "Arm wrestling", "Sea Knots", “What you need to take with you to the army?”, as well as humorous quatrains from girls to their classmates.

Detailed for class time "February 23 at school" and the presentation can be downloaded at the beginning of the article; below, view the presentation in the player ↓

For some people, the holiday of February 23 remains the day of men who serve in the army or in any law enforcement agencies. However, most citizens of Russia and the countries of the former USSR tend to view Defender of the Fatherland Day not so much as the anniversary of a great victory or the Birthday of the Red Army, but as the Day of Real Men. Defenders in the broadest sense of the word.

Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin

Types of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

  • Air Force
  • Navy

  • Motorized rifle
  • Tank
  • PVO Troops (Air Defense Troops)



tank crews

border guards



Special Forces

Hard to learn, easy to fight.

The brave one wins, the coward dies.

Stand together for peace - there will be no war.

It's better to die standing than to live on your knees.

Don't lose courage, don't take a step back.

The soldier is sleeping - the service is in progress.

He who skillfully wields a weapon will defeat his enemies.

I gain my glory in battle.


Defenders of the Fatherland!

The holiday of all our soldiers - That's what this day means! Day of Defenders of the Brave And just all the guys! After all, any of them dreams Protect children, family, Conquer at least something in the world And find your destiny!

Thanks to everyone who gave their lives, For dear Rus', for freedom, Who forgot fear and fought, Serving my beloved people. Thank you, Your feat is eternal, While my country is alive, You are in our souls, In our heart We will never forget the heroes!

Congratulations for dad!

Let's congratulate dad And wish for various blessings: Don't lose the victory flag To the troubles of being captured - do not get caught, It is courageous to defeat them. One two three four five - Let me kiss you!!!

Dad, you are the best in the world, The best father on the vast planet! How I admire you, how proud I am, I hold your friendship and hand tightly!

Congratulations for grandpa!

Grandfather, military years You, of course, will remember forever. I love you, grandpa. On this holiday, I don’t hesitate to say. I say “thank you” For your love, for my happy life. After all, fascism cannot be eradicated. Only love can win.

Dear grandfather, dear, My dear protector. For me you are the most important The smartest and most desirable. I am your grandson, I love you And thank you for everything.

This car is not easy, This car is a combat vehicle! Like a tractor, only with a “proboscis” - He gives everyone a “light” all around.


The plane is taking off, I'm ready to fly. I'm waiting for that cherished order, To protect you from the sky!


I'll grow up and follow my brother I will also be a soldier I will help him Protect your...


You can become a sailor To guard the border And serve not on earth, And in the military...


The plane soars like a bird There is an air border there. On duty both day and night Our soldier is a military man...


A raven is flying, all shackled, Whoever gets bitten will die.


Sprinkles with fire It sounds like thunder. Power flows out Sends to the target At sea, on land Fortresses are destroyed

a gun

Under the water is a steel house, Fighting people live in it. Can swim with an armored boat In pitch darkness, under the ice. Excites the depth - He takes care of his country. Swiftly plows through the abyss On assignment...


In war he is needed like air, When they release caustic gas. And let our answer be friendly: Yes, this is...!


Who's at the border guys? He guards our land, To work and study Could our people calmly?

border guard

He is ready for fire and battle, Protecting you and me. He goes on patrol and into the city, Will not leave his post...

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