Newborn and Apgar scores: the most important numbers. On the Apgar scale, what do these scores that we don’t understand mean? How to interpret the score?

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For more than 60 years, our newborn babies have undergone their first exam - assessing their condition using the Apgar scale. What is it and what is it needed for?

62 years ago in 1952, the first American woman professor, MPH, director of the National Foundation for Birth Defects, Virginia Apgar, proposed a system for determining the condition of newborn children in the first minute of life using a 10-point system - the “Apgar Newborn Score.” To make it easier to remember the evaluation criteria, I used the initial letters of my last name:

  1. A- the child’s appearance (skin color);
  2. P - child's pulse (HR);
  3. G- grimace (reaction in response to a stimulus);
  4. A - activity and muscle tone of the baby;
  5. R - breathing movements of the child.

Each criterion is assessed by a number of points from 0 to 2. The sum of points determines the child’s condition at a certain moment and ranges from 0 to 10.

The Apgar score contains complete information about the child and is intended primarily for the maternity hospital doctor to be able to quickly respond and determine which of the babies needs emergency assistance in emergency medical procedures, or just more careful attention.

Scoring method

The number of points gives an assessment and generalizes the baby’s reaction in the first minute of life (in the ectopic environment) - restoration of violations of important body functions, measures aimed at restoring a possible failure of heartbeats, and breathing problems during childbirth. Each of the five criteria is assigned a score - 0, 1 or 2 points. The best total score is 8, 9, and 10 points.

The rating on this scale is determined in the first and fifth minutes after birth. Therefore, there are always two of them - for example, 7/8 or 8/9 points. Usually by the fifth minute the baby can add up to 2 points. If the sum of points in the fifth minute of the child’s life does not exceed -7, a control examination is carried out within 20 minutes, every 5 minutes.

  • An Apgar score of 7, 8, 9 and 10 points characterizes the condition of the newborn without visible pathologies. Very few children receive the maximum score of 10, mostly 7/8 and 8/9 points. The second score, given by the fifth minute, is usually 1 or 2 points higher, although not always. It can remain, for example, 8/8 or 9/9. Such babies are immediately placed on their mother’s breast and placed under her care.
  • The condition of newborns assessed at 6 points is evidence of unsteady breathing, decreased muscle tone, poor response to stimuli with a pulse rate of 100 beats/min or more. This condition is evidence of a moderate degree of asphyxia (lack of oxygen). The condition assessed with a 6-point rating is considered satisfactory, but requires certain therapeutic measures.
  • Urgent resuscitation care is measures to prevent the development of complications or save lives, the condition of which is required for babies, rated from 4 to 6 points.
  • The result according to this system in the first minute of birth is from 0 to 3 points, evidence of a slow pulse, changes or absence of breathing, pale skin, and muscle atony. This condition is the result of severe asphyxia.

A low Apgar score - from 3 to 6 is due to the fact that the child has an acute lack of oxygen, and this is evidence of the presence of chronic hypoxia, which formed during pregnancy, or oxygen starvation that occurred during childbirth.

The cause of chronic hypoxia may be:

  • Pathology of pregnancy;
  • Possible malformations of the fetus.

The cause of acute hypoxia is varying degrees of complications during childbirth.

Not always a low criterion score can lead to disastrous results. Positive dynamics in the baby’s condition, according to the Apgar scale, allows us to hope for a positive result. If within five minutes the baby adds 1 or 2 points to himself, which raises the score to at least 6, he has a chance to get out. For the most part, such children are quite normal and healthy, only some may need treatment or observation by a neurologist.

Premature children have a criterion score lower than full-term children and it rarely exceeds 6 points. But don’t be upset by the lack of 9 or 10 points, because this is a purely preliminary test, and is mainly intended for medical analysis. And the further development of the child depends only on the attention and care of the parents.

Causes of adverse events

Severe conditions of newborns are caused not only by the presence of asphyxia during childbirth or immediately after it. They can be the result of many other factors - injuries or infections.

  • A mild form of brain damage - “neuro-reflex excitability syndrome”, estimated at 7 points on the Apgar scale
  • Moderate severity - “central nervous system depression syndrome” and “hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndrome” are rated from 6 to 7. The cause may be unfavorable factors during pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Severe lesions of the central nervous system cause comatose and convulsive syndromes, and certification on this scale = 1/4 unit. Such children are transferred from the maternity hospital to a hospital and only with a persistent improvement in their condition with a score of 7, they are discharged home under the supervision of a pediatrician and neurologist.

Most children with scores of 6/7 points who have suffered mild, moderate or even severe forms of perinatal encephalopathy, with proper care, completely restore the activity of the central nervous system. So, a low initial Apgar score is not a reason to panic.

Evaluation of criteria - from heart to skin color

Work of the heart

A baby's heart works harder than an adult's. Heart rate, ideally – 130/min, 140/min. This type of heart work is estimated at 2 points. Slow heartbeat – 1, in the absence of heartbeat or isolated manifestations = 0.

The heart rate (HR) is determined within six seconds in the first minute of the child's life. Method:

  • listening;
  • palpation - palpation of the chest to determine the heartbeat;
  • palpation of the pulse in the femoral, carotid or umbilical arteries.

The result of heart contractions determined in six seconds is multiplied by the number - 10, and the number of contractions per minute is determined.

  • Children whose heart rate per minute is less than 100 beats are given artificial ventilation with oxygen until their heart rate normalizes.
  • If the result is a heart rate exceeding 100/sec. – the condition of the skin is assessed.

Respiration rate

With normal breathing, the child makes 40 to 45 breathing-exhalation movements per minute. The cry is shrill and loud, in this case the baby earns +2 points. With slow and irregular breathing, a low cry or a moan instead, the child earns one. In the absence of both, certification = 0.

  • If the child is not breathing, in the maternity operating room, in order not to lose precious time, he is ventilated using an Ambu bag - a mask is applied to the mouth and nose, and air is manually pumped into the baby’s lungs using a rubber bag. After providing first aid and stabilizing the child’s breathing, he is transferred to the rehabilitation unit.
  • In case of convulsive, shallow, or irregular breathing, a ventilation procedure is performed. In such non-standard situations, we are not talking about high -9/10 indicators.
  • If breathing is spontaneous and regular, heart rate and Apgar readings are assessed. These could be 7/8 or 8/9.

Muscle tone assessment

If everything is normal with the newborn, having just been born, he strives to get rid of the “embryo” position and, feeling free, actively waves his arms - he gets 2 coveted points.

It is possible that they will increase his performance to a rating of 9/9 or even 9/10. With bent arms and legs, weak and rare movements - 1 point, which on the scale is rated as 4/6 or 6/7, taking into account the heartbeat and breathing rate. No movement = 0 points.

Reflex assessment

Despite its helplessness, thanks to its innate reflexes, a newly born baby can already do a lot. Clearly expressed swallowing, sucking and grasping reflexes will add 2 more points to his piggy bank. This will bring him closer to the coveted 10 points. The absence of some reflexes or their insufficient expression is limited to a score of +1, and the complete absence of reflexes = 0.

Skin color

Ideally, pale pink or hot pink color of the newborn + 2 points. Thus, the total of 2 points of all five indicators leads to the ideal option = 10 points.

The presence of a bluish tint on the arms and legs is an indicator of hypoxia. Rating +1. Excessively pale skin with a bluish tint = 0.

The overall score earned by the newborn is included in the child’s record upon discharge from the maternity hospital. It is an indicator for the local pediatrician to immediately pay attention to possible problems in the baby’s health. Based on these results, vaccination schedules are drawn up and more intensive medical care is provided.

Don't be upset about low scores. The assessment of a newborn on the Apgar scale with standards of 10 points is not an indicator of its development and an assessment of intellectual potential. Care, love and attention will allow the child to receive excellent grades in the future, regardless of those he received in the maternity hospital.

The technique, which is intended to determine the main signs characterizing the condition of the newborn, was proposed by Virginia Apgar. She was indirectly related to pediatrics, since she was an anesthesiologist by specialty. Despite this, she managed to develop a universal way of assessing the most important signs of a baby, which received her name - the Apgar scale.

At that time, the question was about the need to find a standardized approach to solving the problem regarding the need for resuscitation measures. This is especially true for the possibility of restoring respiratory function.

Dr. Apgar's idea is to apply the same assessment, but in dynamics, which allows us to give an adequate assessment of the care provided to the baby.

The scale proposed by Apgar includes 5 signs, each of which is determined twice - after the first and fifth minutes from the moment of birth. It is even intuitively clear that the norm on the Apgar scale is a higher number of points.

If the newborn has passed his first exam according to the criteria of this technique, then the evaluation is completed. If the indicators are below seven, further observation is carried out. The doctor monitors the baby’s condition every five minutes, that is, at 10, 15 and even 20 minutes.

Each criterion is scored, and the Apgar score for newborns is presented in table form. When they are summed up, a figure is obtained by which the child’s health is judged.

As a rule, it is sufficient to conduct an assessment at the end of the 1st and 5th minutes of life. If the baby has problems, additional assessment is required.

Indicators of the newborn's condition

The main criteria that characterize the condition of a newborn are the following.


Respiratory activity deserves maximum assessment if the number of breathing movements is 40-45 per minute, and also if a loud cry of the baby is heard upon birth.

If at birth he is able to cry, but does not scream, but a trembling of the voice is heard and slow respiratory movements are observed, then a score of 1 point is given. In a critical situation, when there is no breathing and the baby does not make any sounds, the number of points is zero.

Heart rate

When emerging from the mother’s womb, the baby’s heart should beat quickly, since he had to work hard just like his mother. A score of two points is given when the heart rate is 130-140 beats per minute. It is generally accepted that a heart rate of more than 100 beats per minute deserves the maximum number of points.

If during intrauterine development the supply of oxygen was insufficient, then slow breathing is observed, and the heart beats somewhat less frequently than normal. The score in this case is 1 point.

In the absence of a pulse, if cardiac activity is at an unsatisfactory level, no points are scored.

Muscle tone

Most often, newborns have increased tone. This is explained by being in the mother's womb in the only possible position. As a result of this, when the baby is born, freedom appears, and he makes chaotic, sharp movements, which indicates satisfactory muscle tone.

If the child keeps his limbs bent and moves only occasionally, then a score of 1 is given. If there is no movement at all, the score is 0 points.


The newborn's unconditioned reflexes are immediately triggered, so he screams or takes his first breath. If they appear immediately, the score is 2 points. If you had to provide assistance and reflexes did not appear immediately, then give 1 point. In the worst case, there are no reflexes - a score of 0 points.

Color of the skin

In the ideal case, when a score of 2 is given, the color of the baby’s skin can be different shades of pink. This fact indicates the normal state of blood circulation.

In addition, the mucous membranes of the mouth, lips, palms and feet are examined. If slight cyanosis is observed, then 1 point is given. If the child has a pale or bluish body color, then the assessment is unsatisfactory.

Assessing a newborn using the Apgar score must be done very quickly by the doctor, as delay can be very costly.

With a score of 7 or more, the baby’s health is assessed as good and does not require special care. With 4-6 points, the need for resuscitation measures is not excluded. A total score below 4 requires immediate action to save the infant's life.

The Apgar score for newborns is presented in the table

Estimated parameter Rating scale
0 points 1 point 2 points
Skin coloring Almost the entire skin is pale or bluish in color The surface of the body is predominantly pink in color, the limbs are bluish The entire surface of the body is pink in color
Pulse Absent Less than 100 More than 100
Reflex excitability Lack of response to insertion of a nasal catheter Mild reaction to the insertion of a nasal catheter A clear reaction to the insertion of a nasal catheter: movement, coughing, sneezing
Muscle tone Missing, limbs hanging The tone is reduced, but there is slight flexion of the limbs Active movements are expressed
Breath Absent Erratic breathing, weak cry Normal breathing, loud scream

How to interpret the score

Let us first consider the best option, when the maximum score is 2 for all signs of the Apgar scale. To receive this assessment, the newborn must breathe independently, and it does not matter how he does it, good or bad. It is important that he breathes.

The heart, when assessed in this manner, should have a beating rate greater than 100 beats per minute, and the arms and legs should be flexed. At the same time, the baby actively screams, sneezes, responds with movements to various manipulations, and his skin is a healthy pink color.

If breathing is spontaneous but irregular, an average Apgar score is given. In this case, the heartbeat can be heard, but it beats at a frequency of less than 100 beats per minute, and the hands and feet are bluish, but the face and body are pink.

In this case, reactions during various manipulations are expressed by inactive grimaces, and the limbs are slightly bent.

In the worst case, no points are added, which means that the baby is not breathing, the heartbeat cannot be heard, and the pose is not typical for a normal state of health (frog pose). In addition, there is a complete lack of reactions to actions, and the skin has become blue (total cyanosis).

By adding up the number of all points given for each criterion, the Apgar score is obtained.

For clarity, let's look at an example. Let's assume that the newborn comes from a difficult birth. At the end of the first minute of life, breathing was weak and irregular. When listening to the heartbeat, it was found that its sound was muffled and the frequency was 120 beats per minute.

The baby is in a semi-flexion position, and when he began to grimace while cleaning his nose and mouth, he received 1 point for this indicator. In this case, a bluish color of the child’s body occurs. When adding up the numbers of the points given, we get a sum equal to 5 points on the Apgar scale.

Doctors took resuscitation measures, and at the end of the fifth minute of life, the child began to breathe regularly, began to scream, and the heart began to beat at a frequency of 150 beats per minute.

Reactions to actions have become active, the child is sneezing, but the previous position has not changed. The color of the newborn's body and face became pink, but the blueness of the hands and feet did not completely disappear. When sequentially assessing all signs, the result is 8 points on the Apgar scale.

This information is valuable for doctors in terms of the ability to assess the health status of the newborn over time, that is, over time. If the number becomes higher, then the child’s adaptation process is proceeding normally, and the actions carried out by medical workers have a positive effect.

To be precise, there is no direct connection between the resuscitation efforts and the Apgar score. The neonatologist has two main tasks: to restore adequate breathing and stabilize the heartbeat.

At the same time, using the Apgar score, it is possible to predict possible pathologies. For example, studies have shown that there is a connection between low scores according to this technique and the frequency of neurotic disorders occurring in the child’s later life.

It is generally accepted that the norm on the Apgar scale for newborns is 7 points or more. As strange as it may sound for amateurs in the field of pediatrics, it is impossible to get the highest score of 10 in the first minute of life.

Even if the child is healthy, then in the first minutes of life the hands and feet of the newborn have a bluish color. Thus, this child can receive no more than 9 Apgar scores. However, it would be wrong to say that he is not healthy.

A similar situation can be observed with a total of 7 points on the Apgar scale when assessing three signs for the average score. For example, let it concern skin color, muscle tone and reflex reactions. In this case, the neonatologist judges by this assessment the child’s condition as completely normal.


For a deeper understanding, here are several examples of assessing the health status of a newborn, which is determined depending on the total score on the Apgar scale:

  • 3-3 - the baby is in critical condition;
  • 5-6 - close monitoring is necessary;
  • 6-7, 7-8 - the state of health is at an average level, careful monitoring is not required;
  • 8-8 - the baby’s health indicators are above average;
  • 8-9, 9-9, 9-10 - considered good condition;
  • 10-10 - not found in medical practice.

You should not take to heart the presence of any indicator that differs from the norm and a score below 7-7 on the Apgar scale. These numbers cannot indicate the presence of pathology or, even worse, disability.

When a baby is born, the points play a certain role, but do not have any impact on the child’s future. To illustrate the situation, you can imagine that the doctor at the reception is interested in the Apgar score, since the child often catches a cold.

This indicator is important only at the time of birth and is necessary in some situations during the first year of life. After some time, these numbers will remain history, like the height and weight of a newborn.

Useful video about procedures with a newborn after childbirth

I like!

The point system at school is a clear scheme for assessing knowledge according to certain criteria. If we talk about the Apgar score - a system for assessing the health of a newborn, then it is subjective. Compared to school, there is not a wide range of grades. The midwife does them by eye during examination.

In order for future mothers to understand exactly how the condition of their child will be assessed after childbirth, we will consider in detail the principle of this scale itself.

How the scale works

What is the Apgar scale and who is its founder? Virginia Apgar, a famous American professor of anesthesiology, introduced a scale for assessing the health status of a newborn child back in the 50s of the last century. The main goal of her method was to promptly identify babies in need of resuscitation measures. Initially, the scale was intended for nursing staff. It was used to determine which child needed more attention.

The technique was named after its founder. Sixty years of experience in using such assessment of a newborn gives reason to believe that the Apgar scale is still quite simple and reliable for a comprehensive assessment. According to many experts, it is a little subjective, because points are given only on the basis of an obstetric examination of the child. The rating scale ranges from 0 to 2 points, where 0 is given for the absence of a certain feature, 1 is given for its average severity, 2 for a well-expressed feature.

Let's look at what exactly is assessed on the scale. It should be noted that for ease of assessment, the English transcription of Mrs. Virginia’s surname was taken. In the word APGAR, each letter stands for a specific evaluation parameter.

  • A - activity - activity and muscle tone of the child. A healthy baby has arms and legs pressed to the body, fists clenched. The child is active, moves, his face expresses emotions of peace or dissatisfaction with a cry.
  • P - pulse - pulse. The baby's heart rate is normally 130-140 beats per minute. If this indicator in a newborn is more than one hundred beats per minute, then it is given 2 points, less than one hundred - 1 point, the absence of heart rate is recorded as 0 points.
  • G - grimace response - the child’s grimaces, the manifestation and degree of expression of the newborn’s unconditioned reflexes.
  • A - appearance - skin color and appearance of the child. Shades of pink (from bright to pale) are considered normal. The presence of blueness of the skin, called cyanosis, provides grounds for reducing the score.
  • R - respiration - the child’s cry, his breathing, reflex excitability. If a newborn screamed loudly and piercingly immediately after birth, then the score for this parameter is 2 points. A weak cry turning into a squeak, low breathing rate is assessed as 1 point. Lack of breathing and screaming - 0 points.

Assessment results and forecasts

The Apgar scale is used twice to assess the condition of a newborn: in the first and fifth minutes of his life. The first minute assessment shows how the baby experienced the birth. The second assessment indicates the degree of its adaptation to the environment.

Condition results are recorded as a fraction, where the first number represents the first assessment and the second number represents the assessment during the second measurement. It should be emphasized that this scale is not the basis for making further forecasts of the child’s condition and health.

Its results are interpreted as follows:

  • 7-10 points - no deviations in health status were identified;
  • 5-6 points - minor deviations;
  • 3-4 points - significant deviations from the norm;
  • 0-2 points - threat to the life of the newborn.

Children with the best results are considered to be in excellent condition and require only routine care. A score of up to 6 points indicates a satisfactory condition and the need for some resuscitation procedures. A child with a score of less than 4 points requires such procedures immediately. If the sum during the second measurement is less than 7, then additional measurements must be taken every 5 minutes. A child who receives 5-6 points on the first measurement and 7-10 on the second goes into the category of healthy children. It should be noted that an Apgar score of 10 is quite rare.

Let us remind you once again about the subjectivity of the Apgar scale and that it is not a method for predicting the development of a baby. Therefore, it cannot be said that a child with a 9-point score will be smarter or healthier than one who received 6 points. The development, health, and abilities of each child are directly proportional to the care, love, and attention of his parents.

Especially for Elena TOLOCHIK

The need and significance of assessing a newborn baby using the Apgar scale.

Assessments, comparisons, juxtapositions, studies and conclusions are present in the life of every person from the moment of conception.

  • Nature instills in us curiosity and a desire to explore the world around us. That’s why we rely on the experience of our ancestors and our personal
  • This means that there is no way to do without evaluations and comparisons. It’s bad if this habit develops into slander, envy, antagonism towards other people
  • In this article we will talk about the assessment of the condition of a newborn baby by medical staff in the maternity hospital, as well as the interpretation of its results

Assessment of the newborn's condition using the Apgar scale: norms and criteria

table of criteria and values ​​on the Apgar scale

Apgar assessment is a determination of the physical condition of a newborn baby for the purpose of using/not using emergency medical care:

  • nursing in special chambers, as, for example, in the case of
  • blood transfusion

There are many more options for emergency care for a newly born baby. Therefore, mid-level medical personnel rely on Apgar scores to make decisions.

Since 1952, a scale for determining the physical health of newborns, developed by the American anesthesiologist Virginia Apgar, has been adopted in world practice.

The criteria by which it is applied begin with the letters of the developer’s last name:

  • Appearance - skin color
  • Puls - work of the heart
  • Grimace - facial contractions
  • Activity - muscle activity and tone
  • Respiration - breathing, a reflex response to irritation

The doctor subjectively assigns points to the baby in the first and fifth minutes of life outside the womb.

Each criterion can score a maximum of 2 points. The total is 10. But it is a rare baby who gets the maximum score. Statistics say that only 10-15% of newborns receive such an assessment.

Let’s take a closer look at how doctors give scores to a newly born child.

  • Work of the heart
    Normally, the contraction of the heart muscle in a newborn is more than 100 beats in 60 seconds. This indicator gets a two.
    If the pulse is diagnosed at 100 beats per minute - 1 point.
    When the heart’s work is less and the pulse has a lower rhythm, doctors set it to 0 and urgently connect the child to an oxygen mask to activate the work of the heart muscle.
  • Skin color
    An even pink tint to a newborn’s skin is a sign of good health and successful labor. It is worth 2 points. Note that children after a cesarean section more often receive it because they do not pass through the birth canal and do not succumb to any pressure.
    Elements of a bluish tint and transparency of the skin, when capillary networks are observed, as well as bluish hands and feet receive a unit.
    If the overall color of the skin is more blue than pink, this is a 0 and urgent hospitalization of the baby in a chamber for medical nursing
  • The breathing of a newborn baby is quite frequent according to medical standards and amounts to up to 45 exercises in 60 seconds. In this case, the baby receives two points on the Apgar scale, and the doctor begins to study the heart rhythm
    If the breathing has a slower rhythm and is hoarse, then they put a unit and help the child breathe through the installation of oxygen supply equipment.
    When there is no breathing at all, doctors urgently connect the baby to a ventilator
  • Muscle tone with a score of two is the physiological tension of the flexor muscles in a newborn, which is due to his posture in the womb. Therefore, the maximum score is given to a baby who lies completely grouped with his arms and legs pressed to his body.
  • The doctor’s attempts to straighten the child’s arms and legs, elbows and knees are met with weak resistance from the latter, which means a unit will be set. Lack of tone in a baby means 0 points and a reason to sound a serious alarm
  • Facial expressions and reflexes
    Almost all movements of a newborn baby are of a reflex nature. You can even place it on a hard surface and, holding it under your arms, see the steps. The situation is similar with crawling. If you place your palms under his heels when the baby is lying on his tummy, he will push off from your hands and crawl. A loud cry and facial expressions are also vivid in the baby, who was given the maximum score on the Apgar scale for this criterion.
    A weaker manifestation of reflexes in a child, instead of a scream - a groan, means one, and their complete absence - zero points and an urgent alert to the doctors for emergency help.

Young parents should not be alarmed by the first Apgar assessment of the newborn's physical condition. Look at the indicators that will be collected by doctors in 5-10 minutes. If growth dynamics are observed, then everything will return to normal.

What does an Apgar score of 0 mean?

baby with a low Apgar score in the intensive care unit

Zero is the absence of any movement or activity. It can only be given to dead tissue, a creature, a phenomenon, or a very premature baby that requires urgent medical measures to awaken and maintain life in it.

What does an Apgar score of 1 mean?

  • The birth of a baby before the obstetric term is associated with the risk of his adaptation to a new environment
  • In the case of oxygen starvation of the fetus during pregnancy and the baby during labor, very low health scores on the Apgar scale are expected
  • One indicates that only one of the five criteria is weak in the baby

Therefore, the latter needs immediate resuscitation measures:

  • artificial ventilation
  • oxygen mask
  • a special warming lamp and/or a closed capsule with special temperature conditions
  • blood transfusion
  • thorough and careful cleansing of mucus from the respiratory tract

What does an Apgar score of 2 mean?

the newborn is placed in an incubator and breathes through special tubes

This assessment still cannot please either the young mother or the medical staff of the maternity hospital.

What does an Apgar score of 3 mean?

Three means that most of the indicators of the newborn’s physical condition are manifested. However, this is not yet enough to immediately move from the delivery room to a shared ward with the mother to establish contact and adapt the child to life in the air.

What does an Apgar score of 4 mean?

A score range of 3-4 is a signal of the presence of deviations of moderate complexity in the health of the newborn. Therefore, it will not be possible to do without resuscitation, as well as without specific measures to care for the baby after discharge.

What does an Apgar score of 5 mean?

baby with average Apgar score on mechanical ventilation
  • Borderline health status in a newborn baby receives a score of 5
  • Depending on the situation, doctors decide on further care for the baby, since all indicators on the Apgar scale received low scores
  • If this assessment is given to a baby at the 6th minute of life, then nursing in an incubator is indispensable

What does an Apgar score of 6 mean?

Six says that the physical condition of the baby is satisfactory.

In general, 5-6 on the Apgar scale means slight deviations in the baby’s health and means he only needs some resuscitation measures.

If there is a dynamic increase in scores after 5 minutes by 2-5 units, young parents do not have to worry about their child. It adapts well to the external air environment.

What does an Apgar score of 7 mean?

Doctor examines a newborn baby to give Apgar scores

There is a widespread opinion among doctors that the range of Apgar scores of 7-10 points can be considered the norm, an indicator of the good health of the child and the successful course of pregnancy and childbirth.

What does an Apgar score of 8 mean?

The most common score, reflecting the good physical condition of the newborn in both the first and fifth minutes of life outside the mother’s body.

An eight means that all five signs are manifested, but some of them are less pronounced, for example, the first cry was not loud and the color of the skin in some places has a bluish tint.

What does an Apgar score of 9 mean?

A very good overall score of the state of the physical processes of a newly born baby or after the first 5-10 minutes of his independent life.

Nine speaks of the coordinated work of the baby’s basic systems and reflexes, adjusted for a specific indicator, which the doctor visually rated a little lower.

What does an Apgar score of 10 mean?

first examination and Apgar assessment of an active newborn baby
  • Doctors rarely set the maximum Apgar score.
  • If your baby received it, then his physical health can be equated to heroic health. And the story of his birth is presented as a standard example of the birth of an absolutely healthy child.
  • Whatever assessment the doctors give to your baby in the maternity hospital, know that your love, care, attention and faith in the protection and help of the Higher Powers are capable of creating any miracle

Happiness to you and your children!

Video: Apgar scale. What scale is this?

The Apgar score is a score assessing the condition of a child after birth, designed to determine his basic vital functions and the need for resuscitation. Apgar scores along with weight and height are reported to parents after the baby is born.

The Apgar assessment of a newborn was developed and proposed in 1952 in the USA, by anesthesiologist, Professor Virginia Apgar. The Apgar score has been proposed for the rapid assessment of newborns; Apgar scores indicate the presence of several vital signs and an assessment of their severity.

There are five signs in total, and they can be scored from 0 to 2 points. 0 points – the sign is absent, 1 point – weakly expressed, 2 points – clearly expressed. Apgar scores are summed up, and a number from 0 to 10 is obtained, however, ideal 10 points in the first minute of life are practically never found.

Apgar assessment of newborns has quickly gained popularity around the world due to its practicality, accuracy in assessing the condition of newborns, and the absence of the need to use any equipment. It is carried out by an obstetrician who attended or was present at the birth by a neonatologist.

The baby's Apgar score is assessed in the first minute of life and five minutes later.. The change in the condition of the newborn and its adaptation to the external environment occur quite quickly, and 5-6 points on the Apgar scale can rise to 9-10 points after 5 minutes. If necessary, delayed normalization of the child’s condition, the assessment can be repeated 10 minutes later, after resuscitation measures and assistance to the newborn.

The assessment made is recorded as follows: Apgar scale 7/8 points, two scores separated by a fraction, the first - in the first minute, the second - in the fifth minute.

How to interpret an Apgar score:

- 7-10 points – the child was born healthy and adapted perfectly.
- 5-6 points – there are slight deviations in health, the child requires the attention of a doctor.
- 3-4 points – a serious condition requiring immediate medical attention.
- 0-2 points – an extremely serious condition, without resuscitation measures the child will die.

Below is the Apgar table used for the assessment.

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