Gift ideas for artists. What to give to an artist? What to give to someone who wants to learn to draw

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

Creators often celebrate their birthdays on a grand scale, gathering their friends, family, and creative colleagues around the same table. Such holidays usually turn into a widespread celebration, when everyone pompously gives the birthday boy not just pleasant gifts, but real gifts.

In such a situation, how can you not lose face and ensure that your gift pleases the birthday boy, surprises all the guests and stands out from other gifts? Use our tips.

Gifts that will be useful for creativity

It's worth knowing that everything Consumables, which artists use, are now very, very expensive, so it is always a valuable gift - sometimes more valuable than equipment or gold.

In addition, the richer the artist’s palette (and the range of his means of expression), the richer his creativity, therefore, by giving the artist something that is useful in his craft, you become partly an accomplice in the act of creativity. Therefore, you can pamper the birthday boy:

  • a set of expensive brushes(of different thicknesses and from different materials);
  • paints;
  • pastels, charcoal;
  • paper and canvas.

And in order to present all this wealth with dignity, you can elegantly package it all, and when handing it over, compliment the creativity of the birthday person, and in advance praise what will be created with the help of your gift. Don't be stingy with your praise—artists love it!

Gifts for inspiration

However, not only paints and canvases are desirable gifts for the artist. Something else can also be a wonderful surprise - a surprise that will help you gain inspiration or take a break from the torments of creativity. After all, nothing human is alien to the artist.

True, when choosing gifts for a creator, you need to give preference to things that are bright and unique, so that every little thing says about its owner that he is not just a person, but a person of art.
So what could it be? In gift shops you can look for this option:

  • colorful plaid(for relaxation with taste and in captivity of color);
    multi-colored tea set;
  • handmade leather notebook(for sketches or notes);
  • Jewelry;
  • small accessories – purses, wallets, business card holders, mobile cases.

Thus, you can choose anything, as long as the thing is truly bright, unique, and expressive. In particular, when it comes to jewelry, you can give preference handmade product– unique, original and, perhaps, even created to order.

Similarly, you can choose a notebook or album in an expensive leather binding - in some stores you can even order a memorable inscription on the binding or embossing with initials, some special design, pattern.

But don’t forget about simple, pleasant little things for home comfort and peace. A tea set, and maybe even a teapot, a blanket and a cute pillow are not all that can be given as a birthday gift.

Even sweets can become a unique gift if you choose molded chocolate – from white, milk and dark chocolate, and also from their combination, confectioners now make figurines and miniatures that look so beautiful and unusual that it’s a pity to even eat them. Among such figurines and sweets you can find something on the theme of fine art.

The best gift is modern technology

We can also remember that technology is a welcome gift for any modern person. It makes our life easier and more comfortable. So, let’s think logically, what could be useful to a modern artist? Surely he has his own creative workshop, where the following will be absolutely irreplaceable:

  • lamps and lighting fixtures;
  • thermal technology(ceramic thermal panels, fan heaters);
  • air conditioner or fan.

As for thermal panels, this is literally the latest fashion now, they can even be found in souvenir shops, since despite their obvious practical side (they create warmth and comfort in the room), they also have a decorative side - these panels can be decorated with different designs , prints, can be of any color and design.

For example, imagine a ceramic panel that looks like a small fireplace or wood stove. It looks very interesting and will definitely find a place in an artist’s studio!

However, a master can look for not only warmth, but also coolness in his creative laboratory, so in the midst of a hot summer a fan or air conditioner will come in handy here.

Of course, not only for the workshop, but also for personal use, you can choose equipment as a gift for the birthday boy. It could be:

  • camera;
  • mobile phone;
  • tablet;
  • eBook;
  • laptop.

You should not think that the artist necessarily locks himself in the studio and lives there like a recluse. This is a person who leads an ordinary life and, of course, will find use for all the pieces of equipment that he has in his possession. Maybe even to present their masterpieces to a wide audience - after all, now many people exhibit their paintings on the Internet, and for this you need both a camera and a computer.

Unique gifts for a unique person

Among other things, various unique gifts are now highly valued, among which you can find, for example, chess carved from natural stone or bones, hand-painted dishes, elegant figurines made of ceramics, natural stone, bronze. Such products can perform several functions at once:

  • decorative elements;
  • have practical use (for its intended purpose or as a paperweight on the desktop).

Various crafts made from natural stone are now considered especially valuable - they say that every stone has its own energy, it can inspire and even heal - both body and soul.

For an artist, this is a valuable object, as it can become an object decorating some kind of still life or miniature. Balls, pyramids, crystals and geodes of natural stone, processed or in their natural form, can be found in souvenir shops and in jewelers’ workshops.

Artists are very unique people. They see their surroundings in their own way.

Creative individuals are slightly different from the majority of people and sometimes you cannot predict their reaction to a particular action. They are never bored. These people live in an atmosphere of joy and bright colors. A creative person constantly needs to experience new emotions, always be inspired and in love. This feeling inspires him and gives him new themes for creativity.

The artist constantly attends master classes, exhibitions, and museums. A good creator is a little vain and always wants to be on top - better than others. He is very unpredictable in his needs and desires. Therefore, a gift to such a person on the eve must be approached with all responsibility.

What to give to an amateur artist

If you want to please an artist you know who is engaged in this type of creativity not professionally, but for himself, in his free time, who perceives his art as a hobby, then the best option would be a set of objects for creating his masterpieces. This is watercolor, brushes, album. This set is suitable for both very young artists and older people.

What to give a budding artist

Do you want to give a gift to a person who sees himself as a great artist in the future, but is just starting to move in this direction? Then put together a set that will be useful to any beginning artist:

+ easel;

+ paints;

+ brushes;

+ canvases;

+ self-instruction book for drawing.

This is the most basic, but you can expand the list of what is necessary and important.

What to give to a professional artist

Has your colleague, friend, relative already established himself in his profession as an artist, and sees himself only in this field of activity? Has he long since passed the “amateur” stage and entered the community of “professionals”? Here with a gift it will be both easier and more difficult... If you know what he uses, then everything is simple - give the necessary attribute for creativity. If you are not aware of preferences, you should find out in which direction this person works. An artist-painter will always be glad to have a set of paints (watercolor, oil, acrylic, and so on). For a graphic designer, a drawing tablet is a great choice. If your friend has chosen the profession of a graphic artist, feel free to give him a fountain pen for lettering as a gift.

An illustrator will be extremely happy with good paper and a set of markers. Here it is worth paying attention to what kind of markers you take. They come in watercolors, for sketches and for paintings, and so on. Find out in advance which markers your friend needs and uses most often. A light table will be very useful for a cartoonist. If your friend works as an architect, as an option, you can give him a computer program, advanced training courses, and so on. Since the complexity of this profession lies in the fact that every year more and more innovations related to their work appear.

What to give an artist for his birthday

It is not necessary to choose a gift related to materials for work. Especially if the hero of the occasion is a woman. If you don't know what to give an artist, combine the two in one and give her a photo album of her paintings. In which both early works and the latest masterpieces will be collected. Such a gift will be a good memory and will clearly show the development of her creativity. As a gift, a landscape artist can be given a trip to picturesque places, or a good camera with which he can capture landscapes that will later become beautiful paintings.

If you still decide that the best gift would be paints, then you should take note of some listing of these products:

+ gouache paints;

+ engraving paint;

+ watercolor paints;

+ acrylic paints;

+ stained glass paints;

+ oil paints;

+ tempera paints;

+ ebru paint;

+ fabric paints;

+ makeup paint;

+ contour paints.

And this is not all that this or that artist uses.

Of course, if you have the means, then you can give the best gift to an artist by organizing an exhibition for him. If the budget does not allow for such a broad gesture, it is enough to host a party dedicated to the birthday boy, cover the entire apartment with his works and invite many guests. Undoubtedly, the birthday boy will be extremely pleased to hear flattering reviews of his paintings.

A book about your favorite artists with vivid reproductions of their works is always useful. This encourages the development of creativity, the desire to catch up or even surpass your idol.

An artist is a person of art, so a great gift option would be going to the theater, a concert, or various exhibitions. Surprise him with a hot air balloon flight, rock climbing, or just relaxing in a country house surrounded by forests, rivers, and green fields. In general, give him emotions and impressions. A creative person, as a rule, is interested not only in what he does, but such a person is interested in everything in the world. He draws inspiration from everything, which he later transfers to his canvases.

Buying gifts for an artist is quite a difficult task, even if you know this person well. After all, gifted individuals react to gifts in their own way and perceive them with their feelings. So, the choice of what to give to a female artist on March 8 should be approached with great attention, a creative idea, remembering all the preferences, interests, and hobbies of the recipient. If you don’t have any ideas for presentations, it’s difficult to decide - turn to the help of professionals. The specialized portal MillionPodarkov is exactly the place where the most interesting souvenirs are located.

How to choose gifts for an artist on March 8

If the person who has chosen the profession of an artist is a woman, you should choose gifts for him very carefully. Indeed, in addition to care, such a gift should emphasize that the recipient is a lady, the fair sex, whose whims must be fulfilled completely and instantly. And be sure to add a beautiful, stylish bouquet to any chosen souvenir. Evaluate what gifts our visitors most often buy when choosing what to give the artist on March 8th.
  • Florarium "Inspiration".
  • Lamp "Paint".
  • Photo frame "Masterpiece".
  • Figurine “The Artist and the Pigeons”.
  • Album "Masterpieces of Painting from the World's Largest Museums."
  • Bed linen "Splash". You will find these and other equally charming, positive, bright surprises in our catalog, offering products from more than 120 stores.

    Advantages of Million Gifts

    The specialized portal MillionPodarkov was created just so that everyone has the opportunity to simply, quickly, affordably, comfortably purchase the most wonderful gift for a loved one, friend, colleague. By contacting us you can:
  • Browse a rich, colorful, informative catalog.
  • Use a competent filter system to quickly search.
  • Just place an order.
  • Receive professional advice.
  • Artists are brave, bright, and sometimes even eccentric personalities; banal gifts are unacceptable! But things that can inspire new creations are always appropriate - spectacular favorite painters, non-trivial panels or. Pay attention to other interior items that will harmoniously fit into your artist’s home. They should be as expressive, stylish and interesting as possible - in the Red Cube online store you will find a sea of ​​such gifts for artists!

    Often creative individuals like to show their individuality in their clothes, so the best gift for an artist is a fashionable, exclusive T-shirt with a print or a provocative inscription. Give practical gifts: sets of brushes and paints, canvases and frames, or, for example, a cute one in which you can store painting accessories. A stylish mug would also be appropriate as a nice souvenir for an artist.

    Here’s another idea for a good original gift for an artist: take a good quality photograph of one of his paintings or illustrations (if your artist works on a computer, ask to send the source) and order an interior plate with its image in our online store. You can even add a message of your choice, or print this picture on a T-shirt!

    Creative girls are very special individuals. It is not so easy to please them, because they know a lot about beauty, and also love gifts that are either practical or sincere. Such a girl has probably given you something made with her own hands more than once, or maybe this is how she spends her free time or even makes money from her hobby. Either way, we know what you could give your creative friend to show that you support her in her creative endeavors or just want to please her by giving her useful gifts for her hobby.

    1. If your friend loves to sew

    If your friend is interested in sewing, cuts out outfits, makes something to order, or simply spends her free time surrounded by fabrics, threads, needles and other small details, then the most useful thing you can give such a needlewoman is a sewing machine. Any girl interested in sewing would probably be glad to receive such a gift, since you know that technology is not a cheap pleasure, and your creative friend would have more opportunities with a new machine.

    Sewing machines from the Micron brand are an excellent choice, and most importantly, you don’t have to go far, because you can order in the Leonardo online store. There is a large selection of budget models for a wide variety of sewing needs, plus you can find the necessary sewing accessories if one gift seems not enough for you, or you have received a specific order.

    2. If your friend likes to draw

    For artists, there is no more useful gift than a set of quality paints, canvases, paper and brushes. Depending on how far the girl has gone in her passion for drawing, you may be able to find something that will be practical in her arsenal. Leonardo's has a large selection of products for artists, professionals and hobbyists, so you can find everything you need. Vista-Artista brand products are just what you need. Here you can buy good oil paints, pastels, sketchbooks, as well as good paper of different weights, palettes, brushes and canvases of different sizes.

    3. If your friend loves to weave with beads

    Beading is quite a popular hobby today. Girls are interested in jewelry and jewelry, and creating them yourself is doubly interesting, since you can also make good money from it. Even if your girlfriend is just interested in creating beadwork without pursuing any commercial goals, then giving her a set and accessories for such a hobby is a great idea. The Zlatka brand offers high quality beads in different colors, sizes and designs. The price for such a pleasure is quite reasonable, so you can easily please your friend, even if she chooses several stylish sets of beads at once, not to mention the necessary accessories.

    4. If your friend loves to cook

    If your girlfriend is interested in cooking and tries herself in preparing a wide variety of baked goods, then goods for such art will be useful, because she will probably save your joint budget by using what she has. But the variety of baking dishes and utensils that can be found at the Pan-Cake brand in the Leonardo store can stir up your imagination and bring inspiration to your cooking. And everyone wins: she gets the opportunity to practice a variety of gastronomic wonders, and you get to try them and rejoice. So if you haven’t yet decided what you will please your girlfriend with, then remember how many delicious desserts she prepared for you and imagine the scale of her capabilities if she had good dishes.

    5. If you don’t know what your friend likes

    If you are not sure what exactly your girlfriend is interested in, or she is interested in several types of creativity at once, which confuses you, then there is a universal way to please - a gift certificate. The Leonardo store offers a wide range of gift certificates: from 300 rub. up to 3000 rub. You can purchase a certificate either in a store or order online. This way, your girlfriend will be able to independently choose the goods she needs, which, undoubtedly, will be the best way to please the holiday. The main thing is that when you give such a gift, remind your girlfriend that it must be used within 6 months from the date of purchase.

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