DIY fairy-tale Snow Maiden made from cotton wool. Hats, bear rug, pompom toys How to decorate a Snow Maiden doll options

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

To please your family and friends with a pleasant surprise, you don’t have to buy it in a store at exorbitant prices. Try to make a toy with your own hands with minimal investment of money and time.

Here we provide a master class on making a New Year's toy from cotton wool with your own hands.

New Year's holidays are an amazing time of magic and miracle, a time of fulfillment of desires. In any Russian family, Christmas trees are decorated with toys at this time. Traditions have developed so that we always place Father Frost and the Snow Maiden under the Christmas tree. You all probably remember the nice little cotton wool toys our grandparents made. Let's look at the technique of making toys from cotton wool.

Christmas tree decorations can be made from cardboard, paper, plastic bottle or cotton wool. We present to you a simplified version of making the Snow Maiden from cotton wool.

To make an unusual fake in the form of the Snow Maiden from cotton wool, you will need the following materials:

  • Vata;
  • Wire for creating a base;
  • Paper;
  • Brushes for painting toys;
  • Paints;
  • PVA glue;
  • Decorations – beads, sparkles.
  • Potato starch (1 tablespoon);
  • Wooden stand.

We will make the craft in three stages:

  • Let's prepare a wire base and cover it with cotton wool;
  • Let's make the Snow Maiden's head and draw her face;
  • Let's color the resulting toy.

First, we make a wire base and connect it to the stand. Any material made of wood or plastic can be used as a stand.

We prepare glue from starch - dilute potato starch in cold water, mix thoroughly until all lumps disappear and pour in 200 milliliters of boiled water. We sort the cotton wool into strips. We generously lubricate each strip of cotton wool with the resulting paste and wrap it around the frame, carefully straightening it along its length. Apply cotton wool to the required volume.

Do not forget to thickly cover the cotton wool with glue to form a strong crust. At this stage, it is necessary to dry the workpieces near the battery for one or two days. To more clearly express the contour, you can re-glue the frame. I am sharing with you an example of the resulting workpiece.

To make the head and face, you need to select a doll or figurine. We prepare several layers of paper and coat each one with PVA glue. We blot the base with water so that the paper does not stick. After laying all layers of paper, let it dry and remove.

This year I decided that we would try to make one of the main symbols of the New Year - the Snow Maiden. But not ordinary, but transparent-airy. As a result, this “sculpture” appeared, 23 cm high (without decoration - 21 cm):

If you want to do something similar with your child, I offer you a master class. I will be glad if you send me your crafts by email ( [email protected]). I will post all your works in the New Year's gallery. Well? Go?

For work we will need:

1. Threads. For the dress and head it is better to take "Iris". But I didn’t find the blue “Iris” shade I needed, so I bought “Anna” yarn, its thread thickness is almost the same as “Iris” (on the package it says: 100g/530m). The only minus of “Anna” is that , that the ball is not round, which is why certain difficulties arose in “unwinding” it. We will also need it. hair yarn. Mine is white, you can choose any one you like. Also choose the thickness of the hair thread to your taste. AND ribbon for hairstyle.

2. White felt(to decorate the dress and connect the head to the body) and blue color, preferably to match the yarn (for attaching the sleeves to the dress). Colored paper: black, grey/blue for eyes, pink/red for nose and mouth, blue and grey/silver For decoration.

3. Glitter(or hairspray with glitter) to add shine to the dress, beads/semi-pearls/buttons to imitate fasteners.

4. Stationery glue, glue PVA. Also take care of a saucer or other flat dish to protect the work surface from droplets of glue flowing from the pierced tube.

5. Glue gun(it can be replaced with glue "Moment Crystal"), finger pads, for the head (I don’t recommend using balloons because they deflate faster), thick paper, 200 g/m2 is enough (if you have thin cardboard, you can use it) for the dress and sleeves. Cling film or tape for wrapping cones. thick needle for “piercing” a tube of glue and pulling the thread. Scissors. Well, actually sketch future crafts.

6. Pattern. For a Snow Maiden 23cm high, you can use my pattern. If you want a larger doll, just enlarge the pattern. If you want it lower, reduce accordingly.

It is best to start the craft with a dress, because we will inflate the head from a fingertip, and accordingly, it will be easier to adjust the size of the head in relation to the body (by the way, even in this situation, I remade the head three times :)).

Step one

Take a cone. I used a store-bought children's cap (it's good that I bought 6 pieces at once, two had to be thrown away while I was training), but you can use the one drawn on the pattern. We wrap this cone with cling film or tape (to be honest, I liked working with film more, there are no extra creases, and it’s softer):

Step two

VERY IMPORTANT!!! We cover the film (adhesive tape) with a thin layer of PVA glue, then when winding the threads will not always slide to the top. Let the glue dry a little (a few seconds). At this time, insert the blue thread into the needle and pierce the tube with office glue closer to the bottom. Pull the needle:

In my photo, the glue is in a bag so that the table does not get dirty. But it’s better to put it in a saucer, because... the bag begins to stick to the thread, to the tube and interferes with work.

Step three

We put the ball in a jar so that it doesn’t roll around the house and begin to wrap the cone with thread passed through glue. Winding is mainly horizontal. But it's not scary. In this step, the main thing is not to rush (so that the thread has time to become saturated with glue):

This is what you should end up with:

Step four

If we want our Snow Maiden’s dress to sparkle (I, for example, really love all sorts of sparkles), it’s time, while the glue is still wet, to sprinkle the cone with sparkles (if you think the threads are a bit dry, you can go over them with PVA glue, and then then sprinkle glitter):

By the way, if you have hairspray with glitter, you can first let the cone dry properly, and then just “walk” on top with a spray can. The end result is something like this:

Leave to dry (about a day, so that the shape does not become deformed later). And we get to work making the head.

Step five

We inflate the finger pad larger, and then, gradually deflating, we try on the head to the body (it’s better to take extra finger pads, because sometimes when inflated they don’t want to become round at all). When the proportions suit us, we begin to wrap the resulting ball with white threads passed through glue. The operating principle is the same as with a cone. We just wind the thread, like a ball, in all directions. And yes, you don’t need to lubricate the fingertip with anything:

We send it to the dress to dry...

And we get to work making the sleeves.

Step six

Using the pattern, we cut out two cones for the sleeves and glue the edges with thin tape. And we repeat all the steps we took when making the dress. Wrap with cling film and cover with PVA glue:

Having passed the thread through office glue, we wrap the cone with blue thread:

You get two sleeves...

Which we also sprinkle with glitter and send to dry. All. We are free until tomorrow :)

The next day, when all our preparations have dried properly and become hard, we free ourselves from the basics. The thread cones, due to the fact that the paper was pre-wrapped with tape/cling film, can be removed quite easily. We simply “pop” the ball with a needle (Vikula really wanted to capture this process)...

And carefully pull it out through some hole (as a rule, the largest hole is located around the “tail” of the ball). If the threads are stuck very strongly to the ball in some place, push the ball inward with a needle, tweezers or small scissors. All our “spare parts” are ready:

Now the fun begins. Creative process. Then you can continue to follow my advice, or you can come up with something of your own.

Step seven

We try on the head to the body and cut off the top of the cone so that the head can be attached (I managed to cut a piece about 1.5 cm high). At the top of the cone there was a hole with a diameter of about 3 cm.

Take white felt. Quite by accident, I once purchased a sheet of white felt with adhesive backing. You know, this is the most excellent thing for decorating the Snow Maiden’s dress. Didn't even need glue. If such luck does not befall you, you can use a glue gun or Moment Crystal glue. So, from white felt we cut out a circle with a diameter slightly larger than the top hole. I got 4cm. Seal the top hole by folding the felt over the edge.

Step eight

We will need 4 strips of white felt 1cm wide. First: 11cm long for a shelf on which we will then glue the buttons. Second: 32cm long to decorate the hem of the dress. AND two more strips approximately 12cm long for processing the lower part of the sleeves. Glue the strips, mark the places where the buttons will be glued:

Step nine

We measure the hole on the head (exactly the one through which we pulled the ball out). In my case it turned out to be about 2cm.

We also cut out a circle of slightly larger diameter from white felt (I made it 3cm) and glue it, closing the hole:

Step ten

We connect the head with the body by gluing felt circles together. Glue the buttons (don’t pay attention to the red thread. I used it to mark the most suitable place for the face):

Now we need to glue the sleeves. Attach the sleeves to the dress, see if they fit well and whether it will be convenient to glue them on. If you feel that the sleeves are puffing up a little, lightly lubricate the intended gluing areas on the sleeves with water and press down a little. This will make the place where you will glue the sleeves to the dress flatter.

Step eleven

On the pattern, find “arm fastenings” and cut them out of blue felt in the amount of 4 pieces. Glue two on the sleeves, two on the dress in the places where the arms will be attached:

Glue the arms to the body:

Svetlana Olegova
What blue bottomless eyes,
What a light, fluffy braid!
What a fur coat: silver and turquoise!
So nimble and mischievous all over.

Master class on the topic: "DIY New Year's characters"

Erygina Natalya Nikolaevna, teacher of additional education of the first qualification category, MBOU DOD SUT Angarsk
Description: The New Year holiday is one of the most beloved. Making Christmas toys with your child with your own hands is a very interesting and useful activity from all points of view. Teachers and parents consider children’s participation in making Christmas tree decorations as one of the forms of labor education, teaching children to do handicrafts and developing their taste. In addition, in the days following the production of the toy they liked, as the students themselves note, relationships improve, work is very good and joyful, studying is successful and enjoyable, teachers are liked, and the New Year’s mood is gaining momentum. This material will be useful for additional education teachers, technology teachers, and kindergarten teachers when preparing for New Year-themed classes; children of primary and secondary school age and creative parents.

Application: The Snow Maiden toy can be used to decorate the New Year's interior, as New Year's gifts.

Target: Introducing students to independently making holiday souvenirs, developing skills in making toys from plastic bottles.

- teach how to make a New Year's souvenir - the Snow Maiden, using an action algorithm and step-by-step photos;
- expand knowledge about the possibility of using non-traditional materials;
- promote the development of attention, fine motor skills, aesthetic taste, creative abilities;
- awaken the desire to engage in applied creativity;
- cultivate accuracy and the ability to successfully achieve a goal.

To make a toy you need:
- blue or transparent plastic bottle, volume 0.5 l;
- knife;
- scissors;
- corrugated yellow and white paper;
- PVA glue or glue stick, “Master” glue;
- threads;
- templates for the face, kokoshnik, sleeves;
- a simple pencil or knitting needle, felt-tip pens;

Execution algorithm:

1. Cut the bottle at a distance of 16 cm from the top of the cork.

2. Cut a strip 10 cm wide from the bottom of the bottle.

3. Cut a strip 10 cm wide from a roll of yellow corrugated paper.

4. Making the head of the Snow Maiden.

Glue a piece of cotton wool or corrugated paper onto the cork to create volume.
Then we wrap a cork around the middle of the strip, connect the ends of the strip and tie it with thread under the cork.

5. Straighten the ends of the yellow strip and cut them into 3 parts.

6. Braid the braid.
7. We pull the end of the braid with a thread, cut off the excess, and create a ponytail.

8. I will cut out the templates for the face and kokoshnik.

Glue the face into the circle of the kokoshnik. We decorate the kokoshnik with snowflakes.
Glue the resulting blank to the head.

9. Making fringe.
Cut a 10 cm wide strip from a roll of white corrugated paper.

10. Fold it once in width and 5 times in length. Cut off 1 mm along the contour.

11. Apply glue in the middle of each strip and glue them together.

12. Cut the fringe along the edges of the long sides and glue it around the cork head, thus we design the collar.

13. Cut another 10 cm wide strip from a roll of white corrugated paper.
14. Fold the strip in half lengthwise. Cut it, you get 2 strips 25 cm long.

15. Measure 2 cm on one strip, fold 5 times along the length, unfold, you get 5 strips. Cut along the fold lines.
16. Apply glue in the middle of each strip and glue them together.
17. Cut the fringe on each side.
18. Glue the fringe along the bottom of the dress.

19. With another strip 25 cm long, proceed in the same way (item 15-item 17).
20. Glue the fringe from the collar to the bottom of the dress.

21. We trace the sleeve templates on a strip of plastic with a felt-tip pen and cut them out.

22. Glue the sleeves to the dress.

23. Decorate the dress with snowflakes.

Of course, everyone knows the Snow Maiden from a very early age. This is the heroine of folk tales, the beloved granddaughter of Grandfather Frost, without whom the New Year will not come. Be sure to invite her to your party - place a figurine of a snowy beauty next to the Christmas tree or dress your daughter in a sweetheart costume (at the same time, prepare in advance for the matinee in kindergarten or elementary school). You can, of course, go to the store and buy a ready-made Snow Maiden costume, but it will be more interesting to make it yourself or together with your child.

Don’t forget to create a craft for the Christmas tree, but will you learn further about how to make the Snow Maiden? Is it possible to involve children in this activity? Not only is it possible, but it is necessary! A figurine of the Snow Maiden can be molded from plasticine, made from paper, cardboard and other things, it all depends on what materials and techniques you are going to use. There are many options, but the choice is yours!

Suit of Snow Maiden

Are you thinking about how to make a Snow Maiden costume with your own hands? The first step when creating any costume is to make a pattern. For those who have no experience in such matters, there is an extremely easy way:

  • Take your child's T-shirt and trace it on cardboard.
  • Add a skirt to the resulting drawing so that it becomes a dress. Don't forget to measure the girl's height during the process to make the hem of the dress the right length.
  • Cut out the resulting pattern from cardboard or unnecessary wallpaper.
  • Transfer the pattern onto the fabric.
  • From the front, the neckline should be slightly larger than from the back, and its volume should correspond to the size of the child’s head, so that the dress can be put on freely.
  • Add about 1-1.5 cm to the pattern on each side - these will be seam allowances.
  • Don't forget about the cutouts for the sleeves.
  • Cut out the pattern onto the fabric.
  • Cut out sleeves from the fabric (most often they are made long).
  • Sew the sides and sew on the sleeves.
  • Sew piping along the sleeves, neckline and hem. The dress is ready, it's time to move on to decorating it.
  • Cover the hem with tinsel, rain or fur.
  • On the front of the dress from the throat to the hem, sew large sequins or fur in two vertical rows. You can finish here - the Snow Maiden's dress is ready.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in making a New Year's outfit. Any girl can pull off this costume, even one who has never sewn anything.

Snow Maiden's Crown

In addition to the dress, the Snow Maiden needs a crown. Don't know how to make the Snow Maiden's crown? It's very simple - first decide what shape it should be. It can be an ordinary cylinder, a complex design, like the Snow Queen, or an ordinary flat one; consult with your child what exactly he wants.

To make a crown, you need to follow the instructions below:

  1. Measure the volume of the child's head.
  2. Draw a rectangle on a piece of cardboard. The size of the horizontal side is the volume of the girl’s head, plus leave 1-2 cm for connection. The height of the rectangle depends on the expected height of the crown.
  3. Draw a pattern in height that should decorate the Snow Maiden’s crown.
  4. Carefully cut out the design.
  5. Secure the resulting pattern with tape, a stapler, or glue it with glue. The base of the crown is ready.
  6. Decoration. There are two options here - the crown can be painted or covered with fabric. The choice is yours. The fabric will add elegance to the design, but it is much faster to purchase a can of paint in the store in the same color as the suit. A drawn or painted crown can be decorated with lace, snowflakes cut out of paper, sparkles, sequins, rhinestones and more.

Kokoshnik for the Snow Maiden

The crown on the head looks beautiful, but if you believe the fairy tales, the granddaughter of Santa Claus wore a kokoshnik on her head. Don't forget that the Snow Maiden is a Russian folk character. The crown is more suitable for the role of the Snow Queen. So, how to make the Snow Maiden’s kokoshnik with your own hands? For manufacturing you will need the following materials:

  1. Newspaper.
  2. Wide plastic headband.
  3. Glue.
  4. Thick cardboard.
  5. Decorative materials (beads, stones, rhinestones, beads, etc.).
  6. Scissors.
  7. A simple pencil.
  8. Yardstick.
  9. Braid for decoration.
  10. Ribbons.

Don’t know how to make a kokoshnik for the Snow Maiden? The design manufacturing process consists of several steps:

  • Fold the newspaper in half and draw half of the craft on it by hand, with edges resembling flower petals. Don't worry about making mistakes and experiment. This can be done at the stage of working with newspapers, since you don’t mind wasting them.
  • Cut the template along the drawn outer contour and unfold it.
  • Attach the rim to the central part and draw a dotted line along it.
  • Step back 2 centimeters to the center and draw another arc along which you need to cut the kokoshnik. Cut the so-called teeth 2 cm long by hand.
  • Don’t know how to make a kokoshnik for the Snow Maiden from cardboard? Attach the finished template, made from newspaper, to the cardboard and cut it out.
  • Bend the teeth, coat them with glue and attach the kokoshnik to the inside of the headband.
  • From the central part of the petal to the top, draw straight lines and cut them.
  • Place the structure on the child’s head and slightly tilt the petals back, gluing the places of application together. It is very important that the middle petal is the top one.
  • Decorate the kokoshnik in accordance with your wishes and materials that are available. For example, you can trim the edge with braid or sew tinsel there in the form of Christmas tree branches. Don't forget that the kokoshnik should be beautiful on both sides.
  • Sew beautiful ribbons on the sides to tie at the back of the head. This will make the product not only more beautiful, but will also help to fix it better on the child’s head.
  • Glue beautiful lace or braid to the top of the hoop. The last two steps can be connected by taking long ribbons and gluing them so that there is 30-50 cm left on both sides for tying.

Now you know how to make a Snow Maiden costume for a girl. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this; you just need imagination and a little time, which will be more than compensated by your child’s smile.

Snow Maiden with candies for a gift

Don’t know how to make a Snow Maiden with your own hands as a gift? Try making a design according to the following scheme. For this you will need the following materials:

  1. Corrugated paper (white and blue).
  2. Barbie doll.
  3. White felt.
  4. Satin ribbons (white and blue).
  5. Candies with blue wrapper.
  6. Decorations (beads, snowflakes, etc.).
  7. Lace (blue and white).
  8. Glue gun.
  9. Scissors.
  10. Toothpicks.
  11. Double-sided tape.
  12. Foam frame in the shape of a bell (for the skirt).

Manufacturing process:

  1. Place the skirt frame on the doll.
  2. Using a glue gun, cover the skirt with corrugated paper, making even folds in the upper part.
  3. Don't know how to make a Snow Maiden out of paper? Model the top part of the dress out of paper and glue it to the doll.
  4. Braid your doll's hair using blue and white ribbons.
  5. Make a cylinder-shaped hat from felt, decorate it with rhinestones and sequins.
  6. Make the hem of the dress. To do this, use white corrugated paper to make small roses with a candy core and glue them to the hem of the skirt.
  7. Make a stand out of cardboard and cover it with sky-colored corrugated paper.
  8. Place the Snow Maiden on the stand.
  9. Glue the remaining candies in a chaotic order onto the base where the doll stands.
  10. Decorate the Snow Maiden's dress with sparkles, snowflakes and beads.

Paper Snow Maiden

The simplest and fastest method is paper crafts. Don’t know how to make a Snow Maiden out of paper with your own hands? Everything is extremely simple - the only materials you need are multi-colored paper, scissors and glue.

The work process consists of the following steps:

  • Cut out a square with sides equal to 15 cm from one-sided sky-colored paper. It will become the Snow Maiden’s fur coat.
  • Place the square with the front side facing you, fold it in four, so that you form a small square. After this, disassemble the structure.
  • Bend the right and left edges towards you by 5 mm.
  • Fold the bottom part 2 cm in the same way.
  • Fold the top corners towards you. They should connect at the intersection of the fold lines made in the first steps.
  • Turn the figure over.
  • At the bottom, at a distance of 2 cm from the edge, place points on each side and connect them to the top point of the structure.
  • Turn the corners along the lines towards you. Extend the corners from the reverse side.
  • Bend the corner located at the top in your direction, and the lower corners in the other direction. Turn the resulting figure over. The fur coat for the Snow Maiden is ready, you can move it aside for now.
  • Cut out two squares with sides of 6-7 cm from the same sky-colored paper. Fold them once or twice into two parts so that the colored side always remains on the outside. When strips 2-3 cm wide remain on the paper, fold them in half again and then straighten them out.
  • Fold each half in the center of this line.
  • Glue the sleeves to the sides of the fur coat under the collar.
  • Let's start making mittens. Cut out squares with sides 1.5-2 cm, bend them along a diagonal line, then straighten them. Place the fold line in a vertical position. Bend the corners located on the sides of this line with their tops towards it, so that they touch the middle of the square.
  • On each mitten, bend one side - on one from the bottom corner on the right, on the other - on the left. Turn the pieces over and glue them to the sleeves.
  • Cut out a square for the hat and fold the sides inward, onto the colorless side. Fold the resulting figure in half along its width (smaller side).
  • Fold the top corners to the middle line, tuck the bottom - this will be the edge.
  • Make the Snow Maiden's head in the form of an applique from a cut out paper circle and additional parts (eyes, nose, mouth, etc.).
  • Glue all the parts together.

How to make Santa Claus and Snow Maiden?

Of course, you need to put not only the Snow Maiden under the Christmas tree - you can’t do without Grandfather Frost. You can not only buy these main characters of the New Year's celebration in the store, but also make them yourself with your child. The process will captivate you and immerse you in the New Year's mood. Next, the simple but lengthy process of making figurines will be described.

So, to make Father Frost and the Snow Maiden with your own hands, you will need:

  1. Rolled cotton wool.
  2. Paste (made from starch and water).
  3. Copper cable (three-core) for the frame.
  4. Aluminum foil (approx. 60 cm).
  5. Toilet paper (for papier-mâché).
  6. Paints (watercolor and acrylic).
  7. Wooden stand.
  8. Sintepon.
  9. Threads.
  10. Wire cutters.
  11. Tassels.
  12. Scissors.
  13. Needle.

Step-by-step description of how to make the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus with your own hands:

  • The process begins with making papier-mâché paste. To do this, take half a glass of cool water, dilute a tablespoon (without top) of starch in it and bring the mixture to a boil on the stove.
  • Tear the toilet paper into small pieces and add to the slightly cooled paste. Rub the paper with your fingers until smooth.
  • Use foil to form a head the size of a chicken egg.
  • Make hair from thin threads, gluing them in the central part. Braid your hair.
  • Mark the eyes on it by pressing two beads of the appropriate size into the shape.
  • Coat your head with papier-mâché and dry.
  • Roll out a small “carrot” from papier-mâché - this will be the nose. Fix it on your face.
  • Face sculpting. Make small balls, place them on your face and use smooth movements to form your forehead, cheeks and chin. Dry.
  • Make eyelids, coat the back of the head and dry again.
  • Painting. Mix acrylic paint (white or ivory) with pink watercolor to create a flesh-like color.
  • Using a straight brush made of synthetic material, thickness No. 6, paint over the face.
  • Draw the eyes with white, sky and black acrylic. Use the thinnest round brush number 1.
  • Use a sponge to add some blush to your character.

How to make a torso?

Don't know how to make the Snow Maiden? To make a figure, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Take a three-core copper wire and divide it into so-called branches up to the expected shoulder level.
  2. At the place where the neck ends, bend the side wires of the wire horizontally - these will be the shoulders. Place the head on the central wire.
  3. Bend the wire down from the shoulder area. Make loops - palms. Bend your arms at the elbows.
  4. From the bottom, divide the wire to the hip line. Bend the middle part upward and strengthen the torso.
  5. Cut the padding polyester into strips 3 cm wide. Wrap them around a wire frame. Go over the structure with stitches so that the shape holds more tightly.

Clothes for the Snow Maiden

Now it's time to find out how to make the Snow Maiden's clothes. So, for this you need:

  1. Prepare a starch paste in the same way as in the first step and in the same proportions.
  2. Add blue or blue watercolor to it to get a snowy shade.
  3. Cut out the following pattern parts from paper: hat, edge, sleeves, edge for sleeves, front side of the fur coat, back side of the fur coat, edge for the bottom, mittens, collar and belt.
  4. Apply paste to rolled cotton wool 5-6 mm thick and place it on the frame of the Snow Maiden, while simultaneously forming a fur coat and its parts. Dry.
  5. Transfer the drawn patterns onto cotton wool and cut them out.
  6. Glue all the cut out parts onto the frame of the Snow Maiden.
  7. The hat can be made in the form of a semicircle cap. The edge for it is from a long rectangle around the perimeter.

If you wish, you can paint the dried figure with a wide brush. It is recommended to use translucent watercolor paints for this.

Tip: It is more convenient to paint the Snow Maiden after she is fixed on the stand.


In order for your Snow Maiden and Santa Claus to stand stably under the Christmas tree, they must be installed on a stand. This is done as follows:

  1. Take a wooden board measuring 15*15 cm and make two small holes in it.
  2. Insert wire legs into them, bend them and secure them.
  3. Cover the board with several layers of cotton wool measuring 20*20 cm.
  4. Fluff the snowball and you're done!

Making Santa Claus

Above we discussed in detail how to make the Snow Maiden from cotton wool. Santa Claus is performed in a similar way. The differences are found only in details, such as:

  1. Santa Claus doesn't need to do his hair.
  2. For this figure, in the process of sculpting the face, you need to make large eyebrows from cotton wool, while for the Snow Maiden you can simply draw them.
  3. And, of course, it is important to take into account that the figure of the Snow Maiden should be polished, beautiful, and Santa Claus most often appears “in the body.”

DIY Snow Maiden

Master class on making a New Year's souvenir from "Snow Maiden" threads.

Liliya Vasilievna Masagutova, teacher at the MB preschool kindergarten No. 6 “Vasilyok”, Shushenskoye village, Krasnoyarsk Territory
New Year is a holiday of Christmas trees, tangerines, fireworks, and gifts. We always expect a miracle, believe in the best and hope that the coming new year will bring good luck, joy and many happy moments. On the eve of the New Year holidays, there is some special atmosphere in the air, and you want to create and do crafts. I bring to your attention a master class on making a Snow Maiden from threads.
She's wearing white boots
And in a blue fur coat
Bouquet of ripe snowflakes
Brings it to you and me.
White-white to the waist
Luxurious braid
And warm, warm
Radiant eyes.
Mittens in transparent pieces of ice,
And she's wearing a hat.
You give us light and joy,
Children's favorite.
T. Gusarova

Purpose: This doll will serve as a wonderful decoration for the New Year's holiday, as well as a good gift.
The master class is designed for children of senior preschool age, students, teachers and parents.
Necessary materials:

- half-wool or acrylic threads in blue, white and yellow;
- white “Grass” yarn;
- scissors;
- frame for photos in A4 format;
- glue “Moment crystal”;
- decorative eyes;
- half of a white mother-of-pearl bead;
- braid for decoration;
- a sheet of white cardboard;
- compass;

Step-by-step description of the work:

1. Wind the threads around the frame along its length (the number of turns depends on
thread thickness).

Then the threads (the doll's body) need to be cut on both sides. As a result
You should end up with a bunch like this.

2. Wind the yellow threads (hair) around the frame along the width and cut
On the one side.

3. Wind a small bunch of white yarn (about 10-11cm long)
and cut on both sides.
4. Take the yellow threads in your hand and distribute the white ones around them.

5. Distribute the blue threads around the bunch of yellow and white threads.

6. Tie it all tightly with a thread closer to the edge.

7. Separate the yellow threads from the white and blue ones.

8. Then, distribute the white threads evenly over the bunch of blue threads,
form the doll's head and tie with white thread.

9. Trim the ends of the white threads (this will be the collar of the fur coat).

10. Wind more blue threads along the length of the frame to
to make handles for the doll.

Cut on both sides.

11. Braid the threads. To do this, we tie threads at one end
and we begin to weave.

12. Divide the bundle of blue threads into halves and insert a braid.

13. Tie it again with a thread that matches the tone of the body. We got a head
arms, chest and skirt of the doll.
14. Distribute the yellow threads evenly over the doll’s head
(I coated the back of the head with glue and pressed the yellow threads), separate
cut in half and braid. Trim your ponytails.

15. Make a small cone out of cardboard, for this we draw a semicircle
radius 12.5 cm.

16. Turn the doll over and distribute the threads of the skirt in a circle.
Apply glue to the tip of the cardboard cone and glue it in place.

17. Turn the doll over and distribute the blue threads over the cone.
Trim the edges.

18. Using grass yarn, knit a “edge” for a fur coat. Cast on 4 loops
and knit (1st row – knit stitches, 2nd row – purl stitches) a strip of the required

19. Using glue, attach the “edge” to the collar and hem of the fur coat.

20. Cut a 1.5 cm wide ring from a cardboard toilet paper cylinder.

21. Wind blue threads across the width of the frame and cut on both sides.
Fold the thread in half.

Place the loop inside the ring.

Pull the tails into a loop and tighten

22. Thread the yarn inside the hat.

23. We tie the yarn to form a hat.

24. Trim the pompom. And we get a hat.

25. We put on a hat for the Snow Maiden (I glued it on).

26. Decorate the fur coat and hat.

27. Glue on the eyes, eyelashes, nose and mouth.

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