Russian alphabet and alphabet for children. Alphabet games Alphabet for children from 5 years old

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

Despite the development of new technologies, video and online learning, without the ability to read well, it is impossible for a modern person to achieve success in any business. That’s why caring parents are so eager to teach their kids to read and write, and this needs to start with learning the Russian alphabet. But what if the child doesn't want to learn letters? Then we learn letters for children 5-6 years old by playing with the alphabet.

There are completely different opinions regarding the age at which children should start learning the alphabet, each of which is accompanied by convincing arguments. Proponents of early development call for starting as early as possible - at least from a year. Other experts convincingly prove that such an early introduction to the alphabet is pointless: the baby’s brain has not yet matured and he is unlikely to read at 2 or 3 years old.

Even knowing the letters, correlating them with sounds, children are not yet ready to put them into syllables at 2-3 years old. Therefore, without going to extremes, teachers advise starting to introduce children to the alphabet at the age of 3. Do this at first simply by paying attention to them and naming the sounds that correspond to them. Teach through play, without requiring the child to memorize.

You can start learning the alphabet and numbers from the age of 4, so that you can slowly, calmly master it and learn to read and write a little by school.

How to easily and quickly learn letters with your child?

No matter what age you decide to teach your preschooler the alphabet, the main thing is not only to teach, but also not to instill in him an aversion to the learning process itself. Therefore, classes should be short and take the form of a game. Today, to help parents teaching children 3-5 years old the Russian alphabet, there are songs, educational games, cartoons, and videos that can be watched online. All this helps to teach your child the alphabet and numbers in a fun and easy way. This needs to be done correctly.

  • Do not try to learn the entire Russian alphabet with your child at once. It is advised to start with vowels and learn two letters throughout the week. When the children have learned them, move on to the next ones.
  • When introducing children to consonants, you need to pronounce the sounds correctly, not as the letters are called, but as we pronounce them: B, not BE, V, not VE. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for a 4-5 year old child to put them into syllables.
  • When teaching the alphabet with children 4-5 years old, be sure to associate letters with words so that the child hears them in the word and understands what they mean. For example, we introduce U and clearly say “U-litka”, “U-ho”, etc.
  • Learning and remembering best occurs through the child's own actions, so let him sculpt, color, cut out the alphabet and numbers.
  • When learning, use the association method, when each letter is associated with some image - a sound or a picture.
  • When the child learns even a few letters from which they can form a word, start doing this.
  • Don't forget to praise your baby.

Educational cartoons for children. Learning letters ABC in verses Alphabet from A to Z

Coloring pages

One of the easiest ways to associate a letter in your child’s memory with a personal action is to print out coloring pages with the alphabet and give them to him. You can do this for free by finding coloring pages on the appropriate sites and downloading them.

Artists select pictures that will strengthen the association with this letter and thereby help to visually remember it better. When the child traces and colors the letter, he is simultaneously preparing to write it. These educational coloring pages can be printed, or you can find coloring books online.

Flash games

Training is best done in real life, but today many educational games, cartoons, and videos can be found and used online. This should not be the main way of learning, although children really like educational cartoons, videos, and flash games. They can be a good addition to your regular learning activities - modeling, playing with blocks, coloring, reading poetry and learning songs.

There are several types of flash games that teach children the alphabet.

  1. Search for objects starting with the required letter.
  2. Place it in the right place.
  3. Find the letter.
  4. Find a pair of letters, etc.

When a preschooler plays online, parents should be nearby and help him. And also make sure that the baby does not play for too long.

Very tasty letters

It’s good if the alphabet is associated with something pleasant and fun, and not boring and difficult. One way to achieve this is to make the letters edible. There are many ways to do this:

  • Bake “alphabet” cookies;
  • Cut out pieces from apples and bananas (sticks, circles, halves of a circle) and put them together in the alphabet with your child;
  • Use jam and condensed milk to draw the alphabet on pancakes or pancakes.

Board games with letters

Today you can buy different board games with the alphabet, starting with cubes and ending with lotto, puzzles or dominoes. When purchasing such games, choose ones with simple, clear pictures and clear lettering. The simpler it is, the easier it is for the child to remember them.

How to teach your child letters easily and naturally?

When a mother believes that the child’s age already suggests learning letters, she is faced with the question of the teaching method. The mother will not want to burden the child with serious activities. Therefore, many are trying to make this process interesting, but at the same time very effective.

Sometimes the opinions of experts differ on this issue. However, there are some most general recommendations:

  • It is necessary to teach when the child already has the opportunity to read. The meaning of this conclusion is that a child can learn letters at 1.5 years old. But it will just be memorization, which will be forgotten very quickly if it is not applied anywhere. A child at this age does not yet understand that this is part of the word. For him, this is something that his mother repeats and he must repeat.
  • For this reason, it would be optimal to teach a child letters at 4 years old. By slowly working with your child, you will come to read syllables. This means your child will be prepared to read for school.
  • At 3 years old, you can begin to introduce your child to letters, but do not force him to learn. Show him the letters and tell him what they are. Make sounds. And when the baby is ready, he will begin to repeat himself
  • But if the child is very well developed, can speak and asks you to teach him to read, or you see his desire to understand some inscriptions, then your child is ready to learn
  • But this does not mean that you should immediately give him serious studies with exams. No. Perhaps after the start of training you will see that it is difficult for the child, he is angry, he does not understand. Don't insist. If the baby’s desire has disappeared, wait until he is 4 years old.
  • Some methods suggest starting training as early as 2 years

IMPORTANT: Whatever advice experts give, you must focus on your child. But at the age of 5 it is still worth starting to learn letters so that the child comes to school more or less prepared

How easy is it to learn letters with your child?

To ensure that learning letters is not difficult and stressful for your child, and the result is effective, follow these tips:

  • Learn letters by playing. Read more about how to do this in the next section.
  • Pronounce the letter correctly. Don’t say the letter “m” - “em”, the letter “p” - “pe”, and so on. Pronounce the letters as they sound: “m”, “p”, “s” and so on. That is, pronounce one sound briefly. Why is that? So that the child does not subsequently experience difficulties in reading. Otherwise, the child will want to read the word “dad” as “peapeaa”. And when you start explaining that it is “daddy” that needs to be read, the child will not understand why. After all, the letter “p” is “pe”
  • Do not try to memorize the entire alphabet with your child at once. First, choose your vowels to start with. Secondly, take 2 letters and learn them throughout the week, reinforcing the result every day in a playful way. Only after this do you start new ones
  • After learning enough letters to form a simple word, start forming words. This way the child will very quickly learn letters and begin to learn syllables. Composing words is relevant for children from 4 years old
  • Always let your child know that a letter means something. That is, when teaching the letter “a”, say: “A-watermelon.” This way the child will begin to see the connection between the letter and the word. But this method will begin to work only after 3 years. Until this age, the baby simply will not see any connection
  • Associations. They will help even the smallest children learn letters. Read more in the section below “Letter Associations”
  • Draw, sculpt, paint, write, trace letters, lay out their shape with any available materials. All this will be interesting to the baby and he will remember the letters without noticing it.

  • One of the passive ways to learn letters would be to hang letters in the child’s room or in the apartment as a whole. Cut out large letters and hang several in different places. Sometimes tell your child what the letter is. Don't push yourself with constant repetitions. The child will remember them without realizing it. After a week, change to others. It will be more effective if you hang the letter on an object that begins with this letter. This way the letter will be perceived by the child as part of something.
  • Study order: we teach through associations, coloring, appliqués, and remember in games and the passive way of hanging letters
  • Learning will go faster if the child sees, hears and touches the letter

IMPORTANT: By following these tips, learning will only bring pleasure to your child

How to learn letters with your child while playing?

Playing is a child’s favorite pastime. He will always agree to play and will receive a lot of pleasant pleasures. And learning letters in a playful way will be unobtrusive and relaxed.

Game 1. Cubes.

  • The simplest and most unpretentious game
  • Buy cubes with letters and pictures for each letter. Cubes can be soft, plastic, wooden
  • Ask the child to find the object, then praise the child and say: “Well done. Showed a watermelon. A-watermelon." At the same time, point to the letter
  • Or scatter cubes around the room and ask them to find the watermelon cube. The words are the same when found

Game 2. Application.

  • Print and cut out letters with your child measuring about 10 cm high and 7 cm wide
  • Invite your child to choose what you will use to make the applique: cereal, pasta, fabric, cotton wool
  • Having chosen the material, sit down with your child, apply glue to the letters and, with the help of your child, stick the material on.
  • At the same time, repeat that you will decorate the letter “A”
  • Then glue the paper-cereal letter onto the cardboard to maintain its shape.
  • Let the child choose the place for the applique.
  • But the place should not be hidden. The child should see the letter every day

Game 3. Hide and seek.

  • Print each letter in duplicate
  • Select the first game letter. Let's assume "O"
  • Leave one for yourself
  • Place the second copy somewhere so that the child can find it.
  • Place a few other letters in different accessible and visible places as well.
  • Show your child a letter, name it and ask him to find it
  • When your child goes looking, follow him and give him hints if necessary.
  • The child should not be upset that he cannot find it, otherwise this method will become uninteresting for your baby

Game 4. The right choice.

  • The game is more about consolidation
  • Print pictures with letters
  • Lay it out in front of your child and ask him to show the correct letter.
  • Having found a letter, you can show an object starting with this letter

Game 5. Who is faster?

  • It is good for two children or an adult and a child to participate in the game.
  • Scatter several identical letters on the floor
  • On command, participants must bring letters
  • We praise everyone
  • Be sure to repeat the sound of the letter every time
  • You can encourage the participants with words or slogans like “Find the letter A quickly, but let’s hurry up!”

Game 6. Surprises in a bag.

  • Place items in an opaque bag that begin with the letter you are studying.
  • For example: hippopotamus, bull, drum, alarm clock
  • Intrigue your child
  • And let him take turns getting the toys, pronouncing the name of each

IMPORTANT: All children are different. Try different games and choose the one that suits your child

Video on the topic: Learning the letters of the alphabet: 3 games with semolina [Supermoms]

Letter associations

IMPORTANT: Your baby will easily remember the letters that evoke associations in him. The method is also suitable for children

  • For each letter you study, come up with an association: what the letter looks like or who makes that sound
  • You can come up with an association yourself, you can get ideas below
  • If you see that a certain association does not work for a child, then temporarily put the letter aside
  • After a while, return to the letter with a different association
  • Associations are good because the child quickly remembers them and you don’t have to repeat the letter to him a hundred times so that he remembers it

Some associations.

Letter B.

  • The letter B is a hippo who ate well and has a big belly
  • You can try to come up with rhyming lines like “Our hippopotamus ate, walked around, got tired and sat down”
  • At the same time, demonstrate all the actions that the hippopotamus does

Letter D.

  • Looks like a house
  • Take a small soft toy and put it in the house

Letter J.

  • Cut a letter out of cardboard and say it's a bug
  • Show how it crawls and buzzes “w-w-w-w”
  • Invite your child to glue the bug's eyes
  • Let your child crawl with the bug himself or take him for a ride in the car.

Letter O.

  • The letter O looks like the mouth of a child who is crying and screaming “o-o-o-o-o”
  • Add teeth and tongue to the mouth

Letter S.

  • Sand is falling on the letter C
  • Cut out a letter from cardboard
  • Pour sand or semolina onto it carefully, as if sketching a letter with sand
  • Speak at the same time "The sand is poured with S-s-s-s-s-ss"

Letter T.

  • Cut from cardboard
  • The letter T looks like a hammer
  • Makes a knock-knock sound
  • Tap the floor with a hammer and have your child repeat after you, saying “knock-knock.”

Letter X

  • The letter X looks like the intersection of two roads
  • Take dolls or use your fingers to pretend to walk along the road
  • While speaking rhyming lines
  • For example: “We walk and walk along the path, my legs are tired. We’ll get to the end now, and then we’ll sit down and rest.”

Letter Sh.

  • Looks like a snake that crawls and makes the sound “sh-sh-sh-sh”
  • Crawl along the floor with the snake and don’t forget to draw a head with eyes and tongue

  • If you decide to teach your child letters, then immediately after teaching some of the letters, start writing
  • The child must understand that letters are needed to write words

Where, what and how to write?

  • Pencil, pen, felt-tip pen on paper
  • Chalk on a blackboard or asphalt
  • Paints on paper
  • Stick in the sand
  • Fingers on flour or semolina
  • Lay out letters with pebbles on the asphalt

IMPORTANT: Draw yourself, but be sure to let your child draw too, but help him. If the baby doesn’t yet use a pen at all, then help him with this.

Video: Educational Cartoon. Copybooks for children: writing letters

  • If you and your child sculpt the letters after voicing them, they will be remembered faster
  • You can sculpt from salt dough or plasticine
  • Having molded a letter, you can decorate it with beans, peas, beads, or simply decorate it

Video: We learn the letters from A to D, sculpt Play Doh from plasticine and open the Kinder Surprise! Educational cartoon!

  • You can color letters that you have printed, written, cut out, written on asphalt or a board, molded from plasticine, or made from semolina by gluing it on cardboard.
  • You can color with: felt-tip pens, crayons, finger paints, pencils, pens, gouache
  • You can print letters, next to which there will be objects whose names begin with this letter

Outline letters

  • Cut out the letter
  • Place on a sheet of paper or cardboard
  • Let's circle. If the child cannot do it himself yet, then take his pen and trace
  • You can outline with dots, strokes, straight lines
  • After tracing, the outline can be laid out with pebbles, beans, pasta

Letter cookies

  • By the age of 4, especially girls, there is a great interest in helping their mother bake goodies.
  • Take advantage of this interest
  • If you have a favorite cookie recipe, use it
  • The dough should be elastic and not sticky
  • Instead of the usual stars or circles, cut out the letters and bake
  • You can decorate with coconut or fondant
  • Bake several letters in several copies so that you can add simple words: mom, dad, baba
  • The child will happily play with the cookies and then eat them safely
  • To make it easier, you can buy ready-made cookies in the store.

If such recipe If you don't have one, then use the following:

  • Mix two eggs with vanilla to taste
  • Beat with a mixer until foamy, about 10 minutes.
  • Add butter (100 g) previously melted until it becomes sour cream.
  • Stir for 5 minutes
  • Whip 300 g sour cream with 150 g sugar
  • Add mixture to bowl with remaining ingredients
  • Add 1 tbsp. l. flour mixed with 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda and stir
  • Add another spoonful of flour
  • The dough should become elastic and not sticky
  • Place the kneaded dough in the refrigerator for 30 minutes to make it easier to form the letters.

  • After cutting out the letters, place the cookies on a greased baking sheet in a preheated oven.
  • The cookies should take on a golden color.

Flip through books, magazines

  • You can use books and magazines to reinforce the letters you have learned.
  • They are not very suitable for studying, since the child’s eyes will wander and it will be difficult for him to concentrate on a specific letter
  • Show letters that the child already knows if they are highlighted somewhere on the page or written in large print.
  • Or ask your child where the letter “A” is. If a child finds a letter, he will be very happy
  • If he doesn’t succeed, give him hints, say what’s shown next to him.
  • The letters should be quite large, do not force the child to look closely at the small print

Talking alphabet game

The talking alphabet is suitable:

  • For those mothers who do not have enough time for self-study with their child
  • Just to secure the material
  • For variety of activities

Posters with talking alphabet.

  • You can buy such a poster in almost any children's toy store.
  • Hang it on the wall in the children's room or where the child plays most often.
  • If you are studying with a child, then a talking poster will only be an addition and a way to reinforce the material.
  • If you don’t work with your child yourself, then teach your child to work with a poster and he will come up with interest and press buttons.
  • When pressed, he will hear a letter and an object/animal whose name will begin with this letter

Online Games.

  • There are many such games on the Internet in the public domain.
  • This method is bad because the child is forced to study at the computer. This means his eyes may get tired or his vision may even deteriorate.
  • It is better to use such games only occasionally for variety.

Talking ABCs in video format.

  • Also means keeping the child at the computer
  • Unlike games, the child can be at a fairly far distance, as when watching cartoons
  • Would also be good sometimes for variety
  • See one example of such a video below.

Video: Talking alphabet. We teach the Russian alphabet for the little ones. For children 3-6 years old

Computer: look at the letters

  • This teaching method is suitable for lazy or busy mothers who cannot teach their child using simple improvised means.
  • Looking at letters and hearing about them is certainly a good and useful activity
  • But do not forget that it is better to add painting, appliqué and cutting out letters
  • As a rule, learning letters on a computer comes down to watching educational cartoons.
  • See one example video below

Video: Educational cartoons - ABC for kids

How to play the ABC game?

  • The ABC game can be found in different versions
  • These are online games in which you need to put letters in place, find an object starting with the desired letter; search for pairs for each letter
  • Games can be understood by children from 3 years old
  • Parents must be nearby and help
  • Do not get carried away with such online games, because a computer does not bring any benefit to your child.
  • If the game is not a computer game, but purchased in a store, then play it after reading the instructions. There can be a lot of different types of games like this.

ABC game

Educational games for children: learning letters 5 - 6 years old

  • At 5-6 years old, it is imperative to teach a child letters if he does not already know them
  • At this age, the main method is not associations, but words starting with a given letter: “A-watermelon”, “B-banana”
  • The child will already perfectly understand the connection between letters and words
  • All games will be limited to building words for this age
  • Buy magnetic letters and form words from them

  • The basic principles of training are the same as for early age (read the second section of this article)
  • A primer book will definitely come to the rescue at this age.
  • There you will see pictures and read entertaining poems to your child.
  • A child at this age will no longer want to play completely childish games (see above)
  • Learn the letter and ask your child to collect things around the house that he sees that correspond to the chosen letter. For each item you can offer a small tasty surprise. This will make it more fun and interesting for the child.
  • Baking cookies together is also relevant for this age (read the rules and recipe above in the “letter cookies” section). Only such an adult child for letters can really help you fashion letters
  • Buy a puzzle with letters

  • Sculpt, cut, decorate, make appliqués. This is also true for ages 5-6 years

Always praise your child for success

  • Learning is not always easy for a child
  • Without your encouragement, your child will soon get tired of this process if he makes mistakes especially
  • Always praise your child for success
  • Even in the case of less than perfect memorization, understanding and answer

Moms, your child’s success and interest largely depend on you and your approach to this difficult task. Don’t be lazy to work with your child and soon you will be bragging to others about the successes of your beloved child.

Video: Learning letters with your child


What is the fastest way to learn letters with your child? The easiest way is to hang a poster with the alphabet on the wall and regularly voice it to your child... But... this method does not work for all children! Unfortunately, many children get bored very quickly and simply “run away” from such activities.

If you find yourself in such a situation, don’t despair! There are tons of fun letter learning games that your child is sure to love!

Before you start learning letters, it is important not to forget:

Most preschool teachers agree that it is best to teach children the “sound” interpretation of letters (not “Ka” but “K”, not “Be”, but “B”, etc.).

This is done so that later it will be much easier for the child to learn to add syllables.

Compare in which case it will be easier for a child to “figure out” how to form a syllable:

Sound option: “B” + “A” = “BA”

Letter version: “Be” + “A” = ?????- P about the logic of things, children often want to say “BeA” at this point, and this is where it arisesthe main problem that many parents face when teaching their children “classic” letter names(such as “Be” “Ve”, etc.) – when reading syllables, it is difficult for a child to mentally reject the sound “a” from “Ka”, the sound “e” from “Ve”, etc. (they want to read not “VA”, but “VEA”, not “BU”, but “BeU”, etc.)

And this complexity becomes a serious obstacle to teaching a child the skill of combining individual letters into syllables.

Therefore, studying the “sound” interpretation of letters will be much preferable.

“Learning letters is fun!” - educational games for non-boring children!

1. Coloring.

Everything is simple here! You can download coloring pages with letters from the Internet and invite your child to color them. The child will engage in creativity with interest, and at the same time consolidate knowledge about the new letter.

To prevent the child from getting bored with the coloring process, you need to use various interesting techniques:

Color letters not only with pencils, but also with paints, wax crayons, and stamps;

Paint with your fingers using finger paints;

Use unconventional drawing techniques ( cotton swabs, crumpled paper, blots and so on.).

2. Decorate the letter.

Children will have fun decorating the letters!

You can decorate them with plasticine, applique, colored glass, construction kit parts... whatever you want!

Try decorating the letter “A” with watermelons, the letter “B” with bananas, etc.

3. We sculpt.

A very useful activity is to sculpt letters from colored dough or plasticine. And if you combine sculpting with listening to songs by Ekaterina Zheleznova from the album “Musical ABC Book” (in which the whole process of sculpting is “sung” in a very interesting way) - then sculpting will be even more fun.

Wonderful mothers, passionate about the development of children, have long made funny videos from these songs and posted them online.

For example, while playing and watching a funny video, you can make the letter A in a fun and interesting way:

Tilt two sticks

Connect at the top

One crossbar -

Like a letter A tent!

4. Halves - a game to consolidate knowledge about already familiar letters.

In the process of learning the alphabet, the process of repetition is important. Still would! After all, by the time you get to “I”, you must try not to forget the letter “A”.

The process of repeating already learned material will be more fun with the game “Halves”!

Cut out beautiful cards with letters, cut them into two parts, mix them.

Invite your child to “fold” letters from two halves.

5. Memory.

To consolidate the material covered, the well-known game “Memory” is also suitable (at the same time, attention and memory are trained). You will need a set of cards in which each of the pictures with a certain letter is presented in duplicate.

Shuffle the cards and place them in front of the child, white side up.

Ask him to turn over any of the cards, name the sound that the open letter represents. Then the player needs to find exactly the same card among the others that have not yet been turned over. The player looks for the desired letter by turning over the remaining cards and checking what is written on them.

Did you open the wrong letter? Turn it back to the white side up and look for a pair further!

When the required card is found, the player takes two cards for himself and the game continues until a pair is found for each card.

6. We write on semolina.

Children love to draw on semolina! Without exception, everything - from small to large! Even if your child is already 10 years old and seems “so big” already, believe me, he will be delighted with drawing on semolina!

7. Lotto and foil.

Another way to study and repeat letters is lotto.

Not all children are enthusiastic about letter lotto. In order to interest the child in this game, you can use foil or paper.

Prepare the playing field, and also wrap the letter figures in foil or paper.

Invite your child to unfold the letter and place it in its place on the lotto playing field.

Lotto can be sound - in this case you need to put a letter on a card on which an object is drawn that begins with this letter.

8. Letter eater.

A cheerful Bukvoeshka may appear in your home. The easiest way to do this is to take a glove doll or a soft toy.

For example, this cockerel -

very unusual! He eats letters! Come on! Let him eat the letter B! And now he wants the letter A! Oh, how deliciously you feed the cockerel!

You can play the letter game in another way:

Funny people live in this box. They eat nothing but letters. Let's feed them? (the little people's mouths are the slits in the box).

Here is their food (we draw letters on the beans with a felt-tip pen):

We feed the little men (each little man has his own letter, if the baby makes a mistake, the little men spit merrily, close their mouths and demand to be fed another food that suits them better (beans with their “own” letter):

9. We design.

We lay out the silhouettes of letters from counting sticks, matches, Lego and everything else that comes to hand:

Some children may find it difficult to form letters from available materials (especially if the child is under 3.5 years old).

With such children you can design using the “overlay” method.

To do this, you can draw these simple diagrams:

Also, in order to build letters, you can use the Zheleznovs’ musical primer, which was already written about in paragraph 3 of this article.

For example, poetry and a song, which is described in paragraph 3 for "A" can also be used to construct this letter from sticks (Tilt two sticks, connect them at the top, one crossbar - like a letter A tent!)

11. Pierce.

Draw a letter on paper. Place a piece of paper on the carpet or soft sofa and hand the child a toothpick (the object is, of course, sharp... but in 90% of cases children easily learn safety precautions and no problems arise). Ask him to decorate the letter with holes (pierce the letter along the outline).

12. Outline.

This is a great game for learning how to write letters.

Draw the letter with paints. And then ask your child to circle it with a different color... or several colors. Of course, it is better to draw the letter on an A4 sheet.

You can even “write” entire words this way:

13. Connection of letters and sounds.

Look, these animals have lost their letters:

What sound does “Elephant” begin with? That's right, on "C". Where is our letter “S”? Let's give it back to the elephant!

14. “Find it!”

Find all the letters “K” in this picture and circle them!

And in this picture there are all the letters “T”:

Find all the red M's... And now the blue ones... And now the orange ones, etc.

Now count - how many letters "M" did you find in total?

15. Games with mosaics.

Lay out the letter from the mosaic according to the example:

A simpler and more interesting option:

Roll out the dough, draw a letter on it with a felt-tip pen... and decorate it with a mosaic!

You can also decorate the letters on the dough with other items, such as cereal:

16. Outdoor game “Run to the letter”

This game is good because it is active - it is more like a fun game of catch-up, rather than a learning process. It can be used instead of a mobile pause in class to have a useful rest.

Hang pictures of different letters on the walls of the room (you can use letters that you “decorated” with your child).

Now we give the child the command: “Run quickly, quickly to the letter C!”

And now to the letter “A”!

This game not only helps you learn letters in motion, it also develops attention and memory.

If a child refuses to run at your command, you can take him by the hand and run with him.

A very interesting variation of this game was invented and offered on her website by Natalya Chistokletova (). It's a game - “Cover the letter with your palm”:

Game "Feed the monster":

17. Outdoor game “Jump-jump-team!”

This game is also active, and therefore children also love it!

Do you remember the funny program “Jump-Jump-Team” on the “Carousel” channel?

You can play “jump-jump-team” with letters!

Let's take a cube with letters! (if you don’t have one ready-made, you can make it... Well, as a last resort, just turn the cards with the letters down with the image down and pull them out one at a time).

For example, this simple cube can be made using a children's cube, tape and paper:

Let's throw the dice... What have we got? Yeah! "U".

What happens with “U”... Snail? Let's show her (we put a pillow on our back and start crawling on the floor).

Now what? Letter "C". At "C" we have an elephant! Let's show it too!

18. Sound poster.

My daughter learned the letters in a couple of months on her own, without any help from me...

And a sound poster helped me with this!

The meaning of its action is simple - the child clicks on a picture with a letter - the poster pronounces the sound it represents.

How much time and effort I saved thanks to this poster... And I spent it on other useful games with my daughter, which would not have happened without my participation.

The only “But!” - it is better to buy posters that work in the mode of studying not the names of letters (for example, “Ka”, “Sha”, “Be”, etc.), but the names of the sounds that these letters represent (not “Ka” but “K” , not “Be”, but “B”). The advisability of such a study was already discussed at the beginning of the article. There are now quite a lot of posters that offer the “sound” sound of each letter.

Of course, this article does not list all the possible ways to learn letters with a child - in fact, there are many more! Play, play and don't stop playing - there is no better way for a child to learn!

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The alphabet of the Russian language has a centuries-old history. And although this is a well-known truth, few know who invented it and when.

Where did the Russian alphabet come from?

The history of the Russian alphabet goes back to ancient times, during the times of pagan Kievan Rus.

The order to create the Russian alphabet came from the Emperor of Byzantium, Michael III, who instructed the brother monks to develop the letters of the Russian alphabet, later called the Cyrillic alphabet. This happened in 863.

The Cyrillic alphabet had its roots in the Greek script, but since Cyril and Methodius came from Bulgaria, this land became a center for the spread of literacy and writing. Church Greek and Latin books began to be translated into Old Church Slavonic. After several centuries it became exclusively the language of the church, but played an important role in the development of the modern Russian language. Many consonants and vowels have not survived to this day, since this Russian alphabet has undergone many changes. The main transformations affected the alphabet during the time of Peter and during the October Revolution.

How many letters are in the alphabet?

However, it is interesting not only who invented the Russian alphabet, but also how many letters it contains. Most people, even as adults, doubt how many there are: 32 or 33. And what can we say about children! There is every reason for this. Let's dive into history.

The Old Church Slavonic alphabet (as it came down to us in written sources) had 43 letters. Subsequently, 4 more letters were added, and 14 were removed, since the sounds they denoted ceased to be pronounced or merged with similar sounds. In the 19th century, Russian historian and writer N. Karamzin introduced the letter “ё” into the alphabet.

For a long time, “E” and “E” were considered one letter, so it was common to think that there are 32 letters in the alphabet.

Only after 1942 they were separated, and the alphabet became 33 letters.

The alphabet of the Russian language in its current form is divided into vowels and consonants.

We pronounce vowels freely: the sound passes through the vocal cords without obstacles.
Consonant sounds require an obstacle in the way to be created. In modern Russian, these letters and sounds are in the following relationship, while the number of sounds and letters will be different:

  • - sounds: vowels – 6, consonants – 37;
  • - letters: vowels - 10, consonants - 21.

If we don’t go into details and say briefly, this is explained by the fact that some vowel letters (e, ё, yu, ya) can denote two sounds, and consonants have pairs of hardness and softness.

By spelling, letters are distinguished between uppercase and lowercase letters:

Their writing is associated with the need to highlight proper and common nouns in the text (capitals are used for the latter, as well as for writing words in general).

Learning the order of letters

Even if your child knows what the letters are called, closer to school age a problem arises related to the need to remember the letters in order in the alphabet. Most children confuse letters for a long time and cannot put them in the right order. Although it is very easy to help a child. There are several ways to do this.

Photos and pictures for kids

Pictures and photos with letters can help you learn the alphabet. You can download them on our website, print them, stick them on thick cardboard and practice with your child.

How can pictures and photos attached to letter symbols be useful?

Beautiful design and bright colors will surely attract the attention of kids. Children become interested in everything unusual and colorful - and learning goes faster and more exciting. The Russian alphabet and pictures will become best friends in lessons for kids.

Russian alphabet in pictures for children.
Table with cards of the Russian alphabet.

Another option is a table of letters with numbers, numbers

You can also easily download and print it on the website. A numbered letter list for children can make learning the alphabet order much easier for those who can count. This is how the children firmly remember how many letters are in the alphabet, and the accompanying photos and pictures that the table includes help build an associative series. So someone came up with a great idea - to teach the alphabet with pictures and photos.

Russian alphabet with numbering of letters.

Educational cartoons

No one will argue with the fact that all children love cartoons. But this love can be put to good use and you can learn the alphabet with the help of specially created educational cartoons. They include excerpts from Soviet cartoons, bright letter symbols, pictures, and songs. Musical accompaniment forces children to hum and rhyme the alphabet, and this way they remember it much faster.

— “The alphabet in cartoons”

This cartoon can be viewed here:

This is an excellent video tutorial for children. There is not only writing and reading letters, but also excerpts from cartoons, images of what words with a particular letter mean, etc. The baby will have no choice but to remember the song and the order of the letters.

— “Learning letters: the alphabet in verse”

You can watch this cartoon here:

In addition to colorful cartoons and melodic music, the cartoon “Learning Letters: The ABC in Poems” offers simple verses that are easy to remember and tell the child which letter is next in the alphabet.

— “ABC for Kids” by Berg Sound Studio

This is a great cartoon for those children who are already familiar with the alphabet and are trying to read. Here we learn the alphabet and rules for writing words with the Computer and its assistant File. Using words as an example, they tell kids how to read, and what place the letters occupy in the alphabet, as well as how many letters there are in the Russian alphabet. This fascinating cartoon lasts 30-40 minutes, so you will have to be patient. But children won’t need it: the material is presented in a playful way, and the kids won’t get bored.

You can view the cartoon here

— “Learning letters with the cat Busya”

You can download the cartoon here

The main character is the cat Busya, who emerged from an illustrated primer to show children how letters look and are read. The cartoon has not only colorful drawings, but also musical accompaniment. Busya the cat reads short poems dedicated to a specific letter.

— “Learning the Russian alphabet”

It’s easy to watch this cartoon here

It consists of viewing an illustrated primer, and a male voice pleasantly and leisurely reads short poems dedicated to letters.

Thus, learning the alphabet should be interesting for children, then they will quickly and easily master the material. We teach in a fun and unobtrusive way! This is the main key to success. You can download the video on our website or print out the pictures, buy books for children or manuals that speak the alphabet on batteries in the store. Cover all available places in the apartment with letters and tables with the alphabet. Learning must be integrated into life itself, and then it will become invisible to the child, but as effective as possible.

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