Rules for using dimexide for the face against wrinkles. Dimexide for the face against wrinkles: reviews from cosmetologists, application, recipes Dimexide for the face against wrinkles recipes reviews

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

The desire to look younger than one's age is inherent in every adult woman. Some people try to try all the existing salon procedures, some buy expensive cosmetics, but many prefer effective home care.

For example, homemade anti-wrinkle masks with Dimexide will help not only rejuvenate the skin, but also solve a number of other problems - relieve inflammation, nourish cells with moisture and vitamins.

First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the properties of the drug.

Dimexide is a means of external use, it has the following effects:

  • relieves swelling;
  • relieves pain;
  • eliminates inflammation;
  • normalizes fibrin synthesis;
  • helps improve blood circulation in capillaries;
  • has a moderate antihistamine effect.

Dimexide has the ability to penetrate any biological membranes, including the skin. But the most valuable remedy of this remedy is that it increases the degree of permeability of other substances, in combination with which it is used.

Pharmacists can offer Dimexide in different forms. The drug is sold as gel, suppositories or concentrated solution. It is the latter option that you need to purchase if you plan to use it for a course of homemade masks.

What effect can you expect?

By making face masks with Dimexide you can solve the following problems:

  • significantly rejuvenate skin, eliminating sagging and smoothing out wrinkles;
  • eliminate acne and other inflammatory phenomena;
  • nourish the skin useful substances.

Who is it suitable for?

Women can use cosmetic compositions with Dimexide of different ages. For young beauties, such procedures will help remove pimples and blackheads, and for older ladies, they will help eliminate signs of aging.

However, it must be borne in mind that such cosmetic compositions are only suitable for oily and combination skin. Those with normal skin type can use this product, but with great caution.

Important! For those with dry skin, it is better to avoid formulations with Dimexide, otherwise problems with dryness and flaking may worsen.

Important nuances

In order for the prepared anti-wrinkle mask with Dimexide to achieve excellent results, you need to learn how to properly prepare the compositions and apply them.

Important nuances of home procedures:

The first thing to remember: Dimexide under no circumstances cannot be applied to the skin in its pure form! Otherwise, you can get a chemical burn to the skin, since pharmacies sell a concentrated solution.

  • To prepare masks, you should use a diluted preparation. Prepare a solution by stirring one part concentrate in ten parts cold boiled water. If you have never used Dimexide before, then for the first time you should prepare a less concentrated solution, diluting the concentrate in twenty parts of water. If no negative reactions are observed after the procedure, next time you can prepare a solution of normal concentration. Do not measure the amount of the drug “by eye”; to prepare solutions, it is convenient to use a syringe without a needle, which can be used to measure the required amount of solution.
  • Before you make a mask for the first time, you need to allergy test. Just apply a little of the prepared mixture to the crook of your elbow. If no negative reactions occur within an hour, then a course of masks can be carried out.
  • When preparing masks, many ladies improvise by adding to the recommended compositions essential oils to give them a better smell. This cannot be done when using Dimexide.. Combining this drug with most concentrated esters may result in skin irritation and other negative effects. Therefore, it is advisable not to deviate from the recommended recipes and to accurately maintain the proportions given in them.

  • Please note that Dimexide does not tolerate heat. So, if the other ingredients of the masks need to be heated, then the Dimexide solution should be added last, when the mixture has almost cooled down.
  • Before the procedure, you need to be very careful cleanse the skin. Dimexide has the ability to transport not only beneficial substances, but also toxins. Therefore, if you cleanse your skin carelessly, inflammation may develop on your face after the mask.
  • The compositions must be applied as carefully as possible, avoiding the area around the lips and eyes. It is especially important to avoid contact of the prepared composition with mucous membranes. Compositions with the addition of Dimexide tend to separate, so they must be mixed during the application process.
  • Recommended duration of the procedure – Twenty minutes. But if, after applying the mask, a burning or tingling sensation appears, then there is no need to wait until the end of the procedure, you need to wash off the composition immediately.
  • Residues of cosmetic compositions should be removed using cotton swabs. After which you will need wash with foam or gel. The procedure is completed by applying the cream.
  • Home treatments are recommended In the evening. The fact is that immediately after removing the composition, redness may appear on the skin, which will go away in a few hours.
  • Masks with the addition of Dimexide it is recommended to carry out courses, the course consists of 12 procedures, the frequency of which is once every 7-10 days. Then you will need to take a break for at least three months.


Here are some of the most popular recipes for homemade cosmetic compositions prepared with the addition of Dimexide.


The simplest anti-wrinkle mask with Dimexide is performed as follows:

  • Apply the prepared solution to a thoroughly cleaned and steamed face using a cotton swab;
  • Apply with light movements, without applying pressure or rubbing;
  • direction of movement – ​​along massage lines;
  • then you need to apply a cream suitable for your skin type, the cream needs to be applied in a fairly thick layer;
  • After twenty minutes, remove the remaining cream with napkins and wash with foam.


This composition helps to get rid of fine wrinkles and also remove inflammation. For preparation, you will need pharmacy vitamins A and E. You can purchase them separately, but it is easier to purchase the drug Aevit, which contains both vitamins. We prepare the composition like this:

  • mix a large spoonful of rich thick sour cream with the same amount of white cosmetic clay and grind until smooth;
  • open gelatin capsules containing vitamin solutions, pour their contents into a teaspoon until half of this container is filled. Pour the vitamin mix into the prepared mixture of sour cream and clay;
  • add 30 ml of Dimexide solution (not concentrate!) to the mixture and stir
  • Apply the composition for twenty minutes.

With Solcoseryl ointment

This version of the mask is compared in effectiveness to injection cosmetology, since it evens out the skin texture very well, making it firmer, more elastic and youthful.

Solcoseryl is also a medicinal product, which is prescribed if necessary to speed up the healing of wounds and burns. This ointment contains a large set of vitamins, trace elements and minerals, so it has the most beneficial effect on the skin.

This mask has the following effects:

  • completely removes superficial wrinkles and makes deep folds less noticeable;
  • increases skin elasticity;
  • stimulates blood circulation;
  • tightens pores;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • helps maintain moisture in cells;
  • tightens the skin, restoring the oval of the face.

The procedure is carried out as follows:

  • the face is thoroughly cleansed;
  • a steam bath is done to open the pores;
  • Using a cotton swab or foam sponge, apply Dimexide solution to your face; you do not need to rub the product in, just wet your face;
  • Do not under any circumstances treat the skin around the eyes and lips with the solution;
  • then apply a thin layer of Solcoseryl;
  • The duration of the procedure is 40 minutes, during this time you will need to spray your face with water from a spray bottle several times, since the ointment must not be allowed to dry out;
  • then you need to carefully remove the remaining composition using cotton swabs, and then wash your face with foam and apply cream.

To prevent skin aging, this procedure can be performed once a month. For quick rejuvenation, it is recommended to complete a course of 10 procedures, the frequency of which is once every three days.

With sea buckthorn oil

This composition effectively rejuvenates and relieves inflammation. To prepare, you will need cold-pressed sea buckthorn oil. It is very important to choose this particular ingredient correctly, since the effectiveness of the procedure largely depends on it.

Preparing the composition:

  • measure 3 ml of Dimexide and mix with 30 ml of cold boiled water;
  • pour 20 ml of sea buckthorn oil into this solution;
  • add blue clay, add enough clay so that the consistency of the composition becomes similar to sour cream;
  • Apply to the face without rubbing into the skin for twenty minutes.

For the treatment of acne

This composition is prepared with the addition of the antibacterial drug Erythromycin. You will need 2 tablets of the product. They need to be ground into powder.
Separately, you need to prepare a solution of 5 ml of Dimexide and 50 ml of water. Then mix this powder with crushed tablets. This composition should be applied with a swab to the areas of acne or pimples. You can apply the composition pointwise using a cotton swab.

With rose oil

This version of the cosmetic composition is well suited for mature skin; it works well
moisturizes and smoothes wrinkles.

Prepare a solution by mixing 5 ml of Dimexide and 50 ml of water, pour a spoon of rose oil into the solution. Apply to the entire face or to the area where wrinkles are located (except for wrinkles around the eyes). Wash off after a quarter of an hour.

With kelp

Pour a spoonful of kelp powder with a small amount of boiling water and allow the mass to swell. Then add a teaspoon of almond oil and 20 ml of Dimexide solution to this mass.

Apply for twenty minutes.

With green clay

This composition rejuvenates and helps get rid of skin irritation. Dilute green clay with water until a thick mass is obtained. Then add a teaspoon of Dimexide diluted in water to this mass. Apply for twenty minutes.

With Panthenol

This cosmetic composition restores water balance and increases skin elasticity. Prepare a solution of Dimexide. Mix 10 ml of solution with 10 grams of Panthenol and a teaspoon of unrefined vegetable oil. Apply for half an hour.


Heat a spoonful of honey until softened (heat it in a water bath), then mix it with a spoonful of unrefined vegetable oil. Cool the mixture and pour a teaspoon of Dimexide solution into it. Apply for twenty minutes.

Precautionary measures

It must be remembered that Dimexide is not a cosmetic, but a medicinal product, so before you start using it, you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications to its use. You cannot use masks with the addition of this product if:

  • you are pregnant or breastfeeding;
  • you have been diagnosed with serious kidney, liver or cardiovascular diseases;
  • in the presence of eye diseases - glaucoma, cataracts;
  • in the presence of individual intolerance.

The use of the drug may cause negative side effects, namely:

  • severe redness of the skin;
  • the appearance of rashes, itching, peeling;
  • It is extremely rare that when the drug is used externally, systemic reactions develop - nausea, a feeling of weakness, dizziness.

Attention! Do not forget that Dimexide concentrate should not be applied to the skin. All mask recipes involve a solution prepared in the proportion of 1 part concentrate to 10 parts water.

Under no circumstances use the product for a long time; do not increase the recommended duration of the course, otherwise the likelihood of developing negative side effects increases.

Dimexide is an anti-inflammatory agent that has antimicrobial and analgesic effects. It is able to penetrate the skin and increase the permeability of other drugs. Dimexide is an excellent conductor for nutrients; with its help, beneficial components can penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis. Due to its properties, the product is widely used in modern cosmetology.

Dimexide for face

The drug has a transparent appearance and a garlicky odor. It is strictly prohibited to use it in its pure form to avoid burns. Therefore, it is used only in diluted form. The product is intended to treat acne diseases and get rid of wrinkles. For acne, Dimexide is used with analgesics or antibiotics, which makes the treatment process painless.

Thanks to the conductor in the form of Dimexide, nutrients penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin, and thereby gradually smooth out wrinkles. In addition, it is an excellent inflammatory agent that can be used to get rid of acne. Only a dermatologist can prescribe the required concentration of Dimexide. The drug is available in the form of a gel for external use. Each skin type requires different application methods and concentrations.

Application in cosmetology

In cosmetology, different types of this drug are widely used:

  • solution;
  • masks;
  • chatterbox.

The solution is applied to areas of the skin affected by acne or pimples. It must be applied carefully. The result is a reduction in inflammatory processes. The drug is part of nourishing masks. With its help, the effectiveness of the components is achieved. Chatterbox relieves acne caused by various skin infections.

Nothing stops modern women on their path to rejuvenation. So in the case of this remedy, they get rid of wrinkles with its help through long courses of treatment. It is important to remember that Dimexide, like any medical drug, has contraindications for use.

Contraindications for use

The drug cannot be used under 12 years of age. It is contraindicated for people suffering from kidney, liver, and cardiovascular diseases.

Do not use during pregnancy or lactation period. It is worth remembering that using this drug on its own leads to more important problems than wrinkles. Only a dermatologist will correctly select an effective treatment method.

Face mask with Dimexide

We must not forget that the medication is used only in cases where there is no allergic reaction. To check this, you need to apply a little of the drug to the inside of the elbow and hold for about 15 minutes. If there are no negative reactions in the form of skin redness or burning, the mask can be used.

A face mask with Dimexide can increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin, and will also speed up the recovery process of the epidermis. When using a mask, you must follow the rules for its use and take regular breaks. Otherwise, an excess of the drug and nutrients can lead to complications and allergic reactions.

It is usually used , in combination with a drug Solcoseryl. The use of this mask is recommended for women aged 40 years and older. The mask has many positive reviews.

Anti-wrinkle application

A mask using Dimexide is an excellent remedy for wrinkles. To smooth out wrinkles with this drug, you need to prepare your facial skin. Before applying the medicine, thoroughly clean the skin of the face and neck with any cosmetic products familiar to this procedure.

Carrying out the procedure:

For effective results, perform the procedure after 4 days, do 10 sessions. The result becomes noticeable only after a full course of procedures. The mask should be applied at night after a hot water bath.

Don't forget that masks and solutions When using Dimexide, you should apply it to the skin of the face and neck carefully, avoiding areas around the eyes and lips.

Recently, the drug Dimexide was found to have the ability to combat aging skin. Certified specialists, doctors and cosmetologists began to recommend it for use at home. The drug has a mass of gel and is intended primarily for healing joints and healing wounds. Its components stabilize metabolism and directly introduce them into skin cells, due to which the effect of slowing down aging is noticed. It improves blood flow, and the skin rises above its normal level and acquires the effect of Botox.

Because of this result, it can also be used by younger girls who exhibit expression lines. To achieve the desired effect, cosmetologists recommend making masks from dimexide, so it is possible to apply the gel to the problem area or to the entire area of ​​the face or neck. In this case, you need to be careful, if the gel gets into the internal organs there is a risk of poisoning.

Dimexide for face against wrinkles recipes

There are many recipes for using the gel. But before any use, you should test the product for an allergic reaction; to do this, you need to apply a certain amount of gel to the skin and wait for some time.

For an acne mask, you need to dilute 50 ml of dimexide and 20 tablets of doxycycline. The result is a mixture that needs to be infused in a dark place for one day. To use, add 150 ml of warm water and start using.

To relieve inflammatory skin processes and profuse acne. You need to dilute dimexide with water in a ratio of 1 to 10. Wipe your face and damaged areas of skin with this product. This procedure will relieve inflammation and relieve redness. It is important to note that the solution can be diluted in a concentration of no more than 1:3; increasing this ratio can lead to skin damage and severe dryness. Excessive consumption may cause chemical burns to the skin.

With tea tree oil

Dimexide goes well With tea tree oil and this tandem has many uses and recipes. Tea tree oil soothes and gives the skin a radiant appearance, and Dimexide, with its ability to nourish and restore the skin, can be used together with oil every day as a cosmetic product. To prepare such a mask, you need to mix an equal amount of the substance and lubricate the damaged area or the entire face. After 3 hours, wash off the oil coating using a cotton pad. Tea tree oil is widely used as a natural antiseptic, so it cannot harm the skin of the face in any way, but will only relieve inflammation. You can add sea buckthorn oil and drops of lemon juice to such a mask, and then the skin will be saturated with vitamins and beneficial microelements, but such a mask should not be left on for more than one hour.

With erythromycin

The following combination will get rid of hated acne, but will not get rid of wrinkles. You need to take dimexide and dilute it with boiled water, then add two tablets to the resulting mixture erythromecin A. Stir until the tablets disappear completely and wipe your face with the substance. On more complex and inflamed areas of the skin, you can apply a cotton pad with the mixture for 3-5 minutes. Erythromecin itself is used as a remedy for acne, and in combination with dimexide it can also relieve redness, ulcers, and wounds from squeezed out pimples. It is not recommended to dilute the ointment in water, since it will not completely dissolve, and the tablets are perfect for combination with other products.

Dimexide masks for dry and mature skin

Dimexide masks can be freely used by mature and dry skin. It can restore the skin's tone and firmness. For dry skin, there is a special recipe for use: dilute dimexide in water in a ratio of 1 to 10 (it is important to remember the proportionality) then add 10 milliliters of almond oil. Apply the resulting substance to the skin and leave for 30 minutes. Then wipe your face with a napkin until all traces of the product are completely removed from your face. After this procedure, the skin becomes soft and radiant. Even the driest skin ceases to be so.

For mature skin, masks are suitable to combat skin aging. You can mix dimexide with boiled water and sea buckthorn oil, wipe your face with this consistency, or leave a cotton pad with the substance on the problem area. You need to hold it for 6-7 minutes, then remove the cotton pad and wipe the skin with a dry cloth with soft bristles.

With rose oil

For sensitive skin, a cosmetic product with tea rose oil is perfect. It is also used in combination with dimexide. You need to take 10 teaspoons of boiled warm water, 1 teaspoon of dimexide gel and 3 teaspoons of rose oil, mix and apply to your face for 30 minutes, after which you can wash your face to remove excess oil and medication from your face. The oil soothes and softens the skin, especially soft and damaged skin.

With white clay and vitamins

Due to the fact that dimexide has the ability to penetrate skin cells, it can be used in conjunction with a vitamin and mineral complex for better penetration into the skin. This home remedy can restore, heal and nourish your skin. The complexion and softness also change, and wrinkles lose their sharpness and depth.

To prepare such a substance, you need to purchase vitamin A and E in capsules, since they retain the maximum amount of the vitamin itself. You can also purchase the Aevit complex; it can replace capsule vitamins.

The vitamin kit should include white clay; it will create the appropriate consistency for the mask and also contains many microelements that are beneficial for women. Thus, dimexide needs to be diluted in boiled water and vitamins added to it. While stirring the mass without stopping, gradually adding clay. This process is reminiscent of creating wallpaper glue. You can add sour cream.

Apply this mask to your face and leave to dry for 30 minutes. Then remove with a soft cloth until completely clean. You can carry out the procedure twice a week and after a month the result will be visible in the mirror.

Solcoseryl and dimexide for wrinkles

The rejuvenation effect can be achieved by a mixture of and dimexide. Women call this couple a “miracle tandem.” A complex of masks made from these preparations brings a second youth to the skin of the face and body. This happens thanks to the special components of the drugs. Namely, a substance from the blood of calves, purified proteins - this helps to produce collagen twice as fast, and thanks to dimexide, the flow to the tissues and skin cells occurs quickly and efficiently.

Despite the excellent effect, you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications of the drugs. The mask is created as follows: 1 teaspoon of dimexide is mixed with 10 teaspoons of boiled water, then apply it to the face with a cotton pad, and only then apply solcoseryl thickly to the face without unnecessary tubercles. Keep this mask on your face for 10 minutes and rinse thoroughly. After this, you can apply baby cream to the skin; it will be an excellent complement.

The simplest recipes for masks with dimexide

  • You need to take 2 ml of dimexide and 5 ml of aspirin, add 5 ml of white coal and 10 ml of rosehip oil. Mix this mass thoroughly and apply to the skin. This mask will remove age spots and age spots. You can also add burdock oil, and the mask can better nourish your facial skin.
  • For skin with lipid balance disorders, a mask with dimexide and panthenol is recommended. For 1 ml of dimexide, 10 g of panthenol is used. Dimexide diluted in water, apply to cleansed face and add panthenol. Leave the mask on for 35 minutes and remove with a cotton pad. After the procedure, you can apply macadamia oil to your face.
  • The drug dimexide is also used for dry and damaged hair. Also making masks. But not on the face, but on the hair. To do this, add 10 ml of vitamins to a solution of dimexide with water and rub the resulting consistency into the hair. So you need to treat the entire head and wrap it with a towel. You should wait 40 minutes, then rinse your hair thoroughly. This procedure smoothes and makes hair silky.
  • One of the most effective masks is a mask containing sour cream and dimexide. You need to mix two tablespoons of sour cream with two tablespoons of white clay, then add this substance to water containing dimexide. Cover your face with this using a cotton pad and wash off after 40 minutes.

How to properly make anti-wrinkle face masks with dimexide

  • Apply the drug to a clean, cleansed face.
  • Before using any supplement and the drug itself, undergo an allergy and intolerance test.
  • Do not heat dimexide, only heat water without it.
  • Mix any solution thoroughly until it reaches a uniform consistency.
  • Do not leave the diluted mask for a long time, use immediately for its intended purpose.
  • It is better to apply the mask with gloved hands or with a cotton pad.
  • If pain, redness or itching occurs, wash off the product immediately and do not use again.

Effect of dimexide before and after

Many women have already tried various mask recipes, including those presented in the article, and received the desired result. Expression wrinkles in the bridge of the nose are smoothed out, folds on the forehead are not visible to the eye, the chin is straightened and the fold is removed. Bags and puffiness disappear under the eyes. In the area of ​​the corners of the lips, the skin becomes more elastic and without visible wrinkles. Lips get the effect of Botox. Such reviews are left by women of different ages and with different skin types after using dimexide. It has been proven that even the most complex nasolabial wrinkles are lost and smoothed out.

If before use the corners of the lips were drooping, and it seemed that the face was taking on a sad look, then after a set of procedures the wrinkles smoothed out, and the corners of the lips lifted and the face took on a more welcoming appearance.

Before use, the wrinkles under the eyes in the form of a circle and in the corners of the eyes were visible to everyone, but after the wrinkles smoothed out, and the wrinkled corners became like those of a young girl.

Dimexide is very affordable; a 100 ml jar can cost from 50 to 80 rubles and is sold in any pharmacy in the country. As you may have noticed, the drug can be combined with any other product for the skin. Depending on what result a woman wants to achieve, she can mix new and unusual consistencies. You don’t always need to buy expensive creams and masks to rejuvenate and keep your skin healthy; sometimes the simplest product can be the best.

Dimexide has been used in medicine for a very long time, but cosmetologists paid attention to this drug in the recent past. And they didn’t do it in vain, because he has amazing abilities.

Dimexide is very quickly absorbed into the skin and penetrates it quite deeply, eliminating inflammatory processes and relieving pain.

How should you properly use dimexide on your face to get the most benefit from it? You can learn about this from this article.

Elimination of skin problems - rashes and wrinkles

The two most common problems respond well to treatment with dimexide.

  1. Acne and various types of inflammation. If it is not always possible to get rid of them by other means, then dimexide will certainly cope with this task.
  2. Wrinkles. Regardless of their origin, be it facial wrinkles or the result of time, dimexide effectively helps smooth them out.

To combat wrinkles, dimexide will need an assistant - solcoseryl, but this will be discussed below.

Important to know before use

Dimexide is a medicine and should be used after consultation with a doctor.

In addition, there are general rules to avoid common problems, namely:

  • Dimexide cannot be used in its pure form, as this will inevitably lead to skin burns;
  • before using dimexide for the face, it is necessary to conduct an individual tolerance test, the same applies to solcoseryl;
  • It is not recommended to use this drug for women carrying a child and nursing mothers.

If you have any chronic diseases of the heart, liver or kidneys, using dimexide without consulting a doctor is strictly contraindicated.

How to dilute dimexide for the face?

To prepare masks, dimexide must be diluted with cold boiled water in a ratio of 1:9 or 1:10 and the required amount of this ready-made solution must be used in recipes.

When applying dimexide to the skin, for example, when treating individual acne or pimples, you can dilute one part of this medicine with three parts of water.

A more concentrated solution of dimexide can lead to serious consequences for the face, and this should not be forgotten.

Does Dimexide help with acne?

If you want to get rid of acne as quickly as possible, you can do this by regularly treating each individual pimple with a high-concentration dimexide solution.

This must be done very carefully and in no case with pure dimexide.

If the acne rash occupies a significant area, you can take a different route. A very effective way to use dimexide is a facial compress.

To do this, you need to take a piece of soft cotton fabric and make holes in it for the eyes. This is necessary in order to prevent contact of dimexide with the delicate skin in this area of ​​the face.

The prepared cloth should be moistened in a solution of dimexide, placed on the face and covered with a towel on top. This compress can be kept for up to 15 minutes, and there is no need to wash your face after it.

Application of dimexide for wrinkles

Such masks should be kept on the face for no longer than 30 minutes. They differ slightly in composition depending on skin type.

  1. For oily and normal skin, wipe your face with a dimexide solution and apply a fairly thick layer of solcoseryl. After the required time has passed, the remaining ointment should be carefully removed with a napkin and rinse your face with clean water.
  2. If the skin is dry, then almond oil must be added to solcoseryl.
  3. For sensitive, delicate skin, it is recommended to mix solcoseryl with rose oil.

In all cases, it is necessary to monitor the skin’s reaction to the effect of the mask and if the slightest discomfort appears, the procedure should be stopped.

Skin care after masks

To ensure them, you can use one of these tools:

  • natural vegetable oils;
  • kefir, sour cream, yogurt and other fermented milk products;
  • uncandied honey;
  • face cream.

Glycerin, which can be bought at any pharmacy at an absolutely affordable price, moisturizes the skin very effectively.

Dimexide, when used correctly, can significantly improve the condition of mature and problematic skin, and the result becomes noticeable after the first procedures.

In this article we will look at all the most effective face masks based on dimexide and talk about when it is best used and whether this product has any disadvantages.

It is the face and its care that girls and women of all ages pay special attention to. And this is no wonder. After all, we focus our attention on it when we communicate with someone. In today's market, cosmetic companies offer a wide range of products designed for skin care. But not everything is worth using. The point is not only high cost, but also low efficiency. One of the truly proven products with impressive effectiveness is dimexide.

What is the advantage of dimexide

Sooner or later, girls (women) begin to look for effective means to combat the signs of aging. Everyone wants to prolong youth, maintain beauty, freshness of the skin and a healthy complexion. And also, if possible, get rid of scars, unevenness on the surface of the skin and other imperfections. For the sake of preserving beauty and youth, our contemporaries are ready to invest seriously and become a source of enrichment not only for cosmetic companies, but also for numerous beauty salons.

But there is a fairly inexpensive, safe, but also effective drug, dimexide for the face against wrinkles and other signs of aging, which deservedly competes with Botox.

It is dimexide that allows you to return a radiant color to the skin in a short period of time, restore a clear facial contour, give the skin firmness, elasticity, and smooth out wrinkles. All this is due to the fact that this drug is an amazing conductor of substances beneficial to the skin.

As a result, demoxide is often used in cosmetology as an indispensable component in hair health and facial rejuvenation. The effectiveness of any cosmetic products, if this drug is added to their composition, increases several times.

In addition, the cost of dimexide is more than affordable, and you can buy it at absolutely any pharmacy.

Does Dimexide have any disadvantages?

However, like any medicine, dimexide has a number of disadvantages:

  • the possibility of individual intolerance: this happens rarely, but before use, you need to make sure there is no allergic reaction;
  • a number of diseases and some features of the physical condition, which include pregnancy, lactation, kidney disease, liver disease, cataracts, atherosclerosis;
  • limiting the duration of the course of using cosmetic masks and tonics that contain dimexide. The reason is that you can get dermatitis;
  • not a very pleasant smell.

The most effective products based on dimexide

Dimexide has gained a reputation as an effective remedy that allows you to forget about skin problems. Teenagers with this product will be able to forget about acne, people with oily skin about excess sebum, and mature women about wrinkles.

Dimexide for acne

Dimexide is a drug that not only itself has an antimicrobial effect and relieves inflammation, but allows other therapeutic agents to penetrate deep into the subcutaneous layer and fight acne pathogens from the inside.

With doxycycline

You will need: 50 milliliters of dimexide, 20 tablets of doxycycline, 150 milliliters of distilled water.

Preparation and use:

  1. Finely crush doxycycline tablets and add to dimexide.
  2. Leave the container with the mixture for 24 hours, shaking occasionally.
  3. Then dilute the medicinal mixture with water and shake well.
  4. Apply the mixture to inflamed areas morning and evening.
  5. After absorbing the medicine, apply moisturizing cream to your face.
  6. The mixture must be used for twenty days.

With chlorophyllipt solution

A stronger mixture for acne on the face based on dimexide is obtained by using a one percent alcohol solution of chlorophyllipt.


  1. The mixture is obtained by mixing 25 milliliters of chlorophyllipt with 50 milliliters of dimexide and 125 milliliters of purified water.
  2. Before use, shake the container with the solution well, apply to pimples using cosmetic discs, and leave for five minutes on more difficult areas.
  3. Carry out the procedure once, before evening rest.
  4. After the medicinal mixture is absorbed, moisturize your face with cream.

With tea tree

This remedy will help to cope with any manifestations of the inflammatory process in a fairly short time. This remedy will allow you to cope even with purulent inflammations without scars and other unpleasant consequences.

To use this mask you will need to make a mixture of tea tree oil and dimexide. It should be used exclusively on those areas of the skin where there are various types of inflammation. That is, exactly. Keep for at least 2 hours. Use a cotton swab to remove residue from the skin.

With erythromycin

This remedy will also help you forget about acne.

Composition: 2 tablets of erythromycin, dimexide solution, water.

For this mask you will need:

  • Dissolve 2 tablets of erythromycin in a solution of dimexide and water.
  • You should wipe your face with this solution every day until the signs of inflammation disappear.
  • And when redness and pimples stop bothering you, it is recommended to wipe your face 1-2 times a week.

Dimexide for wrinkles

Moreover, dimexide is perfect for anyone who wants to prolong the youth of their skin. Experience shows that this product provides an invaluable service to aging skin:

  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • tightens contours;
  • improves complexion.

Mask made of dimexide and solcoseryl

A face mask with dimexide and solcoseryl will help not only get rid of inflammation on the skin, but also rejuvenate it. In order to use these tools, some preparatory work will be required:

  • cleanse your facial skin using a special gel or soap;
  • Dry your face carefully using paper napkins or a towel;
  • prepare a dimexide solution: dilute the product with water in a ratio of 1 to 10;
  • prepare cotton swabs that we will soak in the solution;
  • Wipe problem areas on the skin with a swab soaked in the solution;
  • moisturized areas of the skin should be generously lubricated with solcoseryl;
  • after solcoseryl and dimexide are applied, leave them on the skin for 40 minutes, if necessary, moisturizing the skin with water (preferably boiled) to soften it;
  • Wash off the mask from your face and moisturize generously with cream.

The optimal time for the procedure is the evening, before bedtime. If you want to achieve a more pronounced rejuvenating effect, then it is better to do the mask after a bath or a hot compress, when the pores are dilated enough to allow nutrients to pass as deeply as possible.

To prevent signs of aging, the frequency of applying such a mask should be once a month. For severe wrinkles, at least 10 procedures in a row are required, each procedure is carried out once every four days.

With vitamins

To remove minor redness and fine lines, apply the following mask.

You will need: 20 grams of fat sour cream and cosmetic clay (white), an oil solution of retinol (A) and tocopherol (E) - 5 milliliters each, 10 milliliters of dimexide.


  1. Take all ingredients and mix well.
  2. Apply to face for twenty minutes.

With rosewood oil

To rejuvenate very dry skin, a mask with dimexide for the face and rosewood essential oil is suitable.


  1. Dilute 5 milliliters of dimexide with 50 milliliters of purified water.
  2. Add 10 milliliters of oil to the solution.
  3. Treat areas with wrinkles, leave for ten minutes, then wash well.

Dimexide for redness and cleansing

Dimexide-based masks not only eliminate inflammation, but also perfectly cleanse pores and nourish the skin.

With honey


  1. Heat 40 milliliters of honey, add 10 milliliters of dimexide to it, stir.
  2. Apply the mask for twenty minutes, then rinse your face well.

With healing water

What to do:

  1. Add dimexide solution five times to twenty milliliters of still water with mineral salts.
  2. Gently rub the mixture onto areas that require attention.
  3. After fifteen minutes, wash thoroughly.

Dimexide solution for face

The demixide solution (50%) must be diluted with boiled water in a ratio that depends on the severity of the inflammatory process. The regularity of rubbing with this substance depends on the condition of the skin - from 2-3 times a week to daily use.

A face mask with dimexide has proven effectiveness in improving skin condition. If you do the procedures systematically, observing all precautions, the result will not be long in coming.

  • Before the procedure, you should conduct a skin sensitivity test to a dimexide-based treatment. To do this, the drug you have prepared should be applied to the skin inside the elbow; if you see redness or an itchy effect, it is better not to use the product or, as a last resort, reduce the concentration.
  • If during treatment with dimexide masks you experience not only irritation, but also nausea, a weakened state, and restless sleep, you should immediately stop using the product.
  • Drinking alcoholic beverages when using masks based on dimexide is strictly contraindicated, as it aggravates the negative effects of alcohol.
  • If you burn your delicate skin while using the product, you should immediately, preferably using plenty of water, wash off the product and apply Dexpanthenol ointment or its equivalent to the affected area.

Important: When using dimexide for the face, remember that it can facilitate the penetration of not only beneficial substances into skin cells, but also harmful ones. Therefore, before the procedure it is necessary to thoroughly cleanse your facial skin. Do not overdo the use of these masks. Remember that everything is good in moderation.

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