On what areas of the body is carbon peeling performed? Carbon peeling – hardware skin care with instant results

Rare daughters-in-law can boast that they have an even and friendly relationship with their mother-in-law. Usually the exact opposite happens

Carbon peeling is a modern technique for rejuvenating and cleansing the skin. Many women have already appreciated all the advantages of this technique and rightfully give it preference over others.

Carbon peeling is different from. This is a unique combination of hardware effects and comprehensive facial skin rejuvenation.

The procedure has virtually no contraindications or side effects, for which it has earned recognition among the fair sex.

What is carbon peeling?

Carbon peeling is a revolutionary laser procedure that is absolutely painless and takes minimal time.

Abroad, it is called “China Doll Peel,” which means Chinese Porcelain Doll Peeling.

This therapy is beneficial for people with oily skin, enlarged pores, dull skin and acne on the face or body.

This is a great way to exfoliate and renew your skin, providing an instantly refreshed appearance and leaving skin feeling softer, smoother and firmer.

The main feature of this technique is that it includes two processes at once - laser exposure and. It is carried out using a special apparatus and a gel mask.

A layer of liquid carbon is applied to the skin and it penetrates deep into the pores. Laser light is strongly attracted to carbon particles.

As the laser passes over the surface, it breaks down the carbon, removing dead skin cells, oil and impurities.

Carbon peeling is called this way because the mask applied to the face contains nanoparticles of carbon dioxide (carbon).

It is carried out in two main stages:

  1. Application of nanogel to the skin, heating with laser. During this process, dead cells begin to be rejected, and the surface layer is cleansed.
  2. Laser photothermolysis – deep heating of tissues. The process accelerates regeneration, collagen and elastin actively begin to be produced.

Before the session, the skin must be cleansed, all cosmetics are removed, and an antiseptic gel is applied.

At the end of the session, the remnants of the gel and mask are removed using a special product, and a soothing cream is applied that matches your skin type.

If you can’t decide whether carbon peeling is needed or what it is, reviews from numerous patients will help you take the decisive step, because most of them are positive. They will be presented below.

Who can undergo the procedure?

Carbon peeling is extremely popular, photos before and after, reviews prove its versatility and effectiveness on the skin.

It may be prescribed for the following problems.


  • expression and age wrinkles;
  • , active activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • age-related skin aging;
  • severe dehydration of the upper layers of the epidermis;
  • acne scars;
  • and freckles.

After the procedure, the results and rejuvenating effect are immediately noticeable, as confirmed by reviews. The procedure also has other advantages over other cosmetic methods.

You should not expect super-amazing results like after plastic surgery. Yes, the skin will become younger, softer and more beautiful, but if there are serious problems and severe age-related changes, then such peeling will improve the situation insignificantly.

Cleansing your face with a carbon mixture will help with aging skin, expression lines, oiliness and dryness, but you won’t get a plastic effect.

Undeniable advantages

The effect of the procedure is as follows:

  1. Cleansing. Carbon has the ability to absorb oil and impurities deep inside the pores. As the laser passes over a surface, it targets and destroys carbon particles, taking the absorbed material with it.
  2. Exfoliation. Since the carbon is laser targeted, it blasts away dead skin cells, blackheads and effectively exfoliates the skin. The result is softer, more radiant skin with reduced pore size and a more even skin tone.
  3. Rejuvenating. Carbon peels also target the deeper layers of the skin to stimulate collagen production, which in turn reduces wrinkles, makes the skin tighter and firmer, and the complexion brighter and more even-toned.
  4. Treatment of acne and destruction of sebum. The heat generated by carbon peels has 2 additional benefits. It reduces the bacteria P. Acnes, responsible for the development of acne, and also shrinks the sebaceous glands, which leads to a decrease in sebum, therefore reducing congestion in the pores. Treatment can be performed on any part, including the back and chest.

As with all skin treatments, carbon peels should be complemented by a good skin care routine and daily use of high factor sunscreen.

Carbon peeling has a lot of additional benefits, which is confirmed by reviews and before and after photos.

Among those frequently noted are the following:

  • effectiveness - results are noticeable immediately, even after a single session;
  • painlessness – many people associate the word “peeling” with a burning sensation and discomfort, but during such a session the patient will not feel any pain or discomfort;
  • no rehabilitation period - after the session the patient goes home almost immediately, no complex rules and recommendations are required, the skin does not become inflamed;
  • natural regeneration begins.

Noticeable results can be observed after one session, but for maximum long-term results we recommend regular treatments, preferably 5-7 with a one week interval between them.

Thus, it is possible to ensure that all regeneration processes proceed naturally and independently.

The doctor decides individually how many sessions are required in each specific case.

Are there any contraindications?

If there are indications, then there will be contraindications - unfortunately, this rule applies to absolutely all medical procedures.

Laser cleansing sessions have their prohibitions, although there are very few of them.


  1. pregnancy, lactation;
  2. severe inflammatory processes in the treated areas;
  3. keloid scars;
  4. herpes;
  5. disturbances in melanin metabolism;
  6. pacemaker, previous heart attacks and strokes, serious diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  7. allergy to carbon dioxide;
  8. individual intolerance.

Before the procedure, patients must undergo examination and tests. This will help minimize all risks that may be associated with contraindications.

After collecting an anamnesis and examination, the doctor can make a final verdict - whether a particular patient can or cannot undergo peeling with a carbon mixture.

It is also advisable to conduct an allergy test. To do this, you need to apply a little carbon mixture to a small area of ​​skin.

This procedure is minimally invasive, so complications are practically excluded. In rare cases, minor inflammatory processes may begin in the upper parts of the epidermis. This is due to too harsh cleaning of the pores.

What is the equipment?

Peeling sessions cannot be carried out at home (as, for example,) in the absence of special equipment.

The carbon peeling apparatus is a device with high-frequency laser waves.

A carbon solution is applied to the client’s skin, with which the device interacts.

As a result of this interaction, so-called microexplosions of microdispersed carbon particles occur in the skin pores, which cleanse the skin, tone it and rejuvenate it.

It is important to perform an allergy test. If after applying the mixture to a closed area of ​​skin there is no redness or rashes, then you can begin the sessions.

If several sessions are carried out, then there must be a gap of 7-10 days between them, since in any case this is serious stress for the skin.

After the procedure, you do not need to undergo rehabilitation - this is one of the advantages of this peeling.

If you are afraid of possible redness, plan your manipulations on or before the weekend.

In a few days, all possible side effects will completely disappear.

To speed up rehabilitation, you can use ordinary cosmetics - creams and lotions, antiseptic gels that exactly match your skin type.

For the first few days after cosmetic procedures, it is recommended to refrain from using decorative cosmetics.

Do not use products that contain alcohol. You should not use scrubs for several weeks - this can damage delicate skin. Avoid sudden temperature changes!

If you peel in the summer, you should carefully protect your skin from direct ultraviolet rays for 2-3 weeks and use sunscreen with SPF 60.

You can find out about the price of a carbon peeling session directly on the websites of selected clinics.

The cost will depend on many parameters, but we can say with confidence that this is an affordable service. The price for it is approximately from 2 to 3 thousand rubles.

Carbon facial peeling is a type of laser skin cleansing. The innovative method is distinguished by its gentle exfoliation of dead, non-working epidermal cells and increased therapeutic effect. The procedure is performed only in beauty salons using special equipment and nanogel (carbon dioxide), under the guidance of an experienced cosmetologist who has undergone training.

The essence of the technique

Modern cosmetology and clients of beauty salons recently learned what carbon peeling is. An innovative method with a high cleansing, rejuvenating and healing effect in a short time has gained popularity and is widely used to improve the quality of the client’s skin and appearance.

Carbon peeling is called so due to the main component of the nanogel used during the cleansing procedure. Nanogel contains a large amount of carbon dioxide, and carbon in translation is carbon. This is the main secret of the effectiveness of the procedure and a distinctive feature from conventional laser therapy.

The secret of increased peeling efficiency is associated with the simultaneous exposure of the laser beam and gel components, which are delivered to the deep layers of the skin. Carbon nanogel is applied to the surface of the face before peeling. When the gel is partially absorbed, it is exposed to a laser beam. Laser pulses dissolve nanogel particles and transport them into deep layers.

Nanogel is a kind of amplifier of laser action. The laser burns away dead cells and keratinized layers in the inner layers of the skin, and carbon gel enhances this effect. Increasing the temperature in the inner layers accelerates metabolic and regeneration processes and improves cell function. Particles of sebaceous fat and dirt embedded deep in the pores are removed along with dead cells. In addition to quick and effective cleansing, the procedure causes accelerated synthesis of natural collagen and elastin, activates fiber renewal and skin rejuvenation.

The effect after carbon facial peeling is increasing. Regular procedures will retain the youthfulness of the skin, prevent the appearance of wrinkles and permanently eliminate age spots, reduce the appearance of acne and inflammatory processes of the skin.

Advantages of innovative peeling

Carbon cleaning is superior in efficiency and method of implementation to many cosmetic procedures. This is a great way to cleanse, heal and rejuvenate your skin. The triple action was appreciated by cosmetologists and patients around the world.

The advantages of the innovative procedure include:

  • delicacy, softness of the effect without burning and painful sensations that are inherent in other types of peeling;
  • an extensive list of indications, including early aging of the skin and teenage skin problems;
  • the drugs used and non-contact exposure prevent infection during the procedure and do not create an environment favorable for the development of microbes and bacteria;
  • visible results are noticeable after the first cleansing procedure, in the future the effect only increases;
  • in addition to cosmetic transformation, the patient heals the skin, activates the renewal of fibers, normalizes the functioning of the glands and improves the quality of the skin at the cellular level;
  • the combined action of the gel and laser helps to extinguish inflammatory processes and eliminate pathogenic microorganisms, so carbon cleansing is an ideal solution for patients with a problematic type of epidermis;
  • There is no recovery period, no significant peeling or prolonged redness. After cleansing, slight redness is possible, which will go away on its own within a few hours;
  • during peeling, the effect is directed to the inner layers, the integrity of the surface layer is not compromised;
  • has no restrictions on age and skin type;
  • minimal number of contraindications;
  • cleaning can be done at any time of the year.

It is recommended to plan the laser carbon facial peeling procedure before the weekend. During this time, possible redness will disappear and the skin will recover from the impact.

Disadvantages of carbon cleaning

Laser peeling with carbon nanogel has its downsides:

  • You will not see the maximum effect immediately; the wait may take up to several months;
  • High-tech equipment is used for innovative purification. This fact is reflected in the high cost of the procedure;
  • Not every beauty salon can afford expensive peeling equipment, which can create additional difficulties in finding a specialist and a cosmetology clinic.

When choosing a clinic or beauty salon, approach it with great responsibility. Do not trust the laser procedure to cosmetologists without the appropriate documentation, certificates and permission to perform it. Unprofessional intervention threatens with serious and unpleasant consequences.

Indications for peeling

Carbon peeling has a wide range of indications. This makes the procedure universal and increases its popularity. You can perform carbon cleaning if there is one or more indications.

Indications for skin cleansing using carbon laser peeling are as follows:

  • acne, rosacea, pimples;
  • extensive acne;
  • enlarged pores and comedones;
  • unaesthetic shine associated with increased fat content of the epidermis and abnormal functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • post-acne, congestive and age spots;
  • withering of the skin;
  • dullness and grayness of the skin;
  • single folds or a network of small wrinkles on the face.

For patients with a pronounced inflammatory process on the face, laser-carbon peeling will have to be postponed until complete recovery. Otherwise, this may cause complications and discomfort during cleansing.

The innovative technique is used not only on the face, but also on other parts of the body. For example, in the fight against cellulite and stretch marks after childbirth.

What effect to expect

Laser carbon peeling allows you to achieve perfect skin, even out your complexion and give your face freshness and smoothness. You will notice these changes after the first procedure. In the future, the achieved effect will only intensify, and with regular use it will last for a long time.

The effect expected from laser peeling with carbon nanogel:

  • the skin will get rid of dead cells and keratinization, which impede their breathing and prevent the passage of nutritional components deep into the epidermis;
  • will accelerate internal processes in cells;
  • promotes rapid tissue renewal, production of own collagen and elastin fibers;
  • evens out the relief of the surface of the face, smoothes out fine wrinkles and grooves;
  • post-acne and minor scars disappear;
  • frees pores from sebaceous plugs and narrows them, eliminates comedones and blackheads;
  • after peeling, the skin color becomes uniform, without age spots, freckles and an unpleasant oily sheen;
  • there is a tendency to reduce the incidence of inflammatory processes, pimples and acne disappear over time;
  • the skin becomes more elastic and elastic, soft and tender to the touch;
  • the rate of appearance of new wrinkles on the face slows down, carbon peeling prevents early photoaging of the skin.

The main thing is that you can achieve such improvement and splendor of the skin without severe redness and active peeling, as with chemical exposure. The process of skin renewal after cleansing occurs gradually and gently, therefore it does not limit the usual rhythm of life.

Exfoliation technology

Carbon peeling is performed exclusively in a beauty salon or cosmetology clinic using specialized equipment. Only cosmetologists who have undergone special training are allowed to work on high-tech equipment.

Preparation for the procedure

No special manipulations or procedures are required before carbon peeling. The preparatory stage includes choosing a specialist and consulting with him. A cosmetologist will determine your skin type, analyze its problems and weak points. In some beauty salons they insist on additional in-depth examination of the patient’s condition and tests.

During the consultation before laser cleansing using carbon nanogel, the cosmetologist must:

  • examine the skin, analyze its condition;
  • pay special attention to problem areas and their extent;
  • if there are inflammations or unacceptable dermatological disorders, the cosmetologist will provide recommendations for their treatment;
  • if there are contraindications to carbon exfoliation, suggest other methods to eliminate the problem.

After consultation, the specialist draws up an individual program for the intended transformation procedure. The program specifies the degree and depth of impact, the number of procedures and the interval between them and other factors that are directly related to the cleansing process.

A preliminary consultation with a specialist is a prerequisite for the carbon peeling procedure. Only by thoroughly studying the skin problem can a cosmetologist be able to prepare a program to effectively combat imperfections on the face.

Let's start peeling

The peeling procedure takes on average 20–30 minutes. It is painless, the patient feels only a slight warmth, nothing more. Innovative cleaning involves performing the following actions:

  1. Particles of fat, dust, and makeup residues are removed from the surface of the face. To do this, the cosmetologist uses a cleansing composition with an antiseptic effect, but not an alcohol one.
  2. The specialist spreads the carbon nanogel onto the cleansed skin with a brush and gives it a little time to absorb. The nanogel is dark in color and penetrates into the pores and into the epidermis.
  3. At the next stage, the cosmetologist uses a laser beam. On a special device, parameters are set for the depth of exposure and intensity of the beam, taking into account the complexity of the problem and the structural features of the skin (thin, thick, mature).
  4. The cosmetologist uses a laser beam to treat skin treated with nanogel. The nanogel itself is dark, but under the influence of laser beams it becomes discolored, as if dissolving. Therefore, the treated areas are highlighted, which makes the process easier for the cosmetologist. Under the action of the laser, the temperature in the inner layers rises (photothermolysis occurs), this accelerates the production of the “builders” of the skin framework (collagen and elastin).
  5. Finally, a soothing cream is applied to the face.

Before peeling, the cosmetologist must conduct a test for skin sensitivity to the drug used (carbon nanogel). If you have doubts about the quality of the carbon product used, ask a specialist for supporting documentation and quality certificates.

Side effects and recovery

Carbon laser peeling is a convenient and universal cleansing procedure. After it there are no unpleasant consequences, as after acid or mechanical cleaning. There may be slight redness if you have a very sensitive epidermis. Don't worry, this side effect will go away on its own. No other complications were noted after the cleaning.

The cleansing procedure does not interfere with your normal lifestyle. The next day you can go to work, apply makeup (if you cannot do without it) and use alcohol-free skincare products.

If after peeling there is slight peeling of the epidermis on the face, use a high-quality moisturizer to quickly complete the renewal process.

It is recommended to use sunscreen for 2-3 weeks after exfoliation before going outside. Sun rays can cause age spots to appear, so it is better to prevent this fact.

How often to exfoliate

Cosmetologists recommend carbon peeling in courses. For minor skin problems, 3–5 sessions of laser treatment are sufficient, and for mature skin the course can be extended to 8 procedures. Between peelings there is a short break (5-7 days) for complete restoration of the skin.


Restrictions on carbon cleaning apply to the following cases:

  • for patients with chronic diseases;
  • there are oncological tumors;
  • the client has a tendency to develop keloid scars;
  • for herpes rashes and any inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • with increased sensitivity to nanogel components.

Carbon laser peeling is also not recommended during pregnancy and lactation. This is due to the woman’s special hormonal background, which can affect the final result of the procedure.

What cosmetic procedures can be combined with?

Carbon cleansing is combined with other types of hardware cosmetology: fractional thermolysis, radio frequency lifting and laser biorevitalization.

Fractional thermolysis creates favorable conditions in the deep layers of the skin for the synthesis of collagen and elastin proteins. This contributes to a more pronounced rejuvenating effect.

Laser biorevitalization is the process of transporting particles of hyaluronic acid into the skin. This procedure significantly improves the condition of the skin, prevents early aging and the appearance of wrinkles.

Radiofrequency lifting is one of the types of hardware cosmetology using radiofrequency radiation. In combination with carbon exfoliation, the rejuvenation effect is more pronounced.

Cost of cleansing

Beauty salons offer carbon cleansing not only of the face, but also of the neck and décolleté. On average, one innovative facial procedure will cost around 4,000 rubles, neck – up to 2,000 rubles, and décolleté – about 1,500 rubles. In total, such a transformation will cost about 7,000 rubles.

You can look beautiful and young without discomfort, burning or side complications. Cosmetologists offer innovative laser carbon peeling as a safe and effective cleansing and rejuvenation of the skin. Take the chance to look completely without complications and disappointments!

Carbon peeling combines skin photorejuvenation with the use of nanogel as a carbon enhancer. This complementary approach allows you to remove the dead layer of the epidermis more effectively.

Don’t be afraid of pain when going for carbon peeling; reviews say the sensations are neutral when compared with other anti-aging effects. People around you will notice the effect immediately after visiting a cosmetologist’s office, but experts in the beauty industry advise you to undergo a course of procedures; without discounts, it is impossible to find time. This is the only way the result of the impact in the form of rejuvenation will be sustainable and long-lasting.

Carbon facial peeling: an informed choice

Visitors to beauty salons choose carbon peeling in Moscow based on a number of circumstances:

  • It does not hurt;
  • Rehabilitation after exposure is not necessary;
  • The skin does not redden, there is no swelling, no peeling occurs;
  • Quick results.

Carbon peeling is a procedure that eliminates pigmentation, small wrinkles and gives a youthful glow to the skin. Prices including Biglion shares make laser treatment affordable.

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Carbon peeling is one of the recent developments in cosmetology, which allows you to fight the first signs of aging and eliminate acne, redness, pigmentation, acne, oily shine, enlarged pores and other imperfections of the facial skin.

By removing dead cells, the cosmetologist starts the process of formation of new cells and skin regeneration. Having appeared recently, this method of facial cleansing has already gained great popularity among modern beauties due to its effectiveness, painlessness and a small list of contraindications.

How is the carbon peeling procedure performed?

When you come to the cosmetologist's office, you will be asked to sit comfortably on a couch in a lying position. Special glasses will be placed over your eyes to protect them from the laser. The whole procedure will go quite quickly; you will spend about 30 minutes in the cosmetologist’s office. Cleaning is carried out using a special device – Spectra laser.

  • Carbon fiber is carried out step by step in 2 stages:
  • Application of gel and laser treatment of skin.

Laser photothermolysis.

  1. The first stage involves directly peeling the skin. The cleaning scheme is as follows:
  2. The cosmetologist will gradually apply a special nanogel, which consists of finely dispersed coal and various oils, to the skin of the face with his own hands. This composition quickly penetrates the pores.

Then, the areas of the skin on which the nanogel is applied are exposed to a laser, as a result of which the carbon particles explode and evaporate along with dead skin cells and impurities.

The photothermolysis stage involves heating the deep layers of the skin. During the process of photothermolysis, the production of collagen and elastin is activated in the dermis, which will provide your skin with firmness and elasticity.

Carbon facial peeling differs from other cleansing methods in that it is absolutely painless. Only some clients feel a slight tingling sensation on their face, as evidenced by reviews. Laser peeling can cause burning of the skin, but carbon peeling does not cause discomfort. All you will feel is the heat generated as a result of the combustion of carbon particles under the influence of a laser. During the laser photothermolysis stage, the skin will warm up, so it may turn red and look hot, but this quickly passes. Unlike mechanical peeling, there is no traumatic effect of abrasives on the skin, so you can continue to live at a normal pace, rather than sitting at home until the redness of your face stops frightening others.

What does carbon facial peeling give?

This cosmetic method has the following capabilities:

  • eliminates oily shine and makes the skin matte;
  • restoration of natural pH levels;
  • stopping inflammatory processes and eliminating redness;
  • narrowing of large pores;
  • restoration of skin metabolic processes;
  • achieving a uniform complexion without pigmentation.

Efficiency of the method

Carbon laser peeling is an effective method of combating skin imperfections and wrinkles. The rejuvenation effect is achieved due to the activation of proteins responsible for this process in the skin. Spectra Peel carbon peeling has visible results immediately after completion. You will say goodbye to oily shine, pores will shrink, and redness and pimples will noticeably decrease. Carbon peeling is effective for eliminating age spots and freckles; the result will be noticeable after the first procedure, which is confirmed by numerous positive reviews about the procedure.

How many procedures need to be performed

Carbon peeling Spectra Peel will give your skin a healthy look after the first session. But some skin imperfections may require up to 5 or more sessions. So, for example, to narrow pores, you will have to visit a cosmetologist’s office 3-4 times. For long-term results and restoration of elasticity and firmness to the skin, you will need to complete the full course (minimum 5 procedures). But oily shine can be removed in 1-2 procedures. The duration of the course is determined individually, based on the quantity and quality of the person’s problems.

Rehabilitation after cleaning and possible complications

Laser carbon peeling differs from other alternative types of cleaning in that it does not require rehabilitation. The only downside to this procedure is slight redness of the face, which goes away within 2-3 hours. A cosmetologist may recommend that you purchase a moisturizer, which you can use to lubricate your face at home in case of peeling. When buying such a cream for yourself, pay attention to the instructions for it. Choose a product with ceramides that replenish epidermal losses.

You can continue to live a full active life by having laser carbon peeling done. After the procedure, you can apply cosmetics, but it is better to protect the skin from exposure to sunlight so that new age spots do not appear. Another advantage of this type of cleaning is that the risk of complications is minimal. The method is minimally invasive, the skin is not injured during the procedure, which means there is no recovery period required.

Contraindications to carbon peeling

In some cases, the cosmetologist may suggest that the client use anesthetics for pain relief. Be careful when using them, ask about their composition, especially if you are susceptible to allergies. In addition, carbon peeling is prohibited for people with:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • psychoneuroses;
  • alcohol and drug intoxication;
  • oncology;
  • infectious diseases such as herpes;
  • tuberculosis;
  • epilepsy.

Cost of the peeling procedure

Carbon peeling can be performed both on the face and on other areas of the body, for example, on the back and décolleté. The cost of facial peeling is several times lower than on other parts of the body. The average cost of a procedure for the face is about 3,000 rubles, for the back – 5,000 rubles. You can carry out the procedure only for problem areas of the face, then you will have to pay about 1000 rubles for forehead peeling, and 2 thousand for cheeks. You can first consult with a cosmetologist to determine the number of sessions for you and clarify your questions. Be prepared for the fact that there may be a fee for the consultation.

The number of procedures for cleansing, smoothing and rejuvenating the skin is constantly growing, delighting women with variety and allowing them to choose the most suitable option.

One of these new products is carbon peeling.

The procedure turned out to be so effective that it immediately won the sympathy of the fair sex and continues to increase its army of fans. However, carbon peeling, like any other cosmetic procedure, has its own nuances that must be taken into account.

What is the essence of the procedure?

Carbon peeling involves influencing the upper and deeper layers of the epidermis using a laser and a special gel mask with carbon dioxide. The gel penetrates into the deepest layers of the skin, drawing out all impurities from them.

Then the master cosmetologist begins laser treatment on the treated surface of the face. The laser removes dead cells, cleanses the skin, and also stimulates the production of collagen and elastin in it. At the end of the procedure, the master applies a soothing cream or other necessary product to the face.

After carbon peeling, the skin is evened out, its color improves and the face as a whole looks much younger and fresher. The procedure is so effective that positive changes in the condition of the skin are noticeable after the first session.

How often is this procedure performed?

First of all, it is important to know that carbon peeling is carried out only in beauty salons by cosmetologists.

Carbon peeling is usually carried out in sessions.

A professional master will not begin such facial cleansing before the permitted time. This already reduces the risk of overdoing the procedure.

If desired or necessary, the carbon peeling course can be repeated, but only 1 year after the end of the first course.

What are the advantages of carbon peeling over other cleansing procedures?

Carbon peeling has already won an army of fans because:

the skin does not redden during and after the procedure

no irritation appears

provides emergency assistance if you need to quickly get your facial skin in order

helps in the treatment of certain skin diseases (rosacea, acne, pimples)

lightens pigment spots

tightens pores

gets rid of blackheads and comedones

absolutely painless and does not cause discomfort

Before signing up for carbon peeling, please note that, like any other cosmetic procedure, it has its contraindications:

presence of inflammation and scars

pregnancy and breastfeeding


chronic diseases

Before the procedure, it is important to inform the cosmetologist about the presence of any of these points in order to avoid complications and deterioration of health.

At the Elena Olshanskaya Permanent Makeup Studio you can have an initial consultation with a professional cosmetologist before the procedure. A professional master will conduct a full course of carbon peeling, suggest the required number of sessions for the best result and methods of skin care. Thanks to carbon peeling performed by master Elena Olshanskaya, your skin will glow and radiate health and youth.

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